Iron Cross: The Dartmouth Cobras #6 (38 page)

BOOK: Iron Cross: The Dartmouth Cobras #6
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“You feeling sick, Bruiser?” He crouched down in front of White. “I’ll get the doc—”

“I’m fine.” White forced a smile and glanced over at Richards. “Get on the plane, rookie. Don’t need you getting in trouble. I’ll be right there.”

“All right.” Richards hesitated, then shrugged and headed through the doors leading to the ramp.

Thinking of how Kral had suggested a distraction, Tyler held up the book in his hand. “Hey, the lady at the store recommended this. Laura hates it. You guys ever read it?”

“Yep.” Pischlar made a face. “Umm…not my thing.”

“They’re popular.”

“They have any comic books?” White stood quickly, almost knocking Pischlar over. “I should check. You guys go ahead. I won’t be long.”

Pischlar put his hand on White’s arm. “Hey, what’s going on?”

White twisted away from him. “Fuck, I don’t need you hovering all the time. Step off, Pisch.”

“Fine.” Pischlar strode
away, leaving Tyler alone with White. And the new old guy, who was still taking notes.

Very, very bad. Why had Tyler agreed to this again? He didn’t go into the store with White—that lady wouldn’t be too happy to see him coming back with his new porn collection—but when White came back empty-handed Tyler decided the magazines might be useful for something. He took one out.

“Not comics, but kinda entertaining.” What had been funny before was awkward now. White snorted and shook his head, leaving Tyler stuffing the magazine back in his bag as a bunch of little kids ran up, recognizing them both and bouncing in place as he and White agreed to sign their white Cobra hats.

Seemed like forever before Kral returned, out of breath and holding out a pillow. With a Transformer pillow case. Weird, but White took it and hooked an arm around Kral’s neck. Tyler wasn’t sure if he wasn’t gonna kill the other man, but they were both laughing, so probably not.

“Took a while to convince them I needed to get something out of my bag and it was real important.” Kral shrugged as he walked with White toward the ramp. “Not Cobra fans, they didn’t know I wasn’t you, but they know I’m with the team and are fans of money.”

White slugged Kral in the arm. “What do I owe you? I know this is stupid, but—”

“Fuck off. Watch my back and we’re even. I get it. Last time we lost, I was watching the sports news and they were saying after losing Tim, we didn’t have a hope in hell of making the playoff this season. My wife didn’t say shit, she just called the babysitter and drove me down to the cemetery.”

“Him and Madeline were the only reason I didn’t mind flying so much.”

“I know, but you’ve got your damn pillow now, man. Don’t let the guys see you like this. They’re falling apart and we all need our tough guy to be…you know. Tough.”

Tyler had stopped following them. He couldn’t fucking breathe. Or see. They were talking about Tim and he fell back, not sure he could go any farther. The old man came over and put a firm hand on his shoulder.

“Tyler Vanek? I’m sorry, I know this is none of my business.” There was understanding in the man’s eyes. The wrinkles around them deepened as he studied Tyler’s face. “I’ve heard the talk, and the analysts are wrong, you know. I have my own predictions.”

There were tears on Tyler’s cheeks—humiliating in front of this stranger. Tyler rubbed his face and sniffed. “Yeah?”

“Tim Rowe left a legacy behind. In that fighter who faces his fears each and every time the team flies, but feels none on the ice. In the assistant coach who lost his ability to play, but retained his ability to lead. In you.” He lowered his voice. “I’ve been paying attention, and I will tell you something few know.”

Tyler wanted Raif to come back for him. He didn’t want to talk to this stranger, even though he had a feeling he should listen to what the man had to say. He was way too close to breaking down and he couldn’t. He wouldn’t.

But he needed to hear the rest. “What’s that?”

“This team was broken. You were broken. Have you noticed how everything changed when you were fit to play again?” The old man smiled. “There’s a reason for that.”

The man walked away and Tyler wasn’t sure whether to get on the plane or run for his damn life. He couldn’t have people relying on him. Tim never would have put that weight on his shoulders. He would have said…

It’s all about this game, kid. Don’t worry about the one after that. It doesn’t count for anything.”

He could still hear Tim’s voice. Remember his face.

And then he heard another voice. The one he’d been waiting for. “
Zlato moje
, everyone is waiting for you.”

“I know, and that scares the hell out of me!” Tyler was glad no one was around, because he could rest his head on Raif’s chest and take a damn minute to absorb his strength. “All this other shit going on…I guess I forgot I’ve got a job to do.”

“You didn’t forget, Ty. You’re doing it.” Raif framed Tyler’s jaw with his hand and kissed him hard enough to make his head spin. He let out a breath with a soft laugh. “In your own crazy, reckless way, you’re doing exactly what’s expected of you.”

It’s not enough! I can’t win every fucking game. I can’t promise I won’t get in trouble because…well, you know!”

“I know.”

“Tell me I’ve got nothing to worry about. All I’ve got to do is play the game.” Tyler laughed, because Raif didn’t need to tell him. Tim had, so many times. And he was stressing for nothing. “All I
to do is play the game.”

“Yes.” Raif chuckled and pulled Tyler to his side as he walked up the ramp. “But first you have to get on the plane.”


* * * *


The flight wasn’t long, and Tyler managed to get in a nice nap. He woke up energized after dreaming about beating the Rangers and scoring a hat trick. His brain wasn’t fully with his body yet, but with Raif behind him, he managed to walk down the aisle between the seats, only stopping once to grab a phone one of the guys had forgotten.

At the hotel, he carried both his and Raif’s stuff to the room they’d share. He wasn’t sure how Raif had managed to get him to carry both bags, but lugging them around had been a good distraction. And he was so jumping Raif after they won this game. He dropped their bags between the beds and turned on the TV so it wouldn’t be so quiet. Raif had gone off somewhere and Tyler needed to get ready. There was an hour until they hit the ice for warm-up. Enough time for a shower or…he eyed the phone he’d dropped on the bed he’d claimed. Someone would be missing it. He had to find out who the phone belonged to and get it back to them.

He dropped down on the bed and turned the phone on. Tried a few predictable passwords, but none worked. He tried to remember who’d been sitting where he’d found the phone. Sat up as he realized this had to be Pearce’s phone. Pearce had managed to exit the plane first; he’d been sitting by himself near the front. The phone had a plain, protective case. A lot of the other guys had cases with their kids’ pics, or movies, or hot chicks they liked, but Pearce kept things simple.

Tyler tried Casey’s birthday, but that didn’t work. He laid back, frowning at the phone. Tried Scott’s birthday.


But a text came in, showing even though the phone was locked.

“Got enough to last ‘til you get back. Good chat last night.”

Damn it, that told Tyler nothing. Maybe he was wrong. This might not be Zach’s phone.

Then it rang. He didn’t need the password to answer. “Hello?”

“Who is this?” Becky sounded mad. Tyler considered hanging up, but that would be rude. He wasn’t sure what to say though. She spoke again. “Hello?”

“Uh…hey, Becky. It’s Vanek. I found this phone and I was trying to figure out who it belonged to.”

“Oh. How are you doing, sweetie?”

“Not bad. Want to wait a minute while I find Zach?”

“Sure. And thank you… Wait.” She went quiet. “Does he seem all right? I’m worried about him.”

“Me too.” Tyler went out into the hall, knowing the floor would be reserved for the team, but not sure which room Pearce was staying in. “Scott is pissed. He sicced some rabid bunnies on him.”

“You’re joking!”

“Nope. But I probably shouldn’t have told you that. I’m gonna shut up now.” Tyler spotted Callahan and ran over, shoving the phone at him. “This is Pearce’s phone. Becky wants to talk to him.”

“Thanks.” Callahan took the phone and strode down the hall. “Becky? I’m bringing the phone to him now. Wanna tell him to get his head in the game? Or…not.”

Tyler had a feeling Becky wasn’t thinking about the game at all. But he was, so he wouldn’t worry about the text he’d seen.



* * * *


“I can’t tell you more, Raif, fuck!” Zach kicked his suitcase and dropped heavily onto his bed. He stiffened at a rap on the door. Raif went to answer.

Callahan came in, shaking his head and pressing his thumb down on the bottom of the phone in his hand. “Zovko, I get it. He’s your friend.” He kept the door open. “But get the hell out of here. This doesn’t look good.”

Raif nodded and slipped past Callahan, crossing the hall to go to the room he’d share with Tyler. His boy was overwhelmed by the reality that the team saw him as some kind of beacon, but he’d seemed to have regained his focus by the time they’d arrived in New York. Raif entered the room and took a moment to study Tyler, who was lying on his stomach on the bed reading. Raif climbed onto the bed over him and chuckled as he realized Tyler was reading the second novel in the mainstream BDSM trilogy that Demyan had bought at the airport. Raif didn’t read romance, but he knew enough about the novel to know Tyler wouldn’t like it. He was too deeply involved in the lifestyle, and Pearce had been right to take the book away from Demyan. A man with so many obvious issues shouldn’t be reading a book focused on fixing a man with more.

He put his hand over the book. “You should be preparing for the game, boy.”

“I’m bored. You’re on top of me, but I know you won’t do anything, so leave me alone.” Tyler pushed Raif’s hand away. “Reading is good for me. But I think I should have started with the first book.”

“That would help. But I’d like you to put it away.”

“Fine.” Tyler slammed the book on the pillow without marking his page. “Now what?”

“Now we prepare for the game. But after that…” Raif flipped Tyler onto his back and pinned him to the bed, kissing Tyler until he was moaning instead of pouting. “There’s plenty of time for you to recover.”

“You’re fucking evil.”

“And you seem to have forgotten we are alone and you are speaking to your Dom.” Raif lightly bit along Tyler’s jaw, undoing Tyler’s pants to stroke his hardening length. He used his weight and a firm grip on the tight, golden curls on Tyler’s head to hold his boy still as he tormented him. The book hit the floor as Tyler grabbed for the pillow and arched his back. Raif bit Tyler’s throat hard and let out a low growl. “Be still.”

Trembling, his cheeks flush with arousal, Tyler stared up at Raif, who braced himself up on one arm and licked his palm slowly before reaching between them to take Tyler’s dick in his slick hold. Tyler panted, his muscles tensing as he fought not to thrust up into Raif’s hand. His attempt to control himself pleased Raif, and he rewarded his boy with a long, deep kiss as he brought him closer and closer to the edge.

Raif could sense the moment when Tyler was about to go over. He squeezed, then released Tyler’s dick. And smiled. “Now
was cruel. Dress quickly,
zlato moje
. I won’t have the team waiting on me again.”

“Then you go ahead, I’ll…” Tyler groaned and slammed his head back on the pillow a few times. “Guess I can’t have a minute? Or five seconds even?”


With a sullen look, Tyler rolled off the bed, grumbling as he adjusted his clothes. “You’re a real—”

“Yes?” Raif smoothed his black suit jacket and straightened his black and blue diagonal striped tie. He was interested to see how his boy would finish that sentence. He might risk angering Raif since the discipline would have to wait.

But Tyler wasn’t stupid. He pressed his lips together, shook his head, then abruptly flashed Raif a brilliant smile. “Kind, benevolent Master. I’m all
for the game now, Sir. Thank you!”

Raif groaned and shoved Tyler toward the door. “Pumped?”

Walking backward down the hall, Tyler nodded, making a jerking off motion with his fist in the air. “Yeah, you get it?”

“Yes, Ty. I got it.” Raif snorted, opening his mouth to warn Tyler just as Carter sprang out of his own room. The two young men collided, Carter losing his balance and latching on to Tyler just in time to send them both tumbling to the floor.

Ramos came out of the room and calmly shut the door behind him. His lips twitched as he inclined his head to Raif and stepped over Tyler and his own sub without so much as a glance down at them.

“Hey, Zovko! Ramos!” At the end of the hall, Callahan watched Carter and Tyler taking their time getting on their feet, both of them laughing and pushing like drunken fools. Callahan checked his wrist as he joined them, as though to remind them of the time. “Clip their leashes on or something before they hurt themselves.”

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