Irresistible Magic (4 page)

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Authors: Deanna Chase

Tags: #Paranormal & Urban, #Fantasy, #Vampires, #Romance, #Witches & Wizards, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal, #Literature & Fiction, #Urban

BOOK: Irresistible Magic
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“So you think my attacker did this sometime last night or early this morning, then?” I waved a hand around the room.

“That’s the simplest explanation. And the simplest is usually the correct one.” She got to her feet. “I’ll be on my way. Good luck, agents.” She swept out the side door, her frizzy hair bouncing with each step.

I glared at Phoebe as Link paced around her.

“What?” she asked. “Why are you so pissed? Link looks like he’s ready to tear my head off.”

My one-hundred-fifty-pound wolf had his teeth bared and was eyeballing Phoebe like she was a rare piece of steak that had just been snatched from him.

“Why did you bring up Beau?” I demanded.

“Why not?” She swept a pile of paper into the trash basket beside my desk.

I crossed the room and locked the door that led into the shop. This wasn’t a conversation for others’ ears. Once I was settled behind my desk, I turned hard eyes on her. “You know why not. If the director goes digging around and finds out about the ability I inherited from Beau, I could be right back where I was last week. In a cage.”

She frowned. “If I hadn’t brought it up, she might start to think there’s something to cover up. It’s an unknown in your past, Wil. It’s the first thing an agent would look at. That’s basic Void knowledge.”

“And I didn’t go to the Academy, right? So I wouldn’t know that? Is that what you’re saying?” I kicked at the debris near my feet. My only skill was sensing vampires. It was my job to alert the agents when vampires were around, not to fight them myself. I didn’t need Academy training for that.

“What?” She turned to me, shock clear in her wide blue eyes. “That is not at all what I said. I was only trying to defuse the situation and buy us more time to figure out who’s behind this. There’s a very good possibility she’ll find out anyway once interrogations begin. Your attacker is human. If he works for Asher, he could know all the details of Beau’s death. How much can he stand before he spills it all? And if we pretend there isn’t anything suspicious and the Void uncovers something about him, we can’t have you looking like you withheld information. That’s an offense that will get you prison time. You know this.”

Shit. I was way too wound up. I took a deep, steadying breath. “Sorry. You’re right, of course. I might be shell-shocked. It’s been a bad day.”

She turned a sympathetic smile on me. “As a Void agent, it was bound to happen sometime. Just be glad you have a kickass partner.”

Link’s head came up and he appeared to raise one eyebrow in her direction. I couldn’t help the laugh bubbling from my lips. “Very humble, Phoebs. I think Link’s wondering how there’s enough space in this room for all three of us with that ego of yours.”

She grinned. “No one ever accused me of being modest.”

Chapter 3

With my back bare and the skirt hugging my hips, the gorgeous plum dress molded to my body perfectly. I ran a hand over my long hair, smoothing it to the side as butterflies took up residence in my stomach.

Five more minutes and Talisen would arrive. Our first date. This wouldn’t be any normal first date, either. We’d known each other almost our whole lives. This was the start of a whole new chapter in our relationship. How do you go from being best friends to casual dating? You don’t. It’s a full-on commitment.

Shoes. I needed shoes. I rarely wore heels. In my line of work, it wasn’t called for. But when I did, I went all out. Four-inch stilettos in shimmery silver matched the nail polish on my toes.

“Holy fuck, Wil. What are you trying to do, kill the guy?” Phoebe leaned against my doorframe, eyeing me appreciatively. “That dress is

A slow smile spread on my lips. “Tal has seen me dressed up before.”

She snorted. “But not when you were on

My grin widened and heat crawled up my neck. Oh goodness, was I on his menu this evening? Would he be thinking we’d end up back at his new place? Was I ready for that? Images of his large hands skimming lightly over my skin flashed through my mind. My entire body started to tingle. It was a good thing I wasn’t wearing a lot of clothing because it suddenly got very warm in my room.

“Of course, anything could happen after your meeting with Allcot,” she whispered in my ear, mindful of any lingering bugs, and wrinkled her nose in disgust. Being that he was as ruthless as he was power hungry, Eadric wasn’t exactly her favorite vampire.

Dammit. She had to bring that up. Talisen was going to be pissed.

On the first floor, the front door banged open with a deafening crash. “Willow!” Talisen’s frantic voice floated up the stairs, followed by boots pounding on the wooden steps.

“Uh oh. He must’ve heard what happened.” Phoebe grimaced and ducked out of my room. “Hey, Tal,” I heard her say.

“Phoebe, where is she?” His voice was full of fear, and I found myself moving swiftly toward the hall in my four-inch heels.

I peeked around the doorframe. “Tal?”

The tension in his face vanished as obvious relief washed over him. He swept me in his arms and let out a barely audible sigh. “Jesus, Wil. I heard there was a shooting that involved a faery. And all the reports led back to you.”

I hugged him tightly, burying my face in his shoulder. Goddess, it was good to be safe in his arms. “I’m fine. Especially now that you’re here.”

His hold tightened around me. “Want to tell me about it?”

I let out a humorless chuckle. “Sure. Some stalker pulled a gun. Phoebs took him out. And then I bought a dress.”

“Thank you, Phoebe. Try not go anywhere without her ever again.”

I smiled into his shoulder. “I had the same thought, but we might want to leave her home tonight.”

“Good point. Wait, you bought a dress?” He pulled back, holding me at arm’s length. His forest-green eyes darkened with desire as his gaze traveled the length of my body. He let out a slow, appreciative whistle. “Nice dress.”

“You like it then?” I stared up at him, taking in his corded, muscular frame. Male fae are not blessed with wings. Instead, they are gifted with the ability to climb almost anything. His years of exploring the redwood forests helped him fill out his black sports coat and dark denim jeans better than the average guy. At six foot four with his sun-lightened auburn hair, he was gorgeous.

“Like? I’m not sure that’s the word I’d use.” He traced his fingers down my neck, leaving a trail of shivers in his wake. Then his fingers dug into my arms and he pulled me close, his lips inches from mine.

My breath caught and I brought my hands up to his chest, lightly running my fingers over his hard planes. “What are you waiting for?”

His gaze shifted from my lips to my eyes and then back to my mouth. Nervous anticipation made me bite down on my lower lip.

“What are you trying to do to me? I’m supposed to be taking you to dinner, and right now all I can think about is ripping that torturous dress off you and locking you in this room all night.” His hands relaxed as they moved up over my bare arms.

I closed my eyes, reveling in his gentle but firm caress. Tal was a healer. His touch was more familiar to me than anyone’s. But this was the first night we’d ever allowed ourselves to experience each other without friendship boundaries. I
him to lock my door, take me to bed, and spend the evening uncovering my secret desires. But he couldn’t. I had an appointment at Cryrique. And if I didn’t show up, I knew damn well Allcot would send someone to find us.

In my heels, all it took was the tilt of my head and my lips were on Talisen’s. A tiny, strangled moan escaped from him as his tongue pressed into my mouth, barely brushing against mine.

A shiver ran down my back and straight to the tips of my wings. Long-suppressed desire consumed me, and when his arms came around me, I melted against him, our bodies so close I could feel the hard outline of his excitement. Tal’s hands shifted to frame my face as he deepened the kiss, greedily taking what he’d waited so long for.

When he finally pulled back we were both breathless. He chuckled and his eyes gleamed with mischief. “Try that again and we likely won’t make it to dinner.”

My entire body urged me to take his lower lip between my teeth. I almost did it, too, but then took a hesitant step back.

His smile broadened. “Saving something for later?”

“I went through a lot of trouble to get this dress. It deserves to be shown off.”

Stepping closer, he reached out and traced a finger along the fabric tied around my neck.

My knees wobbled and I was certain I was going to melt right there beneath his touch.
Damn that felt good.
I had to get a grip on myself.

“Off is a perfect way to describe what should come next,” he said.

“Tal!” I laughed and batted his hand away. “We have somewhere to be.”

“Dinner can be eaten anywhere.” He glanced at my queen-sized bed nestled in my magical oak. “I’m thinking bedroom picnic.”

His tone had shifted from playful to husky, and I had no doubt he was testing to see how far I’d let him go. Instead of answering, I sidestepped him, grabbed my clutch purse off the desk, and glided out the door.

His dramatic, exaggerated sigh made me giggle as I descended the stairs. We were going to have a tough time keeping our hands to ourselves. I wasn’t sure how long Tal had wanted me, but the underlying passion I harbored for him had been brewing for the better part of eight years.

Just as I reached the bottom step, Link, back in Shih Tzu form, scurried out of Phoebe’s room with a patent red pump clutched in his jaws.

“Goddammit, dog. Drop that right this instant!” Phoebe tore out of the room with her other shoe in her hand. As soon as she spotted him, the second pump flew and bounced off Link’s small head. He yelped and cowered behind the living room couch.

“What the hell, Phoebs?” I glared at her. “You could’ve put his eye out.”

She stomped across the living room and grabbed both shoes. “If he steals one more thing from my room, his eyes are the last thing he’ll need to worry about.”

Link darted between her feet and lay down between Talisen and me.

“Hey there, buddy.” Talisen bent to pick him up. My dog half-whined, half-yelped in excitement and proceeded to lap his tongue over Tal’s face.

I gave Tal a pained look. “You’re not helping.”

He grinned and continued to let Link love him all over.

“This is so not cool.” Phoebe stomped past us. “He’s a year old now. He shouldn’t be stealing my shit.”

I closed my eyes, praying for patience. “I can’t make him not steal your shoes. The best we can do is remove the temptation. Can you try keeping your door shut?” This wasn’t the first time we’d had this conversation.

Phoebe paused in her doorway and glared at Talisen and Link. “I did, but the little bastard snuck in while I was going out.” She glanced at me, a scowl still on her face. “That’s a robe, three pairs of shoes, and one Victoria’s Secret bra you owe me now.”

“I’m good for it.”

She took a deep breath, visibly trying to calm herself. “I know.” She disappeared into her room and then popped her head back out. “Call me the moment you leave the hotel.”

A slow smile spread over Tal’s face. “The hotel?”

Shit. Thanks, Phoebs.

“Oh. You haven’t told him yet.” Phoebe grimaced. “Oops.” With an apologetic glance, she closed her door on us.

Tal set Link down and straightened. His expressive eyes roamed over me once again, sparking with heat. That expression, the one of pure love and lust, just about brought me to my knees. He reached out, took my hand in his, and gently twisted me around so my back was to him. Slipping his arms around my middle, his warm lips met my neck, sending another shiver down my spine. “Do you have a surprise for me?” he whispered in my ear.

“Umm.” I pulled away and turned to face him, biting my lip. “Not a good one.”

His hands fell to his sides. He stared down at me with concern in his expressive eyes. “What is it?”

I let out a breath and took his hand gently in mine. “Let’s go outside.”

His brow furrowed.

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