Read Isabel and the Wolf: (Part 2) Online

Authors: Ariana Hawkes

Tags: #4 Part Serial Ebook, #Fiction, #Paranormal, #Werewolf, #Wolf, #Mates, #Adult, #Erotic, #Shape Shifter, #Romance

Isabel and the Wolf: (Part 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Isabel and the Wolf: (Part 2)
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“And you are into sado-masochism?”

“No. I mean, not exactly. I know that’s what the site is all about, so in a way I felt a bit weird that I was on it, like I had no right to be there or something. But I’ve been looking for a dominant man, and I just thought that might be a good place to find one.” She sensed that her words were exciting The Wolf. His hands were kneading at her flesh, pushing her thighs further apart. It was hot and uncomfortable to be questioned by him in this position.

“But you fantasize about being spanked,” he said, and at the same time landed a slap on her ass. It wasn’t a hard one, but it sent a jolt of electricity through her. He followed it up with another one on her other cheek. “That’s a little kinky, as they say on this website.” He chuckled, and slapped her twice more. She squirmed, embarrassed at acknowledging to both him and herself that she might have a ‘kink’. “What else do you think about?” he asked. She was silent, turning over her thoughts, and he took his hand away from her body, clearly waiting for an answer.

“Sometimes I fantasize about being held down during sex,” she said in a whisper.

“Good,” he replied. And with that, he landed another slap on her left cheek, then one on her right. They were rewards for her revealing her secrets, but punishments as well, and the more confusing this was, the more aroused she became.

He slapped her once more, on the flesh right at the top of her thigh, on one side and then the other. Isabel cried out. These stung, but in a deeply pleasurable way that made her long for more.

“What else?” he demanded.

“Being tied up,” she said, even more quietly.

“Really?” he said, and spanked her again, and again, raining down a dozen of them, all over her ass. Isabel cried out at each one, semi-aware that she had started grinding her clit against his thigh. The last two slaps were too much to bear on her tenderized flesh and tears came to her eyes.

“Have you had enough?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said, gratefully. The Wolf’s hand moved between her legs.

“Mmm, you do like being spanked,” he said. Isabel groaned as he slid a finger inside her. She was drenched again, and burning for him to enter her. He lifted her hips up and moved himself out from underneath her, then placed her back in the same position again. “That’s quite sexy, Bella,” he said, close to her ear. She felt his body crouching over her, his hardness sliding back and forth, across the back of her thighs. He moved closer, his knees pushing her thighs further apart and his breath on the back of her neck. She wanted him badly. But she also wanted to be able to see him for once.

“Wait!” she shouted.

“What?” he said, his movements stopping abruptly. Just in time, she remembered that she was supposed to be submitting to him without question.

“No, nothing,” she said quickly.

“Tell me?”

“No, it’s ok. I know I’m not supposed to ask you.” Peter let out a bark of laughter.

“I’ll let you ask me, just this once.”

“Ok. It’s just – I was wondering. Do we always have to have sex from, you know, from behind? I mean, I’d really like to do it face-to-face as well.”

“Ah.” He pulled away, and sat back on his haunches. He seemed to be thinking. Isabel lay motionless. Was he angry? Had she just ruined everything with that question? What was he even thinking about? Minutes passed. He stood up.

“Wait here, Bella. Don’t move from this position. I’ll be back in a minute,” he said. And he disappeared.

Isabel did as he told her, remaining spread-eagled and face-down on the animal skin. But, as soon as she could no longer hear his footsteps, uneasiness crept over her. When she turned her head to the side, all she could see was the blackness of the woods. She was all alone, as defenseless as a prey animal, prone in the forest with no-one to protect her. What if an animal found her – like a real wolf, for example? The urge to curl up into a ball and pull the other skin over her was overwhelming. But Peter had told her to stay where she was. She pressed her face into her palms, fears of predators crowding into her mind. A whisper of breeze blew over her body, chilling the damp place between her legs and, despite her proximity to the fire, she was cold again. She started to count the seconds to keep her thoughts from running away with her.

When she got to 173, there was a crashing sound in the distance.
It should be Peter, but it could be anything at all.
She began to tremble. Unable to contain herself any longer, she lifted her head up, in time to see Peter bounding over to her.

“Isabel! What’s wrong?” he said, catching sight of her panic-stricken face.

“I was really scared by myself,” she said, hearing the childishness in her own voice.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” he threw himself to the ground next to her. She picked up the scent of fresh perspiration, as if he’d been running. “You were perfectly safe here. You have to trust me.” She met his eyes, with a “but” half-formed on her lips. “Trusting me is part of the submission I require from you,” he said in a harder voice. She nodded minutely.

“Ok,” she said. “I’ll remember this.” He brushed a lock of her caramel-red hair out of her face.

“Good,” he said. “Have some more wine. It’ll relax you again.” He refilled her glass and passed it to her and she drank deeply. “Now you can lie on your back.”

Isabel turned onto her back and looked up at The Wolf, as he cast a long glance over her body, lingering on her breasts and the tiny dark strip of hair on her Mount of Venus. He crouched above her, huge and muscle-bound, and Isabel could see that he was hard again and ready for her. She reached out to touch his cock, and instantly that fierce, animal look came into his eyes again. He swatted her hand away. He had something in his hand. She’d been too preoccupied imagining being attacked by wild animals to wonder what he’d been doing while he was gone. She could see now that was a piece of fabric. He stretched it between his hands, and leaned towards her.

“I’m going to keep you blindfolded while we have sex,” he said, and his face became deadly serious. “Isabel, it’s very important that you don’t peek. If you see any light coming from under the blindfold, you must close your eyes. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she said, and he tied the blindfold over her eyes, knotting it firmly behind her head.

“Can you see anything?” he asked.

“No,” she replied. “But please don’t leave me!” He laughed softly.

“I won’t. I promise.”

The Wolf didn’t touch her immediately, but she was reassured by the contact of his knees against the insides of her thighs. Deprived of one of her senses, the other four were heightened, and she became hyper aware of the scent of his body and the slight catch in his breathing that was almost a growl. She tried to relax and savor the moment. It was very hot lying like this, naked and vulnerable, waiting for Peter to claim her body, not knowing where he’d touch her next.

The soft flickering of his tongue on her right nipple drew a shudder out of her, and his hand came up to cup her breast. He began to suck her nipple, drawing it into his mouth, his fingers gently kneading. His other hand went to her left breast, and she sighed in pleasure. The grazing of his sharp teeth shot comets of arousal all the way down to her clit. His mouth moved to her other breast, and he took his time bathing it in little licks, before taking the whole nipple into his mouth. He rolled her other nipple between his fingers, creating an equal heat. Isabel’s arousal was building and building, and she burned for him to be inside her. At last, his hands were on her thighs, spreading her legs wider and holding them where they were. She squirmed, her flesh glowing from the certainty that it was under his scrutiny. He took her hands and
lifted them above her head, pinning her wrists together with one of his huge hands. Instinctively, she tried to pull her arms away, testing his grip. As she’d expected, he didn’t budge an inch.

A moment later, she felt his hardness between her thighs, the tip probing at her entrance. She sighed at the contact, then held her breath, preparing herself for him. He didn’t penetrate her immediately, but teased her instead, rubbing himself along her cleft, chafing at her clit, then pressing against her entrance, and pulling away again. He was driving her crazy with an expert touch. Her body was twitching all over and all she could think about was how much she wanted him.

“Please,” she whispered at last, before she’d realised what she was saying. Peter made a small, appreciative sound and began to slide his cock inside her, bit by bit. Isabel groaned. It felt even better in this position. Her body was more relaxed, and she more easily surrendered herself to the incredible sensations radiating all over her body. He began to thrust gently before he was all the way in, being careful with her, allowing her to get used to him. The flutters he was creating inside her grew in intensity and Isabel bucked her hips unconsciously, needing him to be all the way inside her. Finally he obliged, his pelvis coming down against hers. She gasped. For a second it was too much, but then she could take all of him. She wrapped her legs around his hips and held him close. He began to thrust harder, his body close to hers, and his hand keeping a firm grasp on her wrists. His breathing came hard, in low, carnal sounds. Isabel had such a sense of power around her, as if she was trapped in a cage of strength. He began to move in and out of her more quickly, until his rhythm hit her magic sweet spot, where it exactly matched her own. A shuddering began deep inside her, quickly erupting into a wild orgasm that flashed rainbow colors beneath her blindfold. Her eyes teared up and she shouted out as she came, an unconstrained animal sound that she barely identified as coming from her.

As Isabel’s orgasm subsided, a wave of emotion washed over her, and she pulled at her pinned arms, wanting to wrap them around The Wolf’s body.

“Not yet, Bella,” he said. She registered that he’d stopped moving when she came, giving her time to experience her climax fully. Now he began to thrust again. His movements were different from before, rougher and less measured. His pelvis butted against her sensitized clit, making her feel like she was going to orgasm all over again. His chest brushed against her breasts and his breath was ragged, close her ear. He clamped his hand over her blindfold and, at last, he came with a wild snarl. He collapsed on top of her, his body damp with perspiration. They lay quiet for a while.

“My hands,” Isabel whispered at last.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, and released them. They were tingling, and she flexed her wrists, bringing the blood supply back into them. She wrapped her arms around him, as she’d been longing to and sighed with contentment. She was no longer in a hurry to take the blindfold off; she was blissed out, totally satisfied with the physical sensations she was experiencing.

“That was very nice, Bella,” he said. “I like feeling out of control with you.”

“Me too,” she whispered. He brought one hand up to her head and entwined his fingers in her hair. The last thing she could remember was wondering whether Peter’s slowing breathing meant he was falling asleep.

Chapter Six

Peter was shaking her shoulder. The crazy, trippy dream she’d been having was extinguished. She sat up groggily, her mind still full of silver dogs, or foxes, or even wolves, tumbling around together in a blissful ménage.

“Isabel, we have to go,” Peter hissed in her ear.

“What?” She rubbed her eyes. It was daylight, and the blindfold had disappeared.

“Come on!” Peter was lifting her up, over his shoulder. Then he was standing up, and her head was upside down and her ass was in the air. He was walking quickly, practically running through the woods.

“What’s going on?” she wailed.

“Sorry, Bella. It’s just very important that we leave now.”

“But why?”

“I can’t explain. It just wasn’t safe,” he said.

Sooner than she would’ve expected they were back at his car. Peter’s body glistened with perspiration, but his breathing was even, as if he’d been lounging at the campsite instead of running through the woods with a girl over his shoulder. He put her inside the car, jumped in and they drove away. A thousand questions hung in the air. Isabel glanced at him. He wasn’t going to get away with that explanation. If he thought he was going to fall into a silence and expect her to be satisfied, he’d seriously underestimated her.

“So, you’re saying we were in imminent danger out there?” she asked at last, failing to keep a snarky tone out of her voice. He shot her a glance, and she was startled to see insecurity in his eyes.

“I was. You weren’t,” he said, after a pause. He was driving not especially fast along the track that led out of the forest. Isabel pulled her dress over her head, and wriggled into it. She rubbed at her face, and ran her hands through her hair, picking out the tangles. She wasn’t properly awake yet and nothing made any sense.

“So, you were in danger of being shot by a crazy man of the woods or something, but I would’ve been just fine?”

“No, nothing so dramatic, Bella.”

“So what do you mean?” Before her first coffee of the day, Isabel’s patience was limited, and she didn’t see any reason to hold back now. “You’ve just woken me up really abruptly, carried me along in the most undignified position ever, which has given me a headache in fact, from my head bumping along upside down, and thrown me in the car, and you’re saying it’s nothing
?” to her annoyance, The Wolf threw his head back and laughed loudly.

“When you describe it like that, I suppose I can see your point. It does sound a little comical as well.”

“Forgive me for not finding anything too funny before I’ve had some caffeine,” she snapped.

“Oh, Isabel, you’re such an American girl,” he said. “There are more important things out there than where your next latte is coming from.”

“Don’t patronize me!” she said, glaring at him. “I don’t see you trying to solve world hunger either. I just want to know why you’ve been acting so weird, that’s all!” Peter was silent while they left the forest track and turned back onto the road to Silver City.

“There are lots of things in the world that you’re not aware of,” he said at last. “Things you would never dream of. We had to leave because I became aware that there was something nearby that was hostile to me. That’s the only way I can explain it to you.” He pulled over onto the side of the road, braking hard. He turned to her, his amber eyes glowing in the bright sunlight, and touched her jaw. His face came close to hers and he kissed her hard. Despite her annoyance, Isabel’s body responded to him immediately, and the urge to have him on top of her rose up again. “I’m not like other men. That’s the truth of the matter. I hope you can understand that without needing to obsess over the details,” he said.

BOOK: Isabel and the Wolf: (Part 2)
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