Isle of Sensuality (3 page)

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Authors: Aimee Duffy

BOOK: Isle of Sensuality
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An irritating ringing woke Caitlyn from a wonderful dream where she was somewhere far away from the miserable island, the torrential rain, and Jake Campbell. She reached her hand out the side of the bed and scooped the offending mobile phone from the bedside cabinet. She hit
without opening her eyes. It still felt ungodly early.

“Caitlyn, where are you? We start shooting in an hour.” Sean’s voice sent a jolt of shock through her, clearing the last of the sleep from her mind.

She sat upright on the bed, catching the bright sun shining through the cracks of the Venetian blinds. “Um, I’ll be there soon,” she croaked and hung up on the director without waiting for a response. Diving out of bed and straight to the en-suite, Caitlyn felt a fresh flare of anger toward her co-star. She supposed he thought now that he was there, everyone should do as he said whenever he snapped his fingers.

Caitlyn was showered and dressed in record time, although her hair was still damp, she clipped it away from her face. Her anger simmered hotter as she realized she was going to have to sit through hair and makeup, effectively making filming start late.

She made her way down the cobbled path leading to a small road which was used for travel. Although the island was only a few acres big, it housed many villas. All of them faced the makeshift road and had their own grounds and private swimming pools. The island was owned by a rich man who had invested in oil or something, and from what Caitlyn had heard, he used the island for extravagant beach parties. She was surprised he’d leased it out for the movie.

Glancing at her watch, she noted with a spike of irritation that she was already five minutes late. She picked up her pace, deciding she needed to refocus her anger and play Jake at his own game. After all, she was one of the stars in this movie too. Not as famous as Jake, but most of America knew her face. If he wanted to play the teasing, laid-back actor who expected everyone to work around his schedule, then so be it.

Laid-back she could do, teasing would be harder, but she’d give it a bash. As for the expectation of people working around her, she would make sure he knew she wouldn’t be working to his schedule.

A flurry of cast and cameramen came into sight at the coast. Filming would start on the island today and then go out into the sea. It was a good scene—with very few lines or interaction required from her. Her character, Sandra Fell, wouldn’t officially meet Jake’s character until the next scene, which meant, depending on how long filming lasted, she wouldn’t have to see him for most of the day, if not the next. Caitlyn’s mood lightened.

“Caitlyn! Hair. Makeup. Move!” Sean bellowed from the far end of the beach where the sand met the sea. He was surrounded by a swarm of cameramen, setting up the speedboat for the arrival scene.

Guilt settled heavy in her chest, but she did as he asked and headed for the dressing room. If she were Jake, the actual star of the movie, there was no doubt he’d be able to charm his way out of it. Caitlyn stomped across the beach, kicking sand up behind her heavy steps. She wouldn’t have let Sean down if she’d known the schedule. If she’d known Jake was going to demand they start filming straight away.

To her utter displeasure, Jake already lounged in one of the chairs with his back to the dressing table. The portable hut which also coupled as the dressing room for the cast was so small that Jake took up most of the space. If she was to sit in the opposite seat, their legs, at the very least, would touch.

A part of her warmed at the prospect of touching him again. She still remembered how his body felt pressed up against hers, the smell of his aftershave, and the darkening of his melting eyes. Caitlyn shook the thought away and resisted the urge to scowl at him. At the sight of her, he grinned and gave her a wink.

Caitlyn was about to make a smart-alec remark when a dark-haired girl ran through the other door of the hut, almost toppling over from the weight of the huge makeup chest she had clutched in one hand and an array of hair styling equipment in the other.

“Sorry I’m late,” the woman addressed both Caitlyn and Jake. Her forehead creased with worry. Did she expect Caitlyn to yell at her?

“No problem, Julie. Caitlyn just arrived herself. Take some time to get your things organized. Can I get you an iced tea?” Jake asked.

Caitlyn’s eyes almost bulged out of her sockets. What happened to the arrogant movie star?

Julie’s face relaxed into an easy grin which she directed at Jake as she refused his offer of a beverage. With her dark hair and sparkly blue eyes, Caitlyn decided this wasn’t about Jake being nice. He was flirting. A pang of jealousy pierced her.

Get a grip, Cait!

As the two continued to smile at one another, Caitlyn’s anger rose again. She cleared her throat. Both heads snapped toward her. “Do you mind if I go first? They’re filming my scene soon.” Plus, she couldn’t bear to sit through a flirt fest while Jake was getting ready, for what, she had no idea. The fact that filming was running this late could only mean he didn’t start filming until tomorrow.

Did he come to annoy her, or flirt with Julie?

“Of course. Ladies first.”

The charming smile spread across his face made her suspicion flare. Instead of calling him on it, she slid into the chair next to him and, as she’d expected, her bare calf brushed against his. Caitlyn tried to pull her leg back an inch, but the chair’s solid base made it impossible. With her back to the mirror and no room whatsoever to stretch her legs out to the left in fear she knocked Julie over, Caitlyn froze in place. The expression
three’s a crowd
came to mind.

Julie unpacked enough makeup to cover the surface of the small counter. While Julie started creating what she referred to as a “base” on Caitlyn’s skin, Caitlyn grew ever aware of Jake’s bare leg settled against hers. The room became warmer—whether from the heat of the Caribbean sun or from Jake himself, Caitlyn wasn’t sure.

However, she was sure that when he moved, the soft scattering of hair on his leg tickled her skin, raising goosebumps. Caitlyn kept her focus on Julie, but felt his eyes on her. She wondered if he knew what kind of effect his close proximity had on her and flushed as she realized he probably did. After all, if what the papers said were true, he’d been around his fair share of women. In fact, probably the whole of the UK’s fair share of women.

“This is your first movie?” Jake asked and again, shifted in his seat. The subtle move caused his skin to rub against hers. Caitlyn’s blood heated and her pulse raced.

“Yes. I’m sure you already knew that.”

She tried to sound confident, steely even, but instead her voice was shaky and breathless. Darting a glance at him, she saw his full lips pull up in a knowing grin and his chocolate eyes sparkled with mischief. Butterflies swirled in her stomach.

Julie pulled Caitlyn’s head back around. “You have to stay still, ma’am.”

It took some effort for Caitlyn to stop her mouth from falling open at the words. She was only twenty-six for crying out loud! Was that old enough to be considered a

* * * *

Jake resisted the urge to chuckle at the look of horror on Caitlyn’s face. He could tell she was offended by the way Julie addressed her; although she didn’t call Julie on it, even though she’d barreled into his villa last night and gave him hell for being late.

He thought he had Caitlyn pegged last night. With her obvious temper and sneaking off when things weren’t going the way she wanted, Jake assumed she was one of those diva actresses. Someone who created holy hell when she didn’t get her own way. But now, seeing her force a polite smile onto her face when she was clearly pissed off made him wonder if he’d been wrong.

That’s why he’d been so quick to jump in and greet the young makeup artist earlier, to prevent a full-blown diva tantrum. When she didn’t even acknowledge the fact that Julie had been late, doubts started to creep in.

“You’re right,” he replied, knowing full well she was in a popular daytime American soap opera, something about days and nights. Jake had never seen it. “Why the change to films?” he asked, his curiosity about her growing. It seemed the initial labels he’d placed on her last night were unfair assessments.

Caitlyn tried to turn her head again, but Julie was doing something to her eyes and halted her. “I was offered the part.” She shrugged it off as if getting offered parts in movies happened everyday. Somehow, her nonchalance appeared to be forced. Especially when he noticed her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink.

“What about the show? Do you have to go back after filming?” That would explain her outburst last night, at least.

A hint of a smile played around the corner of her mouth before she answered, “That really isn’t any of your business.”

“Pout,” Julie commanded, her voice steely.

Jake frowned as he watched her apply gloss to Caitlyn’s lips with a tiny tipped brush.

He shifted in the chair to a more comfortable position, knowing it would bring his bare leg into closer contact with her silky skin. As more of him brushed against her, his blood boiled, raising the temperature in the room almost unbearably. The minute she had walked into the little shack, her hair pulled back with stray curls flying loose and sleep-filled eyes, he’d imagined it would be what she looked like after a night between the sheets with him. The thought had made his shorts tighten uncomfortably.

“Okay, but I will find out. I’m persistent when I want something,” Jake informed her and was pleased to note her fingers curled into tiny fists on her lap. Amazing how hard she was trying to hide her irritation with him. He wondered how much teasing she could take before she would erupt into the fiery siren he’d glimpsed last night. Wherever she had to be after filming, it must mean a lot to her.

“I don’t think so,” Caitlyn insisted. “I’m very good at keeping secrets.”

His brows pulled together as he considered that. It was true, she did keep secrets. The whole of America knew her name, yet when he’d googled her last night, he couldn’t find anything other than basic facts. Age, twenty-six. Name, Caitlyn Hart. Lives in LA. As well as the fact she’d worked on the show. No mention of any boyfriends, family, hell, even friends. She was an enigma.

All of the actors and actresses he’d worked with were easy to read, almost transparent. He could figure most out straight away, then he was able to converse with them accordingly once he knew what was expected. He wondered if that’s why he was here, harassing her, when he should be going over his lines for tomorrow.

“And I’m good at ferreting them out,” Jake threw back.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Campbell,” Julie started before Caitlyn had a chance to reply. He’d almost forgotten that she was there. “I’m going to have to ask you to switch places with Caitlyn. I need to do her hair and the only socket is beside you.”

Jake rose at the same time Caitlyn did, seeing a perfect opportunity to wind her up. As he squeezed his way past, he gave her as little room as possible, chuckling at her irritated frown. “Allow me.” Jake held the chair out for her and, once she slid into it, spun it around so it was facing the mirror.

“Thanks,” she mumbled grudgingly.

Jake couldn’t help from letting out a short burst of laughter. He wondered if her irritation flared because she was as reluctantly attracted to him as he was to her. Arousal darted through him at the prospect and settled in his groin. Jake sat down quickly, disguising his body’s reaction. With makeup covering her porcelain skin, widening her emerald eyes, and making her lips look edible, she was even sexier than she had been last night.

Julie unclipped the extravagant fire-red curls and they sprang free, forming a riot of color around Caitlyn’s heart-shaped face, contrasting beautifully with her pale skin. For a moment, he just stared at her reflection in the mirror, not sure what kind of expression he wore.

Her gaze sought his in their reflection and he forgot everything as he focused solely on her. “Come to dinner with me tonight.” His mind was so hazy the invite sounded more like a demand.

Caitlyn’s eyes grew huge and a pale pink flush grazed her high cheekbones. “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

Her protest sounded weak so Jake pressed home the advantage. “And what if it is? It would be a good chance to get to know each other…” He let the sentence trail off suggestively, cocking an eyebrow.

Caitlyn frowned at his reflection. “I’m busy tonight.”

Jake shook his head, feeling his lips tilt at the corners. Caitlyn had pulled out her mobile and was sliding her fingers across the touch screen. No doubt finding an excuse to ignore him.

Julie came back into focus as time passed by in silence. Caitlyn’s wild, haystack hair was now styled into elegant curls. If it wasn’t for the wrinkled pink shorts and faded t-shirt she could be mistaken for an A-lister. He’d never watched an actress have her hair and makeup done, especially one who tried so hard to pretend he didn’t exist.

Jake found that particularly refreshing.

Although he had lines to learn for his scene tomorrow, he couldn’t think of a better way to spend his day than to wheedle information from the secret siren that was Caitlyn Hart. After all, why waste time on what he could be doing later when he could be watching Miss Hart in action for the rest of the day.

“That’s it, you’re ready, Miss Hart.” Julie broke through his reverie as Caitlyn rose.

“Thank you, Julie. I have to get dressed. The chair’s all yours, Jake,” Caitlyn said without even looking at him.

He grinned. “I’m coming with you.”

She did meet his eyes then, her mouth gaping in undisguised horror. “Excuse me?”

“You’re stuck with me for the whole day, Caitlyn.”

* * * *

Caitlyn didn’t know which was worse—having Jake’s almost-edible chocolate eyes on her all day or being squeezed into a specially made, white, tighter-than-tight wetsuit for the scene.

Julie had been on set all day—touching up makeup and fixing her wayward curls—but the thought of Jake being there, ever watchful, with that devil-may-care grin on his handsome face was enough to melt her right down to her core.

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