It Begins With a Rogue's Bite (9 page)

Read It Begins With a Rogue's Bite Online

Authors: Jessica Frost

Tags: #Menage Everlasting, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m)

BOOK: It Begins With a Rogue's Bite
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Chapter Ten

Music blasted though the door as Cheryl got closer. The outside wall even seemed to vibrate from the sound. Yeah, it was a wild party, no doubt. Thank God she got here safely. After taking the wrong turn an hour ago, she’d gotten lost. But now she was here at last.

With one more glance at her sexy black dress, she pushed up her boobs in her underwire bra so that her breasts sat just right, then rang the doorbell. The sound of the bell was barely audible thanks to the loud music ricocheting out to her. Within moments, someone came to the door.

Carmen greeted her with a wide smile. “Hi, Cheryl, glad you could make it.”

“Hi. This is for you.” Cheryl handed her the bottle of red wine she’d brought.

“Thanks, but didn’t Martha tell you not to bring anything?”

“Oh, it was a bottle I had laying around and thought maybe you might enjoy it.” She lied. She didn’t have it “laying” around her apartment. She rushed to the liquor store after work to buy it right before getting ready for the party. Going to anyone’s house, even a friend like Carmen, empty-handed was gauche in her books.

Her mother had taught her that one should never go to someone’s place uninvited or without a gift. That hammered lesson stuck with her until now, and today, she wasn’t about to change it. She loathed freeloading.

Carmen moved aside to welcome her. “Come on in. Martha’s already here,” she glanced around the packed room, “somewhere in the living room.”


Cheryl lost her breath as she stepped into the confining room, where everyone stood like sardines in a tin can. The heat level on high sure made breathing hard. How could the guests stand it?

The women there, none of whom Cheryl knew, wore the skimpiest outfits. Cheryl had thought her dress a bit risqué when she chose it for the party, but compared to what some of the women were wearing, her outfit looked fit for a saint.

She headed for the other side of the room, searching for Martha, but unfortunately, she needed to cross the crowded dance area. Not an easy feat because the couples moved provocatively as the sexy music urged them on. It took her some time, but she got over to the other end. No Martha in sight. Nor any other soul she knew. Great.

Drinks on the table at the corner caught her attention, and she walked over to get a glass of red wine. As she brought the glass to her mouth, the liquid began to bubble.
She dropped it to the ground, startled. She gazed around in embarrassment, fearing all eyes were on her, but the loud accident went unobserved to her delight. Or so she thought until a hand came to rest on hers when she bent to retrieve the shattered pieces of the glass. She jumped. Electrical heat instantly traveled from the contact straight to her cunt. Her legs weakened for a moment.

A deep, kind voice said, “Don’t. I’ll clean that up.”

She turned to see the most beautiful green eyes staring down at her. The handsome man looked familiar, but she couldn’t place his face.

“Do I know you?”

His smile widened, and his white teeth sparkled. My, she lost her breath for a moment just staring into his alluring face.

“No, I’m Shane.”

He gently pulled her up, then gestured with his hand to his left side where another man stood. “This is Thomas.”

My God, he had a twin. Could it be this gorgeous man had a twin just as handsome?

“Hi…ah?” Thomas extended his hand to shake hers, which now quivered from excitement.

Words slipped her mind as she melted, gazing into his eyes.

“I’m sorry, what’s your name?” he asked.

Gulping to lubricate her dry throat, she forced her vocal cords to respond. “Cheryl. I’m Cheryl Brete.”

Thomas grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips while his enchanting green eyes never left hers. “Well, Cheryl, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Once Thomas let go of her hand, which now tingled, Shane took it and brought it to his lips, mimicking his twin’s actions seconds ago.

“The same for me, Cheryl.”

Her legs shook with her giddiness. She tried to smile back. Her face cracked into a grin, but her jaw muscles didn’t seem to respond well, and she feared they stretched to extremes, making her face contort into Batman’s Joker.

A whispered, “It’s nice to meet you, too,” barely escaped her lips.

Shane crouched down and began picking up the shattered glass. Feeling guilty for her accidental mess, she started to bend when Thomas grabbed her upper arm.

“No, don’t. Shane can handle it.” He gazed around the loud, crowded room. “How about we go somewhere that isn’t so crazy loud?”

She nodded. Getting out of the chaotic party felt right. She could always come back in a little bit to find Martha or Carmen.


“Great.” Smiling, he tucked her arm under his. “Shane will meet us on the terrace when he’s done here.” He guided her out of the room through a long corridor into a bedroom with an open terrace. The white lace curtains blew inward as the wind from the open patio door pushed them. As they neared the door, the cold breeze cooled her body. Goose bumps formed on her arms and legs. Mmm, it felt so good.

Thomas stepped onto the terrace and offered his hand, which she took with no hesitation. The bright moon shone on them, and Cheryl swore his eyes sparkled red for a brief second.

He smiled and said, “Look at the view from here. It’s quite breathtaking.”

She did as he asked, looking around. A dark forest full of evergreens surrounded the terrace. It looked familiar, and her heart beat faster as an unknown anxiety mounted deep inside her.

Thomas must have sensed her stress, for he came closer behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

“Don’t worry, Cheryl. I’ll get rid of all the tension.” No sooner had his words registered in her mind than he began to rub her shoulders in a soothing manner.

Surprisingly, she didn’t pull away. Instead, she leaned on his strong chest, absorbing his calming, comforting movements. The tightness that had restricted her neck and shoulders slowly loosened. Oh, it felt marvelous. His magical hands and fingers could cure anything. She sighed in relief and rising pleasure.

He brought his lips to her ear. His heated breath on her neck made goose bumps of pleasure form on her neck and back. “You’re enjoying this, Cheryl?”

She closed her eyes and only nodded.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, then lowered his head more until his lips touched the nape of her neck. They felt like ice. She lost her breath for a second until her body absorbed the coldness and relaxed.

“I see Thomas didn’t waste any time.” Shane’s voice broke the brief silence. He stepped onto the terrace.

Her eyes remained closed because she feared if she opened them, then the heavenly sensations traveling through her aroused body would dissipate. She couldn’t have that, could she?

Thomas slid his massaging hands from her shoulders down to her back, inching his fingers down the center while he briefly lifted his head to respond to his brother.

“I was getting her ready for you, dear brother.”

She heard the words. She should have been mortified at what was happening. For God’s sake, they were complete strangers. But she wasn’t. No, to the contrary, she anticipated Shane’s participation in this activity. Somehow, her body needed them to touch her, kiss her. If they stopped now, she felt like she’d die. Her body ached for sexual release by them and only them.

The moment Thomas’s explorative hands reached her bottom, he caressed her ass cheeks through her tight dress. Her nether lips and clit quivered with ecstasy, and her panties dampened with arousing moisture seeping from her pussy.

Even though her eyes remained closed, she could sense Shane’s hungry stare follow the curves of her body, of her breasts, and her hips. It aroused her further.

When Thomas brought his hand to her front, lifting her dress and sliding his index finger under her drenched undies, he rubbed her clit in a circular motion while he nibbled her ear. A brief climax came upon her within minutes. Her body quivered as her heart beat in sync with her throbbing cunt and Thomas’s rhythmic rubs.

Her legs weakened for a few seconds as the climax traveled down her limbs. Just as quickly as it stopped and Thomas slipped his finger out of her panties, letting her dress drop back into place, she regained her strength.

She opened her eyes wide, and her breath lodged in her throat when ice-cold hands came to rest on her neck and chest. Shivers of arousal traveled through her entire body on realizing those sinful hands belonged to Shane. His grin widened as his deep green eyes sparkled, then he stared at her lips, licking his.

“Your lips look delectable.” He slowly moved his closer to hers, his eyes fixed on her mouth until they made contact. His cold lips molded perfectly with hers and his forward tongue caressed her lips, pushing them wider apart to enter her mouth to continue its curious exploration.

When it darted and danced with her tongue, she almost lost herself. It was as if it cast a spell on her. A spell of submission. Yes, yes, he could do anything to her now and she’d let him.

As if reading her mind, his hands came to the front of her dress, and he gently touched the top of her mounds exposed to the cool outside wind. Shivers of delight shot through her, and her nipples tightened and swelled as her bra become more restrictive. Slipping his finger and thumb into the garment and her lace bra, he touched her hardened nipple, tweaking and rolling it, and she sighed as tremors flowed through her.

Using that audacious finger and thumb, he tugged the elastic garment and bra lower until her left breast lay exposed to the cool wind. More goose bumps formed on her breast when it absorbed the chilled air.

He moved away from her lips and stared at her exposure. Lifting a brow in admiration, he uttered, “Perfection in all its glory.” Then he brought his icy lips to her neck and inched them downward until they surrounded her nipple.

“Ahhh,” escaped her, and she arched her back so her nipple could feel more of the intense coldness. He suckled it at first, then licked it with his rough tongue, circling it over and over again, until he returned to suckling, pulling, teasing, and gently biting it.
. She shivered, and her legs widened. Her cunt definitely wanted as much attention.

Her body’s actions didn’t go unnoticed by Shane. He obviously understood exactly what else she needed and lifted her dress up inch by agonizing inch, caressing her exposed legs and abdomen with his frigid hands.

When he had raised the garment up over her head, he let it drop to the ground. Sighing in apparent pleasure, he got on bended knees and slid her panties down and off her legs.

Cool air hit her exposed pussy when he pushed her legs wider apart. He brought his tongue to her clit and swollen lips.

Wetness leaked out of her from his ministrations as she moaned. He slipped his tongue into her cunt and brought it back out to rub her clit back and forth. Her legs buckled, and Thomas quickly brought his arms around her from behind to grab her. “I’ve got you, baby. And I’ll never let you go.”

Hearing those words soothed her, and she didn’t doubt them for a second. Thomas and Shane would always be there for her. Deep in her soul, she just knew it.

But just as her certainty solidified, she heard a wolf howl. She shivered in fright. Suddenly, Thomas and Shane disappeared. All that remained was the cool wind that turned into a scorching one. It whipped around her violently, and the terrace disappeared altogether.

Now in the woods, in the darkness, the obscured moonlight barely made her surroundings visible. The howling returned and with it came rustling. Screaming, she began to run, but her legs didn’t want to obey her wish.

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