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Authors: C.E. Hansen

It's A Shame (22 page)

BOOK: It's A Shame
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A strange expression flashed across his face. It was only a second and then his attitude adjustment kicked in and he was back to being Dean.

I was furious and about to let loose on him.

“Time to go.” Michelle stood between us, pushing Dean towards the door.

, are you going to look into it, follow up, or do I have to ask for another detective?” I had as much attitude as he did, and I could give as much as I got.

“I’ll look in to it.  Don’t get
your panties in a bunch!” he shouted over his shoulder.

Michelle turned and looked at me before closing the door behind her.

I knew that look.  It was her ‘I’ve had enough’ look.

The crazy son of a bitch that accosted me outside my shop right after Jonathan
tried to kill me was now working as a doorman in this very building.  Coincidence my ass! I was getting a very uneasy feeling. There was some sort of connection here and I was going to find out what it was.




A few h
ours later Cole called and said that he was on his way home and would explain everything then. I was dying to tell him what we had found out.

I waited patiently—
okay, not so patiently—for my door to open and Cole to walk in. So when I heard the key in the lock, I stood abruptly causing the chair I’d been sitting on, to scrape loudly across the tiled floor. 

I was aching to hold him, have him hold me.
I needed to feel safe. Somehow all the bad stopped when I was in his arms. I waited a second, then ten. Finally, I walked over to the door and yanked it open.


There was no one there. I looked towards the elevator and back down the hall towards Michelle’s apartment…nothing, nada, zip. I was about to shut the door when out of the corner of my eye I spotted it, another neatly taped plain box. I jumped back inside my apartment and quickly locked the door behind me.

Holy shit, this day just
keeps getting better and better…

called Michelle’s cell and tentatively opened the door as she came running down the hall holding her phone to her ear, her face reddening. It was plain to see she was angry. I tried not to listen as she spoke to someone, but was one hundred percent sure she was talking to Dean…no one else could get a reaction from that girl like he could. But right now we both knew Dean and father time, were the enemy.

had just run back to her apartment to turn her oven off and grab her shoes when I heard the elevator door open. Cole apparently arrived at the same time as the police, who were led by none other than Detectives Johansen and Verdi. I heard their voices in the hallway.

I peered ou
t the peephole and was able to make out Cole, who stood with his back to me, apparently talking to Dean and Detective Verdi. I was jumping up and down like a ten year old kid, hoping the anxiety I was feeling would somehow traverse the walls and
him hurry up. When I finally saw him turn around and walk towards the door, I took a step back and began jumping up and down, like a little kid who had to go to the bathroom. I was trying very hard to contain my excitement.

took one look at me when he walked in, and without a second’s hesitation, pulling me into his arms. The feeling of those arms wrapped around me could make all the wrong in my life right, he comforted me in a way no one, or nothing else, could.

baby, you okay?” he asked. He lowered his head and sunk his face into the crook of my neck. His nose nuzzled my neck and I heard him inhale deeply. “Holding you like this…” He inhaled again. “God, you feel so good, you’re home baby. Where ever you are is home.”

I physically felt my body surrender to the stress, and I began shaking like I had the DT’s. The tears streamed freely down my face. He pulled me closer to him molding his body to mine. We fit together like a hand and glove. I could feel the warmth of his skin radiate out of him and into me, and like Vitamin D he restored me, charging my batteries.

Putting off the inevitable I held him tightly,
my arms everywhere, rubbing his shoulders, his neck. I couldn’t get enough of him.  I raked my long nails down the length of his back.

“Mmm…don’t stop.”
He hugged me tighter.

There was a knock on the door and without
a moment’s hesitation it opened and Dean strolled in like he owned the place.

“You guys mind staying put until we finish this investigation?”

I turned to face him, hands on my hips glaring him down.

“There was another finger…doesn’t appear to be the same woman though.”
he said, almost apologetically.

he thought that this crazy bastard had another girl just killed me.

“How do you know this?” Cole asked.

“Different size fingers, this one is smaller. Different polish.” He looked at the two of us and said, “and the fact that this one is also a pinkie taken from the right hand. Unless she had two, we are looking at another potential victim.”

“Oh my God Dean, you have to find this girl. She
must be so scared,” I whispered. I could feel the nausea building. “She doesn’t have much time…” my voiced faded, my mind going into the dark places I hoped to never revisit.

“Why don’t you let me handle the speculating
okay? I’m the detective after all.”

I wanted to smack
that smug look off his face.

“Then go ‘
,” I charged turning my back to him. My frustration level was through the roof with this man.

He started to walk out the door,
but of course… had to have the last word. “Brooklyn homicide is working on the dead girl they found in Park Slope with the missing fingers. Told me their reports came back from coroner’s office, appears she died of a heart attack.” He said a little softer, “These guys are good cops, they already have a guy in custody, and the scumbag looks good for it. Two time sex offender, so have a drink, try to relax,” he said the last part looking directly at me.

For once I was speechless.

Relax, right…some fucked up guy is sending me some poor woman’s fingers for fun, and you say relax, make a cocktail…enjoy the evening. Easy to say when you have a nice big gun swinging from the side of your belt.  Shit, I’d have a heart attack too if some insane son of a bitch was cutting my fucking fingers off. Holy hell.




We lived each day as though we had minutes left together. Cole
was constantly in meetings with his lawyers preparing his defense in the likely event he was formally charged with Lauren Buckley’s murder. He also had another attorney working on getting sole custody of his son Kyle.

It was tense at home for a
while when it looked like Lauren’s father was throwing his gloves into the ring, attempting to get custody of baby Kyle as well. My heart broke for the man, losing his only daughter the way he did. Sad, angry, needing retribution…but Kyle belonged with his father. 

It wasn’t long before we heard from
Cole’s attorney. He advised Cole that he had taken care of all the loose ends. Explained to us that social services for the State of Colorado, City of Denver, were readying the paperwork to release Kyle over to Cole…to us.

I busied myself with preparing the nursery. I put the furniture
that was in the second bedroom into storage, all but one piece, a lovely gliding rocking chair. I thought it would fit perfectly with the décor.  I was a neutral sage green plush chair with gliding footrest. Perfect for those long nights of holding a baby and rocking him to sleep.

This was all
just temporary until the work was completed at 412 2
Avenue, and I had to busy myself with those thoughts rather than think about what was really happening in my insane, uncontrollable life.

I had the painters come in and paint the room a soothing yellow
. I wanted bright and cheery, the color of sunshine, and the new area rug I ordered was delivered this morning. Now all I was waiting for was the furniture I had bought.

Cole and I went shopping
and I picked out a gorgeous dark cherry four-poster crib with matching dresser, mirror and changing table. I also ordered a beautiful rocking horse, with an authentic leather saddle that I just couldn’t resist.

d just finished hanging the last of the wall art I purchased when I stepped back to admire the beautiful, elegant, serene room. I turned and ran my hand across the top of the custom bedding which was stacked neatly on the rocking chair. Reveling in its softness, and smiled, as I walked out closing the door behind me.

I was
astounded by how much I was looking forward to Kyle’s arrival.  In just a few days he’ll be here, in my arms. I was aching to hold him, love him and shower him with affection. I left the shop in Karen’s capable hands and took an extended family leave, planning on devoting myself to being a full time mother.

There would be n
o nanny’s in this home, like I had. I wanted Kyle to know family—his father and me. I was looking forward to being a mother as much as if it were the birth of my own baby.

Cole was
keeping busy with work, but I saw how his eyes glowed every time he mentioned his son, and it made me love him even more. With the suspicion of Lauren’s murder looming over his head, I was happy he had a diversion.

‘Aunt’ Michelle, had already gone nuts
shopping for the baby—toys, furnishings, handsome little outfits.  She needed to be reigned in before she bought every toy from FAO Schwartz.

literally had to stop my mother. She’d gone on a shopping rampage buying enough for ten babies. She was given specific instructions to leave it all at her home; I simply didn’t have enough room.

Yes, this part of our lives was falling into place nicely
. The rest was going to hell-in-a-hand-basket—as my father would say.
God I missed him





“Come on Dean… you
know this is bullshit!”

That was Cole’s voice
I heard shouting when I stepped off the elevator and walked towards the apartment, and he sounded angry as all hell.

I know it is, I don’t believe that you killed this Lauren Buckley, but shit Cole…I’ve got a job to do,” I heard a familiar voice say and then there was a second of silence. “Cole, give me something to go on here, someone who saw you, anything, so I can find who did this.” That was unmistakably Dean…
Oh yay

Looks like I
was walking into a hornet’s nest.

“What’s going on here?” I asked
as I pushed the unlocked door open and walked in tossing my purse on the bench.

having a discussion here.” Cole smiled weakly at me, but the tick in his jaw, as well as his reddening face gave him away.

ll.  I know that face. Tell me the truth.”

Dean stepped
out of the kitchen and walked into the living room, to afford us a little privacy.

Cole grabbed my hands and squeezed them. I
felt sick. I knew I wasn’t going to like what he was about to tell me.

,” he turned his head towards Dean, “are officially charging me for Lauren’s murder. Seems I’m their only viable suspect.” He shook his head and looked down at the floor.

My shock registered as m
y knees buckled under me. Thank God for Cole’s agility or I’d be on the floor.

“What….why…what proof
do they have?” I was in a tunnel, the noise was trying to squeeze through, but I couldn’t make out the words. I knew this was coming, and I thought I was prepared, but the thought of the police officially charging him, blew my mind. Poor Cole, he looked so tired, so haggard.

The door opened and Michelle walked in.

“Michelle, tell him…” I pointed towards Dean, “Tell him this is crazy, it’s impossible. Cole didn’t do anything to that woman.”

The words
came out of me with more venom than I intended.

She walked over
to where I now sat at the table and placed her hands on my shoulders. I looked up in time to catch the angry look she flashed Dean. “They don’t have a choice Grace. They found...” She looked away a second, then turned to Cole, and back at me.

caught the look on Cole’s face and he shut his eyes tightly, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers.
I knew that look too

Dean get me a cold bottle of water from the fridge,” Michelle instructed over her shoulder, not even bothering to look in his direction.

“Okay, what’s going on here?” I asked, my voice getting smaller.

Cole stepped up to the plate without a moment’s hesitation.

“They found my DNA
on Lauren’s body.” He looked up at the ceiling. “Actually, they found it
her body.”

I remember bolting upright. That’s about all I remember. I don’t know if I blacked out, or blocked it out, but my brain
sure as hell shut down.

I don’t know how I got over to the sofa, but a
bottle of iced cold water was thrust into my hand. Cole sat next to me, and Dean and Michelle sat across from me. If it weren’t for the terrified look on their faces, this picture could pass for a lovely gathering of four…well…three friends.

All the other evidence is circumstantial, they have a few eye witnesses who saw us arguing at the Waldorf. They stated in their affidavits they heard me raise my voice in a threatening manner. They have the papers,
they found in her purse, witnesses that saw us having a heated discussion outside on the street right before I left her there, very much alive I might add, before I walked to that bar. I never saw her again…dead

ole was talking to me. I heard the buzzing of words but was too numb to respond. It was like my brain was injected with Novocain, I could hear everything but was unable to participate in the conversation…until I remembered…

“They found your DNA…
in her
?” I shook my head violently trying to clear it. “Your sperm? They found your fucking sperm? Inside her?”

“Grace, you don’t believe for one second that I…
fucked…um, deposited it there?” I felt his gaze bore into me.

Cole I know didn’t do this. The Cole I know didn’t have sex with Lauren Buckley. The Cole I know would never do that to me…do I even know the Cole I think I know?

To say that Cole was agitat
ed was a grave understatement. He looked like he was just about ready to explode. He held his temper in check, barely. His fists were flexing open and close. He was trying very hard to hold back.

“For Christ’s sake Grace.”
He shouted sounding wounded.

“Did you…did you have sex with her?” I glared right back at him,
imploring him to tell me the truth.

“Of cour
se not…how could you even think…” He stood up and walked to the bar pouring himself three fingers of bourbon and draining the glass in less than three seconds. He slowly turned around to face me.

“I did not have sex with Lauren
, Grace. I despised the woman.” He looked at Dean. “But that does not mean I killed her.”

“Cole do not, under any circumstances
, talk about this to anyone. You understand me?” Dean stood. “No one.” Dean was definitive in his command.

, do I look like a fucking moron?” Cole was beyond angry. He was incensed. “Is it obvious to anyone else here that I’m fucking being framed.” He shoved his hands through his hair in exasperation. “Jesus fucking Christ.”

I don’t know where it came from, but it was there. My total belief in him, my total trust in him
, he did
do this. He would
do this. Someone was trying to hurt him, blame him.

Cole,” I slowly stood and said, my voice barely audible, “I know you didn’t do it. I
you’re innocent. I love you.” I waited a few seconds they repeated myself, “I love you.”

He looked at me
, and I could see the relief physically wash over him. The lines on his face vanished. The tension on his forehead faded. He gave me a weak smile.
God I loved that smile…even now.

“I love you
,” he declared, as if we were the only two in the room.

What about the bar? Didn’t someone see you there, notice what time you left?” I asked feeling a spark reignite deep inside me. I took a long sip from the cold water bottle Michelle had placed in front of me.

“That’s the problem
,” Cole said lifting his shoulders.

.  It looks like
doesn’t remember what bar he was in.” Dean interrupted, shaking his head. “A witness from the bar could give us reasonable doubt. Attest to the fact he was in a somber mood, not angry. But…” Dean rolled his eyes towards the ceiling.

really arresting him?” I spun around to face Dean and said calmly, while I was feeling anything but.

Cole is coming to the station tomorrow morning with his attorney and surrendering. He’ll post bail and be home by dinner time.” Dean sounded like he was explaining a football strategy to a room fool of women, quite sure of himself.

“But, he’ll still be arrested for Lauren’s murder, whether he is
in jail or not…right?”

“Yes.” Silence. “H
e’s being formally charged.” Dean had the good sense to look down at the floor when he said that.

“Fuck…Dean, can’t you do anything? Vouch for him, tell them
you know he would never do this?” I pleaded. “This could hurt us getting custody.” I knew I said too much as it rolled over my lips.

“That’s for the trial, Grace. They don’t care what I have to say, they
’d think, and rightfully so I might add, that I am prejudiced.” Dean hung his head and his shoulders slumped forward. He looked tired, exhausted, beaten. “I’m hopeful this won’t have any bearing on you guys getting custody of Cole’s son.”

BOOK: It's A Shame
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