It's Only a Movie: Reel Life Adventures of a Film Obsessive (38 page)

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Authors: Mark Kermode

Tags: #Film & Video, #Performing Arts, #History & Criticism, #Entertainment & Performing Arts, #General, #Great Britain, #Film Critics, #Biography & Autobiography, #Biography

BOOK: It's Only a Movie: Reel Life Adventures of a Film Obsessive
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The camera closes in on said quiff, delving into the hair like David Lynch’s extreme lawn close-up at the beginning of
Blue Velvet
which foretells great horrors
to come. Then we pull back to reveal that very same hairstyle, utterly unchanged, although now it adorns the head of our adult star (Jason Isaacs to the set, please) whose barnet has remained immovable despite the passage of time and the ageing of his face.

After which we’d get the movie, which would be pretty much what you’ve just read – or ‘skimmed’, as is apparently popular. Then, as the end approaches, we’d come to the crucial scene in which La Jolie (played by herself – as a favour to me) compliments Jason’s hair in the most fulsome manner. He laughs nonchalantly but then, unexpectedly, seems to retreat into his own inner world. As the crowd of technicians and cameramen scuttle on the outskirts of the frame, we follow Mr Isaacs back to his dressing room where he sits silently in front of a mirror and takes out two old battered tins – one red, one blue – and places them on the table before him.

Slowly, the music starts to swell and as it does so we see Jason staring at his own reflection in the mirror, the distorted sounds of childhood taunts echoing around his head like the creepy kids’ nursery rhyme (‘One, two, Freddy’s coming for you …’) in
A Nightmare on Elm Street
. As we watch, the reflected image of Jason’s face dissolves into a nostalgic scene of the previously awkward kid striding boldly through the school corridors, ignoring the jeers of his classmates, safe in the knowledge that his hair is immaculate and they are all just idiots.

He is right, they are wrong. End of story.

At some point the kid looks over his shoulder, straight
into the eyes of his older self, and winks. Then the camera pans down from the mirror on to the tins of pomade, and the credits roll …

‘Sponsored by Dax and Sweet Georgia Brown Fine pomades for a life free from frizz’



Despite its rampagingly egotistical nature, this book has benefited hugely from the input of others so, in the manner of Kate Winslet’s Golden Globes speech, I would like to ‘
’ and say thank you to:

Linda Ruth Williams, who lived this movie with me, and then had to live it all over again (and
) as my uncredited producer, script-editor, assistant director, sound mixer, and test audience.

Hedda Archbold at Hidden Flack, for her wise guidance and repeated use of the phrase ‘don’t worry, I’ll sort it out’ – which she invariably did.

Sophie Lazar at Random House, for being an exemplary editor who endured endless ‘tweaks’ and demands for ‘a bigger chainsaw’ with unflappable finesse.

Geoff Andrew, Mariano Baino, Nick Cooper, Nigel Floyd, Ed Glinert, Nick Jones, Simon Mayo, Saul Rosenberg, David Shulman, Andy Spinoza, Sarah Ward, and Tim Worman for reading (and correcting) the parts of the story which they remember far better than I do.

Craig Lapper and Sue Clark at the BBFC for being constantly available to answer ‘just a very quick question…’

Kim Newman, for his encyclopaedic film-fact checking; and Alex Archbold Jones for knowing his cannibals.

And Jason Isaacs.


3-D films


28 Days Later …

2001: A Space Odyssey


Accused, The

Adams, Derek

Adams, Douglas

Adventures of Pinocchio, The

Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn, The

After All
(TV series)

Aguirre: Wrath of God

AileenWuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer

Airport ’75



Allen, Woody

Alton, Roger

Amityville 3-D

Amputee, The

Anderton, James

Andress, Ursula

Andrew, Geoff

Angel Heart

Another 9
/2 Weeks
Love in Paris


Antique Records Roadshow, The
(radio, 1981–94)

Apocalypse Now

Argento, Dario


Athens J. D.
see Lawton
J. F.



Azov, Paul



Bad Lieutenant

Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans

Badalamenti, Angelo

Baez, Joan

Baino, Mariano

Baker, Danny

Baker, Diane

Band Aid

Bannister, Matthew

Bark, Andrew

Barker, Clive

Basic Instinct

Basic Instinct 2


Bates, Simon

Battle for the Planet of the Apes

Battleship Potemkin

Bauer, Michelle

Bava, Mario

Baxter, Biddy

Bay of Blood
Twitch of the Death Never

Bay, Michael

BBC4 World Cinema Award for Outstanding Achievement

Beatty, Ned

Beckett, Samuel

Bee Gees

Belle de Jour

Beneath the Planet of the Apes

Bergman, Ingmar

Beyond the Valley of the Dolls

Birdsall, Jesse

Birkin, Andrew

Black, Jack

Blade Runner

Blair, Linda

Blair Witch Project, The

Blank, Les

Blatty, William Peter

Blood Sucking Freaks
The Incredible Torture Show

Bloom, Orlando

Blue Velvet

Boat That Rocked, The

Body Double

Bolt 3-D

Bonnie and Clyde

Boorer, Boz

Booth, Simon

Born Innocent
(TV movie, 1974)

Boston Strangler, The


Boxing Helena

Boyle, Danny

Boyle, Ed

Boyle, Peter

Bradsell, Michael

Bragg, Billy

Brambles, Jakki aka Jackie

Brando, Marlon


Brass, Tinto


Breakheart Pass

Breaking the Waves

Brewer-Giorgio, Gail


Briggs, Jon

British Academy Film Awards (BAFTAs)

British Board of Film Classification (BBFC)

Brittan, Leon

Broadcast News

Bronson, Charles

Brooks, Albert

Brooks, Mel

Broomfield, Nick

Brosnan, Pierce

Buddy Holly Story, The

Bullmore, Amelia

Burchill, Julie

Burden of Dreams

Burning, the

Burroughs, William

Burstyn, Ellen

Burton, Tim

Buscemi, Steve



Cameron, James

Campbell, Ramsey

Cannes Film Festival

Cannibal Apocalypse

Cannibal Ferox

Cannibal Holocaust

Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death
Piranha Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death

Cape Fear

Carpenter, Karen

Carpenter, Richard

Carrie: The Musical

Carnal Crimes


Case, Brian

Castle of Frankenstein

Castle, William

Cattrall, Kim

Cera, Michael

Chained Heat

Chambers, Marilyn


(book, John Wyndham)

Cimino, Michael


Cinematograph Films (Animals) Act (1937)

Citizen Kane

City Life

City Limits

City of the Living Dead

Clapton, Eric

Clarke, Arthur C.


(radio, 1995–7)

Clockwork Orange, A

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