It's Only Make-Believe (3 page)

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"Is that what this is about?"

"Hmm?" Sebastian took a bite and a big dollop of jelly plopped on to his desk. "Oh, damn. I'll go get a paper towel to clean that."

He disappeared through his office door, and she watched his every move. She sat down in the chair in front of his desk.

What was wrong with her? She was acting like a teenager with a crush on a rock star.

Okay, so Sebastian was a gorgeous god. She'd always known he was good-looking. All he did was put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. No reason to hyperventilate. Taking a deep breath, she tried not to look at the desk where he'd spilled the jelly.

The truth was she'd had a dream last night where he fucked her right on that damned desk. She woke up sweating and her pussy wet. It had been so vivid. Neither of them had even gotten completely naked. He'd pushed up her skirt, ripped her panties off, pulled down his Armani dress pants and pushed inside her. Remembering the dream and wanting 24

It's Only Make-Believe

by Shawn Lane

him to take her on that very jelly-clad desk wet her pussy all over again.

What was taking him so damn long anyway?

Mel got up and walked out into the hall. Sebastian sat on the edge of Shelly's desk, his arms folded and showing off his biceps. He was laughing at something Shelly said. And Shelly had pulled her blouse down to show extra cleavage.

Gritting her teeth, Mel approached them. "What happened to the paper towel?"

Sebastian paused in a chuckle. "What?"

"A paper towel to clean up the jelly."

"Right," he said once again in that cool British accent. "I forgot. Hey, Shell, I need something to clean up jelly."

Shelly gave him a sunny smile and pulled out some anti-bacterial wipes. "These should do it. I can clean it up if you want."

"No, no, I have it. Can you check to see if that conference call is still on? Let me know, thanks."

He grabbed the wipes and went back to his office. Damn she felt foolish, but Mel followed him.

He smiled quizzically when she followed him in. "Was there something?"

"This is because I told you about loosening up Saturday night, isn't it?"

"Maybe you were right. I'm feeling pretty good, actually."

He smeared the jelly with the wipe and tossed it in the trash nearby.


It's Only Make-Believe

by Shawn Lane

She didn't know what to say to that, and the truth was she liked the sight of him in the jeans too much to make a fuss over it.

"So, I was thinking," she said, trying to be casual, "we should go out again."

"Okay. When?"

"How about tonight?" Boy, did she sound desperate. Well, why not? He was a man; she was a woman. Neither one of them were actually in a relationship with the person they were in love with. What was wrong with a hot affair anyway?

"Sure, where do you want to go? Where will Luther see us?"

Crap. How was she going to explain this one? Tonight isn't about Luther; it's about us getting naked?

"Let's go wherever the woman you want might see us. I owe you after Saturday."

Sebastian looked away toward the window and didn't say anything for a while. Finally he smiled. God, he had a beautiful smile.

"All right. She works at this little Italian place not far from your house. I'll pick you up at—"

Before he could give her a late time, she hurried to say,

"Six. Let's go at six."

"Six?" He frowned.

Yes, I want plenty of time to seduce you

"Got something to do?" she asked innocently.

"No, six it is."

* * * *


It's Only Make-Believe

by Shawn Lane

Sebastian had no idea which waitress working at Paolo's he would choose to point out to Melody. He knew she would ask.

"Good evening, Paolo," Sebastian greeted the owner as they walked into the dimly lit restaurant.

Kincaid!" The owner, a portly man in his seventies, embraced him. He eyed Melody. "Oh, you brought your girlfriend."

"Yeah," Sebastian said with a grin. "Nice table."

"The best," Paolo promised. "Such a pretty girl."

Melody laughed and followed after the owner as he headed into the main part of the restaurant.

After sitting down and ordering some red wine for the two of them, Sebastian buried himself in the menu, hoping Melody would forget to ask.

"Which waitress is the one you have the hots for?" she asked immediately.

He lowered his menu reluctantly and glanced around the restaurant. He knew the wait staff. He'd been coming to Paolo's for years.

"She doesn't appear to be working tonight." He raised his menu again.

"I have to say I'm a bit surprised, Sebastian. I wouldn't have thought you'd be that interested in a waitress. Not that there's anything wrong with being one. My family did all right, but they also wanted me to learn responsibility, so I put myself through both college and law school waiting tables. I guess I view you as—"

"A snob." He nodded. "Yes, I'm well aware of your opinions of me."


It's Only Make-Believe

by Shawn Lane

Melody had the grace to look a bit chagrined. "Not a snob exactly."

"Stuffy, unable to loosen up. Doesn't that cover it?"


Sebastian sighed. "Forget it."

"Hi, Mr. Kincaid," the waiter greeted them, bringing their glasses of wine to their table. "Are you ready to order?"

* * * *

Dinner had been very nice, but now he was driving her home. Melody tapped her fingers on the arm rest in his Lexus.

She'd actually been glad the waitress he wanted hadn't been there. Seeing the type of woman he was attracted to might have squashed any chance of sex with him.

Mel knew she wasn't unattractive, but she was curvy, no skinny-minnie. Most white guys she knew wanted women who were model thin, and that didn't describe her by any stretch.

She liked to think she was rounded in all the right places.

What a disappointment it would have been to confirm Sebastian was like the rest of those guys she'd known.

The problem now was what if he just dropped her at the curb with a yawn and a "See you tomorrow"? It wasn't like she could have said at dinner, "Hey, how about some hot sex when we're done?"

Imagining his face if she
said exactly that to him made her laugh.

He glanced at her quizzically. "What's so funny?"


It's Only Make-Believe

by Shawn Lane

The car turned down her street, edging ever closer to her house.

"Just imagining your reaction to something," she said honestly.


Oh, hell.
She could either be coy and ask him in for coffee or throw coy out the window under the Lexus's tires.

He pulled in front of her house and turned to look at her.

"I wondered if you'd like to come in and have hot sex with me."

Sebastian stared at her in silence for so long Mel decided she had made a huge mistake and should open the car door and crawl out.

He cleared his throat. "Um ... what?"

"Forget it." She reached for the door handle.

"No, wait." Sebastian's hand closed around her wrist. "Are you serious?"

Mel knew it was now or never. She could laugh it off as a joke and hope Sebastian laughed, too, and they could forget it ever happened. But the truth was she did not want to laugh it off.

"I'm completely serious, Sebastian. But I understand if you're not interested. It's no big deal." After all he worked for her firm. It was completely inappropriate and possibly unethical.

He made a little half-choking noise. "Oh, I'm interested."

Mel licked her lips, her pussy clenching in anticipation.

"Well, then, why don't you park the car and come on into the house?"


It's Only Make-Believe

by Shawn Lane

* * * *

Sebastian clicked the automatic locks on the Lexus and tried to resist the urge to run to Melody's front door. She'd gone in ahead of him while he parked.

Approaching the door, it occurred to him rather belatedly he had no condoms with him. Lord, he prayed Melody did.

Of course he knew she was only using him because she couldn't have Luther. Sebastian knew he should say it wasn't a good idea and go home. Hell, it could ruin their relationship, and he might even have to leave the firm if things between them soured too much.

But he was also a guy, and he knew very well he was going into the house to have sex with Melody.

He tapped lightly on the partially open front door. "Hello?"

"Come in, Sebastian."

Maybe it was because his cock was hard and stabbing against his briefs, but to his ears, her tone sounded low and sultry and made his balls tighten. Swallowing heavily, he stepped into the house, then closed the door behind him.

"Lock it, will you? Want a beer?"

Her voice came from what he guessed was the direction of the kitchen. He was standing in a large cozy living room with dark hardwood floors and an oversized brown leather couch.

Across the room was an archway.

"No, thanks." He walked through the archway and into the kitchen. Melody was bending down to place a dish of cat food in front of a large orange tabby.


It's Only Make-Believe

by Shawn Lane

She straightened and smiled. "Sorry, Ginger has to have her dinner first."

"Of course."

She opened the refrigerator and returned the can of cat food. "Are you sure you don't want something to drink?"


Melody held out one of her manicured hands, and he clasped it. She tugged him through a second doorway in the kitchen and down a hall that led past a couple of bedrooms and a bathroom, then to the last room on the right.

"I ... um ... don't have any condoms," he admitted. He glanced at the queen-sized bed beckoning in the middle of the room. If she didn't have any, he would offer to drive to the drugstore and buy a package.

Melody linked her arms around his neck and pressed her full, round breasts against him. "Don't worry, Sebastian. I've got two full boxes."

Though he was glad to hear it, he briefly wondered if she'd been stocking up in anticipation of taking Luther to her bed.

He was losing it. Did he really care why she had them?

"Sebastian?" She yanked just a little on a hunk of his hair.

"Hmm?" He gazed down into her chocolate eyes.

"Kiss me."

[Back to Table of Contents]


It's Only Make-Believe

by Shawn Lane


Sebastian really did know how to kiss. Damn near curled her toes. Melody had always noticed his sensual lips. Well, she realized she'd noticed them now, anyway. And damn if she weren't comparing his kisses to Luther's. Which actually wasn't fair. She and Luther had only ever shared friendly kisses and never passionate. She had wanted to change that.

Hadn't she?

Sebastian's tongue slipped in between her lips to mix with hers. He tasted of mint gum. She rubbed her breasts against his chest, wanting him to feel her erect nipples. Mel decided then and there they both had on way too many clothes. She was itching to feel his bare muscles.

She sucked on his tongue, drawing it farther in, learning the taste of it ... of him. She reached for the hem of his skin-tight black T-shirt, inching it up over his abs, feeling the warm male skin. Wetness pooled between her legs.

"Mmm," she moaned around his tongue. He pulled at it and she reluctantly allowed him to have it back. Man had an amazing tongue.

"Here, let me," he said. With a swift movement, he shrugged out of the shirt and tossed it on the floor.

Mel took a moment to drool ... stare at his muscular chest and sculpted abs. Her gaze raked over his torso and to his biceps.

Lord, talk about man-candy.


It's Only Make-Believe

by Shawn Lane

How had she missed this guy working at her law firm?

Well, she really hadn't missed him. She'd known he was attractive, but she was a partner and didn't date white guys.

Yet here she was. Straight past dating directly to taking him to bed.

"Am I the only one getting naked?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Oh, hell, no." Mel pulled the jersey knit dress up over her head and threw it on top of his shirt. She wore only her plain white bra and a rather average pair of pink striped panties.

Not exactly "let's have sex wear." It was embarrassing, but nothing to be done about it.

She linked her finger into the waistband of his jeans and tugged. "Now these."

He grinned somewhat crookedly and undid the snap.

"Maybe I need a little help with the zipper."

Mel laughed. "I think I'm beginning to see you're a tease, Sebastian."

With one hand she cupped the obvious bulge in his jeans and with the other she slowly lowered the zipper. She slipped her hand inside the pants and then into his navy blue boxer shorts.

"Oh, shit," Sebastian said when she raked her nail along the shaft. He nuzzled her throat, kissing and then sucking at her pulse.

After a few moments of enjoying him kissing her neck, Mel planted her lips on his as her finger now swirled around the tip, rubbing in a drop of pre-cum. Her pussy clenched, 33

It's Only Make-Believe

by Shawn Lane

anticipating the feel of that cock thrusting in. Melody pushed his jeans and boxers down his thighs.

"Off," she urged against his mouth.

"Okay," he agreed, "but that means something comes off you, too."

Melody reached around her back to unclasp her bra, never taking her gaze from Sebastian. In her thirty-two years she'd seen her share of naked men. Good-looking ones, too. But damn, Sebastian had nice, muscular thighs. The cock straining toward her was pretty nice, too. He stepped out of his pants and left them in a wrinkled pile at his feet.

She inched the bra straps off her shoulders, enjoying the way he was watching her just as closely. Her breasts were larger than she would have liked them to be, but at least she could pride herself in that they were still fairly firm for someone in her thirties.

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