
Read Ivormantis Online

Authors: Alice Brown,Lady V

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotic, #Paranormal

BOOK: Ivormantis
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Number III of
Dragons of Dragonose
Alice Brown, Lady V
JK Publishing, Inc. (2014)
Tags: Erotic, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance

  Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences.  Contains language and actions some may deem offensive.  Sexually explicit content.  MF

  In book three of the Dragons of Dragonose:  Left badly injured from the horrific attack on Dragonose and in need of time to recover, Dominic follows his best friend, Blain Barrymire and his mate, Natasha, to their Iceland castle.  At the castle, Dominic is in a constant struggle with his dragon, Ivormantis, who is stir crazy from not being allowed out.  As if fighting to get back to his original warrior ability isn't enough, his mate shows up, adding to his despair because she fears him.

  Meldamiriel, who is out of options, and running for her life, runs to the only person she has left, Natasha.  She arrives at the castle with vampires hot on her heels, leaving her no time to think about the man who is staying at her friend's home—even if he is her mate.

  When fear has ruled her life for so long, will Meldamiriel be able to overcome it to accept what fate has given her—a dragon shifter?  Does Dominic win her heart only to lose her as evil moves in to gain the power his mate wields?  Or will Meldamiriel face those who wish to harm her and prove to everyone why fate chose her to hold such power?







Dragons of Dragonose

Book Three


by Alice Brown and Lady V


© Copyright August 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.

ISBN #9781310992827

All cover art and logo © Copyright August 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

All rights reserved.


Edited by Jakie Vis Vires

Artwork by Jess Buffett

Published by JK Publishing, Inc.



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To Heather, this book is for you. I know you have been waiting patiently for us to finish. Thanks for all of your help!




Table of Contents






Chapter One


Chapter Two


Chapter Three


Chapter Four


Chapter Five


Chapter Six


Chapter Seven


Chapter Eight




On the Menu


Books by Alice Brown


Books by Lady V


Excerpt from Sapphamire


Excerpt from A Special Gift


JK Publishing, Inc.





How far can one person run? How fast can one person run? Sooner or later, no matter what, you reach the end of the line. That was exactly what Meldamiriel thought as she quickly made her way to Dragonmire Castle where she hoped and prayed she could seek true safety and sanctuary. Her friend, Natasha, had promised her she would be safe there. She just had to get there. The Russian vampire clan led by Bullock was after her and hot on her heels. If it wasn't for the force of wind she had on her side, there would be no chance of her ever out-running the blood-thirsty creatures of the night. Then again, if she wasn’t an Omega Elf, wielder of all four elements, she wouldn't be in the position in the first place. No, she would be able to live out her life peacefully like a normal person. However, she wasn’t normal, and therein lay the problem.

She had the ability to control all elements; earth, wind, air, and fire. She could even shapeshift into any animal she wanted to. That didn’t mean she was safe. In fact, the exact opposite was true. Creatures of all supernaturals had been after her blood for as long as she could remember. It seemed everyone was greedy and wanted the ultimate power, that was assumed, she possessed. All she wanted was a chance to live a normal life.

Though she feared large, scaly, fire breathing dragons—
really, who wouldn’t
?—she knew she could trust her friend, Natasha, to keep her safe from any harm. And since she literally had nowhere else to go, no one else to turn to, she supposed getting help from dragons was now her best bet at surviving. At least they were one of the few paranormal creatures that hadn’t tried hunting her down.

She ran so fast she sped right past her friend, Natasha, and her mate, Blain. But there was another dragon shifter with them, one she didn’t know. For reasons she couldn’t name, she felt a pull toward him. But she couldn’t stop now. She knew the vampires were close, too close. She had to seek shelter in the castle, and fast!

As she came to a screeching halt at the front door of the castle, she could hear the conversation behind her. Just as the hairs on her arms began to stand up in warning, she heard one of the dragon shifter men behind her breathe out the warning, “Vampires.” She pounded frantically at the front door, even though in the back recesses of her mind, she knew Natasha and Blain were coming up behind her.

The big, heavy doors opened and she pushed past the person on the other side with little thought.
There, she made it
. She collapsed on the floor in a heap, trying to catch her breath and relieve the twitch in her side. A moment later, Natasha came crashing through the doors and skidded to a halt beside her, throwing her arms around her friend. “Meldamiriel, are you okay?”

Still trying to catch her breath, she managed a nod, and then pointed to the double doors. “I was followed.”

Natasha pulled her friend up to a standing position before replying, “I know, but you are not to worry. Blain has many guards; you are safe here.” She turned her friend away from the door and toward the stairs. “Let’s get you settled into a room and then you can tell me what’s going on.”

They went up the stairs arm in arm. Goodness was she tired. As Natasha opened the door to a guest bedroom, Meldamiriel felt ashamed of her appearance. She didn’t need a mirror to know she looked awful. She’d literally been on the run for the past three days. There was no time for sleep, the luxury of a shower, or even clean clothing. She was barely able to grab a few morsels of food here and there to keep her going. She suspected the vampires had planned it that way. They knew with the element of wind on her side that they couldn’t outrun her. But they must have figured if they kept on her long enough, and didn’t allow her time to rejuvenate her body, sooner or later she would start wearing down. Then they would have her right where they wanted her.

She looked around the pristine room and shuddered. She needed a bath, food, and a nap, in that order. Thankfully, her friend seemed to be able to read her mind. “The bathroom is through the door on the right. Go ahead and take a good, long soak while I try to gather up some clothes for you and see about some food.”

Meldamiriel walked into the embellished bathroom and leaned over the huge tub. Turning on the faucets, she filled the tub and added a bit of bath salts she found nearby. Stripping out of her nasty clothing, she looked down at them in disgust. They would probably need to be burned. Climbing into the hot water that faintly smelled of roses, she turned the faucets off and leaned back, closing her eyes.


Chapter One


Natasha waited until her friend had closed the door to the bathroom to take off and see to other preparations.

She ran back downstairs looking for Sophie, one of the assistant cooks. She had chatted with the young woman prior to leaving for Dragonose and had asked her to secure some clothing for her friend in preparation of her coming. She knew Meldamiriel would come; it was just a matter of when. She found the young woman in the kitchen placing food on a tray.

“Ms. Natasha, how good it is to see you! I heard we had a visitor and I assumed it was your friend. I have all of her clothes in my room. If you allow me to deliver the tray up to her, I’ll go fetch the clothing next.”

Natasha smiled at the young woman. “Sophie, go ahead and get the clothes and meet me in the guest suite. I’ll take the tray up myself.”

Natasha carried the tray upstairs and knocked lightly on the bedroom door before entering when she received no response. She sat the tray down and walked over to the closed bathroom door, knocking lightly again and calling Meldamiriel’s name. When she received no response, she frowned and reached for the door handle, thanking the powers that be it wasn’t locked.

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