J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets (151 page)

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Authors: Curt Gentry

Tags: #General, #Biography & Autobiography, #United States, #Political Science, #Law Enforcement, #History, #Fiction, #Historical, #20th Century, #American Government

BOOK: J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets
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Dickinson, Angie, 490

Dies, Martin, 235, 240-42, 303, 344

“A Digested History of the Federal Bureau of Investigation” (Nathan and Appel), 73

Dillinger, John, 114, 167, 168, 171-74,
251, 252, 253

Dillon, Paul, 457

DiLorenzo, Anthony “Hickey,” 534

Dirksen, Everett M., 407

Doar, John, 485

Dodd, Thomas, 407, 409, 591-93

Dondero, George A., 386, 396

Donner, Frank, 212
232, 284
443, 621

Donovan, Robert J., 350, 392-93, 394

Donovan, William J., 74, 152, 153, 176, 318, 366, 391, 404,

death, 460-61

Dulles and, 417-18

FBI file on, 734-35

in Justice Department, 133-36, 142, 145-46, 147-48

OSS and, 266, 267, 268, 294-95, 311-16, 324-26

Dorwart, Jeffrey M., 153

double agents, 270-71, 272

Douglas, Boyd F., Jr., 665

Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 402

Douglas, William O., 403, 410, 411, 426, 473, 627-28, 629-31

Downes, Donald, 268, 295

Doyle, William, 201

Draper, Theodore, 80

Drinnon, Richard, 187, 188, 237

Drury, William, 333

Duchin, Peter, 646

Duckstein, Jesse, 128

Dudman, Richard, 624

Duff, Ed,

Duggan, Laurence, 355

Dulles, Allen W., 229
295, 380, 392, 417-19, 434, 549
554, 555, 556, 562, 563

Dulles, Eleanor, 267, 409

Dulles, John Foster, 349
380, 408, 409,

Dunlop, Richard, 147, 148, 266

Dunphy, John P., 737, 738, 745

Durkin, Martin, 146-47

Eagleton, Thomas, 588

Early, Stephen, 140
181, 225-26, 227, 278, 309, 314, 316, 317

Eastland, James O., 407, 408, 430, 586, 627, 661, 707, 715, 717

Eban, Abba, 599

Edwards, Don, 758

Edwards, Sheffield, 492

Egan, Arthur, 727

Egan, James, 132

Ehrlichman, John, 27
28, 37
45, 617-18, 624, 625, 626, 638, 639, 640, 646, 661, 684
685, 690, 691
693, 696, 701, 716, 747, 748

Eikenberry, Peter G., 711

Einstein, Albert, 410, 423

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 65, 401, 403, 427, 436, 437, 442, 445, 449,

FBI file on, 440-41

Hoover and, 403-5

Eisenhower, Mamie, 49

Elia, Robert, 104

Elliott, Charles “Chuck,” 669

Ellsberg, Daniel, 36, 37, 638
684, 685, 693, 748

Elman, Philip, 323

Elson, Edward L. R., 42, 49, 50, 67, 723, 736

English, Chuck, 534-35

Ernst, Morris L., 233-37, 311
386, 387, 438-39, 446

Ervin, Sam J., Jr., 679, 706, 734

Estern, Neil, 681

Estes, Billie Sol, 559

Estill, Robert,

Estill, Wallace, 748

Evans, Courtney, 191-92, 474, 480, 492, 494, 527, 528, 532, 533, 536, 548, 551, 560, 582, 583, 596

Evans and Novak, 688, 710

Evers, Medgar, 566-67

Farley, James, 181, 228

Farmer, James, 575

Fascist threat against America:

coup plans, 201-5

FBI investigation of, 204, 205-11

Fast, Howard, 409

Faulk, John Henry, 559

Fauntroy, Walter, 575

“The FBI” (TV program), 448-49, 580-82

The FBI Nobody Knows
(Cook), 387

The FBI Story

The FBI Story
(Whitehead), 81

writing of, 445-46

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):

ACLU criticisms of, 136-37

ACLU investigation, 140-41

aliens, roundup of (1941), 277-78

espionage case, 338-40

attorney general’s responsibility for, 142-43

basic policies (Stone), 127-28

Bentley espionage case, 340-47

books about, 73, 386-88, 445-46

break-ins, policy on, 282-84, 593-94

bribery of agents, 644

Bridges case, 245-46, 263

Brunette case, 195-97

Buchalter case, 218-21

Catholic agents, 347

Catholic radicals case, 665-67

censorship programs, 278-79, 281-82

chain of command, 129

CIA, penetration of, 392

CIA liaison with, 418, 645-46

CISPES surveillance, 758-59

civil rights movement and,
civil rights movement

civil service exemption, 156, 215

Communist movement, surveillance of, 206-11

computerization of, 589

congressional investigations of, 182-87, 679

congressional liaison, 376-77

Coplon espionage case, 367-73

corruption in, 740-47, 751-52

counterintelligence programs,

creation of, 70

crime laws of 1934 and, 169

Custodial Detention program, 213, 229-30, 244

Dillinger case, 171-75, 177

domestic intelligence, authorization for, 206-11

draft exemptions for agents, 279

electronic surveillance headquarters, 633

embassies, surveillance of, 229

employees, number of, 279

equipment purchases, 459, 740-42

esprit de corps, 146-47

Evers case, 566-67

executive conference, 687
688, 689, 749

Fascist threat, investigation of, 204, 205-11

female agents, 133, 747, 755

files of, 67, 103-4

courts’ access to, 370-71, 449-50

press reports on, 718-20

see also
files of J. Edgar Hoover

films about, 178-79, 446-47

fitness program, 461

Floyd case, 175

foreign police, training of, 415

funding for, 116, 182-87, 193-94, 325, 380
408, 603-4, 617, 664, 676-77, 682, 714

General Intelligence Division (GID), 111, 212-13

German saboteurs incident, 287-93

ghetto informant program, 602

government personnel, background checks on, 298-300

Gray’s directorship, 38, 41-44, 747-48

“great purge” of 1924, 128-29

guidelines (Levi-Kelley), 756-57, 759

hired guns, 169-70

Hiss case, 360-64, 365-66

homosexual agents, 755

Hoover’s appointment as assistant chief, 109-11

Hoover’s appointment as director, 124-27, 142-44

Hoover’s death, 23, 25-26

Hoover’s retention as director (1933), 156-58

HUAC and, 240-42, 353-55

INLET (Intelligence Letter) program, 641

Interesting Case (IC) Memoranda, 179

ITT memo incident, 715-17

Jenkins incident, 578-80

Jesus investigation, 395

Jewish agents, 336

Johnson, political espionage for, 577-78

Johnson’s enemies, intimidation of, 561-62

Kansas City massacre, 168-69

Karpis case, 188, 192-93, 194-95

Kelley’s directorship, 748-52

Kennedy, John, assassination, 496, 497

investigation of, 541-42

Warren Commission, 552-57, 584-85

Kennedy, John, surveillance of, 467-69, 470-72

King, investigation of, 501, 505-6, 527-29, 567-76, 578, 599

Laboratory, 132

language school, 279

Latin-American operations, 295-96, 326, 391-92

liaison offices, closing of, 645-46, 655

Library Awareness Program, 759-60

Lindbergh kidnapping, 149-51, 160-63

Liuzzo murder case, 585-86

loyalty investigations, 355-56

mailings, anonymous, 571-73, 575-76, 619, 622

mail-opening program, 282, 412, 594-95

mail routing system, 53

Mann Act enforcement, 114-15

Masonic lodge, 148-49

Media (Pa.) documents incident, 674-76, 713

microphone surveillance (bugging), 285-87, 393, 406-7, 456-60, 481-83, 532, 583, 584, 593, 594-95, 645, 714

minority agents, 39, 280, 670, 755, 757-58

name for, 180-81

National Academy, 414-15

national emergency list, 504

“near-fatal” attack on (1940), 213-14, 216, 222-23, 224

Nixon administration wiretaps, 632-40, 672-73, 689-90, 695-97

“not to be contacted” list, 223

organized crime investigations, 328, 330-32, 455-60, 529-34

organized crime’s penetration of, 644-45

OSS, surveillance of, 267-68

OSS agents in, 295

Oswald case cover-up, 543-47

paternalism of, 26

pension program, 335

Pentagon Papers case, 684-86, 692-93, 748

plant protection system, 279

police departments and, 146, 413-17, 419

president, protection for, 181-82, 561

presidential appointees, background checks on, 616-17, 626-27

presidential elections:

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