Jade's Awakening (Delacourt Saga Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Jade's Awakening (Delacourt Saga Book 1)
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She wanted to let Seven know she had feelings for him, but she was scared. What if he didn't feel the same?

She finally realized what she needed to feel whole. She vowed--not a Voltic vow, but a vow from her heart—that if she ever had a chance again with Seven, she wouldn't blow it with stupid jokes or snarky comments. She'd dare.




The breeze blew Jade's black curls into her eyes. She walked to the park where she said she'd wait for Seven. This area of the park was secluded and surrounded by trees. She sat on the park bench and waited. She tapped her fingers along the wooden seat and watched ants devour a piece of bread.

The sunset shifted to night within minutes, it seemed. She sighed.

She heard footsteps.

She clasped her hands and looked up. Seven walked towards her. Her heart felt full, but then she felt ashamed for wanting him so much, for needing him so much. She wrapped her heart back up in its shell, waiting for a sign from him that he felt the same for her.

His face was tense. He seemed all business. Then, under the wings of the dark night, he smiled.

Jade knew that this was her time. She stood up and walked toward him, then hesitated. She bit her lip and ran into his arms, not caring if she was making a fool of herself. Hell, she'd done worse in the last two days. She held his face and touched her lips to his. She felt him pull her close. Her heart felt alive. "I thought they killed you."

He pulled back to look at her then met her lips with a softer kiss. "No chance. I've wanted to kiss you like that for so long."

"Me, too." She brushed her fingers through his brown hair and frowned when she saw the cut at his hairline. "What happened to you?"

"Alejandro and the Faction happened to me. Let's not let him steal this moment from us."

"Okay." She smiled and touched his face, tracing his cheek and his jawline. She'd wanted to do that for so long. To just touch him.

He looked deep into her eyes and pulled her into his arms.

She ignored the fear and gave in to the pull of longing and love. She felt a sweet sadness mix with the swirling elation that invaded her senses, and whispered, "I‘m so glad you're here." She wanted to say more but she didn't dare. Not yet.

"Me too," Seven said. His breath hitched.

They rested their foreheads together and basked in the moment.

Jade heard fast footsteps approaching. She stepped back when she saw Alejandro approach.

"I brought a friend," Alejandro said, pointing to a tall woman by his side.

"Hello, Jade. I'm Bex, and I'm getting tired of you," she said. The eyes of the small animals that were used to make her dress glinted under the park's lamp posts.

"She's not responsible for any of this." Seven said.

"Shut up, supernatural. My mom died because of one of you. They killed her for sport. The doctor said it was a wolf attack, but I know better." Alejandro said with his teeth clenched. He held a metal pipe in his hand and swung it around. "Back up, Jade."

Jade could feel her body react before she could control it. Her hand shot up and she ripped a branch off the tree near her and flung it at Alejandro's legs.

Bex threw a knife at Jade and it hit her in the shoulder.

"Aaah!" Jade screamed as the blade pierced her skin. Jade lifted her hand and removed the knife from her shoulder, "You shouldn't have done that, Bex. How about you just turn around and leave?"

Seven lunged at Alejandro and hit him with a right hook.

Alejandro fell back, wiping the blood from his mouth. He picked up the metal pipe on the floor and swung it.

"You shouldn't exist. Supernaturals have no place on earth."

Seven jumped out of the way of the pipe and knocked Alejandro down with a kick.

"I'm not letting either of you hurt Jade. You killed my brother." Seven said, pointing at Bex.

“He was a fairy and you’re a shapeshifter. You were never brothers, really.” Bex laughed.

Bex approached a few steps closer. She changed her hair a brilliant red and her eyes matched. "And you.” She motioned towards Jade, “How dare you think, with your half shapeshifter blood, that you can take my place?"

"I won’t let you get away with killing David, but I’m not after your throne. I just want to be normal," Jade said.

"Really? That's not what the legend says. It says you want my throne as Fairy Enthrall." She leaned closer, "Why don't you stay and let me strip the skin from you both, piece by piece, like I did to Wyle this morning?"

Jade stepped closer. “You didn’t.”

“Oh, yes I did. Right after Alejandro told me the poisoning I suffered was the Disorder’s doing.”She touched her chin and said, “I’ve got a great idea; I’ll kill you both and end this tonight.”

Jade ignored the pain in her shoulder. She gripped the knife in the air and said, “I have a better idea." Jade flung the knife and it landed in Bex's leg.

"Aaaiee! You’ll pay for this. Do you know how many animals I had to kill to make this dress?" She pulled the knife out of her thigh and barely flinched. She tossed the knife and it stopped in midair. It swung like a pendulum between Jade and Seven. Bex’s eyes darted between them. “Who will it be? You or him?”

"No!" Jade screamed. Seven was fighting with Alejandro and had his back towards Bex. They wrestled on the floor, exchanging punches.

Seven jumped to his feet and convulsed. He began to shift. Alejandro pushed Seven towards Bex.

Bex looked at Jade and nodded, "Oh, yes. I killed David, why shouldn’t I kill Seven, too?" she said with relish. Bex catapulted the knife into Seven's back.

He fell and returned to his natural form. The knife protruded from his back. He lay on his side.

Jade lifted her hand, throwing Bex into the bushes. She ran to Seven's side.

Bex jumped to her feet and stood near Alejandro. "No need to bring her in yet. I feel like a cat that has a new toy. Let her squirm just a bit longer before I go for the kill."

"The Faction wants her today," Alejandro said.

"To hell with the faction. I'll contact Mikas. He's a hunter, he'll understand. This is too good to end quickly; I like to savor my kills. Seven’s not going to die. He’s just in pain. You'll learn one day, human."

"I don't like this," Alejandro said.

"Look at her. I think those are authentic tears. Hmm. I'll never be that weak."

Seven looked up at Jade. "Go, Jade, before she changes her mind. I have to keep you safe. I’ll live through this. I won’t let them win. Go," Seven said.

"I can help you. I don't want to leave you again." Jade said through her tears.

"Look in your bag. I shoved a map in there for you. I’ll find you," he whispered. He clenched his teeth and managed to stand.

"No, I won't leave you." She clung to him.


Jade picked up her duffel bag with tears streaming down her cheeks. She pointed towards Alejandro and Bex. “I’ll get you both for this.”

Jade looked at Bex and sensed the chase was just beginning for her. She watched her every move and stepped back. Bex stepped closer. The evil fairy's breathing was shallow and her eyes were dilated.

Jade's heart pounded as she realized Bex was going to chase her. She felt her face partially shift and shook her head, hoping it would go away. She had to run, not shift.

"Run, shapeshifter, run," Bex said, laughing. She clapped, "Oh, but I love a good chase."

Jade didn’t dare move.

Although injured, Seven lunged towards Alejandro and Bex, knocking them both down. “Run, Jade!”

Jade stole a glance at Seven and then jetted deeper into the park through a large stand of trees.

Bex flung Seven into the bushes and said, “I’ll deal with you another time. Now, I need to get rid of my competition.” She sped off behind Jade.

Jade heard Bex’s panting behind her and had to use everything she had to run faster. She ran for her life, racing past trees, weaving through the dark night. She tripped over a fallen tree and jumped to her feet, hoping that fall wouldn’t cost Jade her life. She continued running and was slashed by branches. She wouldn't stop.

"I'm going to catch you and watch you die. You will not take my place, Jade. Never!" Bex yelled.

Jade stopped behind an oak tree and held her breath.

"I'm a fairy, stupid, I have heightened senses. I can smell your lavender shampoo a mile away. Give me a challenge." Bex said.

Twigs snapped. Jade knew the evil fairy was too close. She took a chance and ran, hoping she wouldn't run into Bex.

A breeze swept by Jade and blew her hair up. She felt a searing pain on her arm and realized she was cut.

"Did you like that?" Bex slashed the air twice with her long nails. “I’m a fairy, stupid. I don’t fight like a human.”

Jade remained silent. She had to escape.

"Imagine that times a million; I can make that happen. Just give up. You know you're no match for me."

Jade picked up a branch and held it out to defend herself. Her shoulder ached and the lashes from Bex’s nails stung. She fought through the pain. Her eyes helixed and turned a deep purple. She thrashed the tree branch wildly. Her nails dug deep into the branch.

Bex’s eyes glowed red in the darkness.

Jade swung the branch hard and heard Bex hit the ground.

Bex raced to her feet and her hands turned a bright red. "Nice eyes, shapeshifter. I don't like to lose, so I hope you’re ready to die."

Jade felt the shift happening faster this time. It was a familiar feeling. She stripped her clothes off and felt her jaw elongating. Her spine extended and her shoulder blades transformed into wings. The pain wasn't as bad but still radiated through her entire body.

She flapped her wings and snapped a tree in half. She saw Bex in the clearing and swooped low, grazing Bex on the arm, just as the fairy had done to her.

"I heard about this, but I didn't believe. A dragon?" Bex fell to the ground and crawled towards a tree.

Jade descended to the grass and blew air out of her nostrils.

"If you kill me, then you'll be just like me." Bex's eyes were wide with fear.

Jade let out a roar and lunged towards Bex, lashing the air with her claws.

Bex gasped and hid behind the tree. She escaped into the darkness.

Jade shapeshifted back to her natural form. She walked to her strewn clothes and dressed. She knew she wasn't a killer, but now she would continue to be hunted by Bex.

She walked towards the street lights and ended on a busy street in Atlanta. She looked behind her and was relieved she had finally lost the evil fairy.

* * *

She caught a cab and headed for the nearest bus station. She headed to a white tiled public bathroom and was glad to be the only one in there. She had to stop the bleeding. She reached into her duffel bag and tied a t-shirt around her shoulder. She opened up her makeup bag, hoping she had some of her mother's special potions or sand. Nothing. She held her hand on her shoulder wound and focused. The sharp pain reduced to a dull ache. She sighed. She removed her hand. The wound wasn't completely healed, but it was much better.

She opened up her duffel bag and looked through the things Nina gave her. She pulled out the map and realized there was a circle over a spot in Oregon. "It's better than hanging out in a public bathroom for the rest of my life."

Jade boarded the bus and slept. Every time the bus driver stopped, she opened her eyes, not trusting who would walk on, but then the lull of the tires against the road soothed her. She wondered what her next step would be and realized she had time to think, since she had a four-day trip ahead of her. She used her duffel bag as a pillow and divided her time between worrying about Seven, reading the old book Nina gave her, and sleeping.

By the time she was near Portland, Jade knew more about shapeshifters, the legend, and what her awakening entailed.

"Union Station!" A boy yelled. He exited the bus with his mother and father.

* * *

It had been hours since her last stop. She felt dirty and needed a shower. She was glad she was safe but would have preferred an airline flight. It would have been faster, but she couldn't risk being found by those who chased her.

The day was so blue it almost hurt her eyes. The bus stop was in the heart of Portland. She slid her sunglasses on and walked to the nearest coffee shop.

She was about to sip her perfectly-made café latte when she heard her name.


She looked up and saw Seven. He was alive, and he was here in Portland.

She stood up, almost knocking over the pink table. "I was crazed with grief and panic,” she said. 

"I made it out, barely, “he smiled and stepped closer.

"Are you really here?" She hoped this wasn't a dream. She came to the conclusion that those near her always got hurt. She was worried about putting him in further danger. She warred with her emotions and managed a smile. She kept her hands in her pockets and didn't hug and kiss him like she ached to do.

"Nina's here, too, she's waiting by the car."

Jade looked out of the window and saw Nina.

"How'd you find me?" Jade asked. Her mind raced and she finally said, "Was she tracking me the whole time?"

"Yeah," he said with a wince. "I know the ride here was brutal but she cautioned against interfering with your trip. The last thing we wanted was for Bex to find you."

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