Jaided (19 page)

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Authors: Ashley Rose

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Jaided
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She sighed and succumbed to sleep again, confident she was going to be nightmare free.

They awakened four hours later by an unexpected knocking on the door. It was Alex and Grr asking if they wanted to go to dinner.

“We came back early.”

By the time they had dressed, eaten dinner in the sparsely populated dining room staffed by a fall break skeleton crew, hung out with the gay couple and returned to their room, it was 9 o’clock.

"Tired?" Blaize asked her. “Nothing like being alone, eh?”

"Not even close."

"Good." He wrapped an arm around her and bent down to kiss her.

"Hold up there, pal. Remember our deal?"

He groaned. "Aww, come on Jaide."

"Fair is fair."

He stepped away from her. "Fine, so what do I have to do?"

"You? Nothing. Just lie down. I'll take care of the rest."

"But ... still no sex, right?" he asked.

"Right," she assured him. "Now lie down."

Blaize did as she said, flopping down on his back.

Jaide followed him down, kissing him smoothly. His hands found her waist but she pulled back. "Nuh uh." She placed his hands at his sides. "No touching." She pulled his shirt off quickly.

"Shit." He clenched his fists. "I think this is going to be harder than I thought."

"That's the idea." She trailed a hand down his chest before stepping back and removing her own shirt. She smoothed a hand down her own body and dipped her hand under the waist band of her jeans, knowing Blaize was watching her.

Blaize let out a slow breath, shifting on the bed.

Jaide removed her hand and turned around. Unbuttoning her jeans, she slid them off. Bending over, she picked the jeans up off the floor, purposely giving Blaize a nice view of her backside.

After straightening her body slowly, she crossed to her dresser, pulled out her massage oil, returned to the bed and straddled him.

"Ooo, massage oil?" he asked.

"Actually," she squeezed some onto her hand before rubbing it on his chest, "It's massage oil and personal lubricant." Her hand skimmed low on his abs and Jaide felt his hip muscles clench under her legs.

She grinned and bent down to kiss him. She barely brushed her lips against his before moving onto his neck. She was just teasing him, copying what he had done to her.

Blaize was doing a good job of keeping his hands to himself though. He had his sheets clenched in both fists now, keeping his arms tense.

She pulled back after nipping at the skin of his neck. "Look at you, being all controlled."

He nodded. "What? Trying to break me or something? Good luck," he teased.

"Oh, I'm not gonna break you. You made me say please. It's your turn."

"Go for it, sweetheart. But don't hold your breath," he challenged with a playful look on his face.

She just grinned and unbuttoned his jeans. He held his breath as she pulled down the zipper. She wanted to laugh when she saw the bulge in his black silk boxers. He was already getting excited. She pulled his jeans all the way off and tossed them on the floor.

Once his jeans were off, she sat on him again, rubbing the massage oil up and down his torso, teasing him with kisses here and there.

She entangled a hand in his hair and kissed him roughly, her lips pushing against his and her tongue pushing into his mouth boldly.

His entire body responded. Every muscle tensed up and his hips pushed off the bed in an effort of get closer to her. He had the sheet in a white knuckled grip to keep from touching her, not sure how long he could keep it up.

Jaide pulled away, looking satisfied.

"That all you got?" Blaize teased, breathless. "Come on."

"Yeah, yeah, be quiet unless it's to beg."

He smiled at her spirit. Relaxing back, he waited for her next assault and hoped he could handle it.

She bent down to kiss his chest again, but this time she purposely kissed close to his nipple. Getting a good response from him, she brushed her lips against it.

She heard him drag in a breath, and knew it was turning him on. She boldly kissed the nipple and gave it a taste before biting it gently, pulling it into her mouth.

"Jesus Christ." Blaize breathed out.

Jaide pulled away. "Oh, sorry, is that going to be a problem?" she teased. "I can stop doing it if you want."

"Jaiddde." His hips shifted under hers and she felt his erection on the inside of her thigh.

"What was that?" she asked, playing with his other nipple with her fingers.

He just groaned and shook his head, trying to stay in control.

She rubbed some more of the cinnamon massage oil onto his torso before leaning down to give his other nipple the name treatment. Kissing, nipping and tasting, that was her game plan.

Her ministrations were definitely doing it for him. Jaide unfolded her body so she was now lying against his side instead of straddling him.

She was propped up on one elbow and teased a nipple with her fingers again. "They're really sensitive for a guy."

He nodded, his chest heaving now.

She stooped her head to kiss his neck sensually, sucking on his soft skin and then biting hard enough to leave small bruises. All the while, her hand caressed his lower abs, occasionally brushing against his erection, accidently on purpose.

"How's this doing it for you?" she asked, brushing her lips against his. "Good?"

"Yea ... you know ... it's ok." He pretended it wasn't fazing him but knew his rapid breathing was giving him away.

"Just ok?" she asked, knowing he was lying.

He shrugged, not trusting his voice again.

"Hm." Jaide abruptly slid her hand down his boxers, but instead of going for what he expected she found his femoral artery. "Your pulse is going pretty fast though. Are you sure it's just ok?"

"Jaaaide." He was breaking down.

"Yes?" she asked calmly, massaging the skin of his inner thigh just as he had done to her the night before.

He seemed to fight with himself mentally for a moment, but when her hand left his boxers, he cracked. "Please."

Jaide grinned. That’s what she had been waiting for. She reached behind her and took his hand, forcing it to release the sheet so she could pull it around her body.

"Now remember, this can only go where I allow, right?" she squeezed the hand.

He nodded in agreement, making eye contact with her. The passion in his eyes made Jaide tingle all over.

She looked away. Instead, she watched his hand as she guided it across her stomach, waist and up between her breasts.

Blaize groaned, tipping his head back so he couldn't watch.

Jaide guided his hand over a breast, making him twitch. She allowed his hand to explore on its own a little, slipping one finger under the material of her bra.

"Watch it," she warned, pulling the hand up to her face. She allowed him to cup her cheek before she kissed the tip of his thumb. She opened her mouth a little, slipping the digit between her teeth. She sucked on it lightly.

Blaize moaned loudly but he had nowhere he could move to. He didn't want to move away and he couldn't move closer. There was nothing he could really do in response so he just pulled his knees up so they were bent. She imagined that his toes were curled tightly.

She felt satisfied by the reaction but wanted more. She drew the thumb all the way into her mouth, sucking on it harder this time.

Blaize panted heavily and surged his hips off the bed. She could tell he was fully erect now.

She slowly pulled the finger out. "You like?"

"Yes," he gritted.



"Yes what?"

"Yes, please."

Satisfied, she decided to give him some more to see how far she could push him. She moved Blaize’s hand down, all the way down to slide in between her legs. She pressed it tightly against her, and he moaned again. Keeping his hand where it was, Jaide leaned down and pulled his nipple into her mouth again.

Blaize panted heavily. His fingers pushed against the fabric of her underwear. "Jaide ... I can't ..."

She kissed his jaw softly. "Can't what?"

"I can't wait much longer." He gasped when Jaide pushed his hand deeper between her thighs.

She decided she had gotten her revenge by now so she put his hand back on the bed behind her and moved on to her final endeavor. She rubbed some more of the massage oil between her hands and slipped one into his boxers.

He immediately tensed up and grabbed her wrist automatically.

Jaide kissed his chest. "Relax, babe. I'm taking care of it."

He took a deep breath and let her take control, doing his best to relax.

Jaide worked him for a while. When she sensed he was going to finish, she let off a little, to draw it out longer. He wasn't having it though. A hand gripped her ass tightly, letting her know she needed to finish it.

She took the hint and helped him release, only too happy to comply.

Every muscle in his body contracted and stayed that way for a good five seconds, until he gasped and went slack. He closed his eyes and tried to catch his breath. After a moment of collecting himself, he opened his eyes and looked at her.

She smiled, anxiously awaiting his response to the whole thing.

He didn't say anything, just smoothly rolled her over onto her back and kissed her tenderly. The kiss wasn't demanding or wild, like she would have expected after the action that they had just had. It was slow, methodical and passionate. His hand supported her head gently as his tongue caressed hers.

When they finally pulled apart, Jaide smiled. "Soo ... ?"

"Jesus, Jaide, that was… God, I hope I made you feel as good last night as I feel right now."

"Oh you did, trust me."

"I do trust you," he said quietly.

She smiled up at him. "That means a lot. Thank you. I'm working on my end though."

"Not a problem, take all the time you need," he assured her. After kissing her one last time he slid off the bed, standing a little shakily. "I'm gonna take a quick shower, clean up."

Jaide wanted to ask if she could join him. After all they had done, they still hadn't really seen each other naked. "I ..."

He waited for her to continue. "Yes?"

"Can I join?"

"In the shower?"

"Yea ..."

"You know this shower stall is way smaller than the one at your house. And we're not in bathing suits this time."

"I know ... just offering."

He stepped back. "Jaide, if this is to ..."

"It's not, not to get sex. I'll be careful. I just want to shower with you. I mean, we haven't really seen each other naked but we might as well have."

"Ok, but I've just never showered with anyone before, not really."

"No big deal, only if you want. It's just that I'm the one that got you all messy in the first place, right? It's only fair I should have to clean it up."

He smiled at her rationale. "That's true, I guess ... alright, come on."

Jaide leapt off the bed and they entered the bathroom together.

Jaide immediately stripped and entered the stall, giving him a little privacy. "Take your time. I'll get the water warm."

A minute later, he entered the stall, closing door behind him. The stall was small enough that they had to stand close together to keep from touching the cold tile walls.

Jaide stood on tiptoe to kiss him, hoping it would loosen him up. It worked. He leaned forward a little and one hand touched her hip tentatively.

She stepped back after a moment and touched the knobs to the shower. "Mind if I turn it up hotter?"

"Go ahead."

She did, until it was at a temperature she liked it, causing the shower to steam up. She looked up at him for approval and he nodded, dropping a kiss to her cheek.

She picked up his body wash and lathered her hands. She washed his shoulders and chest, moving downward slowly to make sure he was still comfortable. She washed between his legs carefully. She knew he wanted himself clean but didn't want to be aroused right now. She didn't want him to think she was trying to trap him into having sex. She finished and repositioned herself so the spray could hit his torso and rinse him. Using her hand she made sure all the suds were washed away.

She looked up again, checked his face to see if anything was amiss. His still gaze met hers with complete adoration. He touched her cheek gently with his fingertips and leaned down to kiss her deeply, yet softer then she thought possible.

He was going to have to be careful or he would get her excited.

He seemed to sense this also and pulled back. It was his turn with the body washes now, except hers was vanilla scented.

Jaide had showered with guys before and she had been touched by guys before, but never before had a guy showered with her and still managed to touch her so respectfully.

He washed her upper body slowly. He washed her stomach, ribs and shoulders carefully before slipping his hands very gently over her breasts, like he knew exactly how sensitive they were to his touch. He was extra cautious around her nipples, only brushing over them gently with his thumb. When he was finished, he was careful not to let the pressured spray hit her directly on her chest. Instead, he made sure it hit just below and he used his big hands to bring the water up and smooth the suds away.

Jaide was amazed at how gentle he had been. He really was a fascinating guy. Just last night, he had been demanding and rough, to a certain extent. He knew exactly where the line between pleasure and pain was and he kept a safe distance. She was never worried that he would cross the boundaries. He would push them, but only in the right context and even then, she always felt secure, never afraid. And now, here he was, being so tender and respectful it almost made her want to cry.

She heard, "Jaide ... Jaide?" Blaize had been trying to get her attention for the past thirty seconds.


"You were spacing. Everything ok?"

"Yes sir, sorry."

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked.

"No, no. The opposite, actually. I was just being amazed at how careful you are."

"You were gentle with me. Of course I'm gonna be gentle with you," he said, as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

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