Jane Goes Batty (16 page)

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Authors: Michael Thomas Ford

Tags: #David_James Mobilism.org

BOOK: Jane Goes Batty
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A couch upholstered in hot pink velvet was positioned against one wall of the trailer. Chloe lay on it, her head lolling to the side and one arm hanging off, the fingertips touching the bright pink shag carpet that covered the floor.

“Is she …” Jane started to ask.

Julia shook her head. “No. At least I don’t think so.”

“You didn’t check?”

“I make movies,” said Julia. “I’m not a paramedic.”

Jane rushed to the couch. “Call 911,” she ordered Julia.

Julia fished a cellphone from her pocket.

Something caught Jane’s eye. Just below Chloe’s left ear were two small puncture wounds.

“Don’t make that call!” Jane barked.

Julia, startled, paused with the phone in her hand. “Why not?”

Jane thought quickly. “Because,” she said, “you don’t want any publicity, remember? If you call an ambulance, this will be all over the papers.”

“But she needs help,” Julia said.

“She’s okay,” Jane lied. “Or she will be. She just needs some looking after. I have a doctor friend who can come. Nobody will know.”

Julia nodded. “That’s probably a good idea. Smart thinking.”

“Go out there and tell everyone that Chloe is fine,” Jane said. “Tell them she just fainted. I’ll call my friend.”

Julia opened the trailer door and slipped out. A moment later Jane heard her speaking to the onlookers. Quickly she dug her phone from her purse and called Byron.

“I can’t believe you,” she hissed as soon as Byron answered. “I thought we were trying to
drawing attention to ourselves.”

“What are you talking about?” Byron asked.

“You know very well what I’m talking about,” said Jane. “I’m in Chloe’s trailer.”

There was a long pause. “Is there more to this story?” Byron asked.

“She’s been bitten,” said Jane. “Don’t tell me you didn’t do it.”

“I didn’t do it,” Byron said.

Jane hesitated. “Are you sure?” she asked.

“I think I would remember something like that,” said Byron.

Jane glanced at Chloe’s still form. “Then I think you’d better get over here.”

Byron promised to be there as soon as possible. No sooner had Jane finished speaking with him than Julia came back into the trailer.

“Okay,” she said. “They bought it. Now what?”

“Now you go back to work,” said Jane. “My friend will be here
in a few minutes. The more normal things look to everyone outside, the better.”

“Right,” Julia agreed. She glanced at Chloe. Jane had rearranged the girl on the couch so that she indeed looked as if she were sleeping peacefully. “Is she really all right?”

“Yes,” Jane assured her, although she was not at all sure this was the case.

After Julia left for the second time, Jane tried to wake Chloe by gently tapping her cheeks. When that achieved nothing, she tapped harder. Still the girl didn’t wake up. Jane felt for a pulse and was relieved to find one. However, it was very faint.

Hours seemed to pass, but finally the door opened and Byron slipped in.

“Did anyone see you?” Jane asked.

“Some of us know how to stay invisible,” Byron said dismissively. “Now what’s this about someone being bitten?”

Jane showed him the marks on Chloe’s neck. They were almost completely healed, but there was no mistaking their purpose.

“You didn’t do this?” Byron asked Jane.

“Of course not!” Jane said. “This is something I would expect of
. After all, you were flirting with her at the barbecue last night.”

“Well, I didn’t do it either,” said Byron. “And I flirt with everyone. You know that.”

There was a lengthy silence. “Do you think it was Our Gloomy Friend?” Jane asked, voicing what she knew they were both thinking.

“It’s possible,” Byron said.

“You did say you sensed danger,” Jane reminded him.

Byron nodded. “But I was almost certain it had nothing to do with her,” he said, sounding angry.

Jane looked at Chloe. “Is she going to be all right?”

“Unfortunately, no,” Byron answered. “She’s too far gone.”

Jane, horrified, turned to him. “She’s going to die?”

“Either that or end up insane,” said Byron. “Whoever did this drained her too much. If she survives, her mind will be gone. She’ll spend the rest of her life having horrific visions. Frankly, she’s better off dead.” He hesitated before continuing. “Of course, we could always turn her.”

Jane was shocked. “Turn her?” she said. “Into a vampire?”

“Those are the options,” said Byron. “She can die, she can go mad, or she can become a vampire. I’ll let you choose.”

“Why me?” Jane exclaimed.

Byron sighed. “Because—as loath as I am to admit it—you have the greater character. Were it up to me, I would finish her off. However, I realize that there may be reasons to choose otherwise.”

Jane sat in one of the chairs near the couch. She didn’t know what to think. If Chloe died, there would be an investigation. Also, she would be dead. If she lived, she would be insane. That was, frankly, a bigger problem. Being dead was unfortunate, but being insane created the possibility of further disaster.

Jane sighed. “We have to turn her,” she said.

Byron raised an eyebrow. “You’re certain?” he asked.

“No,” Jane said. “I’m not at all certain. But do it anyway.”

“You’re going to do it,” said Byron.

“Me?” said Jane. “Why me? I didn’t do this to her.”

“Neither did I,” Byron reminded her. “And you’re going to turn her because you need to learn how.”

“No, I don’t,” Jane objected. “I’m never going to turn anyone, so I don’t need to know how.”

“Turning also increases your powers,” Byron told her. “You need all the help you can get. Besides, this is a perfect opportunity. The girl is already nearly dead, so it’s not as if you’re killing her. Well, not exactly. At any rate, you’re saving her.”

Jane looked at Chloe’s face. “Well, when you put it like that,” she said.

“Now that that’s settled,” Byron said, “come here. I’ll show you what to do.”

Jane moved to the couch, kneeling on the floor beside Chloe.

“It’s just like feeding,” Byron said. “Only keep feeding until her heart stops.”

“What then?” asked Jane.

“Then you have to feed her some of your blood,” Byron answered. “Don’t you remember what happened when I turned—”

“I’ve tried to forget,” said Jane. “Apparently it worked.”

Byron sighed. “Well, haven’t you seen the movies?”

“I never know what’s true and what isn’t,” said Jane. “There’s no need to be mean about it.”

“Just bite her,” Byron ordered. “There’s not much time.”

Jane took Chloe’s head in her hands and gently turned it away from her. Closing her eyes, she clicked her fangs into place. Then, before she could stop herself, she leaned down and bit into the soft flesh of the girl’s neck.

She couldn’t think about what she was doing. Instead, she shut her eyes and imagined herself in her childhood room, tucked into bed beside Cassie. It was dark, and outside the house a storm thundered. Jane was frightened, and Cassie was comforting her.

Sleep, my child, and peace attend thee
, Jane sang silently as Chloe’s blood slipped down her throat.
All through the night

She thought about Cassie holding her, and imagined her sister’s warm breath against her face.

Guardian angels God will send thee,
All through the night
Soft the drowsy hours are creeping
Hill and vale in slumber steeping,
I my loving vigil keeping
All through the night

Jane felt the life drain from Chloe’s body. The girl’s heartbeat thudded in Jane’s ears like the slow steps of a giant.

While the moon her watch is keeping
All through the night
While the weary world is sleeping
All through the night

The flow of blood slowed. Jane clutched Chloe to her, forcing herself to keep feeding as she rocked the girl to sleep.

O’er thy spirit gently stealing
Visions of delight revealing
Breathes a pure and holy feeling
All through the night

The flow of blood slowed, then stopped altogether. Jane ceased sucking and sat back.

“Is she …?” she asked.

“Yes,” Byron said. “Now quickly, feed her. It’s easiest if you use your wrist.”

Jane hesitated only a moment before biting the underside of her wrist. As blood poured forth she pressed the wound to Chloe’s lips.

“How long does it take?” she asked Byron.

“Not long,” he said. “You’ll know when it begins.”

Jane waited. Her wrist ached. Then she felt a gentle sucking, and she realized Chloe’s lips were moving against her flesh.

“There she goes,” Byron said.

The sucking increased. It was accompanied by a strange
sensation—a kind of dizziness—that filled Jane’s mind. It began as a faint feeling of confusion, but the more Chloe drank from Jane’s wrist the stronger the emotion became. Suddenly Jane was frightened. She tried to pull her wrist away.

“No,” Byron commanded, his fingers closing on her wrist and holding it against Chloe’s mouth. “Remain still.”

Jane fought him. The dizziness had become an overwhelming sense of falling, as if she had tumbled from a great height and was turning head over heels on the way to her death. Colors rushed by her, and her ears were filled with the sound of voices laughing maniacally.
I’m going insane
, she realized.
And I can’t stop it

Around and around she spun, her body thrown like a rag doll in a tornado. She screamed, although no sound came from her throat. Then, just before her mind went completely blank, she felt Byron pull her arm away from Chloe’s mouth. She collapsed on the floor, heaving.

Byron took her in his arms. “Just breathe,” he told her. “It will pass.”

Jane allowed herself to sink into his embrace. The spinning of her mind slowed, and piece by piece she felt herself come back together. The dizziness faded away until she felt almost herself again. She opened her eyes.

On the couch, Chloe had also opened hers. She turned her head and looked at Byron and Jane. “Where’s Ned?” she asked.

“Ned?” Byron said. “Who’s Ned?”

“Ned from the barbecue,” said Chloe, trying to sit up. “He came over this morning and brought me those.” She nodded at a vase of pink roses that sat on a table opposite the couch. “He’s really sweet.”

Byron looked at Jane. “Ned from the barbecue,” he said, a hint of anger in his voice.

“Ned,” Jane repeated. Her brow wrinkled. “Wait. I thought Ted was the vam—”

“Ned had to go,” Byron said loudly, drowning her out. “But you’ll see him later. Right now you need to rest.”

“Why?” said Chloe. “I feel fine. Just a little hungry.” She ran her tongue over her teeth, which were still stained with blood. “Actually, I’m starving.”

Jane looked at Byron. “Now what?” she mouthed.

She saw a change come over Byron’s face as he looked into Chloe’s eyes.
He’s going to glamor her
, she thought.

“Chloe, you need to rest now,” Byron said in a soothing voice. “You’re very tired.”

Chloe yawned. “You know what? I am. Maybe I’ll take a nap.” She snuggled into the couch and closed her eyes. “Wake me for my scene,” she said. A moment later she was asleep.

“I didn’t think we could glamor other vampires,” Jane said.

“She’s new,” said Byron. “There’s still enough human in her to respond.”

“I must say, this doesn’t seem to be terribly traumatic for her,” Jane remarked. “I remember my turning as being much more dramatic.”

“It’s different for everyone,” said Byron. “Believe me, when she wakes up and realizes what she is, there will be drama. I can tell. In the meantime, we have to get her to my house so I can look after her. The first day or two will be the worst.”

“But she’s expected on the set,” Jane reminded him. “What will I tell Julia?”

“Tell her Chloe needs rest, and to shoot around her.”

Jane suddenly remembered something. “And what about Ted?” she asked.

“Ned,” Byron corrected her. “I plan on having a chat with him as soon as I see to this young lady. But first we need to get her out of here. If I carry her, I can make us both invisible. See if the coast is clear.”

Jane went to the door and peered outside. Nobody was out there, so she opened the door and stepped out. As she did she saw
a flash of movement to her left. She turned her head just in time to see a tiny tail disappearing around the side of the trailer.
It’s just a dog
, she thought with relief.

Then she looked down. In the dirt around the stairs were several sets of footprints, all of them different. But there was also a set of paw prints, and there was something peculiar about them. At first Jane couldn’t make out what it was, but then it dawned on her.

There were only three of them.

” J
as she looked up at the parlor windows of Walter’s house. The sills were just about at the height of her head, and even standing on her tiptoes she could not see into the parlor. Byron, taller than she, had a better view, but not by much. “Is she in there?” Jane asked.

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