Jared: Red, Hot, & Blue, Book 4 (6 page)

BOOK: Jared: Red, Hot, & Blue, Book 4
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It was just one orgasm, but it felt so right, so real, so natural to be sharing it with Mandy. To be in her and feel it right along with her. His feeling of satisfaction turned into a yearning to have her again…and again.

He suddenly very badly wanted to be in the nice comfy bed with her. “Hold on to me.”

She still had her arms and legs clasped around him. She showed no signs of letting go so telling her had been probably unnecessary. He lifted her and walked them both to the bed.

A bit of maneuvering and the use of a lot of leg muscles and he had lowered her gently to the bed. He even managed to get them there without tripping over his pants, which hung open and low on his hips.

Mandy finally released her hold on him. That was a bit disappointing. He liked the feeling of her clinging to him. She watched him from beneath drowsy lids as he wiggled the horrid motel comforter from beneath her and pulled it down to the end of the bed. He covered her with the sheet and blanket. Since she had the a/c on high, it was so cold in the room she was starting to get goose bumps.

Jared had managed to work up a sweat during their loving and now it sat cold on his skin, but he couldn’t bring himself to pull his shirt back on just yet as he watched her in the bed. It was too tempting to strip and crawl in next to her. In fact, after he went to the bathroom and disposed of the condom, he might do just that.

“Close your eyes, darlin’. I’ll be right back.”

Eyes drifting sleepily shut, Mandy nodded and snuggled lower under the covers with a sexy little moan that nearly had him jumping her all over again.

Jared watched her with a smile and then slipped quietly into the bathroom to clean up. On his way there he realized there was not one ounce of anger or tension left in his body. He found it amazing how sex and a good orgasm could do that to a man.

By the time he returned, she was sound asleep. She looked so young and innocent sleeping. Without all the impatient toe-tapping and finger-drumming, she was no longer the tough-as-nails businesswoman.

He slid down into the room’s only chair and considered the situation. Bobby had known something sexual was going to happen. Hence the strange condom discussion right before Jared had left the bar. So why the hell hadn’t Jared known they’d end up here like this? He supposed he’d been too angry and yes, too stubborn, to see what was right in front of him.

The seat of the chair felt awful beneath him, even for hotel furniture. Wondering why he was so uncomfortable, Jared wiggled his butt in the chair and heard a crinkling. He was sitting on something. Jared pulled it out from underneath his ass and glanced at it. It was a folder of some sort.
Pigeon Hollow
was written in ladylike script across the front.

Feeling a bit guilty for being nosy, Jared opened it anyway and studied what was inside. Hand-written notes covered a page of lined paper. From what he could decipher, Mandy had taken notes on everyone in town she’d found interesting.

Skimming the page, he stopped when his own name caught his attention. What she’d written about him had his eyes opening wider. Things like
cutie who gave directions at diner, investigate further
. And
shoot Jared Gordon shirtless as often as possible—hottie!!!

Even his mother had made the cut for the cast of interesting characters. Mandy referred to her as a
likeable version of Martha Stewart
. Mac, Delia, even Bobby, referenced simply as
The Deputy
, were all listed here. Jared’s guard went back up. He didn’t like her researching his town, his friends, his family. Then he found the second list. Provisions for the crew, plans on where they would stay, schedules for taping, possible locations. What she’d said in the bar was right. This project of Mandy’s would fill the diner, and Delia’s Salon, and the Hideaway with much needed patrons.

He sighed and put the folder open on the desk next to him. His eyes had been opened and taking it all in was a little overwhelming. Mandy was and had always been interested in him for this project. Right from day one when he and Mac had messed with her at the diner. But judging by her descriptions of him, she’d been attracted to him personally too from the very beginning.

The other eye-opener was that this project, show, whatever it was, might actually be good for this town. Mandy was right. The people of Pigeon Hollow deserved this chance. Delia and Mac and all the rest sure could use the extra business, and who was he to stop them?

Jared lifted the two pages of notes and moved them to the side to reveal a stack of blank consent forms. He considered for barely a heartbeat before taking one copy out. He located a pen, also on the seat under his butt, and started to fill in the spaces on the form. He signed his name at the bottom then placed it in the middle of the desk on top of the folder.

He glanced at the still-sleeping Mandy and decided to let her rest. As much as he wanted to slide between the sheets and into her, he had a lot to think about. Jared grabbed his shirt off the floor and pulled it over his head. With one more backward glance, he slipped quietly out of the door, making sure it was locked behind him. In the bar parking lot, he got into his truck. He didn’t feel like talking to Bobby again just yet. Instead, Jared started the engine and headed for the farm.

As he drove, he hoped he’d done the right thing. Even if he had made a mistake, there was one upside. By signing the consent form he’d insured Mandy would be around for at least two more months. Knowing that, he hoped even more that he’d done it for the right reasons.

Chapter Six


Mandy woke with what felt like cotton balls in her mouth. She flung her arm over her face to block out the dim light filtering through the curtains. Why did she feel like such crap? As her body and mind began to wake, she felt the pull of sore muscles in her legs, and in other places too, muscles that hadn’t been used in a very long time.

Holy cow
. She sat straight up in bed. Bad idea, she realized, as she got lightheaded. Skipping dinner and drinking beer was never a good idea. It led to things like hangovers and sex with hot cowboys. Too bad she remembered that a little too late.

Mandy didn’t know what was worse, her hangover or the fact that she’d had sex with Jared Gordon.
. She couldn’t believe she’d broken her own rule and mixed business with pleasure. Very, very nice pleasure, but against her personal rules nonetheless. She’d only intended on flirting, not actually having sex with him—a fact she’d conveniently forgotten while drinking and aiming her foot at his crotch.

As she stumbled to the bathroom Mandy made a vow never to drink on an empty stomach again. She noted she wasn’t vowing to herself never to have sex with Jared again. Interesting. Or maybe not. If her fuzzy brain remembered accurately, it had been incredible.

Of course it should have been great. After all, he was one unbelievably attractive specimen. In Los Angeles so often the reality didn’t live up to the illusion created by the exterior packaging. No false advertising here though. In Jared’s case, what you see is what you get, and what she gotten had been very, very good.

Mandy had to stop thinking of him and the possibility of a repeat of last night. She’d done a very bad thing getting physical with him. In a business where far too many women used sex to make their way to the top, she had vowed never to do so. It had cost her in her job too. On at least one occasion that she knew of, she’d been passed over for a less qualified bimbo who wasn’t opposed to sweating up the casting couch with an executive.

Now that she was finally in a good place in her career, she still couldn’t afford to compromise her morals. No worries. Last night with Jared would be just that. One night. That wasn’t any sort of vow, just the cold hard reality of the situation. She’d pissed him off at the bar and he still hated the idea of the show. In fact, he’d reminded her enough times how angry he was at her all throughout the incredible sex. At least during the beginning. Neither one of them had managed many words after they’d really gotten into it.

Just thinking about it had the tension building low in her abdomen. Apparently sex with Jared was like eating Chinese food. It wasn’t very long before you were hungry for more.

Sighing, she realized she would just have to get over losing Pigeon Hollow and use her second choice. Somehow, she’d make it work. She always did. Although, she had a very bad feeling giving up Pigeon Hollow would be easier than giving up Jared Gordon. The thought of never seeing him again caused another, different feeling in her gut. This one wasn’t so nice.

Face washed and teeth brushed, Mandy pulled her hair into a quick bun and shuffled over to her suitcase. She would get dressed, get something to eat at the diner, and drive to the airport without looking back. She felt a little nausea in her belly and wrote it off to her hangover. It definitely was
disappointment that she would never see Jared again.

On the path past the desk on her way to the suitcase, Mandy stopped when she noticed her folder open on the desk. She walked backward and stood staring at the single piece of white paper. Her face grew hot, her heart began to pound, and her hands trembled. If she had been a cartoon character, the top of her head would have blown off by now. She reached out one shaky hand and picked up the signed consent form.

That one piece of paper, with that one signature,
Jared Gordon
, turned her into exactly the kind of woman she’d spent her entire career trying to avoid being. Jared had signed the paper after she’d had sex with him. He might as well have just left cash on the nightstand.


Still in a post-coital daze, Jared instinctively worked his way through the morning chores. Good thing his body remembered what to do, because his mind was back at the Hideaway with Mandy.

It was still early. He liked to get the heavy chores done before the heat of the day struck. Mandy would likely be still in bed, but she might be starting to wake about now.

Knowing her, his little bundle of contained energy, she couldn’t lounge around long. He imagined her in bed still wearing the little silk thing she’d been in when he’d left her. It would have been really nice to wake up with her in his arms.

Why had he left her again? He sighed. He knew exactly why, but a night of contemplating the show and his decision had helped ease his mind.

He laughed to himself. She was probably going to be pissed as hell when she woke up and remembered what they’d done. Jared had a feeling Mandy wouldn’t like that she’d given in to her desires. She’d particularly hate that he’d seen the softer side of her.

Her having a few beers in her had helped conquer the workaholic in her. She was a tiny thing, and a few beers could in someone smaller than he was, especially if she wasn’t used to drinking.

Yup, she was really going to be pissed when she woke up and realized she’d been tipsy when they’d done it right on the dresser still half-dressed. Mmm, mmm. He liked her even more when she was angry. Although, maybe when she saw the signed form, she’d be happy. Maybe she’d be so overwhelmed and grateful she’d throw herself into his arms. He definitely could handle her showing him her gratitude.

Jared climbed into the seat of the tractor thinking how, angry or grateful, he couldn’t wait until he saw Mandy again. Whistling the whole drive out to the manure pile, he imagined what their next kiss would be like. This one wouldn’t be fueled by anger. Maybe it would be gentle. Or even better, it would be because they wanted each other so badly they could barely breathe.

He dumped the contents of the tractor’s bucket, turned and was on the trip back to the barn when he spotted her car.

Hot damn, she was earlier than he’d hoped. He raised the throttle and flew across the field so fast he was nearly bounced out of the seat when he hit a bump. When he was close enough to the barn, he abandoned the tractor. Turning it off right on the road where it stood, he pulled up the brake and hopped down. Jared walked as slowly as he could make himself and met her in front of the building where she’d parked her car.

Mandy’s eyes were narrowed. She was huffing and puffing and looking so angry and adorable at the same time, he had to smile. She slapped a paper against his chest. Grabbing it before it fluttered to the ground, Jared saw it was the consent form he’d signed the night before.

“Did you sign that form just because I had sex with you?” The fury radiated off her.

He raised a brow and decided to tease her. “No. Did you sleep with me just so I’d sign the form?”

“No. You arrogant bastard. What the hell do you think I am?” She was working her way into quite a rant.

Lord, she was so hot when she was angry. Jared couldn’t contain his attraction for his little hellcat any longer. Capturing her face in his hands, Jared crashed his lips into hers.

Still trying to yell at him, she mumbled what were probably more insults against his mouth for a second until she gave herself to the kiss. She leaned into him and soon the only sound was her soft groan as she wrapped her arms around his neck and her body pressed against his.

Jared was tempted to take her right there against the tractor until Mandy pulled away. “Do you really think I slept with you so you’d sign the form?”

He shook his head. “No. I never even considered that for a second.”

“And you didn’t sign because we had sex?”

Jared shook his head. “Nope.”

Mandy looked up at him with a frown. “Then why did you sign?”

“I realized you were right. This town could use the business, and who the hell am I to stop them?”


“Really. Besides, how could I not sign after I read your notes calling me a cutie and a hottie.” Jared waggled his eyebrows suggestively and had to deflect her hands as she slapped at his chest.

“You read my notes? Ooo, you are so infuriating.” Her lips looked particularly tempting when she pursed them in anger.

He laughed and caught her hands in his. “And you are irresistible when you’re mad. I plan on getting you angry as often as I can.”

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