JARHARIS (14 page)

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Authors: Fawn Lowery

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Weary with the killings,
returned to his sanctuary. The sun was cresting the horizon as he pushed through the front entrance. His eyes went first to the couch and the sight of Selena asleep on the cushions. He breathed a sigh of relief. She was exactly as he had left her. He crossed the room and stood near the couch, gazing down at her.

His cock stirred in his crotch, though he was bone weary and nearing the time when he had no power.
He kneeled beside her sleeping form and touched her hair, brushing a blonde curl from her cheek. He replaced the wisp with his lips, kissing her lightly. He had to awaken her. She couldn’t possibly remain there during the daytime. If she should awaken, she would go in search of him and possibly find him lying upon his safe bed, dead. She would surely learn then what kind of creature he was. And he feared she would flee his sight forever.

He sighed. She looked so innocent when she slept. He smiled. She
innocent. She had no idea about the creature that had fallen helplessly in love with her. Or the torment he harbored.

She must never know.
He thought then of her words of love to him. She had spoken in the heat of the moment—for she surely harbored feelings for her dead lover, Philip. He felt remorse gather inside his body.
It was too hurtful to think of Selena and another man, a mortal, together, sharing actual love.

He placed one hand on her shoulder and lightly shook her awake. He would send her away, off to her job and hope that she would be safe until the night came again and he could watch over her.

What time is it?”

Selena stretched and sat up. Her blonde hair was tousled and
reached out one hand, caressing the pale mass. She was hard to resist. He heaved a sigh and stood, pulling her to her feet beside him. “It’s almost daybreak. You must leave.”

She stared up at him.
Shook her head in agreement.
Stepped around him and walked toward the door. “If I turn around and look at the house when I get outside, will it be there?”

“No.” He shook his head. He lived in a different world than she did. And there was nothing he could do to change things.

Her brows furrowed. “Did you find Aston?”

He shook his head, refusing to tell her how many other vampires he had murdered. “Be careful.”

She strode through the door and
turned toward his bed of fragrant earth.


* * * *


awoke and rose from his crypt. He headed toward the front door. He craved warm blood to nourish his body. And he craved Selena’s delectable body to sate his ravenous sexual lust. He would feed first, gather his strength. Then he would go to her, take her in his arms and make passionate love to her. He pushed away the final thoughts that plagued his mind just before he sent her on her way that very morning. No good could come out of thinking about her with another man.
Even a dead man such as Philip.
He would enjoy her for as long as he could have her then he would wander the world bereaved when she passed.

Pushing aside the morbid thought, he left his sanctuary in search of a victim. The first he came upon proved to suffice and he quickly placed the man in a trance and bit his neck, drinking his fill before releasing the poor fellow. He swiped one hand across his mouth, wiping away the blood smears before turning toward Selena’s apartment and a night of lovemaking.

Reaching the brownstone where Selena lived almost the instant he thought about it, he was aghast to find her tiny apartment dark. For a second he hovered outside the glass window, trying to reason where she might be. She knew he would be around to check on her. Why had she left without telling him so?

He thought suddenly of Tanya Sills and the fact that she was still alive. He had told Selena that Tanya was to blame for the murders of her hunter cohorts, but he wasn’t quite sure she believed him. He stifled a shudder. Selena was vulnerable to Tanya’s tricks. She was too trusting by nature. He took to the air in search of Selena. There were two funerals pending for the murdered hunters. He would check the funeral parlor, despite the fact that Selena’s mortal friends weren’t too friendly toward him.

He found her standing near
casket, her eyes moist. He sent her a mental message from the back of the room and she turned toward him immediately. A sweet feeling traveled through his big body as she turned her head and locked gazes with him. She had received his thought and smiled her acknowledgment. He waited near the door for her to come to him, a powerful feeling wafting through his insides. He had issued her a command and she was in the process of obeying him.

was an asshole, but I’m glad they didn’t tear his body to pieces.”

curled one arm around her shoulders and led her toward the front door of the funeral chapel. She was visibly upset and tears stained her cheeks. He wanted to comfort her, but wasn’t quite sure how to go about it. They walked out onto the sidewalk in front of the building. “I want to take you to my house where you’ll be safe.”

She shook her head. “I want to stay here,
. At least until the chapel closes at
ten o’clock
. My friends from work are stopping by.”

He shook his head. She wouldn’t be safe until Aston was destroyed.

“Go do what you have to do and don’t worry about me. Remember, I can take care of myself. I have my dagger in my boot.”

He rolled his eyes. “Your little dagger won’t protect you, Selena.”

“It certainly will. I know how to use it and I’m not afraid to use it either.” She raised both hands to her hips, daring him to argue with her.

He raised one hand and clasped her cheek. He would grieve forever if anything ever happened to her.

She smiled and covered his hand with hers. “Okay. I’ll wait here and you can come for me.”

After making her promise that she wouldn’t leave the funeral home for the evening, he gave in and left her there, though he had second thoughts about the matter. He realized he couldn’t persuade her otherwise. If she was anything, she was stubborn first. He shook his head and ran one hand through his hair. He would make it his top priority to find Aston that night.

Given little choices as to where he might begin his search for Aston,
headed for the nightclub district of the city. He gazed along the streets, becoming familiar with the area almost as much as those that frequented the clubs. In the back of his mind he considered purchasing one of the nightspots.
Just as soon as the ordeal with Aston was ended.
He would need something to fill his time.

Unless he left the area altogether.
The thought had crossed his mind. And the thought of asking Selena to accompany him had as well. But then he realized that he couldn’t impose upon her in such a manner. She didn’t really know him as well as he wished she did. But circumstances dictated his living arrangements.
What I do can hardly be called living. I merely exist.

You are feeling sorry for yourself,

He glanced up and saw Mi. He smiled then realized that he didn’t feel annoyance at her intrusion into his thoughts. After last night, he actually believed he was beginning to like the little imp. He thought suddenly of her comment about his two brothers. His brows furrowed.

Your brothers are safe. You have no need to be concerned.

How do you know of my brothers?

The Master knows everything.

shook his head and let the matter drop.
Where are we hunting tonight?

Along the river.
The vampires are having a party.

He refrained from asking further questions. Regardless of the attendance, he was destined to go. What would take place was entirely another matter altogether. He only hoped that he survived the melee.

The moon shown brightly in the sky, surrounded by a million twinkling stars.
followed Mi through the darkness, he thought about the night and longed to make love to Selena beneath the beautiful canopy of lights. He dashed the thoughts. He was out to kill—and nothing more.

He had never been to a vampire party nor thought about creatures of the night having such events. He perched in a tree along the water’s edge and looked down upon the gathering. Hundreds of males and females cavorted among the trees.
So this is Aston’s legion.

A torch blazed in a clearing. Voices carried on the wind.
tuned his ears to the sounds, listening. Several of the vampires milled about the clearing suddenly, pulling an object along the ground.

leapt from the branch and flew closer to the gathering to get a better look. As he stared at the commotion, others joined the gathering near the torch. The object was hoisted upward and bound to a tree trunk. Suddenly a piercing yowl rose above the voices of those gathered on the riverbank.

“Release me! I command you release me!”

stared at the body bound against the tree. It was Tanya Sills. Her fellow vampires had turned against her. They were intent on killing her.
But why?
Wasn’t she as vicious as the rest?

A series of loud voices rose, each sounding angrier than the last.
listened and tried to make out the reason behind Tanya’s discord with the group.

“You betrayed me!”

“No, Aston! I did not!”

“You didn’t kill the whore. You let her live.”

“I thought she was dead! I swear! I thought she was dead!”

A shiver of anger sliced through
body. Tanya was indeed to blame for the deaths of the three vampire hunters. And Selena’s near death. He had suspected it from the start. Now he had proof.

“You shall die because you betrayed me.”

watched as Aston reached a hand out to Tanya. She screamed as he clutched her throat. In the next instant the vampire lunged in for the kill, sinking his fangs into her throat. Savagely he tore at her neck, slinging his head and rending her body with his hands. Parts of her torso flew through the air and plopped audibly on the ground.
watched and felt no remorse for the victim. She was a murderous vampire like her killer. She deserved no consideration from him.

Momentarily the carnage came to an end and Aston
then took to the air.
watched him leave the gathering, readying himself for the savagery he was about to bestow on the remaining partygoers. He decided on his plan—
in quickly and destroy them one by one—dismembering their heads from their bodies then driving stakes into their hearts—

He heard the horrid screams and glanced down at the gathering just in time to see the fire engulfing the area. One glimpse of Mi flitting above the blaze and he knew she had captured every one of the vampires within her fire ring. He felt relieved that the pixie had taken matters into her hands and not involved him in the carnage. He leapt from his perch and
into his vampire body. Mi would probably insist that he make certain all the vampires were ashes before he left the area in search of Aston.

The fire intensified then momentarily ebbed, sputtering yellow and red flames as the final bodies were consumed and reduced to ash. When the flames ceased altogether, he walked among the ashes, satisfied that the vampires had been destroyed.










Mi had successfully burned the remaining vampires of Aston’s legion on the bank of the river, their skinny carcasses turned to ashes and blending in with the dirt.
felt relieved, but wary at the same time. Aston was still on the loose. He had to be apprehended and disposed of. He couldn’t rest until his existence was ended.

He resumed his search for the vampire. Since he had taken to the air once he had killed Tanya Sills without giving any clue as to where he was headed,
had little idea of where to look. As previously, he could only think of one place to search and that being the nightclub area of the city. It seemed that Aston had a penchant for that section of
, assuming that was where he chose most of his victims.
reasoned that the vampire’s blood lust was high since he had murdered Tanya and that he would be on the rampage for another victim to sate his needs.

had just arrived in the area when he suddenly had a feeling of doom. The sensation filled his insides and consumed his mind. He raised his hands and clutched his brow, his temples suddenly pounding. Thoughts of Selena came in a flash and disappeared immediately, leaving him troubled.


He sprang into the air when he heard Selena’s frantic call. She said his name with all the fright that could gather in her female body. His senses tuned in to locate her, sending him off in the direction of the funeral chapel where he had last left her. A part of his being tried to deny that the tone of her call was less than distressful. He didn’t want to think about her being in danger, knowing he would blame himself because he went away and left her vulnerable.

He materialized at the chapel, on the sidewalk before the massive brick building to find it dark, the lights illuminating its front entrance, turned out. Panic gathered inside him. He approached the front door and quickly vaporized, seeping beneath the solid wood structure. The distress call from Selena had indeed come from her while she had been at the chapel. He could find no reason for her leaving without letting him know.

He heard the voices, angry, loud,
from the lower level of the building. He quickly located the stairway leading to the storage rooms and traversed the distance below. He came upon a closed door, paused,

“You’re a murderer!”

A loud spiel of laughter came from within.

“You killed my friends!”

recognized Selena’s voice, distressed, high-pitched and anxious. He set his shoulder to the door, forcing it inward. The structure creaked then shattered as it gave way. Shards of wood splintered and burst into the room, opening the way for
to step through.

He saw Selena across the dimly lit room, on her knees, one hand to her throat. A shaft of rage engulfed his body as he jerked his gaze to the other figure in the room. Aston. He stood in the center of the floor, his hands on his hips, his eyes glowing red and his long fangs bared. He whirled around to face
, snarling his rage.

Aston forced a laugh. “Your hero has come to rescue you.”

glanced from Aston to Selena and back again, staring at the vampire with evil in his gaze.

He bit me,
! He bit me!

sucked in a quick breath, his fears realized. Anger as he had never felt before intensified within his body. He clenched his fists. He opened his mouth and bellowed loudly, expressing his rage at the cruelty of Aston. He lunged at Aston, determined to kill him.

Aston leapt into the air, bounding over
head. He landed across the room, his rage intensified on his face. His red eyes glowed as he displayed his fangs. He held out his hands and long sharp nails appeared.

saw the transformation of the vampire. He held out his own hands and brought forth his razor sharp nails. He could slash the throat of any enemy that got too close. It would be a fight to the death between
and Aston. And he resigned himself to be the victor.

He charged Aston, his arms open, his fangs gnashing. He caught the vampire by the upper chest and rammed his body into the solid wall at his back, knocking the breath out of him. He
his head at Aston’s neck, meaning to drive his fangs into his vein and rip his head off.

Aston bellowed and brought his arms up, pushing
away. He stepped from the wall, his body rising off the floor as
tried to regain his footing. Aston snarled his rage, his face a contorted mask of threat and deadly savagery. He flew at
, kicking his feet into his chest.
sprawled backward, sliding across the polished floor and slamming into an empty coffin on a stand. The stand veered and the heavy casket teetered then crashed to the floor.

Selena screamed and scrambled to get out of the way of the fighting vampires. Her hand was on her throat, blood oozing between her fingers. Her eyes were wild staring points of anger and fright.

bounded to his feet, raising his fists, he charged Aston, catching him around the waist and driving his body back. The locked pair careened into the corner, upsetting several metal flower stands. A clamorous noise rent the air as the duo fought on the floor, rolling and snarling, lashing out with fisted hands and gnashing teeth.

Aston rolled atop
and for a second appeared to have the upper hand, but
gathered his strength and thrust his legs forward, upsetting Aston’s hold on him. He leapt to his feet and caught Aston around the neck. He spread his legs, bracing his body, and gripped the vampire in a tight hold. Aston railed and thrashed his legs, flailing his arms and trying to get free.

held him fast, pinning his body to the floor and holding his throat in both fists. He began to squeeze, digging his fingers into the skinny appendage in his grip. Hate intensified inside his body.

Aston spat and kicked the air, raising his legs up and spiraling around to break free.
held on, determined to destroy the evil vampire once and for all. He had sought him to no avail and now that he had finally caught him, he was adamant about killing him.

“You…will never…destroy me…

Aston spoke in forced whispers, his clawing nails raking at
hands as the mighty vampire held on to him tightly. He had the strength of ten, but
was determined. He would be the victor.

“Kill him,
! Kill him!”

jerked his eyes around the room, finding Selena cowering beneath an overturned table in one corner. Blood soaked her clothes and she looked weakened. She clutched her neck and sank against the wall, her strength flagging.

snarled and applied pressure to Aston’s throat, forcing the vampire flat on the floor. He stepped one foot on his chest, listening to the sound of ribs breaking beneath his heavy boot. He dug his fingers into his throat then gave a mighty jerk, severing Aston’s head from his body.

Selena screamed.

Black blood squirted from the decapitated body. Aston’s limbs jerked convulsively. The severed head rolled to the wall and teetered for a second before coming to rest, the eyes open and staring wildly.
reached for a wooden stake in his jacket pocket. He straddled the flailing corpse and thrust the stake into the chest, driving it through the cavity with a blow from his fist. He snarled his contempt as he landed a second blow to the stake for good measure.

The corpse jerked one more time, the legs straightened, the arms fell to the floor. Blood gushed from the open wound around the wooden stake standing upright in the thin chest. Movement ceased. Aston was dead.

The vampire at his end,
got to his feet. He brushed his hair from his face, ran one palm across his eyes and sought out Selena. His rage engulfed him still. He pulled in great calming breaths, trying to regain his composure before he went to Selena. His eyes still glowed and his blood lust was fierce. He snarled again and glanced down at Aston’s dead body. The end had come. His vampire flesh was rapidly succumbing to the rigors of death. The corpse shrank within the black garb he
a wisp of black smoke appeared, grew, consumed, engulfed the whole form then burst into flame. The flesh on the head dried up, revealing the bony skull. The dried matter flaked off the bone, landing on the floor in piles of ash.

turned his eyes away. His senses were returning. He looked at Selena and felt his insides lurch. She was on the brink of death. Quickly he rushed to her.

Selena reached out one hand to
. Her eyes rolled back in her head. She opened her mouth, but was too weak to speak. She fell forward, sprawling onto the floor, unconscious.

snarled his rage and scooped Selena’s limp body into his arms. Her muscles flexed, moving just enough to let him know that she couldn’t last much longer. He held her to his chest and exited the storage room in long strides, his mind refusing to believe that she would leave him.

He hurried from the funeral parlor onto the street and quickly took to the air, Selena clutched to his chest. As he turned his path to his sanctuary, he refused to acknowledge that he had seen the vision of Selena turned into a vampire in the amulet he wore around his neck. Could he possibly have prevented Aston from forcing himself on her? He vented his rage in a loud yowl that echoed through the darkness.

He pushed through the entrance of his sanctuary with Selena clutched in his arms. One look at her pale face and he feared the worse. He laid her on the sofa and kneeled beside her. Taking her hand in his, he brought her palm to his mouth. Her body was cooling. Death was near. He felt remorse well up inside him.

“Give her your blood,

He knew Mi’s voice without looking for her in the room. He felt her presence, a mixture of reassurance and dread. His brows furrowed. The Pixie had fought by his side the past two nights, destroyed more vampires than he himself had. She was a friend. He raised his eyes and found her perched near the ceiling of the room. A thought suddenly occurred to him. “Why do you keep your distance from me, Mi? Are we not friends?”

She flew closer, hovered just in front of his eyes.
“Indeed, yes.
We are friends,
. But the Master commands us both and therefore, I must do as he wishes.”

He dropped his gaze, returning his sight to Selena and her near death state. The fang marks on her throat were gaping holes that still oozed blood. He pressed one hand upon it, stemming the flow. He knew her fate, as well as he knew his own. He sighed.

“Press your vein to her mouth, else she will surely die.”

He hesitated, as he had when he found her lying unconscious by the side of the road. Did he dare to take matters into his own hands? Or was he letting her
by choice? Was her life his to toy with? His temples throbbed with the agony of decision.

“Aston has taken too much of her blood,
. You must choose whether to help her through the change—or bring death upon her.”

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