Jarrett, AJ - Miles's Awakening [Warriors of the Light 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) (11 page)

BOOK: Jarrett, AJ - Miles's Awakening [Warriors of the Light 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)
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“I have to admit, Miles, you look gorgeous.” Malcolm pushed the toy in harder and deeper.

“Oh god, yes. Fuck me.” He felt the heat of another body cover his back. Miles was so lost in his crazed desire, and he tried to arch up into the warm body. “Ben, please fuck me.”

Miles whimpered when his head was jerked back. Strong fingers pulled his hair yanking his head back.

“Don’t call me by his name,” Malcolm growled.

Even knowing Ben wasn’t in the room didn’t dampen his need to be fucked. He begged, knowing it was wrong, but his body felt like it would catch fire if a hard dick didn’t ram into his body. His hole quivered in anticipation of being drilled.

“Please,” Miles panted.

“Much better.”

Miles felt Malcolm lick and suck up the side of his neck. He should have felt disgusted, but all he could do was keen his pleasure. His own body and its desire controlled his mind and better judgment.

The thick, blunt tip of Malcolm’s cock pushed into his body hard and fast. Miles gasped at the exquisite pleasure.
Malcolm’s thrusts were controlled and unrelenting, carrying him closer to the edge. Malcolm continued to talk to him, but Miles never heard a word. He imagined it was Ben fucking him, taking him higher than he ever had been before.

Miles cried out his excitement with every thrust. Sweat dripped on his back, adding to the hard, dirty fucking Malcolm gave him. He felt Malcolm sit up, and his two large hands pushed at Miles’s shoulder blades as Malcolm pounded into his hole without mercy.

“Do you accept me as your own, Miles?”

Miles didn’t know what was going on. Malcolm’s movements slowed, causing his brain to short circuit. Miles thought he would die if he didn’t come, and panic stabbed through him like a hot poker.

“I–I–” Miles stuttered.

“Say it!” Malcolm shouted as he pushed down on Miles’s shoulder blades. The action caused his cock to rub against the soft comforter under him.

Miles groaned loud from the teasing caress against his hard shaft. “Yes,” Miles grunted. “Now finish me. Please god, finish me.”

“As you wish.”

Miles could hear the smile in Malcolm’s voice, but he didn’t care. If he didn’t come, he knew he would die, no question about it.

The cock in his body pulled out. Miles started to protest but cried out as something sharp pierced his skin. Then he felt something wet drip over his hole then Malcolm pushed back into his stretched entrance. Malcolm moaned loud and curled his fingernails into Miles’s back. Malcolm’s movements picked up, and the hard thrust drove Miles’s cock harder into the mattress.

Miles gasped for air as his release sped through him. His cum jetted out of his body only to be trapped between him and the bed. The wetness glided along his cock, allowing easier motions and causing his orgasm to linger.

“I accept you, Miles, as my mate.” He heard Malcolm shout right before warm cum painted his inner walls. Malcolm continued to grind into him as his cock twitched with aftershocks. Miles moaned with every unsteady push forward from Malcolm.

After a few moments of lying still, Miles came back to his senses. A strange feeling seeped into Miles’s body, almost like a rubber band snapping into place and connecting him to Malcolm. He could feel Malcolm’s presence in his mind. Miles felt what Malcolm was feeling. It was true. They were mated. He yanked on his ropes again, but nothing happened. A hand combing through his hair had him cringing against the bed. What had he just done?

“You’re my mate now, Miles,” Malcolm said then leaned forward and kissed Miles behind the ear. “And to think I thought you wouldn’t be any fun.”

Miles’s eyes started to water, and he dropped his head forward onto the pillow under his head. Disgust filled every pore of his body. He just let Malcolm fuck him. What hurt the most was that he begged for it. He wanted Malcolm. How was that possible? Malcolm had to have drugged him or something.

Miles turned to look at Malcolm as the man climbed off the bed. “How did you make me want you? I hate you! There’s no way I would beg you to fuck me, none.”

Malcolm’s harsh laughter caused Miles to shrink back against the bed. “I have my ways. Having a witch at your disposal can be”—Malcolm looked up toward the ceiling, released a heavy sigh, and then looked back to Miles—“very useful. I have to say, after tonight, acquiring Astrid was the best deal I’ve ever made. Fucking you was eye-opening, Miles. I’ve never felt such want and desire before. It’s like your ass was made just for me.”

Miles tensed as Malcolm smacked at his backside. He hated himself because he couldn’t say what had just happened was forced upon him. He hadn’t been raped. He’d begged and all but sat on Malcolm’s cock himself. But still, what caused his reaction? He despised the man. Malcolm might be his mate, but he didn’t feel drawn to him like he was to Ben. No way would he want to have sex with the man.

“How did you do it? How did you make me want you?” Miles asked as he looked aimlessly in front of him. Hurt and guilt ate at his insides. Miles wasn’t one hundred percent for sure he was in love with Ben, but after tonight, realizing he would never see the man again put everything into perspective. He loved Ben more than life itself, and he’d just cheated on him with the enemy.

“Well, my sweet Astrid, being a witch, can cast any spell he wants. He also can brew potions.”

Malcolm sat down on the bed beside Miles and ran his fingers up and down Miles’s arm. Miles hated the touch, but he was still tied to the bed and unable to get away.

“I had my little witch put together an aphrodisiac that would make you want me no matter what. Even hating me wouldn’t help you. The need to be fucked overrode all your wants and desires.”

Miles processed all he heard, but it still didn’t change anything. He was still mated to the crazy bastard. All he wanted was to go home to Ben. He would beg and plead for a second chance and for forgiveness. The spell Malcolm had Astrid cast took all Miles’s free will away and he couldn’t control his actions or his body’s yearnings.

“Don’t worry, my sweet. After we leave this godforsaken town I’m sure you will warm up to me.” Malcolm stood up and pulled on a pair of pants. He started to walk toward the door then turned to look back at Miles. “You’re my mate now. The sooner you get used to that fact the better. Say what you will, but you enjoyed me fucking you.”

Miles’s blood boiled. “You kidnapped me and then drugged me. We might be mated, but I do not and will not surrender to your every need. I hate you,” Miles shouted.

“Miles, you will do as I say, or I will kill your precious Ben.” Miles’s pulsed stopped. “I thought that would get your attention. So be a good boy, and we will get along beautifully.”

He watched as Malcolm exited the room. Once he was alone in the dark, there was nothing to occupy his mind but regret, but what could he do? What was done was done. And to keep Ben safe he would do whatever Malcolm asked of him. When a person loved someone the way Miles did Ben, sacrificing his wants and needs was the lesser of two evils. Miles couldn’t imagine living in a world where Ben didn’t exist.

Chapter Eight

“Is everyone in position?” Ben asked. He stood among the trees surrounding the property. Lachlan and Lawson stood ten feet on either side of him. The twin lions were famous for their silent attacks, and he barely noticed them as they took up position next to him. They attacked with the likeness of their shifter forms. The twins stalked until there was no time for their prey to react. The men were deadly, and he felt fortunate they fought alongside him.

“Copy that, boss. On your word, we’ll move forward,” Quinn called back through the headset around Ben’s ear.

Ben gazed upon the moderately sized house. Something just didn’t seem right. The house just didn’t look like some place Malcolm would hold up. A simple two-story house that sat in the middle of nowhere, too far from town and lacked the luxuries Malcolm preferred. The house was ordinary, and that didn’t match Malcolm’s personality. He liked to live large, and this house was in strong contrast to that lifestyle.

As he looked over the house one more time, he spoke into the headset. “Quinn?” He waited for his friend to respond.


“Something just doesn’t feel right. This house doesn’t look like a place Malcolm would inhabit.” The odd feeling Ben felt before he left the house still danced around his gut. This house, the quiet setting, just seemed an oddity to what they had to come to expect from this particular dark warrior.

“I agree, but this is where our boys followed him to. If he’s not living here, he’s at least hanging out here for some reason.” There was a pause before Quinn spoke again. “Let’s storm the fort and see what’s inside. The sooner this is over the sooner we can get home to Trevor and Miles.”

Ben nodded his agreement even though Quinn couldn’t see him. His concern for Miles was wreaking havoc on his nerves. Being in love and his concern for Miles had to be the reason he felt so out of sorts. Miles was safe back at the house. He had to focus on the mission so he could get back to his lover.

“On three let’s move forward and take a look inside.”

Ben slowly counted off to three, and he and his men approached the house. He had trained with this group of men for years and had gone on countless missions with them. They moved as a team, quietly and quickly.

As he neared the front door, he paused and looked around him but still no signs of Malcolm or his men. Ben took the steps one at a time leading to the large double doors. Very gently, he turned the knob and thought it odd that the door wasn’t locked. Shrugging that thought away, he stepped into the house with Lachlan and Lawson silently on his heels.

The house was empty of all furniture. The moonlight allowed enough light through the windows to indicate that this house hadn’t been lived in a very long time. The sound of clapping had him turning toward the steps off to the side leading up to the second floor.

“Malcolm was right. You fell for his plan so easily.” The man laughed harshly as he descended the steps.

Ben put his arms up to hold the twins back. His gut told him to keep his distance from the strange man smiling wildly at them. His instincts told him they needed to get out of this house. This whole situation had a weird vibe to it. Where was Malcolm? And why did only one man stand within this abandoned home?

“What plan would that be?” Ben asked. He needed to get as much information from this man and try to capture him so he could question him on Malcolm’s whereabouts.

“You fools.” The man took the last step down on the hardwood floor, standing fifteen feet in front of Ben. “So quick to believe what you wanted to be true and to follow the trail of bread crumbs laid out before you.” He looked down at his watch. “And in a timely manner. I guess Malcolm has already followed through on his part.” The man stared at Ben from across the room. “It’s Miles, right? I hope you said your good-byes before you left.”

Ben’s head snapped back as if he had been slapped. What was this man saying? Before he could ask, the man brought his hand up, and in his grasp he held a remote.

“See you on the other side, my friend.”

The man laughed, and Ben knew in that instant it was a detonator. He turned to Lachlan and Lawson and screamed out a warning. The sound of footfalls and doors flinging open let him know the men who entered through the back heard the warning.

He barely was out the front door when the house exploded, sending him flying through the air. Ben landed hard on his side. The wind had been knocked out of him, but he was alive. More than he could say for the poor bastard inside.

“Ben?” Crackling came across his radio. “Ben, can you hear me?”

Ben looked to his left and saw the little device laying in the grass. He crawled over and hit the talk button. “Yes.” He took a deep breath and regretted it when tightness in his ribs shot pain through his body. Being a vampire allowed him to heal quickly but not instantaneously. “Did everyone make it out?”

BOOK: Jarrett, AJ - Miles's Awakening [Warriors of the Light 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)
3.46Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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