Jarrett (11 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

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BOOK: Jarrett
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Addie thought he had. He’d been so insistent on her leaving, going out and having a good time. She sat down across from Slone again and tried to figure out how to tell her everything.

“He’d asked me to leave him the medications. The pain killers that he’d been taking.” Slone nodded but said nothing. “He’d been in so much pain that night. More so than usual. We’d gone outside that afternoon, just the two of us. And he’d enjoyed himself so much that we might have overdone it.”

“He knew then.” Addie nodded. “And you left them for him. Made sure there was plenty for him to use.”

“I knew what he was going to do when I left him. He told me that he was sorry that it was my birthday, but he hurt. I told him that it was the best birthday he could have given me. I even…I even made sure he knew that.” Slone didn’t say anything again. “Did you hear me? I manipulated my father’s mind so that he’d kill himself with the drugs that I gave him.”

“Good for you.” Addie sat down. “Is this what you have hanging over your mind, Addie? What haunts you more than anything?”

“I killed him.” Slone snorted. “I did. I gave him everything that he needed to die. Means, motive, as well as opportunity. I killed him.”

“No. What you did was ease his suffering. You said yourself that he was in pain. You needed that for him. It was your birthday, yet you told him that he was giving you a great gift. Again, you eased his mind.” Addie started shaking her head and Slone stood up and shook her. “Let it go, Addie. You didn’t kill your father.”

It was as if a dam broke. Her heart just simply felt crushed in her chest. Then it eased. Tears fell from her eyes even as she was pulled into Slone’s arms and held. Addie felt the sorrow that she’d held in her body bubble up her throat and out in great gulping sounds.

Slone held her like this, holding her upright while her child moved along her own stomach. She was giving comfort to her, telling Addie through their connection that she was loved and needed, and that everything was going to be all right. When she felt Jarrett wrap her up as well, Addie put her hand over his as he held them both. And even though she tried to tell him she was fine, she was pretty sure he knew better.

It wasn’t long before only Jarrett held her. Addie didn’t know where Slone had gone, but she was sitting on the couch in Jarrett’s lap. He was talking to her, telling her that he loved her and that he’d never let anything hurt her when she closed her eyes. Sleep took her softly, the gentle voice of Jarrett lulling her to sleep.

“We have to go and get the money soon.” She nodded at Jarrett’s soft voice. “Duncan is on his way. He was spotted at a truck stop about ten hours from here. Will you be all right if I go with my brothers?”

“Yes.” She snuggled deep into his neck, feeling like that was where she would always feel good. “I’m very tired.”

“I know, love. You’re going to be fine now.” She nodded again and drifted off. “I love you, Addie. With all my heart.”

Yawning, she curled tighter to him. “I love you as well, Jarrett. And will forever. Please don’t leave me.”

“I won’t, honey. Not ever. I’ll leave you to go to work and think about you all the time. I’ll go to the store and wonder why I didn’t take you, but I will never willingly leave you. Not even in death.”

She was asleep when she felt someone touch her mind. She wasn’t sure if she was dreaming or if someone was there. It was a hard and demanding knock at her mind, and she tried her best to shy away from it until she realized they were not going to stop. When she opened the pathway to them, Addie held her breath while the person there stood still. Then she realized he wasn’t trying to get into her mind but thinking about her.

“Fucking cunt.” Duncan was at the first of many places that he’d thought about the day she’d been in the meeting with him. The hole was still open and the now empty plastic container that he’d stuffed full of something was laying there empty. She circled around him to get a better look at his face and saw the wolf behind him.

“Fucking bitch of a cunt,” he said again. But Addie kept her eyes on the wolf behind him. Something about him frightened her…something unknown about him that made her want to run and hide. When he shifted, his body going from wolf to human, she stared at him as the man walked to Duncan.

“There you are. Where the hell have you been?” The wolf/man looked right at her before turning to Duncan when Duncan spoke again. “I thought you were supposed to come here first for me.”

“You’re being watched, and now I am.” The wolf/man looked at her again, but she was sure that he couldn’t see her when he spoke again. “Something evil haunts this place and its watching us right now. Don’t you feel it?”

“What I feel is broke. You were supposed to come here and dig this up and….” Duncan stood up. “Did you already dig it up and take what was mine?”

“I only just arrived.” The wolf/man looked around. “You should know that the house where she lived is being watched as well. I cannot get past their guards without killing a few dozen of them first. And you’re not paying me enough to kill for you.”

“I’m paying you a great deal. Or at least Addie is. She’ll have to work really hard to find your name among the books.” Duncan laughed at his own statement. “Addie can barely find her ass with instructions unless I give them to her. In a few days she’s going to be begging for me to come back and show her what she has fucked up now.”

Wolf/man looked around again and shivered. “I should like to leave now. You can come or not. Whatever you wanted to find in that hole is gone. I suggest you find the next one and move on.”

“Holloway, when will you learn that I make the rules regarding where I go?” Addie said the name softly and the man looked in her direction again. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you seeing ghosts now?”

Holloway looked at Duncan and smiled, his canines showing even though Duncan had already turned away. “Perhaps I am. And I should like to meet this ghost before she has the opportunity to kill us both.”

“Kill us?” Duncan sputtered. “She can’t even get her fucking ass out of her own bed without having to have someone make her. You let me worry about her and you go and dig the rest of the containers up where I told you to go. The house can be left until the last one.”

Holloway looked in her direction once more, pulling out his gun and seemingly showing it to her before he moved away. She watched as he followed Duncan before she moved toward her former lawyer. She looked for landmarks. Things that would give her a clue as to where they were. And that was when she saw the truck. It was the one her father had used when he’d been able to drive. Addie looked around then, looking for whomever had taken it to Duncan’s drop sites, and that’s when she saw them…Cash, Jarrett, and Ellis. Fuck, they were going to be killed.

Addie screamed and woke herself up, and then went to find the rest of them. It was time to call in the Emersons.



Chapter 11


“I don’t know where else to look. I know less about spread sheets than I do wearing a tux. Which I look damn good in, by the way.” Hunter nearly lost it when Addie growled at Lee again. “You said his name was Holloway. And that he was on your payroll. Do you suppose you could narrow it down by department?”

“I have over six thousand people working for me, you nimrod. I don’t even know the name of the person who is in charge of payroll.” Hunter doubted that. While Addie was pissed off, she was smart and knew her employees better than he did. When he started to ask her something about the dream, she turned on him too. “I swear to you if you ask me if I’m sure I have an employee by that name again, I will knock you over the head with something.”

“Addison Parker.” They all turned to look at Carrie when she came into the room. Graham stood up to take the tray from her, but she told him she had it. When it was put on the table, Carrie turned to Addie. “Tell the man you’re very sorry.”

“He’s just doing this to piss me off.” The tapping of the foot was what got Hunter. His own mother used to do the same thing. “He’s not being very helpful either. Sitting there—”

“You were not raised to be a shrew. Now, apologize to him or I’ll have to resort to other means to punish you. I’m thinking you might be a bit too big to stand in the corner.”

“I’m sorry.” For what it was worth, she had said it. But he had no doubt whatsoever that she’d not meant it. And before he could point that out to her, Graham shouted that he’d found him.

“He doesn’t work for you directly. See this line? It’s for employees that are contracted. And shit, Addie, you pay him a lot of money to be a hit man.” Addie pulled the information to her as Hunter hit his brother in the back of the head. He’d have to make sure that his dad never saw him do that or he’d make fun of him about being his son.

She stared at the name for so long that Hunter was sure she’d fallen asleep, but when he started to speak, Slone cut him off.

“Wait. She’s searching for them.” Hunter stared at Addie and again wondered how the hell she was doing this. Earlier she’d done this sort of mind meld thing and told them that reaching the other men was impossible because they’d been hurt to the point where they were unconscious. Hunter had tried as well and couldn’t reach any of his family. He was more worried about that than anything else so far. And he kept wishing he’d gone with them instead of staying behind when he wanted to be with Slone.

“Holloway is near the pond. About four miles from here.” Bill had an aerial map and was pointing to where she was talking about. “There’s a large bend in the water. It’s just before a fall, but the water is moving the wrong way. It has no start.”

Bill said he knew where they were. “It’s a sinkhole that has filled with water. The water looks like it’s flowing in the wrong direction because it’s flowing from a higher point than the water surrounding it.”

Graham got up to look at the map. As he studied it, Hunter watched Addie. She was still searching for them. And he’d bet that when this was over she’d have a better handle on her depression as well. He didn’t know why he thought that, but he knew it was going to be true.

“Look. There are nine cave lines here.” Hunter looked over Graham’s shoulder as he spoke. He didn’t see anything but blue lines, but Graham seemed to know. “I’m betting that they’re below that, in one of the caves. That could be why you can’t reach them.”

“Cash is awake.” Everyone looked at her. “He’s hurt but madder than anything. He’s…I think he’s tied to something or someone so that he can’t move. I can feel the other two with him, but I can’t connect with them. And Duncan is there as well. Holloway isn’t with them right now.”

“Where?” Addie closed her eyes tighter and he could see the strain this was putting her through. He didn’t want her hurt, but they needed to find their family. “If you can’t find him, we will later.”

“He’s with a group. More wolves, but not.” He asked her what she meant. “They’re not like you guys, but almost. Like…they can be anything.”

“Shifters.” Before he could tell them to load up they were going, Steward appeared in the room with them. He looked at Hunter, then at Addie.

“Hello, Mr. Thomas.” He bowed before her and then looked at him again. Before he could speak, Addie continued. “Mr. Thomas and I are…acquaintances. He’d been working with my dad before he got sick. He’s also a friend of Carrie’s.”

“I’m here to help.” Hunter nodded, still not sure what to make of him showing up right now. It was not that he didn’t trust the big vampire, but it was strange to have him there just when they needed him. “I’ve been away. I needed to—”

“How about you explain later and get to finding those nice men? And the master of the house?” Steward nodded and grinned at Carrie when she hugged him. “I’ve missed you. You’re a pain in the ass, but I’ve missed you.”

“And I you.” Steward pulled from the older woman and told Hunter to hang on to his ass. Before he could ask him why, Hunter felt as if he’d been pulled through a ringer twice, then stomped on for good measure. Then as suddenly as he was hurting, he was standing in a dark, cool room.

“Where the—?” A hand over his mouth was all the warning he got before he was slammed against a wall. The men walking by him made Hunter stiffen, but he watched them quietly.
Where are we?

Belly of the cave that your brother was talking about. I’m going to go and get him, but I need for you to stand where you are. If I come back and land in you, I’m not going to be happy with you.
Hunter told him he’d be standing right there. When Steward disappeared, Hunter pressed himself tighter against the wall. He didn’t want to be wearing a Steward body any more than Steward did a Hunter body. He reappeared several seconds later, but he didn’t have Graham, but Addie.

She made me.
Hunter raised a brow at his friend and realized he couldn’t see him. Not that it mattered…Steward knew he didn’t believe him.
She said if you were hurt while I brought in the troops, she’d stake me. And while this might be a threat from most people I know, she can and will find me to do that deed. I know her. She does not make idle threats.

When Steward disappeared again, Hunter looked around. He didn’t move this time either, but Addie moved well beyond where she had landed. She seemed to know just where she was going, and he decided to follow. Christ, if Steward came back and they were gone, he’d have a shit fit.

They were going down and not up when he realized his feet were getting wet. He didn’t even know how he was seeing in front of them until she turned. The smallish flashlight made him think he should have been more prepared.

“He didn’t give you any time.” He nodded and moved up beside her. “The others will have flashlights as well. Bill and Carrie were handing them out when I left.”

They were nearly to a wide opening when she stopped him. Hunter could hear voices, but it was a little while before he saw his brother Graham. The man did not look like he was nervous about being below a large rock like he felt. When they were all standing together, including Steward, Addie pointed to the wide opening.

“They’re in there. And they’re as familiar with this place as you are your own homes.” Hunter nodded, knowing what she meant. The shifters had been down here a lot. “When you go inside their chamber, you should be wolves. They’re not going to expect us to have found them so quickly.”

“Where are Dad and the rest of them?” Addie didn’t answer him, and he started to ask again when Steward touched his arm.

“She can’t find them. Let her go look. You take care of these guys, and I’ll watch over her.” Hunter wanted to protest, but he finally gave in. He wanted his family back, too, but not taking care of the ones that had taken them wasn’t going to find them any sooner. When Addie and Steward moved deeper into the cave, he let his wolf take him.

There were more of them than there were of his family. Hunter was a little leery about going in outnumbered as he was, so he tried to think of the best way to do this. When he felt someone touch his mind, he thought it was Addie, but it was Slone.

Hey there, big guy.
He smiled.
Did you know that not only can Addie help us find things when we think they’re gone forever, but she can make you nearly invisible with your scent?

You mean we won’t be detected at all?
She told him he was right
. Why didn’t she tell me that before she left me?

She said to tell you to shut up analyzing every little thing and get busy. I think she’s upset with you.
He asked her why.
Don’t know, but you take care of business, hubby dear, and come back to me. I have a powerful need to take you into my body.

Christ, Slone. I’m a thousand feet underground here.
She told him he was wrong.
Okay, how far am I down here, smart ass?

Nearly a mile.
He stopped moving and thought about what she’d said. Nearly a mile. Nearly five thousand two hundred and eighty feet underground. When he took a step toward where he was headed, Graham stepped in front of him as his wolf. Hunter let his own take him and thought how he was going to get back at his wife and Addie.


Duncan staggered out of the cave. Why the hell he’d let that moron Holloway talk him into going in was beyond him. The fucking place was dark, and it was scary. He’d not even cared if the man knew how fucking terrified he was. And those others, what the fuck was up with them?

They were growling and acting like they were going to snap at him. He’d been around aggressive people before, but these guys were weird about it. And they sniffed him. One of them had even gone so far as to lick his hand. He was glad now that he’d come up when he had.

Coming upon the men had been a chance opportunity. He’d been about to let them go by when Holloway had hit the older man in the back of the head with a large stone, then got the other two when they were tending to him. Dragging them to the cave, a place that Holloway seemed to think was a great idea, had been a lot of hard work. More than Duncan had bargained for.

“You’re fat and lazy,” Holloway had told him at one point. “You should be in better shape than the man you’re kidnapping.”

“Kidnapping? I never agreed to that. I just want my money.” Holloway had laughed, and Duncan got angry. “I want you to just leave them here. I‘ve no use for a prison term when we’re caught.”

“You think these guys are going to rest once they wake up and know who you are?” Duncan started to tell him that there was no way they’d know when Holloway spoke again. “They will hunt you down to the ends of earth. And when they find you, they’ll not have you arrested for touching one of their own, but tear you to pieces so that there will be nothing left of you that the police will ever find.”

He’d sounded so sincere about it. Not only that he believed that they would come for him but that these men, men that he’d like to work with, would be so ruthless that they’d kill him. But Duncan never said what he was thinking. And he was thinking hard on how to make this all about Holloway and not him. He was not going to prison despite what he’d said about being dead long before that came to pass.

Duncan made his way down the hill. He had three places around here to dig up. Then he was going to go to the house. There were things there that would make his life on the run considerably easier. Not just money, but jewels and a way out of the country.

Going down on his knees, Duncan stared at the empty hole. The container was empty of all the money he’d hidden there, and there was no passport either. Looking around in the deepening darkness, he wondered what the hell was going on.

Duncan had never told anyone what he’d done. It wasn’t written down anywhere, and he certainly hadn’t marked a single map as to where these spots were. He’d marked the area, of course. He’d be a fool not to have done something. And he knew that no one knew the frequency of the monitor that he’d had specially made to find these places. The homing device was only attached to one key, and he had never even given his keys to the parking attendant at the garage where his offices were.

Coming out once a year to change out the batteries had been easy for him. Going to several different stores to purchase them had been a lark. And when he’d taken a little time off to do this, he’d even filed a flight plan for nearly halfway around the world instead of where he really had to go. Having his own pilot’s license had served him well over the years. But it seemed that he’d been wrong about all this.

Making his way to the next two was just as fruitless. But it was pitch dark now and he had to sit down and rest. He was out of shape, but he wasn’t fat or lazy. A man in his position had to look good in a suit to impress, and a gut hanging over his belt would not have cut it.

Closing his eyes, he tried to think how anyone could have found his boxes when he thought of Addie. The girl had something to do with this, but what? Then he began to think of her father.

Addison had been a wonderful person to work for. He’d been kind and full of promises that they’d make each other rich. And he had kept his promises, too, right up until his death. And that had nearly devastated Duncan as much as it had his only child.

The will had been changed. Addison had even gone so far as to go to another attorney to have it done. Duncan had been in the one that he’d made up. Addison had wanted to leave him with some money, but not nearly as much as the will said when he’d finished doctoring it. By the time that he was finished, Addie was getting a large portion of her father’s estate, but Duncan had all the holdings. It would have made him an extremely wealthy man.

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