Jarrett (4 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #tuebl

BOOK: Jarrett
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Luke knew who she was, of course. The moment that he’d seen her, he knew. His wife, Jack, had talked of nothing else but the beauty that was Jarrett’s mate. And Christ, she was as beautiful as she’d said and then some.

“Miss Parker, I presume?” She nodded at him and then pulled at her clothing again. It was obviously made for someone about three times her size, about the same size as his brother. “You’re having some difficulties at the bank?”

“He won’t give me my money.” Luke nodded and looked at Hap, who was shaking his head and nodding too. “I told him that I know Cash, but he can’t find him. I don’t think he’s looking all that hard for him, but that’s not my problem. My problem is this jerk is keeping me from leaving.”

“You’re leaving?” The low growl coming from her had him laugh. The glare she gave him had him thinking that Jarrett was in for more than he’d bargained for with this one. “I can see if I can call Jarrett in and have him—”

“I don’t want him here, and I’m pretty sure that he doesn’t want me either. He made that clear enough this morning.” Luke frowned and reached for his brother anyway. There was no way he could help her without his permission, and he was reasonably sure that Jarrett had no idea she was leaving, much less that she was under the impression that he didn’t want her.

Your mate is in my office and so you know, she’s planning to leave as soon as Hap at the bank turns over her money.
His brother let loose a string of curse words that had him laughing. But when Addie glared at him again, he straightened up quickly.
She’s got a fine temper on her, I’ll give her that. But she’s…did you know that she’s wearing your clothes? And that she thinks that you don’t want her?

No. Fuck. Jack said…damn it. She did this on purpose.
He asked her who.
Jack. She left her at my house half naked in hopes…I told her that I wanted to take this slow and easy. To talk to Addison first, before we…you know, did anything. And Christ, I do want her. In every position I can think of.

You mean have sex and you mark her?
Jarrett said yes.
I see. And did you know that when you left her that she was going to leave? I’m assuming you didn’t or you’d be here now instead of me. She’s in a fine temper and she might just take it out on me if you don’t get here soon. As for any position? I’m pretty sure that she doesn’t care right now if you were stripped down naked in front of her. She believes you don’t want her in any way.

I’m on my way. Christ, this has been a day from hell. I have…did you know that this business had hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid bills? I know that I’m not responsible for them, but I can’t get an order placed because of the location. And I’ve been trying to reach…well, that explains why I can’t get in touch with Slone. Fuck.

He heard the elevator ding a few minutes later and looked at Addie. She was fighting tears, he could see that, and she was afraid. The way she kept looking at the door made him think she was expecting Jarrett to come through it at any moment, and when he did, she backed away from him.

“What are you doing here?” Jarrett took a step toward her, and she put up her small fists. “If you think you’re going to touch me and then back off again like you did this morning, you’re going to be in for a big surprise. I’m ready for you now.”

Jarrett stopped moving and looked at him. With a short nod, Luke stood up and moved to his door, pushing Hap with him. When he closed the door behind him, he heard her crying and wondered if his little brother was any better at handling tears than he was. Luke was a failure at it. When he told Hap that he’d be down to clear up the money issue in the morning, he looked at Allen.

Two weeks ago Allen had been converted to a wolf. His change had gone smoothly and without any incident. The man was glowing with good health now, and his confidence level was through the roof. Luke sat on the chair near his desk and looked at Allen.

“You know what’s going on? I mean between them?” Allen smiled and nodded. “My dad says that she’s fighting depression. Do you know much about it? The illness, I mean.”

“Yes. I would suggest that you find her someone to talk to. Tim, Tim Leaders that works for Slone, could give you more information than I can. I understand his mom suffered from depression a great deal.” Luke made a mental note to contact him about Addie. “Is Jarrett going to help her? I think that she needs it.”

“I do as well. In fact, I think we can all help her.” Allen nodded and handed him a file. Earlier today he’d asked him to find out what he could about her. “Is there anything in here that Jarrett needs to know right now?”

“Not right now, but soon. Her mother died when she was born. Her father, a successful inventor, died five years ago. Cancer. He was also very rich in his own right on a few patents that he holds, small things. Addison Parker is his sole heir. She is also the heir to her mother’s family estate. She’s very wealthy. But….” Allen looked at the door when there was a loud crash. “She cut her wrists on the night that her father finally succumbed to the illness, and had it not been for a box being delivered to her home and a very curious delivery person, she’d be dead. He was in the habit of going into the unlocked house when he had something to be left. Her father…he worked in his basement on things and had worked it out with him. He found her on the kitchen floor bleeding to death.”

“It says here that she was in a mental hospital for over three months. What happened to her then?” Allen looked at him and shrugged. “Will you keep looking? And find out the name of her lawyer. He might have some information that can help us keep her safe too.”

Allen said he would, and Luke told him that they should both go home. Another crash in his office made him wince and hope that whatever was being broken was replaceable. But he had to smile. Damn, she had a nice temper that would keep his calm brother hopping. Luke locked the office doors on his way out and told Hunter what was going on. Both of them had a good laugh and closed the connection. This would either be a good thing or not, but he had a feeling that Addison wasn’t going anywhere.



Chapter 4


Jarrett looked at the way she was dressed and wondered how hard it would be for him to get her to stay mad at him until they got to his apartment. But when she came toward him, full of fury, he knew he was screwed. What he didn’t expect, and more than likely should have, was the punch to his nose.

“What the fuck, Addison?” She doubled her fist again, and he pulled her to his body. “Behave yourself. Do you want me to tie you up?”

His mind went into overdrive with images of her naked and tied to his bed. Jarrett felt his cock, hard already with her body so close, stretch and thicken incredibly. She had to feel him, and if she didn’t, he cupped her ass and held her to him so that she would.

“Let me go.” Her voice, thick with her anger and need, rippled down his spine and seemed to curl around his balls. “You don’t want me. And I don’t have it in me to go through that again.”

“I want you. I wanted you this morning.” Jarrett buried his nose into her throat and inhaled deeply, taking in her scent. “I want you so badly that I don’t think we’re going to have that talk.”

Jarrett lifted her up and felt her legs wrap around him. He actually thought about swiping his hand over his brother’s desk and taking her there, but was sure that Luke would be pissed. Instead, he took her to the long conference table and sat her on it. With her legs still wrapped around his hips, he reached for the zipper tab on his jacket she had on.

“Do you have my shirt on under this?” She nodded as the sound of the teeth separating from each other sounded in his ears. “I’m going to tear it off you. I want to…no, I need to see your nipples.”

When he had the jacket opened, he looked down at his shirt she wore. It was white like most of his dress shirts, and he could see her heaving breasts. Jarrett traced her nipple that tented the material and moaned when she arched her back.

Reaching behind him, he pulled a chair to him and sat down. When Addison sat up, he leaned back to watch her. He wanted her so desperately that words failed him. Then she pulled the jacket off her arms and dropped it on the floor. Her feet, bare he just noticed, settled on his thighs.

“I had on these boots, but they hurt my feet from trying to keep them on. I think they’re at the bank still.” Nodding, he watched her as she unbuttoned the first button. “If you don’t finish this with me, I might hurt you. I have no idea why I need you so badly, but if you don’t want me, now would be a good time to say so.”

“I want you.” He’d had to try to speak three times before he could say anything, and he cupped his cock in his hands as she unbuttoned two more buttons. “Are you going to let me eat you?”

“If you want.” Want was too tame a word for what he wanted to do to her. “I’m not very experienced with sex. I don’t…usually I avoid it at all costs. It’s not something that I care all that much for. But…you’re going to be different, I think.”

“Good. But I don’t think after this your lack of experience is going to be a problem.” She asked him why not. “Because I’m going to fuck you every chance I get. Daily, hourly…whenever I touch you, I’m going to take you.”

“That could be a problem if we’re in public, I think.” He had no idea at that moment what she was talking about because she’d undone the last button. But instead of taking the shirt off, like he so wanted her to, she leaned back and untied the string at the top of the pants she had on. As they shimmied off her body, Jarrett stood up. But not for long. He had to lean onto the table as she unveiled her body to him.

The shirt slid open when the pants hit the floor. Her glorious body lay there on the table for him like she was a Christmas goose, and it was all his. Gripping the sides of the table, Jarrett slowly lowered his head to her breast and took the hard, dusky nipple into his mouth and nibbled. Her fingers in his hair had him lifting his head.

“I’m so close to coming.” He nodded and rubbed his hand over his engorged cock. “Take me, Jarrett. Please. You’ve teased me enough.”

“No.” He sat down again, thankful that the chair was where he’d left it or he might have ended up on the floor. Rolling it forward, he lifted her foot up and put it to his mouth. Suckling her toes into his mouth, he watched her face. “I’m a man who likes to take his time at things. Building a computer, getting dressed for work. Making love to you is going to be no different.”

He moved his mouth down her ankle and licked the small scar there. Then as he made his way up her calf to nibble there as well, he freed his cock with his other hand. As much as he wanted to go slowly, he had a feeling he was going to be inside of her long before he wanted.

Her other foot moved over his cock when he kissed the back of her knee. Her toes curled over him. He nearly lost his place on her leg when she spread her toes over his cock and fucked him. Dizzy now, he made his way to her thigh and nipped hard enough to taste her blood, but sealed the wound quickly before he marked her too deeply. Her scent, her nectar was calling to him, and he wanted to taste her.

Spreading her legs had him groaning. Her foot could no longer reach him, which was both a blessing and a curse. If she had kept playing with him, he would have come on her that way and not inside of her like he wanted. Lifting her up, his hands under her ass, he pulled her to his mouth and licked her from gate to clit. Her scream was all the warning he got when she flooded his mouth with her release.

Jarrett ate her, feasted on her over and over while she came twice more. Her screams seemed to fuel his need to make her come again and again, and when she sobbed for him to stop, that she’d had enough, he knew that he had to have her once more…taste her juices as they flowed past his tongue to his throat. When she came again, her body bowing up from the table, Jarrett stood up and slammed his cock deep inside of her. Her scream this time had nothing to do with a release.

Jarrett had hurt her. And badly too. Holding her to him, he tried to think what he should do now. If he moved, he’d hurt her again. If he stayed where he was, he was pretty sure that he was going to come just with her body adjusting to his. When he thought he could, Jarrett lifted his head and looked down at her tear-stained face.

“I’m sorry, honey. I had…you told me you had a lack of experience. I just never thought it was none.” She turned from him, and he shifted so that he could pull her face back to his. “I’m thrilled beyond words that you have given me such a gift.”

“I never thought you’d notice.” He was pretty sure that he should have tasted her virginity, but didn’t say that to her. “Men…I don’t have many men in my life. My father but…he died.”

Jarrett moved again and she stiffened. He was getting a cramp in his leg and his balls felt as if they were right around his neck. He wanted to empty in her so badly that he hurt with it. But when she rolled her hips, this time moaning, he moved as well.

“Addison, I’m going to come if you keep that—” His breath caught when she cupped her breasts, seemingly holding them for his mouth. Leaning down, he took first one then the other into his mouth for a quick bite that had her wrapping her legs around him again. As he moved slowly, taking his time filling her over and over, he took more of her breast into his mouth and sucked hard. Addison held him to her as she rocked up to meet each of his downward thrusts.

“I’m coming.” He nearly came at the sound of her voice and when she tightened around him, her sheath milking him. Lifting her ass up, Jarrett moved deeper within her. Her second climax had her clawing down his back. He felt blood trailing down his spine as he felt his balls empty into her. Even as he pounded through his own release, he felt his balls fill again, and he leaned to her shoulder and bit her, blood filling his mouth as he came inside of her the second time. Christ, he thought, she was going to kill him with her lack of experience.


Addie lay very still. Her heart was pounding so hard she was sure he could hear it. As it was, his hot breath at her neck was making her want to roll her hips up to him and have him take her again. Never in her life, not once, had she ever thought that sex could be so mind numbingly amazing. When he lifted his head and looked down at her, Addie felt her face heat with embarrassment. He looked…satisfied.

“I am.” Frowning, she looked at him. It occurred to her then that he might have the same kind of monster in him as she did. “Satisfied. Very much so. Not to say that with the right encouragement I couldn’t do this again and again, but for now I can think about something other than the way your body feels when I’m deep inside of you.”

“You are deep inside of me.” When he rocked into her again, she moaned. “Again. Please, again.”

“You’re going to be sore.” She was pretty sure he was right but didn’t care right now. As he moved his hips, Addie held onto his shoulders. When he stood up, taking her with him, she nearly screamed when he sat down. “Ride me. I want you to take your pleasure by riding me.”

Addie looked down at where they were connected. There was something very erotic about the way his dark muscled body seemed to flow into her pale light one. When he put his hands on her hips and rolled her back and forth, Addie knew a whole new meaning to the term riding. Christ, there was no way she was going to stop this now.

Riding him, fucking him, felt so wonderful that twice she lost her timing and had to stop. Jarrett watched her face while she rode him, and Addie found it incredibly erotic to stare into his eyes as she slid back and forth.

“I bit you.” She nodded. When he’d bitten her, he’d brought her to the best climax she’d ever had. “I want you to bite me. Hard enough to draw blood. I want you to drink me down like I did you and your lovely pussy.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.” He rolled his hips up and she almost came. “Please. I want to come this way. I want to feel you…can you come in me this way?”

“Oh yes. I’m going to come in you.” He made it sound like it was his pleasure and that had her moving quicker. “Bite me when you come, Addison. Mark me with your teeth so that no other woman will touch me.”

“None will.” He held her hips again, but instead of slowing her down, he rolled them faster, harder, so that every time her clit touched his abdomen, she nearly came up off him. When he pulled her mouth to his neck, she felt his heat scorch her. The need to taste him, as he had her, nearly took her breath away. As soon as he slid his fingers down her ass and into her tight hole, Addison came apart. She felt her body not just climax but seem to tear apart into tiny pieces and come back together with parts of Jarrett inside of her. Licking his pounding pulse, she tore at his throat, the need to mark him, taste him bringing her to peak twice more when his blood filled her mouth.

The connection between them seemed to snap into place. It felt like she’d been snapped with a rubber band, and she could now hear his thoughts. His emotions were as if she had them too. When she lifted her head from his shoulder, she expected him to be upset with her, but he only looked at her with a sexy smile.

“We’re bonded.” Addie wasn’t sure what he meant and was too…everything…to think about it very much. So instead of asking him exactly what he meant, she buried her face back into his shoulder. The blood was still there, so like he had done, she licked the wound that she’d made and moaned at the taste of him.

They sat like this, her on his lap, for several more minutes. Neither of them said anything, but Addie could feel her sadness coming back over her. It was a familiar yet unwelcome feeling.

“I’m very sorry.” Her heart, already a fragile thing, seemed to shatter in her chest. But before she could move away from him, leave him, he pulled her body to his. “Not for what we did but for the fact that I didn’t get to talk to you first. It was my intention to take this slowly with you.”

“I might not be here much longer anyway.” Jarrett tightened his grip on her, and she leaned back to look at him. “I told you that I was leaving as soon as I got my money from the bank. It’s time for me to…it’s well past time for me to return home.”

“I can’t let you go.” It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him it was none of his business, but he kissed her before she could say anything. “Let me start again. What I mean is, where you go, I will. I wasn’t kidding when I told you we were bonded. Since we’ve had sex things between us have—”

“What are you really after? I mean, you’ve been in my head…what do you think you know? I have enough trouble with Duncan.” The low growl had her body respond in a way that surprised her. She wanted him again. But she explained who he was, thinking he might have other ideas about her and Duncan. “He’s my attorney. Well, he was my father’s attorney, but I’ve been using him since he passed away.”

“Duncan who?” She told him Duncan Shepard. “What do you mean, you’re having trouble with him? Is he the person you’re running from? I can help you if you’d let me. I have to protect you.”

Addie stared at Jarrett for several seconds. Then when she tried to pull away from him, he held her. She struggled for a minute before she simply pushed hard enough to get away. Standing there naked was not the best position to be in, but she was scared.

“Why?” Jarrett stood up and pulled his pants up. She reached for the shirt she’d had on and he took it from her. She thought he was going to make her talk to him naked, but he held it out to help her slip it on. But she was too afraid to be nice. Instead she jerked it away from him and held it to her body. “And what did you have to talk to me about?”

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