JAX: MC Biker Romance (New Adult Contemporary Bad Boy Romance) (39 page)

BOOK: JAX: MC Biker Romance (New Adult Contemporary Bad Boy Romance)
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“They don’t want to talk to you. Go away.” Carter said, his tone deep and threatening. The drunk man seemed to come to his senses and he nodded, sluggishly moving away from them and into the crowd. Carter watched him disappear before turning back to the girls. Meaghan was smiling brightly at him while Hailee looked anywhere but him and was scratching the back of her neck.

“Thanks,” Meaghan said, and Carter nodded.

“Don’t mention it. The name’s Carter,” he introduced himself, putting his hand out for them to shake.

“Meaghan, that’s Hailee.” She said, pointing to her best friend before taking his hand immediately with a smile.

He nodded and tilted his head to try to catch Hailee’s eye, and Meaghan noticed. “She’s been standing all alone on the dance floor while you were gone and your other friends are over by the bar,” Carter explained. Meaghan gasped at this and looked at Hailee guiltily.

“I am so sorry about that! I really did go to the rest room, but when I got out, the guy started hitting on me and wouldn’t let me leave. It was great timing when you two came when you did,” Meaghan said, and Hailee grinned.

“It’s okay. At least you’re safe,” Hailee said. “Listen, this really isn’t my scene, so I think I should leave,” she said, and Meaghan pouted.

“But, we haven’t even been here for long. Come on, can’t we stay a little bit longer? I want to have some fun!” Meaghan begged her.

Carter, who kept silent and listened to their conversation, intervened at this point. “Listen, my guys are playing pool over there, so you gals can join us if you want,” Carter suggested, and Meaghan’s eyes lit up. She turned her bright eyes to Hailee and the latter raised her hands in surrender, and the former cheered. Carter led them to their pool table, did a quick introduction for everyone, and sat beside Hailee who was sipping water from her glass, as they watched his friends try and teach Meaghan how to play ball.

“How are you feeling?” Carter asked. Hailee shrugged.

“Beats standing like an idiot in the middle of the dance floor,” Hailee shrugged, and Carter chuckled.

“So, what’s a good girl like you doing in a place like this?” he asked. She raised one eyebrow at him.

“What makes you think I’m a good girl?”

Carter made a show of roving his eyes from her toes all the way up to her face, making Hailee blush. “Trust me. I’ve been around. I know a good girl when I see one.”

Hailee sighed, knowing she was busted before she even began.

“Yeah, you got it. My friends dragged me here because they wanted to celebrate that we were graduating next month,” Hailee explained.

“High school or college?” Carter said, teasing her. Hailee gaped at him and hit his arm, causing him to chuckle.

“College! Duh. I don’t look like a high school student!” she said, and Carter shook his head.

“I’m just pulling your chain,” Carter moved closer to her and Hailee shivered a bit. “You want to dance?” he asked, looking over at the dance floor when the next song played. Hailee bit her lip.

“I don’t know how,” she admitted, and Carter smiled at her.

“Nothing to it. I’ll lead.” Carter said, making her laugh.

“I don’t think there’s anyone who leads when club dancing,” she said, and he took her hand in his and walked with his back to the dance floor, looking at her, as he pulled her there.

“There is always someone who leads, kitten. The question is, if you’ll follow,” Carter replied, and once they reached their spot, they only needed to look into each other’s eyes and they were totally in sync.

They danced with each other for the whole song, and when a slow one came next, they continued to sway against each other. It was only when Hailee noticed something vibrating in her purse that she snapped out of the bubble she and Carter created and looked for her phone.

Mom calling…





Hailee sighed. She should’ve realized her mom would be checking on her. She raised a finger to Carter and she pushed her way through the crowd to get outside of the bar, so she could answer her phone.

“Mom?” she asked.

“Where are you? Why is it so noisy over there?” her mom asked suspiciously.

“Meaghan and the girls asked me to go out with them to this bar and--,” Hailee explained, but her mother abruptly cut her off.

“A bar!” her mother shrieked. “What are you doing there instead of school? You cannot possibly be starting to rebel at the most critical time in your life! Are you seriously going to ruin your future by messing around and drinking!”

Hailee’s shoulders fell, as she listened to her mother’s tirade. It’s always been this way for her parents. They’ve always pushed her to be the best in everything, and wouldn’t let her have any fun at all. And, now that she was finally graduating, she thought they’d at least give her a little slack, but sadly, she was mistaken. She took the phone off her ear and dropped the call before turning it off.

She’d had enough. Tonight, she wanted to party.

She saw Carter standing a few feet behind her, staring at her worriedly and she realized he had followed her out of the bar. She walked over to her determinedly, and Carter opened his mouth to ask her if she was okay.

“I want to drink. Let’s have fun tonight,” she said.

Carter looked at her long and hard before nodding once.

“Let’s go.”


Carter was starting to regret agreeing to what Hailee wanted.

He took a drink as he watched Hailee down shot after shot that his biker boys offered her. Meaghan was cheering her on, and when he asked her where her other friends was, Meaghan showed him a text from the girls saying they left early with their man candy and not to wait up. Figures.

He had finished about four bottles now and was feeling significantly buzzed, but not totally drunk yet. Hailee, on the other hand, looked like it was taking everything inside her to keep herself upright. He watched her as she climbed up on the bar and started dancing really provocatively, the men jeering her on, and he was suddenly not okay with the show she was doing for everyone.

He finished his beer and walked over to the bar, glaring at the men to get them to scatter. He then placed his hands on her legs firmly and brought her down from the bar, and she looked at him through hazy eyes.

“You are so…beautiful,” she mumbled, and Carter chuckled.

“You’re the beautiful one,” he replied.

“I want you,” she said, and the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a gaze darkening with lust.

If it had been any other night, he would never go for a girl as piss-drunk as she was, preferring the company of women who knew what they were doing and was fully okay with it.

But, it wasn’t any other night. It was tonight, and tonight? He was drunker than he thought.


Hailee moaned as she tightened her grip on the metal headboard as Carter continued to eat her out. She raised her hips up as she panted, and her breathy moans and sounds only spurned Carter more. He licked and sucked at her clit and insides with renewed vigor, he had to grind his dick into the side of the bed. He thought that if he wasn’t so hard, he’d be content just eating her out for hours.

Hailee had never felt such pleasure before. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the amount of alcohol she had or Carter’s exceptional skills in bed, but she felt so many emotions right now, she was afraid she’d burst.

She couldn’t remember how it got to this point, to be honest. At first, Carter was just looking at her with those intense blue-green eyes of his and then the next they were making out inside the cab on the way to his place. It was the first time she ever kissed someone too, and
it felt good.

But she had to say the way he was mauling her down there felt even better.

She cried out as the little hairs on her body rose up as she quivered, feeling the muscles constricting as she came, and she bowed off the bed when Carter suddenly inserted his finger at that same moment.

“Oh my God,” Hailee panted. All of a sudden, Carter was above her, holding her by her elbows as he looked at her.

“He doesn’t deserve the credit. I do,” he growled. He kissed her lips hard, forcing his tongue inside of her mouth and Hailee’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she tasted herself on him. His hands roved to her breasts at the top of her bunched up dress and he wrenched his mouth away from hers to take his top off, and then hers.

“Oh, look at you…you are beautiful,” Carter murmured, and he immediately wrapped his lips around one nipple while he tugged on the other with his thumb and forefinger, pulling it at the same time. He bit at the other, sending electric shocks pulsating all over her body.

He relished each and every one of her reactions and when he noticed Hailee was about to come again, he gave her nipple one last lick before getting off her completely.

Hailee opened her eyes as Carter’s body disappeared. She was almost at that heavenly peak when he stopped pleasuring her all of a sudden, and then she came down from the high. She frowned as she saw him standing beside a drawer, rummaging for something.

“Come back here,” she pouted. She didn’t care if she looked foolish, begging such a dangerous man for sex, but she was drunk, and she could damn well do whatever she wanted.

It’s her first time to be a rebel. It’s her first time to get drunk. And now, it’s her first time to do what she wanted, and she wanted to do him. Very much.

“Oh, I am going to come, kitten,” Carter said, and Hailee was half-amazed that even his voice sounded so sexy and could send shivers down her spine. He walked back to her, stood just by the edge of the bed, and snapped the button of his jeans off with a thumb, and then slowly, making sure Hailee was following the movement with her eyes, pulled the zipper down. “I’m gonna come inside of you,” he growled.

Hailee bit her lips, as she saw that Carter wasn’t wearing any underwear under his jeans and that he was huge. She sobered up a little and worried that he might not fit inside her, and that if they forced it, he could get stuck and then it would be embarrassing to call for help while he had his dick stuck inside your vagina. She was about to call it off when Carter sensuously tore off the wrapper with his teeth, took the condom out, and slowly, very slowly as to tease her, wore it on his cock. It jutted proudly and threateningly to her, and Hailee’s nerves got the best of her liquid courage.

“You look scary,” Hailee said, looking directly at his hard cock. Carter smirked and stroked himself, as he placed one leg on top of the bed, and then another, caging Hailee with his legs.

“I’ll make you feel so good with this, kitten. I swear to you. I’m gonna have you begging for more,” he said, and he pushed Hailee back to the bed, raising her legs up and opening them wider for him. He settled himself between her thighs, and the tip of his cock brushed at her clit, trying to get her turned on again.

It wasn’t a hard feat to accomplish, especially since he primed her a few minutes ago, so once he felt her up again, pushing one finger inside of her and groaning once he realized she was soaking wet, he kissed Hailee passionately before thrusting deep inside of her in one swift stroke.

She cried out at the slight twinge of pain, and she was grateful for the drinks she consumed for dulling it. She concentrated on sucking Carter’s tongue and slowly, Carter pumped his dick inside her, his tongue mimicking his movements below and almost driving Hailee crazy.

She moaned in time with this thrusts and had to get her mouth away from him less she suffocate. She needed to breathe. This heat and pleasure taking over the both of them was too much for her to bear and it was sucking all the air in the room.

“Oh, Carter, oh God…,” Hailee moaned, her fingers digging down his back and she scratched him. He groaned at the sweet combination of pain and pleasure she inflicted, and twirled his hips before driving inside her again, wanting her to feel everything.

“Carter, I’m…,” she didn’t have to explain. He felt it around his cock. She was trembling now, and any moment, she was going to come again.

“Come for me, kitten, I want to come with you,” Carter whispered hotly in her ear, and it set her off. She screamed. Her orgasm and watching her reach her peak set him off too. He kept pumping into her undulating walls until he couldn’t shoot anymore, and then he collapsed on top of her, the both of them breathing heavily and the musk sent of sex hanging over them.

The both of them fell asleep within minutes.





Hailee couldn’t help but moan, as she woke up with a huge pounding in her brain that she couldn’t alleviate with just a forehead massage. She yawned widely and turned over on the bed, only for her hand to hit something harder than a pillow. She frowned, then opened her eyes.

Her eyes widened.

There was a man in the room, and she realized further that she wasn’t in her room at all.

Carter shifted a bit and sighed before his arm shot out and pulled Hailee tighter against him. Then, she realized she was naked, and all of the memories of last night came flooding into her brain, finally making everything make sense.

She lost her virginity to this guy she met last night. Carter; Carter…..something.

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