Jayded (7 page)

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Authors: Shevaun Delucia

Tags: #erotic, #Romantic

BOOK: Jayded
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She slams her car in reverse. I back up.


re such a dick, Kyle. This isn

t over! You and I are not over!

She pounds her foot on the gas to back up and takes off at full speed. Her wheels screech like nails on a chalkboard through the night.

I blow out a deep breath and head to my door. This is just crazy. I

ve never in my life been through this or have had to deal with girls like this. I might just have to talk with my mother about all of this if it doesn

t get any better. My mother will go on a firing rampage.

I just need a good night

s sleep. And thank goodness my apartment is still cozy and warm. This has been one hell of a day. Good and bad.




I spent a long part of the night going over the Saunders Literary Agency company policies. In order to combine our companies together, there are a few things that will have to be changed for it to work. My company is small, nowhere near the size of this one, but that

s only because I have always been against partners. I

ve always liked to have full control over all decisions. I like to do things my way, without any conflict or opinions butting in. Let

s face it, partnering is all about compromise, and I

ve never handled giving in very well. That could be why I was a horrible fianc


ve done a lot of thinking over the past couple of months, though. I love my clients. They are
loyal and most of them have been with me since day one, but I want better for them. With a bigger company comes bigger opportunities, and because I have been limited to the number of clients I can take on, I

ve been limited in the amount of talent I am able to help prosper. That

s why I

m in this business.

So with that being said, I

ve thought long and hard about change. I am willing to change for the better of me and the better of my clients. They trust me. I have already spoken one-on-one with each of them privately, and almost all of them are looking forward to this collaboration.

I am growing as a person and learning how to accept compromise.
. I can

t believe that I

m thinking this way. Never in a million years would I have expected it, but it sort of feels good. And by joining such an amazing company like Saunders Literary Agency, I think this might just be an easy transition. Let

s not forget about the eye candy I

m about to encounter on a daily basis! Shit! I told myself I was going to leave that situation alone. I

ll have to get better at that.

My phone rings. Ugh! I look at the number and immediately relax. It

s Kinsey, my assistant.

Hey, girl! How

s the home front?

I ask.

She sighs.

Busy. How was the first day?

Oh my God, you sound like a mother should,

I say with a laugh.

It was busy. I

m going over the proposal now.

I hear her clap.

Is it worth the move?

she questions.

Um, yes, very worth it. You would definitely be getting a promotion along with more job responsibilities. Are you up for that?

In a high-pitched voice, she answers,

Hell yeah! Count me in!

Okay, let me get back to this. I have to be up early. Oh, and give J.P. Dover a call. He had some things to go over with the editors, and he wants you to be on the call as well.

Will do! Talk with you tomorrow.



head into my second day of meetings and conferences. I have this stupid rental with no electric start, and it

s less than forty degrees out this morning. How am I doing? Thank goodness for the hotel

s complimentary coffee. I slept horrible. Tossed and turned all night. Without this, I would be one bitchy mess.

I head through the agency

s doors and say hello to the adorable receptionist, Elise. She is, without a doubt, shy and lacks confidence. Sadly, this just radiates off of her. She clearly underestimates how beautiful she actually is. Yes, she

s a little bit of a plain Jane, but I don

t think anyone

s actually taken the time to help her find her inner self, her inner Goddess.

We as women all have that


factor, but sometimes it

s just hidden under a protective coat just as an oyster shell hides a pearl. I went through it. Growing up, I was a tomboy. I came home from school every day with dirty fingernails and scuffed-up knees. I never played with the girls. I would rather catch snakes and hold frogs than play house and dress Barbie dolls.

I have one older brother, Luke, and one younger brother, Justin. So being surrounded by boys was a given. My mother was too busy on social lunches and shopping sprees to spend any time with me. That meant I was left in the care of my older brother; make-up and dresses weren

t part of the deal. Honestly, I didn

t care during my younger years, because I didn

t know what I was missing.

As I got older, things began to change. My body began to change as I went through that awkward phase that all teens seem to go through. The girls at school became mean, and I became a social outcast because I dressed and acted like a boy. It wasn

t until college when I met my roommate, Kinsey, that I began to blossom.

I remember the first day we met. I was setting up my side of the dorm, wearing sweats and an oversized, grungy T-shirt when she came strolling in

Miss Pretty-in-Pink with fair skin and blond hair. I almost threw up in my mouth. I was ready to switch dorm rooms with someone else right then and there.

Kinsey Balterson looked me up and down in disgust, clucked her tongue at me, and shook her head. She said, without hesitation,

We need to work on you immediately. When I fix you up, men aren

t going to know what hit them.

To this day, we still laugh over that. She fixed me, all right. She brought out my inner Goddess and made me a diva! And man was she right about the boys! Most of all, though, she gave me confidence and the power to face the world head-on. After years of being torn down throughout high school, she was exactly what I needed. To this day, we are still best friends.

So maybe it

s time I gave a little back and helped another sister on the road to Goddess-hood.

Good morning, Elise,

I say with a warm smile.

She looks up at me, seeming a little surprised that I remembered her name.

Good morning, Miss Daniels.

She buzzes me in, and I head to my temporary office. It

s quiet; there

s very little action going on in the office at seven thirty in the morning, which I like. I work better in an office setting. It grounds me and forces me to concentrate. At home, I tend to get distracted easy. That

s why I pretty much lived at the office back home, making it difficult to spend time on my relationship with Cody, but for whatever reason, he stayed and was willing to work around it. He

d bring the candlelight dinners to me at the office constantly.

I get startled from the knock at the door. I look up and see Kyle leaning against the doorjamb. When I look at the clock, it

s already eight thirty. I

ve been in major work mode and completely lost track of time.

Butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach, but I force myself to stomp them down.

Good morning, Kyle. What can I do for you?

I keep my tone strictly business.

He smiles. My insides melt.

My mother told me to come grab you so we can head over to the conference room. I thought you might want to grab some coffee first.

I close my laptop and grab my company coffee mug I was given yesterday. Before walking around my desk, I straighten out my skirt and pull down my blazer. When I look up, Kyle is watching me intently. I feel heat creep through my cheeks, but I refuse to show him he has affected me one bit. I hold my chin high and look straight ahead.

Okay, let

s go. I

ll grab my laptop on the way back,

I tell him.

I keep my distance, making sure not to rub against him or get close enough to enter his personal space. This is the only way I can assure myself that our energies won

t meld into each other. Once that happens, I

m afraid all hope will be lost.

Did you enjoy yourself last night?

Kyle asks. He doesn

t play around. He gets right to it.

As we walk, I look at everything but him. I figure this is a good way for me to see the faces of the employees who may be working under me.

Yes, I did actually. Your mother is great, and Jonathan was extremely friendly and welcoming,

I answer blandly.

You can say that again
Kyle says under his breath.

I look at him this time.

What was that?

I ask.


m glad you had a good time,

he lies.

We go there every Monday and Thursday to get some release. It can be intense around here, so it

s a good way to wind down during the week.

Most agencies as prospering as your parents

get intense,

I add.

How about you? You looked like you were having a good time. Is locking lips with coworkers a normal escapade for someone your age?

Yup, I just inserted my foot into my mouth.

Kyle realizes what I

ve just asked him and smirks. Did I sound jealous? I must have because he looks as though he

s enjoying my jealousy.

Uh yeah, about that

I was a little mortified by my actions at the end of the night. I

m sorry you had to see that. I guess I just drank a little too much,

he explains.

No, no. You don

t owe me an explanation. Believe me, I do remember being your age once upon a time; it

s just that sometimes I tend to forget. I

ve been in the adult world so long that I forget what it

s like to be carefree. Please, don

t apologize for it. I sort of envy you for it,

I admit.


s that?

Before I can answer, we enter the kitchen and it is jam-packed. The first person I see upon entering the room is Elizabeth, and she sees us. She

s made direct eye contact. Kyle and I are clearly on her radar, so before things get any more awkward, I walk past him to grab my coffee.




I watch in slow motion as Beth gives me that grimy look she gives when she

s about to do something disastrous. She then walks over to Max and begins a conversation, fake smiles and all. This is not good. After last night, I have no idea what she is capable of. I

m afraid to even find out, but I have a sick inkling that she

s about to show me.

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