Read Jennifer Crusie Bundle Online

Authors: Jennifer Crusie

Jennifer Crusie Bundle (64 page)

BOOK: Jennifer Crusie Bundle
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Then he was kissing his way back up to her, nibbling and biting her sweat-dampened flesh, and she wrapped her legs around him, feeling his muscled thighs between her soft ones. “I want you inside me,” she said through her clenched teeth, still shuddering with the aftershocks of her climax. “I want you inside me
” and he said, “Wait. I want you, too. Wait.” He kissed her, his mouth hot on hers, and she thought that she could spend the rest of her life in that kiss if she had to. Then he finished fumbling with the condom and pulled her to him, and then he was inside her. She writhed at the intoxicating shock of him filling her, and outside, the thunder crashed again, and the lights went out.

The lightning flashed into the room like a strobe light. She looked up into his craggy face, and her blood boiled with the fact that it was him, that it was them together, part of the storm. He rocked into her once and moaned into her neck, and then he rolled so that she was on top, and he was hard against her, and she lost her place in reality for a moment because he felt so good. The roll brought them too close to the edge, and they slid off the bed, still joined, on the thick comforter. The impact of their landing thrust them closer together, and Mae gasped, and Mitch held her tighter and said, “Are you all right?” and she breathed, “Don't

She flexed her hips to roll them away from the tangle of the comforter and found herself on top of him again, on the rug, and Mitch started when he saw the open jaws of the bear next to his head. “It's polyester,” she said, laughing softly in his ear, drunk with lust and love and the storm. Then she pushed herself up, straddling him, and he stroked his hands roughly across her breasts. The rain lashed at them both, cold rain on hot skin, and she rocked against him until he closed his eyes and drew in a deep ragged breath. She felt it start again deep inside her, the tightening and fire and the crackle in her veins, and she stopped, clenching herself down on him. His hands gripped her hips and pulled her tight against him, and she gave herself over to him and felt everything in her body rise and explode and crash with the thunder as the spasms came again and again until she fell sated against his chest.

They lay there on the rug, trying to breathe, clutching each other as rain fell on them through the open window, and then Mitch kissed her forehead, and whispered, “Mabel, it's raining,” and she smiled, and let him roll and pull her to her feet and lead her back to the bed. And when they were wrapped in the comforter and in each other's arms again, listening to the pounding of the storm, Mitch gently smoothed back her wet hair and said, “Thank you for calling me. I damn near killed myself to get here, but you were worth it.”

Mae laughed into his neck. “Thank you for coming.”

Mitch laughed, too. “Anytime.”

She tightened her arms around him. “I never knew anything could feel as good as holding you.” When he didn't answer, she pulled back to look up at him from the dim light of the window. “Mitch?”

“I'm here.” He traced the line of her face with his fingers, smoothing them across her lips, and then bent to kiss her before he whispered, “I'm amazed at us, but I'm here.” He held her tighter. “This is so good it's scary.”

“Then don't think about it.” Mae snuggled back against him.

“I don't want to think about anything else,” he said into her hair.

She held him, listening to the beat of his heart and the patter of the fading storm, and they were both almost asleep when the lights came back on.

Mitch jerked awake, and Mae patted his chest. “I'll get it.” She rolled away only to feel his hand move down her back, his fingers playing over the bumps of her vertebrae. “Don't.” He pulled her back against him, his breath warm against the back of her neck. “I like looking at you naked.”

Mae snuggled back against him, her rear end curving into his hips. “I don't know. You know what this sort of thing leads to.” She captured his hand and brought it to her breast.

“Your problem is you're shy.” Mitch nibbled on her neck and made her shudder with pleasure. “Good thing I'm an optimist and brought spare condoms.”

“Hey, I'm prepared, too,” Mae said, pulling away in mock indignation only to fall back against him when his hand recaptured her breast. She stretched and yanked open the drawer and handed him one of Armand's foil-wrapped packages. “So there.”

Mitch took it and made a move to toss it back on the table, but then he stopped, moving his other hand off her body and rolling away from her.

“Mitch?” Mae sat up. He was staring at the package, holding it up to the light.

“Lie back a minute, will you?” He pressed her gently onto the pillows, bending over her to stare at the package as he held it to the lamp. Then he looked down at her. “Mabel, you don't have a biological clock you forgot to tell me about, do you?”

She struggled to sit up. “What are you talking about? I'm thirty-four.” He was watching her naked struggle with interest, and she stopped. “What are you looking at?”

“You're a very distracting woman. And we're definitely going to make love again, but not with this condom. It has a hole in it.”

“What?” Mae sat up, grabbing the sheet at the last minute and holding it over her. “Give me that.”

Mitch held it out of her reach. “Let go of the sheet first.”

Mae tried to look stern. “Let me see that condom.”

Mitch shook his head. “The sheet first.”

She lunged for the condom, and he yanked on the sheet, and they both fell over, intertwined, Mae laughing in spite of herself.

Mitch licked his tongue over her breast. “You know, arguing with you is going to be a lot more fun from now on.”

Mae shoved his head away and held the condom up to the lamp. Dead in the center was a tiny pinpoint of light. “You're right.” She dropped the condom, rolling to open the drawer.

“I'm always right.” Mitch trailed his hand lazily up her thigh as she stretched to gather up the other condoms. “You know, you really do have a world-class ass.”

“Thank you.” Mae rolled back over and dropped the condoms on the bed, picking up one and holding it to the light. Another hole, dead center. “How did you notice this?”

“You can feel the hole in the foil.” Mitch picked up one of the other packages and held it to the light. “This one, too.”

“They all have holes.” Mae slumped back against the pillows.

“I'd complain to your druggist.” Mitch scooped up the last of the packets and leaned over Mae to toss them on the table. Since he was there, he bent to kiss her on the neck.

“They were Armand's.”

Mitch jerked his head back. “What?”

“They were in the box we found the key in. There were dozens of them, remember?”

Mitch hesitated and then nudged her hip with his. “Come on. Let's go look at the rest of them.”

“Now?” Mae said, but he was already bending over her, reaching for his pants.

in the box had a hole in it.

“What good would it do for Armand to get Stormy pregnant?” Mae asked Mitch where he sat next to her on the floor of Armand's bedroom.

“It could be Stormy poking holes, you know.” Mitch tossed the last condom back in the box. “Maybe she thought she'd trump Barbara if she had a baby.”

“No.” Mae's voice was positive. “Armand didn't like kids. The only reason he kept me was to…” Her voice trailed off.

“To keep June,” Mitch finished. “Would Armand knock Stormy up to keep her from leaving when he married Barbara?”

“Well, it's low enough for him.” Mae sounded doubtful. “I just don't see Armand poking holes in condoms.”

“Looks like I need to read another diary. What else is in here that we missed?” Mitch stirred his hand through the items in the box.

Mae yawned. “Mitch, it's the middle of the night. Can we do this in the morning?”

“No. We're going to be too busy making love in the morning.” He held up a handful of lip balm sticks. “Your uncle had a bad Chap Stick habit, didn't he?”

“So this is how it ends,” Mae said sadly. “One minute making love like crazed animals, the next minute discussing Chap Stick.”

Mitch shoved the box away. “I'm a professional, ma'am. My professional instincts have been aroused.”

Mae blinked at him, trying hard to look sad and vulnerable. “I liked it better when your other instincts were aroused.”

“Fine.” Mitch grabbed the back of her robe and yanked her to the floor, rolling on top of her.

“This is good.” Mae bit him on the neck.

“No, it isn't.” Mitch winced away from her teeth. “The only condoms we have without holes are back in your room.” He kissed her once, hard, and then let it melt into a longer, softer, tongue-tangled kiss.

When she spoke again, Mae's voice was a lust-drunken murmur. “Let's go back to my room.”

“Whatever you want, Mabel,” Mitch said. “Whatever you want.”

the next morning the way he always did: badly. First he struggled to consciousness through the heavy drug of his natural sleep, then he squinted and frowned against the sunlight that filled the room, then he hauled his mind over to the problem of why there was so damn much light in his apartment, then he dealt with the idea that he wasn't in his apartment and then finally, he absorbed the mind-bending fact that Mae's warm, lush body was curved naked against him.

Then he remembered everything, and for the first time in his entire life, Mitch was delighted to be awake. He stretched slowly, trying not to wake Mae, feeling his muscles faintly ache from the athletics of the night before, shivering at the slide of her skin against his. Then he pulled her close to feel her softness squash against him even though he knew it would wake her up.

He wanted her awake, anyway.

She stretched against him, and he enjoyed it, and then she moved her head higher on his shoulder and sighed into his ear, and he enjoyed that, and then her hand trailed down his chest, and he almost passed out from pleasure.

“Good morning,” she murmured, and licked her tongue into his ear, and he said, “Mabel, you have no idea how good a morning it's going to be,” and pinned her under him.

Then the screaming and shouting started downstairs.

Mitch vaulted out of bed and headed to the door, only to stop when Mae grabbed for him and said, “
You're naked.”

“Right.” He fumbled for his pants, only momentarily distracted when she flitted by him as she slid on her robe, and then she was looking out the door to see what the shouting was about.

“Stop it,” she called down, and there was silence. “Carlo, you sit down until I can get some clothes on. I mean it. Stop it.” She slammed the door without waiting for an answer. “You've got to get out of here,” she said to Mitch.

Mitch scowled at her. “I am not running away from Carlo.”

Mae put her hands on her hips, and Mitch closed his eyes, trying not to think about what great hips she had. “It's not running away, it's saving me from a hassle. I don't want to referee any fight right now. I've got enough troubles.” Her eyes went past him, and she froze. “Oh,

“What?” Mitch wheeled around, but all he saw was the worktable with the lamp and Mae's clock.

“I'm late for work.” She ran to her closet and started pulling out clothes. “And I need a shower, and I'm not going to get one because I have to take care of Carlo first…oh, hell!”

Mitch put his arms around her and held her close. “Tell work you're not coming in, and tell Carlo to get lost, and I'll spend the rest of the day with you in the shower.” She slumped against him, tightening her arms around his waist, and he took a deep breath to keep from passing out from happiness.

“I can't,” she said into his chest, and the tickle from her breath made him dizzy. “But it's a great offer, and I'm going to remember it.” She pulled away from him. “Just wait here until I get rid of him.”

The pounding on the door jolted both of them. “Mae? Mae, who's in there with you?”

“That's it.” Mitch started for the door and Carlo.

“No,” Mae whispered and hauled him back. “No. I can't handle this if you're here.”

He sighed and said, “All right. But only for you would I do this.” He shoved his feet into his loafers and picked up his jacket. “You got any cab fare?”

“I gave you every cent I had last night.” She picked up her car keys from the table and tossed them to him. “Take the Mercedes. I'll get money from June and take a cab.”

“When do you get off?” Mitch pocketed the keys. “I'll pick you up.”

The pounding accelerated.

“Five.” Mae shot an anxious glance at the door. “Carlo, knock it off,” she called. “I'm getting dressed.”

BOOK: Jennifer Crusie Bundle
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