Jesse (11 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Jesse
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Moving his mouth down her throat, he
nipped at the pounding pulse he found there, licked the hot vein as it went
beneath her shirt. He wanted to taste her, all of her, and it had to be now. Lifting
his hands from her bottom, he worked his hands up her waist to just below her
breast. Running his thumbs under the heavy bounty, he lifted his head and
looked down at her. Christ almighty, if there was anything more beautiful, he
didn’t know what it could be.

Her mouth was swollen and her eyes half-closed.
But even then he could see they were glazed with need. Her panting breath moved
along his own lips and he wanted to taste her again. But he wasn’t going to
take anything from her without her consent. “Josephine, I want you. Right now
against this wall, I want to bury my cock deep inside of you. I can’t wait much
longer, but if you say no, I’ll step back and leave.” She looked at him,
confused. He couldn’t blame her; he was, as well. Confused as to why this woman
of all women affected him like this. “Tell me yes or no, baby. I need to know.”

He rocked into her again and watched as
her eyes fluttered closed. He said her name softly and she looked up at him. There
was something else there besides lust; he saw fear too. But when she nodded all
he could think of was she was his and he could take her right now.

Lifting her shirt up and over her head,
he looked down at her breasts in the white bra. Nothing skimpy or lacy, but a
white serviceable bra that he found sexier than anything he’d ever known. Watching
her face, he spread his hands at her ribs and worked his thumbs up under the
material and over her nipples.

Her moan came out raggedly. Even as her
eyes closed, this time she opened them quickly. He knew his own need reflected
back to her and when he lifted the bra up over her breasts he continued
watching her as he leaned down to take one into his mouth. Paradise.

Her nipple was thick and long. He
suckled just the tip as he tugged on the other one. When she rocked up and
offered him more he moved to the other, took as much of her as he could into
his mouth, and still left a good deal out to touch. He’d never had such a big-breasted
woman before and knew she was the most delicious.

She moved his tie out of her way and
worked the buttons of his shirt open. When her hot hand touched his own nipple
he let go of her breast with a pop and took her mouth again. If they didn’t get
naked soon he was going to come in his trousers.

“Please,” she begged him when she had
her hands over his belt. “I can’t get to you this way.”

He helped her off his hips, but didn’t
stop touching. Her waist was so tiny, hips so narrow. When he felt her hand
down his pants he stepped back and held his hand over here. “You touch me now
and I’m going to come. I’ve thought about this for too long and I’m on edge. I
want to taste you, take your cum into my mouth, and feel you come down my

Her smile was sinful. She used her other
hand to trace the length of him still hidden beneath his boxers. “I could take
you into my mouth first. I want to feel you come down my throat first. Might
make you feel better.”

He couldn’t speak, but let her turn him
around with his back against the door again. He nearly came anyway when she
dropped to her knees before him, her breasts still bare and her nipples hard. Asking
her to take off her bra for him took him three tries. When she removed it and
tossed it behind her, he groaned.

His pants were around his thighs before
he could think about much more than the fact that the woman before him looked
good there. Jesse watched as she licked the stream of cum off the tip of his
engorged cock and moaned. “Hurry. Or I’m going to lose my load all over your
face.” She wrapped her mouth over his cock and he felt the world under his feet
tilt in all sorts of directions.

He watched her. Wrapping his hands into
her hair he tried to slow her movements down and hurry her at the same time,
but she seemed to be doing things her own way. When she cupped his balls and
licked the length of him his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He could only
think that he wished he’d had this image last night and he’d jerked off with
it. Then today his need wouldn’t be so close to the edge.

He pumped into her soft mouth and felt
her swallow as he touched the back of her throat. A moan, this one harsh,
escaped as he begged her to do it again. He was going to come and he couldn’t
have stopped it if he’d tried. Tightening his fingers in her hair he exploded
into her. Over and over he fucked her mouth, feeling his climax come from every
part, every muscle and cell of his body. Even as the last of his cum slid from
him, he watched her lap at him. It was almost too painful now that he’d come,
but it also felt like heaven to him. When he let her hair go she leaned back on
her feet and looked up at him. He simply stared at her, not knowing how to tell
her how he felt right now. The knock on the door behind him startled them both.

“Hey. It’s awful quite in there. Have
you killed each other?” Another pounding on the door from Conley made Jesse
think that he was coming in soon.

“No.” He had to clear his throat twice
more before he thought the man could hear him. “No, we’re fine. Just working
something out.”

Joey reached for her bra and shirt and
started for the back of the trailer. Jesse was disappointed more than he could
imagine. He’d wanted her. Wanted to finish what they’d started, but Conley was
saying that he needed some papers off the desk. Jesse adjusted his clothes,
just realizing that he was nearly completely undressed.

When Conley came in he didn’t say
anything, but went straight to the desk. Josephine came out of what he thought
was a bathroom and looked like she’d fixed her hair. He’d been pulling on it
very hard, but no one could tell. She stopped by the desk and looked at
something with Conley. Jesse felt like he had been dismissed and that pissed
him off.

“Josephine, I need to speak to you. There
are things left undone here and I want some answers. Now.” He felt stupid when
both she and Conley raised their brows at him. “I demand that you come to my
office with me right now and we get this living and job situation worked out.” Apparently,
he had stupidity on his brain because he continued on his quest to be an idiot.

Without a word, Conley stood to leave. Josephine
was right behind him. As Conley brushed by him he was reasonably sure the man
but didn’t know for sure. Josephine nearly snarled at him
when he grabbed her arm.

“Don’t touch me.” He let her go so
quickly that she stumbled. He nearly reached for her again when she backed off.
“You don’t treat me like I’m your possession no matter how much I get your
rocks off.”

“So this is because I got off and you
didn’t? I offered to relieve you first and you decided to suck me off—” The
pain in his nose made him see stars. And when he felt something warm gush over
his mouth, he knew she’d broken his nose.

“You bastard.” She left the office as he
dropped to the floor. His head hit the cabinet behind him and just before he
blacked out he wondered if he could have handled that any more badly. Probably


The dirt was really dark, but she hardly
noticed it. She was going to forget what had happened in the trailer earlier even
if it took the rest of her life. She was reasonably sure it would too. She
threw another shovelful in the pile she was making and thought about the idiot
she’d just had sex with.

Well, not had sex with so much as he’d
gotten off, as he’d called it. She dipped the shovel in the dirt again and
wondered how hard it would be to bury one in his heart. If he had one.

Conley clearing his throat made her
turn. He grinned at her. He’d not said a word to her after she’d come out of the
trailer, but she knew he was upset. She didn’t care if he was mad or not. Now
she wondered aloud if he’d been sent to run her off the property.

“Nope. I did help Jesse into his limo a
while ago. Seems he busted his head and his nose when he tripped up on
something in the office, though. Shame. Poor guy will have to replace his suit.
I sort of dropped him a couple of times when we were coming down the steps.” He
nodded to the truck. “I’m to take you to the greenhouse. Boss said to make sure
you get what you need. Another truck is on the way to get the rock you said
you’d need to build the fountain.”

Joey thought she must have looked
ridiculous standing there with her mouth open. When Conley pushed her mouth
closed she felt her face heat up. She wasn’t sure which surprised her more,
that Conley had knocked Jesse on his ass, that she still had a job, or that
they were going to put in her fountain. With his, “come on,” she dropped the
shovel and climbed in the big truck.

“I wish I had learned to drive when I was
younger.” He looked over at her as they left the lot. “My grandmother wasn’t
into driving so she couldn’t teach me and, besides, there wasn’t any money for
a car so I guess it didn’t matter.”

“You’ll have to learn to drive soon. One
of us might not be available to drive you where you need to go next time. I’m
only going this time because I’m your muscle. To lift stuff, not beat the snot
outta somebody for you.” She looked over at him to see if he was kidding about
the snot knocking comment. But he was smiling, so she let it go.

Besides, she didn’t think that once she
got the plants and things she needed that driving again would be an issue. Doyle’s
was close enough to where she was currently staying and she hoped with the
money she’d make off this job she’d have enough for a deposit on a more
permanent place and a good job. Maybe if she did a really good job for them,
they’d let her use them as a reference so she could get one working with some
other company.

Patty’s Petal’s was a beautiful nursery
and owned by Patty Melbourne, a local. Joey had had to come here and work for a
few weeks during school for a project. She’d not had the money for the things
she needed and traded off the items for free labor. She only hoped the owner
was the same. She’d liked the woman.

Patty met them in the lot. Smiling, she
grabbed up Conley in a bear of a hug and kissed him soundly on the mouth. She
then turned to Joey. Her smile was infectious and Joey found herself smiling
right back.

“Got yourself a job with a good company,
I see. You should have come to me first off if you was looking. I’d have lied
my ass off about the Stone men just so you’d come work for me again. Ain’t had
another person working for me since that holds a candle.” Patty hugged her
tight then told them to come along.

Joey thought that once she was finished
she would come and talk with Patty. She was so excited about the prospect that
she nearly forgot to be pissed at Jesse for a little while. But once she was in
the greenhouse she was able to push him away.

They’d told her to get what she needed
and not to spare the cost. They wanted to make this building look good so they
could unload it quick. Not. Mr. J.R. told her that they needed to sell it, but
it was a bad mark on their company to have an empty building sitting when the
Stones had built it. So, armed with her list and counts, she walked the path of
the flowers and told her what she needed.

The green house was laid out in a grid
and all by color. Joey had been in several greenhouses that laid them out
according to type. Patty had told her that a person knew what color they wanted
in foliage, but not necessarily what plants. She thought that she’d put it out
there so that people could get help once they had a color in mind. It worked
apparently, because the place was hopping with people even on a Tuesday.

Since it was coming on fall Joey had
decided to add as much of the fall colors as she could now with a great deal of
springs that would come up next year. Summer, too, as a matter of fact, and
Patty told her that she had a lot of the end of year clearances on most of that

Daylilies of several colors were on her
list and all but one were in the clearance area. She was looking over the list
when Patty offered her a deal. If she took everything there, she’d sell it to
her for half that price. Looking at Conley and his small nod, she agreed. He
told her he’d have to make a call to bring another truck. As he stepped away
Patty approached her about working part-time for her.

“Can’t be too much need for you working
for the Stones in the winter months and I got a whole house to fill. I’ll pay
you too.”

“I’m only helping them out on this one
job. Wills, the owner’s wife, sort of forced me into it. I’m going to need
something more full-time when you can do it, though.” Conley stepped toward
them as she finished speaking and he had an odd look on his face. “Are they
thinking I shouldn’t have bought this?”

He shook his head. “No. They’re sending
two more trucks, but I think you got it—” His phone ringing cut him off. He
stepped away again and answered. When he came back, he was grinning. “Seems I’m
needed back at the site. Wills is having problems with one of the boys and
somebody has to hold her back from beating the shit outta him. One of the
others will bring you back.”

He took off at a run toward his truck
and only stopped long enough to hand something to one of the others that worked
for Patty before spinning out of the lot. The boy, Tad by his name tag, handed
Joey a credit card. “He said he was supposed to give this to you first and
forgot.” As he wandered away Joey looked at Patty. She had a huge smile on her

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