Jessie (45 page)

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Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #ebook

BOOK: Jessie
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Oh, they would be like Rylan and Bri, wonderful and caring, but Jessie knew she was different. Jessie knew there was something she didn't have. Ry and Bri didn't say those things, not so much as a hint, but she knew what they believed. They believed that all people needed a relationship with God. She knew they prayed for her, but she couldn't believe.

At one time she had actually tried. After Seth had left for Texas, she had tried to pray. She had told God that if He was truly there and He would bring her husband back, she would believe in Him. But He didn't do it. And she'd been alone for eight years.

And now you're no longer alone, Jessie, and look at where it's gotten you.

Jessie eventually sat down with the account books, deciding that there was such a thing as too much time to think.

“Did you pick one?” Nate asked Heather. They were discussing a date for their wedding; the couple was in Jeanette's small parlor.

“I thought we would do that together,” Heather said.

“That sounds fine. Have you got a calendar handy?”

Heather did have a calendar in her room, and the two began to study the dates.

“What day of the week do we want to be married on?” Heather asked.

“I don't think I have a preference. Do you?”

“I've never been particularly fond of Thursdays, so not that day.”

Nate began to smile.

“Don't you laugh at me,” Heather said, knowing she was about to be teased.

“Me? I would never.”

Heather only shook her head and tried not to even smile at his sparkling eyes, knowing it would only bring more teasing. “All right,” she said, getting down to business. “Today is the ninth of October. We could get married four weeks from Friday, which would be the seventh of November.”

“A Friday?”

“Yes, I think an evening wedding would be fun. What do you think?”

“Does four weeks give you time to make a dress?” Nate asked.

“It's made,” Heather said, staring at the man she loved. Sure enough, his brows rose and his mouth opened.

“How did that work?” he asked when he could find words.

“Jeanette started it the day after I agreed to our first walk.”

Just as Heather knew he would, Nate laughed. This was the last thing he expected. It was Heather's turn to sit and be amused by his response. She had been waiting for this to come up, and his laughter had been worth not mentioning it before.

“I think living with the three of you is going to make my premarried life look completely dull.”

“You might also think it looks more sane,” Heather suggested dryly.

“I'm willing to take the risk.”

The two smiled before they shared a kiss and then continued to talk. Before Nate left, they checked the date with Jeanette and Becky. Both women thought the date sounded perfect; it meant Nate would be with them for Christmas. Meg's baby was due soon after that, but Meg was usually late. Only Rylan and Bri were left, and checking with them was Nate's job.

Becky made the assumption that the Jarviks would be most agreeable about the date and served dessert to celebrate. The four of them talked nonstop until it grew too late, getting a taste of life in the near future. The prospect made each of them smile.

Chapter Twenty-Two

said to the girls after supper as they stepped carefully into their “house.” Seth had sensed a need to give Jessie the apartment on her own. “Mr. Vick might have tools or nails lying around.”

The girls moved carefully and with almost reverential silence. The house was partially framed and Seth was able to show the girls where things in the downstairs would be and where the stairway would go upstairs. The new boards smelled wonderful, and for Seth things were shaping up just as he'd pictured.

For the moment, it was nice to get his mind off of his marriage. Things were still strained, and he'd still had no chance to see Rylan.

“Is Mama coming down?” Clancy asked.

“No, she's resting,” Seth said. They had not told the girls about the baby. Jessie was not happy about the prospect, and it would be yet one more thing she would have to pretend about.

“Has she seen the house?” Hannah asked.

“Sure,” Seth said honestly. He didn't know if she'd come outside, but she'd certainly seen plenty from the storeroom.

“I want to see my bedroom,” Clancy said.

“It won't be long now,” her father said. “Come here to the bottom of the stairs and I'll show you how it will look.”

Seth kept them busy as long as the light would allow, but the days were growing shorter, and it wasn't long before they headed back inside. Jessie was buried in the newspaper, and the girls left her alone. Seth did the same, wondering how long the situation could last.

“I feel I need to do something desperate,” Seth finally had a chance to tell Rylan. “I'm planning something, and I might need your help.”

“Anything we can do.”

“Thank you,” Seth said, and then slowly shook his head. “She thinks I'm leaving. Outside of staying for the next 30 years, I can't prove to her that I'm not, so I guess that's just what I'll do.”

“I wish she would come and see Sabrina,” Rylan said, knowing that his wife could not get out much right now. “Maybe if they talked, it would help.”

“I don't know. She's not even the same with the girls anymore.”

Seth stayed as long as he dared, and Rylan encouraged him with God's unfailing goodness. Seth explained to Rylan what he wanted to do, but only if Jessie did not soften toward him. Seth left with great hope that God might choose to change his wife, but he also knew he was not afraid to act if need be.

Seth slipped into the store in time to start the day, but as soon as Jessie saw he was back, she headed for the storeroom.

Nate and Heather's wedding night was crisp and beautiful. The ceremony was simple and just what the bride had imagined. Nate's face as he vowed his life to Heather was sober, but his eyes were filled with love.

The reception was at Jeanette's. With Nate being so well known in town, it was a full house, but there was still plenty of room. Everyone welcomed an opportunity to visit and enjoy the cakes Becky had spent all week making.

All the Holdens were in attendance, babies and all, as were Nate's deputies. The church family was there and many of the townsfolk. Jeanette moved around from group to group, as did Nate and Heather. Some folks had cleared out at a reasonable time, but some were clearly going to stay half the night. Heather had gone to the kitchen to check on Becky and was headed back to the guests when Nate caught her at the stairway.

“Why don't you head upstairs?”

“Can we do that?”

Nate only smiled and told her to go.

Heather did not argue. She slipped up the stairs to their bedroom, shut the door, and waited. She didn't have long. Nate told Jeanette they were slipping away and joined his bride.

“How are you?” Nate asked when he gained the room. Heather was in front of the fire, and if her clasped hands were any indication, she was tense.

“Fine,” she said, but her voice was small.

Nate was not feeling overly confident himself, but he still went and took her in his arms. For a long time they just held each other. Some noise drifted up from the crowd downstairs, but for the most part they felt they were in a world all their own.

“Better?” Nate asked when he felt Heather relax against him.


“Are you sorry we left the party?” Nate asked.

“No,” Heather said, a smile in her voice. She tipped her head back to see him, and he kissed her.

“Nate,” Heather suddenly asked. “Do you mind if I take my hair down?”

“Mind?” he asked with a smile in his voice. “I've been looking forward to seeing you with your hair down.”

Heather sighed with contentment and put her hands up, but Nate beat her to it.

“Allow me, Mrs. Kaderly,” he offered, and Heather, with a soft laugh did just that.

“Well this is nice timing,” Rylan teased Bri between contractions. She had waited until the next morning to have her first pains.

“You'll even be able to preach,” Bri teased right back, hoping that Danny, who had been taken to Jeanette's, would not think he was going to be separated for weeks this time.

“When do I go for the doctor?” Rylan asked, remembering how long labor with Danny had taken.

“Not yet, I don't think.”

Rylan hoped she would know and continued to sit with her as the time passed. He thought she was doing well, but things seemed to grow intense without warning. Bri's water broke, and she felt a desperate need to push almost at the same time.

“I've got to find him, Bri,” Rylan said at one point, both of them dripping with sweat.

“But I feel like I have to push,” Bri just managed, contractions coming one on top of the other.

Rylan knew he couldn't leave. He would ask himself for a long time if he should have done something differently, but for right now, the die was cast. Working for all they were worth, Rylan and Bri delivered their next baby together. James Rylan Jarvik came into the world, howling almost from the first moment. He was big like his brother and looked none the worse for wear once he'd calmed down. Staring at him, Rylan and Bri felt amazed. They counted fingers and toes and then laughed when he ate with great appetite.

“Oh, Rylan,” was all Bri could say when the two took a moment to look at each other.

“He's here,” Rylan said, kissing her forehead. “And I still have you.”

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