Jessie's Jewels [Submissive Sirens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

BOOK: Jessie's Jewels [Submissive Sirens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Jessie held on for dear life. Gabriel’s kiss was exactly how she’d always imagined. His mouth was hot, hard, and he didn’t give her time to breathe. He thrust his tongue in and out, and Jessie did what instinct demanded. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sucked, his low groan rumbling against her breasts where they were pressed against his ribs.

Jessie tore her mouth free and gasped in the next instant as Liam’s diabolical finger began moving in her pussy. She moaned again as he rimmed the hot hole, slowly gathering her cream on his finger before sliding it across her swollen clit. Jessie would have shot out of her body if Gabriel hadn’t been holding her, and she felt her head roll back as Liam pressed that finger into her cunt. She felt herself spasm around his thick digit and heard him curse, his words thickly accented.

Gabriel kept his eyes glued to Jessie’s face as he spoke to Liam. “Well? Did she enjoy her spanking?”

Jessie blushed, knowing the response that was forthcoming.

Liam chuckled, the sound strained. “She’s creaming all over my hand. I’d say she more than enjoyed it, Your Grace.”

Gabriel smiled darkly at her. “Good. Now that she’s been spanked I can move on to you.”

Jessie felt the finger in her pussy pause in its exploration, and she heard Liam’s sharply indrawn breath behind her.

“Liam.” Gabriel’s voice had become deep and cool once more. “I’d like you to present yourself to me. That means you find the nearest flat surface, place your hands on it, and bend over.”

Jessie could feel Liam’s breathless anticipation. Hell, she was just as breathless, looking forward to watching Gabriel work Liam over. Liam walked to the dresser, placing his hands as Gabriel had instructed and leaning forward.

“Perfect,” Gabriel crooned. “Maintain that position, although if you’d like to watch in the mirror, I owe Jessamy one thing more before it’s your turn.”

With that, he flipped Jessie onto her stomach on the bed with a precision that astounded her. She squeaked when he spread her legs apart, unnerved briefly as she felt him get up before the bed dipped again at his return. She squealed as she felt the cheeks of her bottom pulled apart, and something cold poured down the crack of her ass.

Gabriel murmured softly to her, “I know it’s cold, love, but trust me, you’ll be happy it’s there.”

Liam swore where he was standing, and Jessie raised her gaze to meet his in the mirror where he watched.

“You may speak to one another, my little subs, if you wish.” Gabriel sounded amused, and Jessie wondered how many times he’d done this before.

“Liam? What’s he doing?” Jessie’s voice sounded breathy, her whole body clenching as Gabriel ran a dirty fingertip across the puckered rosebud of her anus. She saw that Liam’s eyes were heavy lidded, and he was watching Gabriel’s ministrations with rapt attention.

“He just poured lube on your ass, love. And now he’s going to work it open. Jessie,” Liam asked, the ghost of a smile hovering around his sensual mouth, “is it true you plug your ass when you masturbate?”

Before she could answer, Gabriel snorted. “If my cock was the size of my pinkie finger, I’m sure that plug would be excellent. But since it’s not, you’re going to need further preparation. And I wouldn’t laugh”—he directed his last comment to Liam—“because you’re next. I won’t fuck these little holes until they’ve been prepared, and since time is of the essence, I’m choosing to move straight to figging rather than using a set of training plugs on each of you.”

Jessie was afraid to ask. “Figging, Your Grace? Liam, what’s figging?”

Liam’s face was flushed now, and Jessie was willing to bet his cock was drooling. “Figging, love, is when a piece of gingerroot is inserted into your pretty little asshole. The gingerroot will burn if you clench on it, and big bad Doms like ours use it for the training of asses to accept their cocks.”

Gabriel tapped Jessie’s asshole, causing her to bite her lip. She knew she liked anal play, but she was shocked at how stimulating it was to have someone else do it.

“An excellent explanation, sub. So, Jessie…” Gabriel inserted just the tip of his finger into Jessie’s anus, making her moan. “Don’t clamp down, or this gorgeous ass will light up.”

Jessie became aware of the pungent scent of the gingerroot right before she felt the cool pressure of it against her most private hole. She took a deep breath as Gabriel pressed inward, willing the muscles of her sphincter to relax. She moaned as the pressure became greater. The gingerroot was much thicker than the plug she used, and she was willing to bet Gabriel’s cock was even bigger. She held her breath as the pressure became immense, and she squirmed as she unwittingly clenched on the pungent herb, making her anus burn. Finally Gabriel gave a push and Jessie felt the wide base of the gingerroot lodge between her cheeks, and she focused on breathing shallowly and not clenching. She felt so full, and she knew her pussy was drenched again.

Gabriel stroked her ass softly. “Nicely done, love. You look lovely with your ass full of gingerroot. I can’t wait to see just how much more lovely your ass will look when it’s full of cock.” Gabriel treated her to one last stroke, then moved to stand behind Liam.

“And now, my other naughty sub, it’s your turn.”

Chapter 15


Liam took a deep breath. He was a bag of nerves, and he alternated between begging Gabriel to continue and begging him to let him go. Deep down Liam knew this was what he needed, and the knowledge that Jessie was there with him made the need to be dominated so much sweeter.

Jessie. He’d nearly come on the spot, watching Gabriel spank her perky little ass. It had been even more challenging to stop the cum from boiling up from his balls into his cock when Gabriel had invited him to run a hand through Jessie’s pussy, and he’d been aroused to the point of pain when he’d felt how wet she’d gotten. The way she’d lifted into the blows, the way her sweet pussy had gushed with her arousal had been perfect. Liam knew she’d be perfect like this. He’d loved watching Gabriel master her, and the knowledge that that big Dom was going to master him next kept his heart pounding in anticipation. Now, as Gabriel approached, Liam smiled. The woman he loved was lying on the bed with a drenched pussy and an ass full of gingerroot, and the man he was starting to love was about to—well, Liam didn’t know what Gabriel was about to do, and he admitted to himself that the uncertainty made the anticipation even hotter.

“Liam. There is unfinished business between you and I.”

Liam gulped. He knew he’d spoken recklessly to Gabriel, and it looked like it was time to pay the piper. He lowered his head in submission, planting his hands on the dresser and his feet on the floor. Even though he was nervous, his cock felt hard enough to hammer nails.

With no further preliminaries, Gabriel spanked Liam’s ass, and Liam heard Jessie gasp from where she watched on the bed. Liam felt the burn instantly, the blow hard enough to make his balls jiggle. He grunted, gritting his teeth, aware that Gabriel had spanked him much, much harder than he’d spanked Jessie. And unlike Jessie’s spanking, Gabriel didn’t remain silent throughout. Rather he talked, ruthless in his domination of Liam, and Liam was only too happy to submit.

“You’re ashamed of what we did?”
“You want me to leave tonight?”
“You only want her?”

Liam groaned, his slack mouth drooling a little as his head lowered and he rested his cheek on the cool surface of the dresser.

Gabriel paused in the spanking, taking a moment to rub and squeeze Liam’s cheeks with both big hands. “Well, sub? I’m waiting for an answer.”

Liam swallowed. “No, Your Grace. No to all of it. I am na’ ashamed of wha’ we did, and I dinna want ye to leave. And I want ye so badly it’s fair killin’ me.”

Gabriel rewarded Liam with another stroke of his flaming ass, and Liam could practically feel his Dom smile.

“Good boy, Liam. Now I’m going to finish your spanking, and you’re going to take it because it’s what you need. If it hurts too much use your safe word. But otherwise, give me your trust. I won’t push you farther than you can go—at least not this time. But”—and Liam felt Gabriel tense, his hand rearing back once more—“but I will push you.”

And with that, Gabriel brought his hand down once more on Liam’s already reddened ass. Liam felt tears begin to leak from his eyes, and he embraced the release as he finally embraced his forbidden desires. He lifted his ass into Gabriel’s swats, groaning deep in his chest at the flames that were licking from his hot cheeks to his cock and balls. He bit his lip, trying to force the cum threatening to boil out of his cock back into his balls, because he assumed that Gabriel wouldn’t be pleased with him if he came before he’d been given permission.

After what seemed like an eternity, Liam took a breath, realizing that he’d held his orgasm at bay, and that the spanks to his ass had stopped. Now he could feel Gabriel stroking him gently, and he wasn’t surprised as he felt his flaming cheeks pulled apart. The cool air on his asshole was a stark contrast to the burning of his skin, and he sighed in pleasure as he felt cool lube being dribbled onto the hot flesh. A moan escaped, unbidden, as he felt pressure against the puckered hole, and he willed himself to open to his Dom.

“Liam.” Gabriel’s voice was cool again, betraying only minor curiosity. “Have you ever taken anything into your ass?”

Liam could feel his face blush, and he laughed at himself. Now, he thought, amused, all of his cheeks were the same color. “No, Your Grace.”

Gabriel paused with just the tip of his finger breaching Liam’s anus. “Then you get the same treatment as her.” Liam felt the finger withdraw, and it wasn’t a moment before he felt a cool, blunt tip seeking entrance to his ass.

“Flatten your back, sub. Push back against the pressure, and whatever you do, don’t clench or this ass will light up from the inside out this time.”

Liam gritted his teeth. The press of the gingerroot was incredibly stimulating, and he wanted nothing more than to squeeze his internal muscles around it. He was wary of it at the same time though, and he didn’t want to risk that the promised bite of pain would send him over the edge before Gabriel was ready to let him come. He growled as the gingerroot slid past the muscle of his sphincter, his eyes rolling up in his face as Gabriel slid the root deep. Liam became aware that Gabriel was breathing heavily, and he remembered with a brief flash of guilt that Gabriel hadn’t found release yet. Liam opened his eyes and pushed up on his hands, looking at Gabriel’s reflection in the mirror.

Gabriel stood behind him, his eyes heavy lidded and his mouth slack. He stared at where his hands parted Liam’s cheeks, and Liam could hear the pants coming from his Dom’s mouth. Gabriel, it seemed, was just as affected as were he and Jessie.

Gabriel drew himself up, and Liam sensed the moment the Dom took control once more.

“Liam, please join Jessie on the bed. Stay on your stomachs, my lovely subs.”

Liam straightened carefully, wincing as he unwittingly clenched on the gingerroot and a jolt of fire streaked through his rectum. He felt his balls clench as he carefully made his way to the bed. He was really, really getting into this figging thing. He crawled onto the bed beside Jessie, smiling at her and rubbing a soothing hand over her back. She smiled back at him, and Liam was thrilled to see that her eyes were glazed with passion, her mouth plump and ripe.

“That was so hot.” Jessie kissed him lightly on the cheek. “I loved watching you together.”

Liam flushed with pleasure, delighted to be able to share this with her.

Gabriel loomed over them, causing Jessie to fall silent. They both looked up at him, although they tangled their fingers together, squeezing one another’s hands as they anticipated what was going to happen next.

“Liam, you’ve already had a taste of me, although you didn’t finish what you started.”

Liam’s mouth watered and he swallowed, remembering the taste of Gabriel’s cock. He wasn’t sure where this was going, but he really hoped Gabriel would give him something to suck.

“I’m wondering”—Gabriel tapped a finger against his lips as if lost in thought—“if you’d like to have a taste of our sweet Jessie. Think of me as the main course. Think of her as dessert.”

Jessie had gone still beside him, and Liam could feel the fine tremor that ran through her body. He could smell the musky scent of her arousal and swallowed. He couldn’t wait to get his mouth on all that sweet cream.

“I would like that verra much, Your Grace.” Liam’s burr was thicker now, his accent coming through much more than usual in his passion.

“And you, Jessamy, I have a job for you as well. Our Liam had more pressing things on his mind in the stable, and he neglected to finish me properly. I’d like you to pick up where he left off.”


* * * *


Gabriel began unbuttoning his shirt, the leisurely motions irresistible, and Jessie felt her mouth fall open as inch after inch of hard, smooth skin was revealed. Between the golden beauty of Liam’s hard body and the dark sexiness of the duke, Jessie felt like she’d died and gone to heaven. Her mouth practically watered as Gabriel’s hands went to the waistband of his pants, unbuttoning and unzipping them before he came to stand directly in front of her.

“Liam, get into position.”

Gabriel’s orders were dark and dirty, and Jessie thrilled to his commanding presence. There would be no disobeying this man, and she felt yet another wave of heated cream slide from her slit as she imagined being bent to his will.

“Slide yourself beneath Lady Jessamy, Liam. Jessamy, spread your legs and kneel on either side of Liam’s shoulders. I want to watch you sit on his face while you suck me dry.”

Jessie moaned as Liam moved to obey. He moved across the bed, rolling to his back and lifting her hips so that she came to rest with her bottom on the top of his chest, his breath a moist puff against the lips of her pussy.

“Jessamy, lean forward. Get my cock out.”

Jessie reached forward with hands that trembled, knowing she’d never been so full of lust as in this moment. She gently reached into the top of Gabriel’s unbuttoned pants, murmuring her thrilled pleasure at the mammoth cock waiting for her. The silky hardness jumped in her hand, and she gently removed it from the confining pants, dying to see it in all its naked glory.

BOOK: Jessie's Jewels [Submissive Sirens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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