Jett's Wild Wolf (Mystic Wolves 3) (15 page)

BOOK: Jett's Wild Wolf (Mystic Wolves 3)
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Taryn gasped. “Your brother is my father?”

All eyes turned to her, growls erupting. “Enough. The sins of the father are not that of the daughter.” Emerson explained how his brother was always jealous, and why he’d left the pack. He kept his eyes on Taryn, watching to see how she reacted, pleased to see Jett holding her with such care.

Chapter Eight


aryn’s nerves threatened to desert her as the eyes, and then growls of the wolves turned on her. Only the reassuring presence of Jett kept her from shifting and fleeing into the woods.

“Calm the fuck down before I teach you some manners,” Jett growled the words. His arm locked her to his side.

One look at his gorgeous face, and she knew he meant what he said. His jaw ticked, the very air stirred with his own anger. Her own surfaced. These people, wolves and fey didn’t have the right to treat her with the same disdain as who sired her. She straightened a little away from the protective shelter of Jett. “I am sorry for what Keith has done to your pack, but I can assure you he has done much worse to me and mine.” She didn’t and wouldn’t elaborate. They didn’t need to know all the suffering she’d gone through by the beast who’d been the only father she’d known.

Jett let out a humorless laugh, his wolf close to the surface as his eyes flashed fire at her. “I already know so don’t try to hide from me. For you,” he turned to the gathering group. “She saved my life and for that I owe her. If you don’t want her here, then she and I will leave, but first, understand we, and I mean she and I, will not be back.”

Gasps and silence met his words.

“Oh for fucksake, Jett, calm down. Everyone here is pack, and that includes Taryn.” Niall stepped up to them. “We owe you for saving our brother, even though he can be a jackhole sometimes.” Niall gave her a brief hug, then released her.

Jett’s head snapped toward Niall, a smile tugging at his full sensual lips. “Thank you, Alpha.”

“Ah, I see it only took a tiny slip of a woman to get the respect I deserve.” Niall held his hand out to Jett.

Taryn sucked in a breath and then watched as the men did the manly hug thing, slapping each other hard and grunting before stepping back.

“Thank you,” she said in a hushed whisper, low enough she knew he could hear, and more than likely the entire pack.

Emerson explained to the gathering crowd how his older brother had wanted Payton as his mate, but went on to tell of Keith’s unstable ways even before that. Taryn shivered as she listened to stories of a younger version of the man who had a hand in raising her. She’d never been allowed to call him dad, since he thought it disrespectful. He was to be called Alpha, or Sir. She remembered being all of four or five, and accidentally calling him father in her excitement of getting all A’s in school. He’d backhanded her hard enough he’d shattered her nose in front of all of his lieutenants, and then smiled a chilling smile that still made her shiver. She’d never made the mistake again. Her mother had let her lay in a heap, until Keith had called her over to clean up the mess and take care of her whelp. Afterwards, her mom had carried her back to their rooms and cried, holding her close and whispering she was sorry.

Taryn shook herself from the past. She sucked in a deep breath and brought her focus back to the present. No sense in crying over spilled milk was her motto. She brushed the loose strands of hair back from her face, and realized people were staring at her. “Excuse me?”

“We wanted to know if you could tell us if he had any weaknesses,” Niall asked.

She turned back to the crowd. “He appears to be all powerful, but the sun is his weakness. Not like he’s a vampire. Do they exist?” She laughed at her joke, but didn’t wait for anyone to speak. “He draws strength from the moon, or from darkness, I’m not sure which. I just know he usually sleeps during the day, and if he gets woken when the sun is high, he’s very angry and isn’t very powerful. I mean he can still shift and hit harder than a sledgehammer, but he isn’t at full powers.”

Jett growled, the sound distracting her from her thoughts. He jerked her into his body, covering her lips with a possessive kiss that stole her breath and words. Truthfully, she was glad to be in his arms, and feel his erection digging into her belly. She worried after hearing her connection to the man who’d been trying to destroy them confirmed, he’d want nothing more to do with her. However, feeling the proof of his desire so blatantly evident, she forgot all about the others watching them.

“Yo, enough with the PDA, I mean, it’s cool, if ya wanna bang her, but could you wait until after the meeting is adjourned.” One of the wolves said. She wondered at his change of heart, until looking up and seeing a hulking Torq holding the speaker up by his shirt front.

The crowd laughed as the young wolf dangled, and then Torq released him with a pat on the head. Taryn couldn’t wrap her head around the ways of the pack. Had someone spoken out like that with Keith around, the wolf would’ve lost his head, or been severely punished.

“We can either wait for Keith to attack us on our lands, or take it to him in the daylight hours, and hope he truly is less powerful. The problem is, his pack is loyal to him. We also don’t know what all they have in the way of an arsenal, and with the ones we’ve taken down, we know they are on some sort of chemical, which makes them unstable,” Niall rumbled from across the fire.

“I for one vote for taking the battle to them. Why bring their taint to our lands. No offense, Taryn.” Bronx shot her a droll stare.

“None taken.”

She listened as they discussed the best choices until Emerson and Niall finally called a halt to the meeting.

Emerson’s blue eyes, so like her own and Keith’s met and held hers. “You are welcome to stay with Payton and me.”

“Um, thank you, but...” she trailed off.

“She’s with me.” Jett stepped forward, his gaze saying what his words didn’t. They may not be mated, but he was all but claiming her in front of his pack.

“You can’t go back to your home until it’s repaired. I am offering you one of the cabins out in the back of the property. You’ll have to drive around to get to it, but it’s secluded enough to give you some, privacy.”

Zayn chuckled. “Another one bites the dust.”

Taryn ducked her head, or tried, but Jett traced his finger down her cheek and lifted her face up. “You cool with that?”

She swallowed and licked her suddenly dry lips. “Yeah, I am.”

Jett leaned down and murmured near her ear. “Good to know, cause I wasn’t planning to take no for an answer. As a matter of fact, I was looking forward to convincing you, if you’d said no.”

Desire made her turn her head and capture his lips, brushing her mouth against his. He groaned and threaded his hands in her hair, pulling her flush against him, holding her still as he took control of their kiss.

A throat cleared, followed by wolf whistling. “All right you two, enough of the mushy stuff until you have some privacy.” Emerson said from next to her. Her cheeks heated at being caught trying to get it on with her very own fantasy man, in front of a couple dozen strangers.

“Mmm, you taste sweeter than wine, and you blush so prettily, but we will continue this where we can do more without putting on a show.”

Breaking away from the kiss, she nodded. The men who’d ridden with them all found other ways of getting home, leaving her and Jett alone on the drive back. They’d all agreed to get the weaker of the pack to safety in case an attack happened on their lands, while the fey had strengthened the wards, it was possible for Keith to breach them. A small chance, but a possibility all the same. She agreed with their diligence for the safety of the pack. Keith looked at the deaths as collateral damage, no matter who you were, a child, woman, or even one of his favorites. He never seemed to blink an eye at the loss. She’d wager if one of the Mystic Pack was to be injured, or worse killed, everyone would feel the loss.

“You gonna let me drive your baby?” She raked a look across the small space separating them.

He shot her a wolfish grin. “She’s temperamental, and only likes to be driven by me.”

Taryn wriggled her eyebrows. “I’m sure she’d do just fine under my capable hands.” Teasing, she ran her fingers up his leg, stopping at the apex of his thighs.

Jett straightened a little more in his seat, his fingers clutching the steering wheel. “I think I have something else that would do even better under your hands.” He tipped his chin downward.

She straightened, removing her hands from him. “I just want to drive your car. You’re being mean. I’d let you drive my car.” She pouted, pushing her bottom lip out for effect.

His dark eyes sparkled. “Damn, you don’t play fair.”

Taryn blinked as his eyes focused on the road. She loved teasing and playing with Jett. Her hand went to the hem of her shirt, and lifted it over her head, leaving her in a lace bra and jeans. His eyes raked over her, a starving glance that increased her own arousal.

“Taryn...” he growled.

“What?” she asked, unsnapping the front clasp of the bra, then sliding the straps down and letting it dangle off before tossing it in the back with her shirt.

“You are not being nice. You know that bad girls get spanked, and I already owe you several.” He reached over with his right hand and twisted her nipple, making her cry out.

“As you should. I’ve been a very bad girl, Jett.”

Jett burst out laughing. “Oh, I think I like that.” He gave another sharp twist.

They pulled into the driveway, and she wasn’t even aware of the way they’d driven in their playful banter.


* * * *

wo could play at that game. Jett loved how responsive she was to his words and touch. As he pulled into the drive, he turned his eyes toward the cabin. His destroyed home would be repaired in no time, but remembering the destruction that Keith and the bastard wolves had done, made him see red. They’d patched up what they could to keep wild animals out, but nothing would keep out the animals that had done the damage if they broke through the barriers.

“Hey, I’m sitting here half nekkid and you have a frown on your face. That doesn’t make a girl get the good feels.” Taryn crossed her arms over her bare chest.

Jett shook himself. “I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.” He alighted the vehicle, rounding the front and opened her door. She sat with her arms still covering her beautiful breasts. His wolf whined.

Before she could climb out, he bent and lifted her into his arms. Her squeak of surprise was swallowed up by him and his lips.

He groaned as she licked inside his mouth. He could get drunk and become addicted to her taste.

“You are always carrying me.” She nibbled at the corner of his mouth, but didn’t seem to mind the fact that he didn’t put her down.

Jett couldn’t help the grin that split his face. “I enjoy carrying you, taking care of you, in all ways.” He flicked his tongue out when she nibbled on his bottom lip.

“Does part of this taking care of me include feeding me? I’m feeling all kinds of hungry.” His wolf agreed he was hungry too, and not for food. Her stomach growling had him pushing thoughts of sex back. His mate was hungry.
He wasn’t sure when his wolf and he had decided she was it for them, but there it was. Tonight he would ask a woman to be his, and prayed she’d accept him. If she didn’t he’d follow her around like a whipped dog until she relented.

Inside the small, yet comfortable cabin, Jett was glad to see the pack had supplied them with the necessities for a few nights at least. He let her slide down his body, grimacing as she didn’t seem comfortable without a shirt on now. Taking his own shirt off and pulling it over her head was as natural as breathing, and having her covered in his scent was an added bonus. “What sounds good to eat?”

Taryn looked through the fridge and took out the fixings for bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. They worked together, frying bacon and bumping against each other until he was sure his poor injured cock was ready to explode.

Once their stomachs were appeased, he helped fill the dishwasher, a different hunger needing to be seen to.

“You have that look in your eyes.” She backed away from him.

He swallowed his reply, deciding to play along. A little cat and mouse, or wolf and mixed gorgeousness would be right up his alley. “Are you still hungry?”

“Starving. I need something big and fat and juicy filling me up. Do you have anything that would fit that description?” The little imp asked him, rubbing her hand on her stomach.

She appealed to his wilder side, and his playful side. Dominant or submissive, she played the part of both like a champ.

Taryn grabbed the bowl of cherries they’d left on the counter, popping one into her mouth. Watching her suck the ripe berry into her mouth, a little bit of the juice dribbled out and he felt his wolf snap its tethers. He launched himself over the feet separating them, making her curse and drop some of the fruit she’d palmed.

“Let’s see if you’re still talking after I fill you up.” He snatched a cherry out of her palm, licking the juice from between her fingers before showing her the pit trapped between his teeth. Her whimper was music to his ears. Who’d have thought he’d enjoy playing so much out of bed. He made a show of chewing the succulent fruit, backing Taryn toward the bedroom.

“Now, Jett, maybe I was a bit hasty. I think we should sleep on it.”

He leaned down and toppled her over his shoulder. “Nope, you are not getting away from me and your punishment. How many spankings are you due? Ten or twenty?” He swatted her firm ass two quick swats, more like love taps, but it had her squealing.

Jett winced as Taryn’s hand hit his own ass. “Ow, you know that just earned you another five,” he mock growled.

“If you want to insert part A into slot B, you better rethink that spanking. I will totally kick you in the nuts.”

“You like my nuts. Admit it. The thought of me spanking you has your panties wet.” He trailed his hand down the seam of her pants, pressing in between the cleft. Her heat scorched him.

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