John Aubrey: My Own Life (79 page)

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Underhill, Thomas, 254

University College, Oxford, 280

University Press (Oxford), 216, 384

Delegates of, 178

Usher, Archbishop, 322

Van Dyck, Sir Anthony, xx, 29, 50, 52, 259, 309, 421

Varenius, Bernhardus:
Geographia Generalis
, 97

Vaughan, Henry, 254, 287–8

Vaughan, Sir John, 3rd Earl of Carbery, xx, 239

Vaux family, 46

Venice, 131, 151

Verneditch Walk, 367

Verulam House, 52, 84–6, 110–11

Vesalius, 299

Vienna, 307

Virgil, 67, 90, 151, 204

, 95

Virginia, 315, 330

Vossius, Isaac, 366–7

Wadham College, Oxford, 74, 81, 90, 267, 314

Wagstaff, John, 287


JA inherits properties in, 98

JA stays with his cousin in Llantrithyd, 101, 417, 419, 421

JA’s lawsuit over entail in, 111

JA visits, 112

Camden writes about stones in, 154

Hoskyns wants JA to accompany him on journey through, 194

Monmouth used as base for governing, 203

JA plans journey to, 367

Lhwyd’s visit to, 404

brief references, 3, 6, 7, 132, 143, 171, 184, 275, 288, 351, 365, 405, 416

Walker, Revd John, 427

Waller, Edmund, xx, 51, 108, 294, 375

‘On the Lady Isabella Cutting Trees in Paper’, 108–9

Waller, Sir William, xx, 54, 62, 412

Wallingford, 64

Wallis, Dr John, xx, 81, 136, 209, 237, 248, 251–2, 259, 273, 296, 319, 331, 404

Walton, Isaac, 315

Wantage, 64

Ward, Seth, Bishop of Exeter and Salisbury (Sarum)

brief biographical details, xx

at Oxford, 70

contribution to the work of making River Avon navigable from Salisbury to Christ Church, 177

observations at Silchester, 177

and Wood’s questions, 194–5

and search for Universal Language, 268, 274, 276, 282

death, 369

papers, 369

and Wren’s survey of Salisbury Cathedral, 378

brief references, 246, 271, 374

Wardi Astronomica Geometrica
, 418

Wardour Castle, 63

Warminster, 77

Warwick, 275

Castle, 43

Gaol, 278

Wase, Christopher, xx, 84, 228, 340

Washington, Sir Laurence, 44

Watts, Mr, 379

Waverley Abbey, 223, 224

Wearyall Hill, 156

Web, Mother, 167

Webb, Dr George, 42

Webb, John, 74, 105

Webb, Mr, 410

Wednesdyke, 184

Weekfield, 101, 185–6

Wells, 201

Wells, John:
Sciographia, of the Art of Shadows
, 83

West Indies, 315

Westminster Abbey, 78, 170, 175, 193, 322, 340

Westminster Hall, 71, 77, 131, 325, 340, 341, 394

Westminster School, 256, 364

Weston, 173, 186, 233, 247, 248, 262, 277, 278, 281

Westport, 22, 54, 116–17

Whear, Degore:
, 387

Wheatley, 389

Whelock’s Saxon Dictionary, 354

Whig Party, 316

Whitby, 419

Whitchurch, 53, 118

White, Kit, 368, 371, 413

White, Sir Sampson, 306

White, Thomas:
The Grounds of Obedience & Government
, 250

White, Mr (Mr Loggan’s scholar), 326

Whitehall Palace, 340

Whitney, James, 132

Whitson, Alderman, 25–6

Whyte, Thomas, 253

Wild, Chief Baron, 98

Wild House, 361

Wilkins John, xx–xxi, 70, 74, 81, 114, 177

Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language
, 170, 171, 238

Mathematical Magick
, 89

Wilkinson, Mr, 395

William III (William of Orange), ix, 1, 270, 355, 361, 366, 368, 373

Williams, Abigail, 251

Williams, John, 304

Williams, Wilgiford (JA’s paternal great-grandmother), 111, 304

Williams, Sir William, 386

Williamson, Sir Joseph, 215, 273, 305

Willis, Dr Thomas, xxi, 70, 72, 99, 118, 380

De Fermentatione
, 109

Wilton, 10, 26–9, 74, 78, 83–4, 88–9, 95, 130, 156, 200, 295, 340, 348, 389, 408, 409


JA’s childhood in, 1, 17–30

Raleigh in, 32–3

JA returns from Oxford to, 46

JA’s father hands over money to Parliamentary committee for his property in, 66

clay in, 74–5

peaks in, 77

religion in, 100

flints, 106

JA begins to collect natural remarks for, 6, 110

JA becomes involved in project to survey antiquities of, 115–16

JA reads paper to Royal Society on springs of, 169

JA brings mineral water from, 170–1

first paper mill in, 177–8

JA hopes to complete his perambulation of, 184

JA needs to sort his notes on, 191–2

Oldenburg transcribes JA’s observations of, 256

drought in, 262, 318

petrified shells found in, 313

Plot urges JA to complete and publish work on, 339

good for cloth and cheese, 341

streams rising in, 344

Tanner’s investigations in, 404

Abingdon wants JA to travel with him through 414

JA intends to stay with Lady Long in, 418

brief references, 2, 10, 133, 145, 226, 253, 327, 380, 389

see also
names of places

JA’s writings on:

Antiquities of Wiltshire
, 338, 378, 391, 401, 403, 405, 406, 407, 409, 410, 425, 428–9

Natural History of Wiltshire
, 254, 257, 337, 338, 344, 348, 349, 350, 354, 376, 377, 378, 381, 382–3, 385, 391, 401, 405, 406, 407, 428

Wiltshire: The Topographical Collections of John Aubrey, FRS
, 429

Wiltshire Topographical Society, 428

Wimburne Minster, 44

Winchester (Winton), Bishop of, 62, 224

Winchmore Hill, 375

Windham, Colonel John, 340

Windsor, 70

Castle, 259, 366

Wingate, Edmund, 102

Bodie of the Common Law
, 250

Winterbourne Monkton, 339

Winton, 173, 175

Wiseman, Mary, xi, 90, 102, 112, 261

Wiseman, Robert, 151, 159, 169, 173, 179, 183, 208, 282

Witherborne, Dr, 87

Woburn, 74

Woking, 224

Wolsey, Cardinal, 168

Wood, Anthony

biographical details, xxi

accident, 53

JA meets, 167–8

frugal lifestyle, 167

JA offers to assist in research of, 167

JA spends evening in Oxford with, 169

makes research requests to JA, 168, 173, 202, 204, 248, 287, 376, 412–13

and JA’s Jesuit acquaintances, 175

quarrels with his sister-in-law, 177

deafness, 177, 318

offered money for his manuscript, 178

introduced to Sheldon by JA, 186

JA’s researches for, 186, 191, 192, 194–5, 201, 202, 205, 206, 226, 234, 245, 250, 251, 277, 298, 382

says he will mention JA in his book, 194

visited by JA in Oxford, 202

JA sends requests and queries to, 210, 216, 247, 291, 298

Fell’s interference with his book, 216, 237, 238, 248

JA hopes for help in getting some money from, 227

JA sends Hobbes’s lives to, 233

Hobbes makes suggestion to, 238

and Hobbes’s letter of protest, 240

sends JA a copy of his book, 242

JA gives Ent a letter of introduction to, 242

JA sends material to, 242–3

and Ent’s desire to see copy of Hobbes’s life, 243, 244

leaves Hooke out of his book, 245

quarrels with Ent, 247, 249, 251

JA’s brother fails to pass on money from, 248

refuses to mention JA’s name in preface to book, 248

Latin mistakes in his book, 249

and Ashmole, 250, 279

asked by JA to burn a letter, 267

encouraged by JA to mention Hollar, 277

lends money to JA, 278

and catalogue of Bacon’s works, 280

and JA’s Lives, 291, 292–3, 294, 296, 315, 317, 318, 323, 326, 329, 368, 406, 413, 414, 427

JA sends copy of Hobbes’s consideration on his reputation and loyalty to, 295

considered by JA as suitable candidate for Hart Hall, 324

and JA’s Antiquities of Wiltshire, 338

informs JA about sale of library at Wilton House, 340

JA grateful to, 355

JA dines at Mermaid Tavern with, 355

fails to hand over JA’s donations to Ashmolean Museum, 356

fails to hand over JA’s papers to Ashmolean museum, 356, 362

JA fears for his papers in possession of, 356, 361, 362

suspected of being a Roman Catholic, 362

asked by JA to help Jane Smyth, 368

JA wants to send transcriptions of his manuscripts to, 370

and JA’s plan to visit Oxford, 371, 375

and Hooke’s controversy with Newton, 371, 372, 377, 379

and JA’s collection of letters, 374

JA anxious to send his papers to, 375

given watch by JA, 377, 379

JA plans to send box to, 377

Athenae et Fasti Oxonienses
, 380, 388

causes offence by contents of his book, 384–5, 389, 390, 391, 399, 401, 403, 404

Hobbes’s concerns about book, 385

Hooke’s concerns about book, 386

summoned to appear before Vice-Chancellor’s court, 390

JA distributes copies of preface for, 391

fined and expelled from University of Oxford, 403

JA hopes to see, 407

JA feels badly treated by, 413

angry with JA, 413–14

writes angry letter to JA, 414

sends JA advice on how to cure his eyes, 417

death, 418

brief references, 193, 196, 208, 209, 217, 236, 262, 284, 286, 297, 314, 316, 327, 330, 335, 339, 346, 354, 366, 369, 373, 402, 405, 411, 415, 416, 426


Athenae et Fasti Oxoniensis
(biographies of writers and bishops of Oxford University), 178, 202, 226, 377, 380, 388, 427; offence caused by, 384–5, 389, 390, 391, 399, 401, 403, 404

The History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford
Historia et antiquitates universitatis oxoniensis
), 178, 198–200, 216, 237, 238, 240, 242, 248, 249

Wood, Edward (Ned), xxi, 53, 70, 105, 167, 234

Woodenoth, Theophilus, 30

Good Thoughts in Bad Times
, 30

Woodford, Samuel, 322

Woodroffs Well, 415

Woodstock, 42, 211

Woodstock Manor, 43–4, 87, 206, 210

Woodstock Park, 297

Wookey Hole, 60, 313

Worcester, 275

Worcestershire, 263, 325

Wotton, 227, 259–60

Wotton Bassett, 380

Wotton Common, 415

Wren, Sir Christopher

brief biographical details, xxi

inventions, 90

and rebuilding of St Bride’s, 165, 267

discovers Roman way under Cheapside, 165

and his age, 186

suggests that JA might help Ogilby, 203, 204

and meetings of Royal Society, 204

JA dines with, 209

JA talks about his description of Surrey to, 227

busy with rebuilding of London, 235

talks about River Thames, 247

JA’s notes on, 254, 292

JA visits, 258

birthday celebration, 268

JA wants to write life of, 291

opinion of Edward Davenant, 293

writes about Salisbury Cathedral, 378, 380

brief references, 9, 191, 251, 252, 260, 282, 296, 336, 389

Wright: ‘Errors of Navigation’, 97

Wych, Peter, 273

Wyld, Mr, 178

Wylde, Edmund

brief biographical details, xxi

and Petty’s appointment as one of the surveyors of Ireland, 94

illness, 112, 135

probes the body of Dean Colet, 162–3

and meetings of Royal Society, 168–9

comments on Thomas May, 170

gives JA information about Rosamund’s Bower, 210

and Balm of Gilead tree, 218

at coffee houses and taverns, 238, 243, 246, 256, 257, 268, 280, 281

mistress (Jane Smyth), 246, 253

owns fine collection of books, pictures and precious objects, 247, 253

considers buying land in New York, 249

involved in setting up new club, 255

and Venetia Stanley, 259, 309

godson (Wylde Clerke), 283

and Jonas Moore, 331

experiment with seeds, 338

and Lhwyd, 405

grows very weak, 417

death, 418

brief references, 164, 191, 263, 270, 317, 318, 319, 324, 347, 404

Wylye, 10, 67

Wylye, River, 67

Wytham, 419

Xenophon, 151

Yatton Keynell, 4, 20, 33, 46, 74, 178, 180, 184–5

Yeovil, 106

Yokeney, William, 127

York, 5

York, Duchess of

Anne (1st wife of James II), 165

Mary of Modena (2nd wife of James II), 227, 277

Yorke, William, 115

Yorke House, 262

Yorkshire, 353

Young, Nell, 272

Zeno, 276

Zoylande, 258

Zutphen, Battle of, 24

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