Authors: Aissa Wayne,Steve Delsohn
and cancer of her father
childhood and adolescence of
controlled by her father
cover (March 1961)
and death of her father
and divorce of her parents
dog of
drug and alcohol use by
fear of her father
graduation from high school
half-brothers and -sisters of
and heart problems of her father
as a Hollywood child
idolatry of her father
influence over her father
and marital strain between her parents
move to Newport Beach
at Oscar night
oversheltering of
physical appearance of
and the press
in private school
in public high school
real estate sold by
rebelliousness of
relationship with her brother Ethan
relationship with her mother
resolution with her father
sexuality of
shyness of
sixteenth birthday of
at University of Southern California
Wayne, Ethan
birth of
relationship with his father
relationship with his sister Aissa
Wayne, John:
on actors and acting
and adulthood of Aissa
aging of
The Alamo
bed of
biographies on
birth of
and birth of Aissa
on boating trip to Europe (1963)
and Ward Bond
books read by
cancer of
charm of
chauvinism of
childhood of
and childhood/adolescence of Aissa
Circus World
The Comancheros
control over Aissa
death of
declining health of
divorce from Chata Bauer
divorce from Pilar Palette
and divorce of his parents
divorce from Josephine Saenz
drinking of
driving of
as “Duke”
early 1960s changes in
education of
fans of
feared by Aissa
first credited role of
and John Ford
funeral of
and Clark Gable
as a grandfather
grave of
The Green Berets
Hangman's House
and Henry Hathaway
and Howard Hawks
and Rita Hayworth
heart problems of
and William Holden
and Ronnie Howard
identity of
idolized by Aissa
infidelities of
In Harm's Way
insecurities of
interviewed by Barbara Walters
and Chick Iverson
jealous nature of
and Kennedy family
last public appearance of
The Longest Day
lung surgery of
machismo of
marriage to Chata Bauer
marriage to Pilar Palette
marriage to Josephine Saenz
and Dean Martin
meets Pilar Palette
and Tom Mix
and money
and Marilyn Monroe
as a morning person
move to Newport Beach
older children of
Oscar nominations of
as an Oscar presenter
Oscar won by
and Paramount Pictures
patriotism of
in Peru
physical appearance of
politics of
and Otto Preminger
press on
as producer and director
production company of
Red River
relationship with his brother
relationship with his mother
relationship with his son Ethan
religion of
and Republic Pictures
resolution with Aissa
Sands of Iwo Jima
sexual image of
The Shootist
and Frank Sinatra
singing of
smoking and coughing of
The Sons of Katie Elder
and Pat Stacy
stunts performed by
superstitions of
on television
temper of
True Grit
and Twentieth Century Fox
and United Artists
views on Hollywood
weight problems of
in Westerns
The Wild Goose
and Grant Withers
and Darryl Zanuck
Wayne, Marisa
Wayne, Melinda
Wayne, Michael
and cancer of his father
and death of his father
Wayne's financial affairs run by
Wayne, Patrick
acting of
Wayne, Pilar Palette
in Africa
bed of
and birth of Aissa
on boating trip to Europe (1963)
and cancer of her husband
and death of Wayne
divorce from Wayne
drug addiction of
fiestiness of
as a Hollywood wife
independence of
marriage to Wayne
meets Wayne
miscarriages of
move to Newport Beach
Peruvian background of
physical appearance of
relationship with Aissa
religion of
suicide attempt by
Wayne, Toni
Weldy, Richard
Wellman, William
Whitman, Stuart
Widmark, Richard
The Alamo
Wild Goose, The
Wild One, The
Wills, Chill
Wings of Eagles, The
Winterset, Iowa
Withers, Grant
death of
World War I
World War II
Yates, Richard
Young, Loretta
Zamora, Eduardo Duran
Zanuck, Darryl
and Wayne
Zolotow, Maurice,
Shooting Star