Joining the Jaguar: BBW Paranormal Jaguar Shifter Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Joining the Jaguar: BBW Paranormal Jaguar Shifter Romance
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To prove his point, he lifted her a little higher, encouraging her to wrap her thighs around his waist. They both groaned at the way their bodies pressed together.

His cock strained painfully against his fly. With her thighs wrapped around him, he could feel the heat of her pussy even through the layers of clothes separating them.

Her nipples had tightened, pressing in stiff little peaks against the fabric of her blouse. Jake couldn't take his eyes off the sight. He shifted until he could balance part of her weight against the wall, freeing one hand, and gently rubbed one nipple with his thumb.

Sarah moaned and dropped her head back against the wall, her back arching. Her hips shifted hungrily against his. He did it again, rubbing gentle circles with his thumb. Her entire body tensed. Her thighs tightened around him.

He gave her nipple a gentle, experimental pinch. She let out an almost cat-like hiss, shuddering all over, her eyelids shivering closed in pleasure. He pinched a little tighter, and then a little tighter still. Sarah's body was shuddering. She was making a high-pitched whimpering sound, her hands clutching so tightly at his shoulders he knew he'd have bruises there later. Her hips moved against his in frantic little hitches. Jake had never been so turned on in his life. It felt like his cock might rip right through his pants.

Jake kissed her again, felt the vibration of her moans against his lips and tongue.

He smoothed his thumb gently over the nipple he'd been pinching, giving her a moment to catch her breath. She rested her head against his shoulder, panting.

He lifted her a little higher and tilted his head down to kiss her neck, her shoulder, the delicate shell of her ear. She gave a happy little sigh. He gently tipped her back to lean a little more firmly against the wall and undid the first two buttons on her blouse. He thumbed the damp silk aside, bearing her heavy, rounded, perfect breasts.

The nipple he'd been playing with was reddened and a little swollen, the other still small and tight. He drew a fingertip over it in the gentlest caress and felt her shudder. He'd never been with a woman who was so perfectly responsive. She was incredible.

He bent down and closed his lips around her other nipple, sucking gently and then harder and harder, encouraged by her moans. He cupped the beautiful round shape of her breasts in his hand.

Sarah started opening his shirt, yanking hard enough to send a few buttons flying. She pushed his shirt tails aside, and ran her hand over his chest, following the contours of his muscles with the tips of her fingers. He groaned at the first touch of her hands on his naked skin.

Sarah pinched his nipples the way he'd done to her, watching him curiously for a reaction. He'd never been very sensitive there and was about to tell her so, but then she did something with her fingers that sent a bolt of pleasure through him. He gasped, startled. She gave him an impish smile and did it again, a little harder. His cock twitched desperately in the painfully tight confines of his jeans.

She ran her fingers down his chest, slipping the tips beneath the waistband of his pants. He couldn't help the desperately pleading sound he let out. God, his cock ached. He could barely bear to be patient anymore, was so desperate to bury himself inside her, to finally join them together. 

Sarah slipped her fingers down between them, exploring the shape of his cock through his pants. Jake gasped and shuddered, gritting his teeth against his body's desperately eager response.

He flipped the button of her pants open and pulled the zipper down. She wore sensible little cotton panties with a tiny hole near the waistband, which he somehow found terribly charming. Of course she wasn't a frilly lace kind of girl. The soft, thin fabric of her panties was already thoroughly wet. He pushed them aside with the tips of his fingers and slid his hand further down through her damp curls.

The first touch of his fingers to her clit made her jerk in his arms. Her nails scored burning lines down his shoulders. The scent of her arousal lay heavy in the air. It was driving him crazy.

He rubbed his fingers over her clit in little circles and let her grind against him. Her moans were changing pitch, growing high and desperate. Finally she reached down and stilled his hand with her fingers on his wrist.

"Come on," she said, in a low, rough voice that made him shiver all over. "I want you inside me."

She blushed all the way down to her chest when she said the words. Jake pressed his lips against the flushed skin of her neck and took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. God, he was so close it hurt already.

He had to let her down to the floor so she could get her pants off. He took the opportunity to rifle through the medicine cabinet for the box of condoms and rolled one on, trying to touch himself as little as possible. His cock was already unbearably sensitive.

Sarah kicked her pants off and finally stood naked before him. The sight of her took his breath away. Both her nipples were red and swollen now. Her skin shone with a thin sheen of sweat.

"You're perfect," he said.

Jake took his own clothes off in a hurry, groaning when he finally released his cock from the painful confines of his pants. She gave his naked body an appreciative look, her eyes lingering over his swollen, throbbing cock. He felt like purring inside.

He pulled her close and kissed her, moaning at the feeling of her naked body pressed fully against his for the first time. Sarah wrapped her legs around him again, and he hoisted her up. His cock slid easily between her thighs, the head nudging against her slick pussy. Both of them shuddered. She sunk down on him with a breathless gasp, her body opening for his, sweet and easy.

Sarah flexed her thighs, her hands braced against his shoulders. He picked up her rhythm, trying to find the angle she needed, circling his hips until Sarah made a high, breathless noise and started grinding down into his thrusts.

He pushed his hand down between them and touched his fingertips to her clit. Sarah groaned, her back arching. "Don't stop," she said, her voice cracking.

Her nails dug into his shoulders. He kept up the steady rhythm of his thrusts, his teeth gritted against the overwhelming pleasure of it. Sarah arched and twisted in his arms, her body tightening around his, and then she threw her head back and came with a little cry.

Finally he could let himself go. All it took was one more thrust. He came so hard that the world blurred around him.

After that, it was all he could do to stay upright. Jake braced his knees and held her safely in his arms, until the last blinding spark of pleasure subsided. Sarah was a limp, pliant weight. He cradled her against his chest, gently stroking her sweat-damp back.

After she started stirring, he bent his head and kissed her, soft and slow. Sarah responded with eager passion. The kiss turned hungry much quicker than he expected. His own body responded to her eagerness with a surge of arousal that almost hurt, so soon after the mind-shattering orgasm they'd shared. But he was glad for it. He wanted to leave her completely satisfied, to make sure she got everything she could possibly want.

"You can go again, can't you?" he asked her.

He took two steps towards his desk and laid her gently down on top of it, then knelt down between her splayed thighs and started kissing his way up the soft skin on the inside of her thigh.

"Oh!" Sarah said, breathless and startled. Her thigh muscles twitched and tensed. She spread her legs a little wider and gave a full-body shudder when he buried his head between her legs. She was so wet she almost dripped with it, and up-close like this, the scent of her arousal drove him crazy, calling to something primal and possessive inside him. She arched her back when he licked her carefully, still a little oversensitive from orgasm. He gently teased his tongue against her, keeping it light, letting her reactions guide him.

Sarah hooked her legs over his shoulders. He could feel them flexing in pleasure.

He took his time, working her up slowly and patiently until she was making high-pitched pleading noises. Her entire body was strung tight with tension when he finally stopped teasing and pressed the flat of his tongue to her clit, licking hard. Her thighs closed around him, holding him tight.

His tongue started to ache a little, but that hardly mattered. Sarah tangled one hand in his hair, holding him close. He caught her free hand in his, interlaced their fingers and held on tight. She came with a long, drawn-out sigh of pleasure, her entire body straining towards his mouth.

"God, you're amazing," Sarah said, sounding dazed. She'd collapsed back on the desk, still hanging on tight to his hand. "Come on, I want you inside me again," she said, tugging him towards her.

He put a fresh condom on and pushed back inside her with a single forceful thrust. She arched back to take him with a loud moan of pleasure.

A rush of animal lust almost swept him away. Her pressed kisses to her neck, her breasts, her shoulders; as the pleasure crested, he bit down gently on her shoulder, holding her carefully with his teeth, the way a jaguar would hold his mate.

Beneath him, Sarah shook, crying out in pleasure. For a moment, she was the only thing that existed in the world, and he was holding her in the most primal way, claiming her for his own; it was the most intense climax he'd ever had in his life.

And then the moment passed, and he realized what he'd been doing. He flinched back. There was a faint bruise on Sarah's shoulder in the shape of his teeth. Thank god he hadn't broken the skin. He took a hurried step backwards, sliding out of her. What had he been thinking? He'd bit her the way a shifter would bite his mate. He'd laid claim to her, when he had no idea if she wanted him that way at all.

Sarah twisted around to look at him. Their eyes caught. Jake was still reeling, horrified with himself. You couldn't claim someone as your mate without
; he'd been so overcome by how much he wanted her, by how perfect she was, he'd completely forgotten himself. For a long moment, neither of them seemed to know what to say.

He hadn't been thinking at all when he'd bit her like that, and now he could only desperately hope she'd welcome the gesture. Would she even know what it had meant? She was human, after all; she might not be familiar with this particular shifter custom.

He wanted her more than he could ever have imagined wanting a woman. Her beauty, her courage, the way she'd helped out in their moment of crisis without a second thought: of course he wanted her, and his jaguar was in full agreement. What a mate she'd make.

He wanted, more than anything, to keep her by his side, to court her, to win her over the way she'd already won him. Shifters mated for life. His jaguar knew he'd found the one.

But that didn't mean she felt the same way about him.

He touched the tip of his finger to the livid mark on her neck. It wasn't a bonding mark, couldn't be, not without her consent, and yet it called to him, irresistibly. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

She wouldn't meet his eyes. "I should go," she said.

Jake flinched. The words felt like a bucket of cold water. He turned his face away, not wanting her to see whatever might be showing on his face. Inside him, the jaguar was howling in despair. But that was his problem to deal with She hadn't asked to become his mate, and it wasn't her fault that her rejection tore him up inside.

He swallowed, cleared his throat. Made himself be civil and friendly. "Take a shower first, if you like," he offered. "I can get you some clean clothes."

She blushed fiercely. He figured she was only now becoming aware of the state of her clothing. Her skirt and blouse lay in a crumpled, sweat-stained heap on the floor.

"Thank you," she said with labored dignity, as she disappeared in his bathroom.

He took a minute to compose himself, listening to the shower starting up. He'd have to keep working with her, and it wouldn't be fair to impose his unwanted feelings on her; his broken heart was his problem to deal with. He'd take her lead in how to act. He could be distant and polite if that's what she wanted.

He took a deep breath and went to find her a clean set of yoga pants and a t-shirt from the pack's stores. He put them just outside the door to the bathroom and then left the office before he could be tempted to steal one last glance at her naked body.

When he came back, Sarah was already dressed. The t-shirt was a little small on her. Jake yanked his eyes away from the way it clung to her curves. She looked calm and collected, although a faint hint of a flush lingered on her skin.

"Vince will drive you back home," he offered.

"Thank you," she said. Her voice sounded a little rusty.

"I look forward to working with you," Jake said. The words came out stilted, too formal; Jake winced internally. But he wouldn't bother her with what he really wanted to say. If this was only a one-night stand to her, he had no call to fall to his knees and beg her to stay.

The door closed behind her. Jake sank into his desk chair and buried his face in his hands. How could he have been so stupid?




Sarah followed Vincent back to the car in a daze. Oh God, what had she been thinking? She'd never had casual sex with a stranger before in her life, and she could barely imagine what had come over her now. She'd still been half crazy with adrenaline from everything that'd happened today – the unexpected visitor at her office, meeting Jake for the first time, the boy getting shot… She'd treated gunshot victims before, of course, but she'd never been there when it happened.

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