Jolted (Conflicted Encounters #1) (7 page)

BOOK: Jolted (Conflicted Encounters #1)
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"Don't hurt yourself, Princess," Ryder said while rummaging in cabinets and the fridge.

I bit down on my tongue to keep my mouth shut. I shouldn't be rude to my hosts, even if the host was a condescending jerk. I shoved myself back and stomped back to my spot on the couch. I could hear Scarlett and Ryder talking quietly to each other in the kitchen while they cooked. I sat silent and waited.

After what felt like forever, but was probably only twenty minutes or so, Scarlett came in and handed me a plate of rigatoni. Ryder turned on the TV and found some action movie. I was grateful for the sound breaking the silence, but my mind was anywhere but in this room. I numbly put the noodles in my mouth and chewed, keeping my eyes glued to the screen in front of me.

Tomorrow would be a new day. Without the heaviness of a hangover on me, I hoped I would feel lighter. I hoped my phone call home bought me a few more days before my mother or father called again and I would need to come up with another lie. I had a stroke of genius today when I told them I was back at school, but I wouldn't trust that I would be able to do it again. Tomorrow would be better. After dinner, I started to wash all of our dishes.

"You know how to wash these, Princess? We don't have a maid here," Ryder said in my ear while I rinsed a plate.

"Yes," I said through gritted teeth.

"You had maids?" he asked as he moved to lean on the counter next to me.

"Yes, but it doesn't mean I never did anything for myself. I live on my own in college," I defended myself while I stacked plates a little too roughly.

Ryder put his hands up in surrender and stepped back away from me. "Alright," he said as he backed out of the kitchen.

I finished the dishes and didn't hesitate when Scarlett suggested a shower. I grabbed all my bags from the shopping trip and darted to her bathroom. I turned the water on, letting it warm up. I dug through the bags and realized I didn't really buy anything to sleep in. I settled on a tank top and a cotton pair of shorts I planned on wearing on a hot summer day.

I stepped in the shower and let the water rush over my entire body, imagining the water rinsing the dirt and grim from the day away. I wished it would wash away the whole day, the night before, and Ryder. I borrowed Scarlett's shampoo and body wash. I would need to get my own if I was going to be staying here. I stayed under the hot stream longer than needed. I finally forced myself out, realizing it would be rude to use up all the hot water here.

I got out and took extra time drying off and applying lotion. I didn't want to have to go back out there and sit with two strangers, who seemed to already know more about me than I did about them. When my hair was dry and I was dressed, I ran out of ways to stall. Bracing myself, I finally opened the door to find the living room empty. Both bedroom doors where closed, but Ryder's lights leaked under the crack of his doors. A folded quilt and pillow was waiting for me on the couch.

I tiptoed over the couch and quickly got under the covers. I pulled the blanket all the way over my head and forced deep breaths into my lungs. The TV was still on, but turned down quietly, distracting me from the stillness and quiet. I prayed sleep would come quickly. It was dangerous being all alone with nothing to keep my mind at bay.

I couldn't think about tomorrow yet. I was always the girl with a plan. Without a plan, the rest is chaos, and only disasters come from chaos. My life had been chaos since the day I was told about Carter’s accident. No matter how much planning I did, or my parents did, the mayhem would still be there. Stirring up everyday inside my head and inside my heart. Now, I was just waiting for the disaster to hit. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

When a noise woke me up some time later, I pulled the blankets away slowly to peek out. A topless Ryder was sitting on the counter, waiting for coffee to finish brewing. For a moment, I was distracted by his chest, only to realize he was looking right at me and had caught me staring. To cover my embarrassment, I started to stretch and sat up on the couch. I gave him a small wave and started to the kitchen.

"Morning," I greeted, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Have you been crying?" Ryder asked me, leaning down to get a better look at my face.

"What? No, of course not," I told him while I ran my hands over my face frantically. He grabbed my arm and gently pulled me closer to him. When I was finally between his knees, I gave in and looked up at him.

His stare was hard and concentrated. His eyes roamed my face and I felt naked under his gaze. He was trying to read me. I started to squirm, and his grasp on my upper arm broke. I quickly darted over to the cupboard, grabbed two coffee mugs out, and started to pour coffee.

"So, what brings you to the middle of nowhere, Princess?" he asked, clearly not giving up.

"Quit calling me that, please," I snipped back. "Cream?"

"Black," he said, grabbing his cup. "What are you running from?"

"Who says I'm running?" I countered.

"Are you in danger, Kallie?" he asked, his voice getting low and softer.

"No! Really, I'm not," I insisted and turned to look in his eyes. "Just passing through."

He searched my face and seemed satisfied with my answer. "So, what are your plans for today?"

I halted my stirring of the coffee. Plan. I had no plan. I can't remember the last time I woke up in the morning and didn't have an entire schedule for the day. I had no plans for today, tomorrow, or the rest of this summer. I had no idea what I was going to do with myself.

"I don't know," I whispered and resumed my coffee. "Drink this coffee."

"Good idea. Well, I have to get to work. Scarlett won't be up until afternoon," he said as he left the kitchen.

I took my coffee to the couch and scrolled through my phone. My Facebook page was full of friends wondering where I had disappeared to. Many offered condolences on my loss and promised they were there for me if I needed them. I looked at every single name and doubted they really would be. They were just saying what was expected of them to say. I doubted many of them would even pick up their phone if I called them right now.

Against every voice in my head screaming at me, I clicked on Carter's name that linked our relationship. Thousands of posts made by friends and family covered his wall. People posted how much he would be missed, how terrible it was to lose him, how they couldn't believe he was gone. Some posted memories they shared with him, like it was just another message to a friend. Carter wouldn't respond. He couldn't read these posts, and probably wouldn't have cared even if he could. He was gone.

My phone was shaking in my hands and a tear dropped on the screen, blurring the pointless words. I quickly wiped them away. I couldn't stand anymore crying. My eyes were raw and dry, and my heart was already shattered beyond repair. I opened my eyes slowly to see Ryder leaning in his doorway watching me. I looked back at my phone and ignored him.

Thankfully, he said nothing as he grabbed his keys and headed out the door. I put my phone on my new charger in the kitchen and finished my cup of coffee while trying to think of something to do today. I needed some more clothes and other essentials now that I was stranded here for who knows how long.

Scarlett finally came stumbling out of her bedroom a few hours later. I laughed at her as she poured a cup of coffee with her eyes closed. Her black hair was a rat's nest and her mascara was smeared under her eyes. I waited for her eyes to adjust and they finally met mine. She smiled and brushed her frazzled hair out of her eyes.

"Not a morning person?" I joked.

"Is it still morning? I'm going back to bed," she grumbled, putting her cup down.

"Oh, no you don't," I laughed and grabbed her arm to stop her. "I'm going to die of boredom."

"Fine," she gave in. We drank the rest of the pot of coffee in silence. I was just grateful to have the company. When I was lonely, my mind wandered to dangerous depths.

"Would you mind running me into town again today? I think I need a few more things," I asked when I felt she was awake enough to answer.

"Of course, doll. Let me get ready," she said as she skipped off to the bathroom.

I smiled to myself when I heard the shower turn on. I struck gold when I met Scarlett. She was the complete opposite of anyone I was friends with back home. I doubted I would even have talked to her several weeks ago. These past two days, she had been my savior. In all honesty, she was the closest thing to a friend I had right now.

Scarlett kicked opened the door wrapped in a towel and motioned for me to join her. I sat with her while we straightened our hair and applied makeup. She borrowed my lip gloss and I borrowed some of her blue eye shadow that would match the dress I wanted to wear today. It reminded me of being in high school and getting ready for a dance with the girls. I quickly shoved the memories away when I remembered who my date was to every single dance.

After we finished our hair and faces, I followed Scarlett to her room while she told me about a tattoo she working on for a client. She dropped her towel and I turned away, not prepared to see her naked. When I turned back around, she had put on a red lace bra with a bow in the center and a matching thong. Her pale skin was painted with colorful designs from her wrists up to her shoulders. Black angel wings spanned her entire upper back. The shading and detail made them look like you could reach out and touch feathers.

"You like?" she asked, and I realized I was coming closer to look at her art.

"It looks so real," I awed with amazement in my tone.

"We do some really good work. You should come in sometime," she suggested, pulling jeans on.

"Maybe," I lied. My parents would kill me. I followed her lead and got undressed to put on the pale blue summer dress she picked out for me the day before.

"Oh my God! You have virgin skin," she shouted while grabbing my arms to get a better look at my almost naked body. "Not a mark on you."

"I have strict parents," I explained meekly.

" You're like a blank canvas," she said, giving me a grin that told me she was full of evil ideas. I grew nervous.

Once we dressed, Scarlett drove us into the city and to the same mall we went to yesterday. I remembered to grab some sweatpants and comfortable clothes to sleep in. I was also able to get some more cosmetics and hair products. I was glad I wouldn't need to borrow someone else's shampoo and soap again tonight. I already felt like enough of a burden for staying there, I really didn’t want to keep using all her things, too. Scarlett talked me into some bright colored eyeliners and a pair of knee-high biker boots.
She even got this colored paint to put in my hair that would wash out. I could tell Scarlett was trying to push my limits today, but I let her.

Leaving the mall and walking to her car, I felt different. I was smiling and excited for the possibilities for the first time in a while. I could have a different look tomorrow. I could do something different tomorrow. I had no one to answer to and no plans for the foreseeable future. It was both liberating and terrifying.

"Now lets go home, get you hot, and go out tonight," Scarlett said, pulling out onto the country roads.

"What? No. Where?" I stuttered out.

"You will see dear," she said, giving me her signature grin.



When we got back to the apartment, Scarlett put some music on while we got ready. Ryder wasn't home when we got in and part of me was relieved. The other, and very stupid, part of me wanted to see him. I just couldn't figure him out. One second he was all over me, and then in another he was distant and cold, and back to caring and soft. My head couldn’t take any more curve balls.

"Keep the dress," Scarlett said, stripping out of her jeans and shirt. I was amazed with this girl's comfort with being almost nude around strangers.

"Yes, boss lady," I said, giggling. I was always the nerd sitting on the sidelines while the girls got ready for a night out.

She shoved me to sit on her bed and dumped the bag of goodies we bought today out next to me. "This blue will match perfectly," she said, pulling out one of the temporary hair colors. I didn't have a good enough excuse to deny this to her. Scarlett expertly applied colored streaks to my hair and touched up my makeup. I tried not to appear nervous that I couldn't see what she was doing to me. Finally, she squealed in delight and let me get up to go to the mirror.

I barely recognized the girl looking back at me. My eyes were the first thing I saw. Blue eyes appeared under thick black eyeliner and thick, long lashes. Blue and silver shadowing brought all attention to them. My hair was teased and looked like I’d just got out of bed after an amazing night. The electric blue streaks in my hair did match the blue dress perfectly. My cheeks were pink, and my lips were plump and glossed over.

"Wear these," Scarlett said, tossing a pair of black heels that tied up the ankles. "And this." She then tossed a black, heavy padded bra that she put on the counter today while I was checking out at one of the stores.

Doing as she asked, I pulled the dress down and turned around to change into the bra. I fastened the clasped and noticed the difference already. I had more cleavage than normal, and they seemed perkier. I pulled the dress back up, over my chest, and put the heels on. I took another look in the mirror. The dress seemed shorter with the heels, and my legs actually looked sexy and long. I smiled to myself when I realized my parents would kill me if they could see me now. Everyone I ever knew could come down to this one horse town looking for me and wouldn't be able to even recognized me.

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