Jordan Summers - [Dead World 01] (28 page)

BOOK: Jordan Summers - [Dead World 01]
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Red rolled her shoulders. She was being ridiculous.
was just a shower. She'd make it quick, then
get dressed and head to

Morgan leaned in until his mouth brushed her ear.
o save time, I will take one with

The breath left Red's lungs in a whoosh. Her gaze
automatically strayed down to the front of Morgan's pants.
ridge of his erection was still clearly visible
in the loose clothing. Her eyes
shot back to his face
in time to see him wipe away a wicked smile.

"I didn't mean to kiss you last night." Red
blurted out the lie before she could stop herself.

He shrugged, seemingly
unaffected. "You may not have
meant to, but
sure glad you did. I doubt I could've
waited much longer." His gaze locked on her
mouth and he ran his thumb along the unmarred
part of her jaw line.

Red quaked, despite her resolve, then shook her head.
had to think clearly and Morgan touching her
wasn't helping.
"I mean it was wrong after every-thing
that had

Morgan's teasing expression
faded and he reached d
to grasp her upper arm. "Sometimes when we've be
en through a traumatic event we
need physical cont
act to ensure we're
still alive."

"I don't need physical contact," she denied.

His gaze softened. "We all need human contact,
Gina, even those of us who deny it. I'm not about to apologize
for that kiss.
I've wanted to do that ever
since I laid
eyes on you and you can't tell me that you
haven't felt the same."
He stepped back, daring her to refute his words.

Red's mouth open and closed a few times, then she
glanced away. She couldn't lie to him again, no mat
ter how badly she wanted to. "Fine, have it your way.
can shower together," she said, stomping off to the cleansing room without
a backward glance.



Morgan watched Gina walk away.
He'd angered her,
he wasn't about to let her deny what was happen
ing between them, even
if he didn't understand it all yet.

He followed her into the cleansing room, trying not to
gape as she stripped off her clothes. Her rosy nipples peaked under his gaze.
Looking down, he
caught a glimpse of a
shaved mons. He swallowed, to
keep from drooling. The urge to drop to
his knees and bury his face in her sex rode him hard.

Naked, she was even more beautiful than he'd imagined.
It had been sheer hell, trying not to touch her all night. Now, he could barely
breathe. Every movement was agony. His shaft rose to full mast as he unbuttoned
his pants with trembling fingers. At this rate, he'd never survive the shower.

Gina leaned over and turned on the
chemical spray. The white globes of her bottom jiggled enticingly and
Morgan bit the inside of his mouth to keep from
groaning. It would be so easy to sink into her
from be-
hind. The beast within him wanted that and more.

Morgan's body shuddered as he took a step back, so she
was out of reach. Gina didn't bother to wait for him to finish undressing
before she stepped under the
spray, which was probably for the best since it gave
him a few moments to pull himself together.

By the time Morgan mustered the courage to drop his
pants she'd
finished. Gina glanced down at his cock and arched a brow. "I guess it's a
good thing I went
first. I don't think we would've all fit in there
together," she said, grinning, then grabbed a towel and exited
the cleansing

Morgan stood there riveted in place, his mind
every word and every step he'd made. Finally,
a smile twisted his lips and he laughed, before step
ping into the
shower. She hadn't been completely unaffected by his nudity after all.

He'd seen the curiosity and the hunger burning in her
even though she'd masked it with humor. Gina
wasn't about to make it easy on him, but
that didn't matter, because like all wolves, he loved a



Red and Morgan drove to the emergency care center.
The halls were fairly quiet when they arrived with
only a few visitors and on-call staff around. Jesse Lindley's eyes were closed
as they entered her room and her breath rattled in her chest. Red frowned, and
so did Morgan.

"I don't understand," she whispered, not
wanting to disturb the old woman. "I thought she'd show improvement

"She should have," he said evasively.

"She doesn't look any better to me. What do you
think?" Red asked, concern causing her voice to quaver.

Morgan glanced back at Jesse. "Her color has
improved a little, but I expected her to be awake."

Red's brows drew together. She'd hoped Jesse would be
awake by now, too. Partly because she needed answers, but mainly because it
would let her know Jesse was going to be okay. Instead, it looked   as if she
were barely clinging to life.

'There has to be something we can do," she said,
wringing her hands.

Morgan nodded. "I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

'To find Kane and get some answers."

Red glanced at Jesse. "I'm going to wait here
just in case she wakes up."

Morgan squeezed Red's fingers in reassurance, then
left. The second the door closed behind him, Jesse's eyes flew open. Red gasped
and rushed forward.

"How are you feeling? Are you in pain? What can I
do?" The questions slurred together in her haste.

Jesse tried to open her jaw and speak. She winced at
the effort.

"They had to seal your jaw shut because it was
broken in the struggle," Red said.

Jesse held up her bandaged hand and pretended to

"Of course." Red began searching the drawers
in a   nearby cabinet in hopes of finding synth-paper and a pen. Jesse couldn't
speak, but she could communicate. Red found the items and returned to Jesse's

Putting the pen in her hand, Red held the paper
steady. Jesse had just put the tip of the pen onto the
when the door
flew open. Her eyes widened and she
quickly scribbled
something that Red couldn't make
out, then
pushed the paper aside in disgust.

"What is this? I don't understand," Red murmured, trying to
decipher what she'd written. Her gaze followed Jesse's line of sight. Morgan
and Kane stood in the

She looked back at Jesse and saw the fright etched
features. Red crumpled the page, shoving it into her pocket, before turning to
face the men. Why would
Jesse be afraid of Morgan and Kane? Was she ex
pecting someone else? Did she
had return
ed? Red
reached down to hold Jesse's hand.

old woman moved fast, clutching Red's forearm
death grip. Her gaze went back to the two men
and her hand tightened to the
point of pain. Red's
muscles coiled and goosefiesh dotted her skin. Jesse
was trying to
warn her. She had no doubt in her mind.
The question
was about whom? Red nodded in
and she released her. Jesse

nice to see that you're finally awake," Kane

Morgan followed.

"Gina, you're looking better. Did you
expression took on a lascivious cast.

Red stiffened and her gaze shot to Morgan, but his
was locked on Jesse. Had he told Kane about the
shower this morning? It didn't seem like Morgan to
do something
like that, but then again, she didn't know
him well. In truth, she didn't know
either man. "How
is she doing?" Red asked
instead of answering
Kane's question.

"She's okay. Still in a lot
of pain.
have to give
her something to take care of it."

Jesse shook her head violently.

Morgan turned to his cousin. "I don't think she
wants the medication. It might be best to allow
her to
heal naturally."

Kane smiled. "I think I
know what's best for my
Sheriff." He reached out and touched Jesse.

She flinched.

"See. I told you she was in pain."

Jesse's eyes filled with tears
as Kane brought an
inoculator to her arm.

"It'll be okay. Soon your
troubles will be over." he
pushing it through her skin and releasing the plunger.

Her eyes swam a second, then drooped.

"She'll be out for several
hours," Kane said. "You're
welcome to stay, but I don't think there's much

Morgan glanced at Red. He didn't look happy, if
the tick in his jaw was any indication. "I
have some
reports to file at the office. It shouldn't take long. Do you
want to come with me?"

"No." Red shook her head. "I'm going to
head over to the dissecting lab. I have to speak with Jim Thornton about
something." She gazed at Jesse a moment longer, fear still beating at
her. The warning was clear, even if her method was not.

Kane grabbed her hand, tearing her away from her
thoughts. Morgan's gaze bulleted to their joined fingers and he stepped

"I'd like to check you out
before you leave in case that machine of yours missed something," Kane
releasing her when he noticed
Morgan's reaction.

but you're wasting your
time." She shrugged.
never wrong."

it's all the same to you, I'd like to see for my-self,"
he said,
tightening his grip.

"Make it fast," she said.

Morgan's body remained tense.

"I thought you were going
to your office, cousin." Kane
prodded with a smile.

Morgan returned his grin, but it didn't reach his
changed my mind. I'd rather make sure Gina
is okay first."

"I promise I won't let anything happen to

"I know, but I'd feel better if I were there all
the same," Morgan said.

"Suit yourself," Kane replied, guiding Red
out of the room.



The examination only lasted a couple of minutes.
Kane rushed
through it with Morgan looking over his
shoulder. Normally, Red would've
been annoyed by Morgan's behavior, but since it helped her get out of there
sooner, she let it slide.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay on your
own?" Morgan asked as they reached his office.

"I'll be fine. I don't plan to go anywhere else
besides the dissecting lab."

He frowned.

"I swear." she added.

Morgan didn't look convinced by her sincerity, but
he nodded anyway. "I will give Jim a call
and let
him know that you're on your way. I'll be over as soon as I
finish my reports. If I have to step out, Maggie will know how to find me.
Don't go anywhere other than the dissecting lab without letting me know."

Red's temper flared. "I don't need your permission.

Morgan's lips thinned. "If you can't listen to orders,
then I'll just have to assign one of my deputies to stand guard over you."

Her eyes widened. "You wouldn't dare."

"Wouldn't I?" He cocked his head in

"I do not need a babysitter," Red hissed.
"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

"I beg to differ," he
said, stepping forward to crowd

Red's body came to life at his nearness, softening
despite the anger coursing through her veins. What the hell was happening? Her
breath left her lungs.

"Morgan, I—" She cleared her throat to
remove the unexpected rasp.

"I've given you a choice," he said gently,
his gaze latching onto her mouth.

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