Jo's Journey (16 page)

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Authors: S. E. Smith

BOOK: Jo's Journey
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His eyes moved to where she had her hair in a braid down her back. He gently pulled the band on the end off and unwound it, letting his hands savor the silky length. His eyes darkened until the only light shining in them were the burning silver flames of his need. A tender smile curved his lips as he pulled her closer to him. She stepped forward, running her fingers up over his chest up to his shoulders. He tilted her head back far enough so he could brush his lips along her jaw to the corner of her mouth.

Their breaths mingled for just a moment before they sealed their lips together in a kiss that spoke of their love for each other. The sensual exploration was tender, almost tentative as if they were each afraid the other would disappear if they tried to capture the other with the fierce passion that burned deep inside them.

Manota ran his hands over her soft, smooth skin committing every curve to his memory. He reluctantly pulled back, staring down into her soft blue eyes. Without speaking, he
led her over to the large shower. A wave of his hand started the soft flow of warm water. He stepped in, her hand clasped tenderly in his as he pulled her under the warm shower of water.

He watched as she lifted her face to the rainfall around them, her lashes like silken crescents against her pale skin. The water from the shower slicked her hair back in long wet curls down her back. Other droplets ran down over her face and body, making sensual paths that begged for his tongue to follow. Two stubborn droplets clung fiercely to the tips of her nipples as if defying his claim on them.

He reached over and poured a small amount of the soap into his hand, rubbing them together before he began moving them over her soft skin. He did not want to use a cloth. He wanted to feel his skin against hers. Tonight, he didn’t want any barriers between them. Her head fell forward as he moved his hands over her breasts and cupped them, running his thumbs over the tips. He looked up into her eyes as he began to kneel in front of her. Trust and love stared back at him. He lowered his head, focusing on his hands. He ran them over her flat belly, pausing as he thought of the child he would place there as soon as the threat was eliminated. Unable to resist, he leaned forward and placed a kiss on the small indention in the center.

Jo moaned softly when his hands moved down between her legs to the soft hair that covered her womanhood. She opened for him when he tugged gently on the soft blond curls.

“Manota,” she breathed out, twisting her hands in his short hair.

Manota ran his fingers along the delicate folds, pressing a hot kiss into the soft mound. He slid two fingers into her, drawing another cry from her as she pressed against his lips. He ran his tongue along the entrance groaning when he found the small swollen nub begging for his touch.

He lapped at it, loving the way her hands pressed him closer. His fingers worked in rhythm with his tongue and a low mewling sound escaped her as she exploded in his mouth. Her fingers curled in his hair, holding him to her. He looked up, seeing her head bowed as the rainfall from the showerheads flowed around her. Her lips were parted as she sucked in small gasps of air. Her eyes were closed for several long seconds before they slowly fluttered open to stare down into his upturned face.

I love you so much,” she whispered brokenly.

Manota rose up to stand in front of her, forcing her to tilt her head back.
“As I love you,” he replied with a tender smile.

Jo smiled back before she turned to pour a small amount of soap into her hands. Rubbing them together, she then ran them over his heated flesh. She understood his desire to experience the feel of their skin touching each other. She bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling at the thought that this may be all they have together. She stroked his skin gent
ly, wanting him to feel every ounce of love she had for him as she washed the grime from his body. Her hands moved to outline his face, tracing the sharp curves of his brow and the long, narrow line of his nose before outlining his firm lips and jaw.

She traced the path of the droplets as they flowed over him. Touching his thick neck where the tendons stood out, she continued over his broad shoulders. She carefully washed each arm, taking her time as she traced his long fingers. She poured more soap into her palm before rubbing the lather into his chest, her fingers brushing over his distended nipples drawing a shallow gasp from him.

She knelt as her hands moved lower. Swiping them across his flat stomach, she reached for his throbbing shaft. If she had any doubt that he was just as affected by her touch as she was by his, it dissipated as soon as she reached his thick penis.

Jo ran both hands along the pulsing shaft. It was long and hard but soft at the same time. She traced the head with her finger, touching the ridges around the bulbous head. He did not have hair around his genitals the way humans did. His heavy sack pulsed as she reached to cup it. His loud groan echoed in the room. Jo
’s eyes flickered to where his hands clenched and unclenched at his sides. She carefully washed the heavy sack before moving down his legs. The thick muscles of his thighs were like sculptured marble. A long, narrow scar ran the length of his right thigh. Jo knew it must have been a miracle for him to have survived such a wound.

What happened?” She asked quietly as she ran her finger along the long scar.

Manota opened his eyes which he had closed as he tried to think of everything but his need to sink himself as far as he could go into Jo
’s velvety sheath and plant his seed in her womb. He looked down at her questioning eyes. He saw the fear in them as she traced one of the many scars on his body that even the regen machines could not erase.

It happened during the war with the Tearnats,” he replied in a husky voice. “There was a fierce battle on one of the outer moons. During the battle, both my warship and that of the Tearnats had suffered extensive damage and crashed on the moon orbiting Dragas. I lost over thirty warriors in the crash, the Tearnats a few more. The battle continued on the moon. I took a laser sword to my leg before I was able to kill the Tearnat commander.”

’s eye moved back to the long white scar. She pressed her lips against it before closing her eyes and resting her cheek against his thigh. She fought the overwhelming fear that threatened to drown her. She couldn’t lose him. He said she was the light to his soul but he was what kept it burning.

Firm hands gripped her under her arms and lifted her. His hot lips claimed hers as he lifted her up, turning so he could press her back against the smooth, polished stone wall of the shower. She wrapped her long legs around his waist, holding on to him as he kissed her deeply. A dark desperation swept through him - claiming him - as he tangled his hands in her wet hair. His lips spoke of his claim on her. His tongue fought with hers for
control. His arms held her captive against his raging body. His cock impaled her with the primitive need to possess.

He growled low when she pulled her lips from his and cried out as he pushed deeply into her. Her head fell back against the wall, as she gasped at the sudden fullness. He took advantage to seal his lips along the vulnerable curve of her throat. His teeth grazing and nipping as he kissed her, leaving his mark for all to see.

He gripped her thighs, pulling and pushing out of her with an increasing ferocity as he lost control. Her whimpers echoed in his ear even as her fingers kneaded his shoulders, demanding more. His lips ran along her neck, to her jaw before covering her mouth again as he exploded deep inside her at the same time as she screamed out, the sound captured by his lips.

Manota pushed deeper, feeling the tip of his cock against her womb as he exploded. Deep down, he knew he shouldn
’t have taken her so roughly. He felt the moment her womb opened and accepted his seed, burying it protectively inside her. He shuddered as he continued to pulse, burying his face in the curve of her neck as he drew in raspy breaths. His arms tightened around her slender form when she wilted against him. His love for her exploded in a raging fury.

He pulled back far enough so he could cup her face between the palms of his hands.
“You will fucking do everything in your power to stay safe tomorrow night, do you hear me?” He choked out as he stared desperately into her eyes. “You have to stay safe for me, Jo. I can’t… I can’t live without you,” he whispered. “I can’t live without you,” he repeated before he kissed her again.

Chapter 25

Jo stood beside Manota outside the Big Top the next evening dressed in a long, royal blue evening gown. Neither talked about what had passed between them the night before. Instead, they focused on the events about to unfold. Dakar had notified Manota that five warships had entered Kassisan airspace on the other side of the planet with forged documentation. Troop transports had been deployed from two of them. Four shuttles had also deployed and had headed immediately towards the capitol city.

Jarmen had been able to connect with the transmissions between the warships now that he had Tai Tek
’s personal access codes. The shuttles had landed in a small clearing not far from the circus compound under the disguise of a surveying crew for the new development being built. The traitor in Manota’s house had forged the clearance documentation. Jo shivered as she remembered the blood splatter coating Manota when he returned to shower and change for the evening’s performance.

Ten warriors had arrived as they were leaving the East House to escort them to the circus compound. Each wore a grim expression on their face. Jo trembled as she walked along the path leading into the huge tent. Manota
’s arm tightened around her but he never took his eyes off the surrounding area.

Remember, if things turn bad I want you and your family to escape. I have Kev and Armet waiting to take you to safety,” Manota said under his breath.

I know,” Jo replied smiling as they approached Ajaska and a huge male with blue skin. “I take it that is the Grand Ruler?” She asked with a nervous smile as his glaze briefly swept over at her.

Yes, Ristéard Roald. The Grand Ruler of Elpidios,” Manota said as they came to a stop as they waited behind Madas and Gril Tal Mod who were talking quietly with Ajaska and the huge male.

He is a little intense,” Jo muttered, taking a step closer to Manota. “Why is he glaring at Ricki?” She asked as her eyes followed to where the huge male was staring so intensely.

Ricki was standing next to her dad. She was wearing a cream colored pantsuit that showed off her slender figure. At over six feet tall, she towered over her three and a half foot father. Her hair was neatly pinned in an elegant chignon and she carried her clipboard. She nodded as she listened to whatever Walter was saying, a slight frown creasing her brow as if she was having trouble concentrating on
what he was telling her. Jo watched as Ricki’s eyes rose to look in irritation at whatever was distracting her. She almost chuckled when she saw her friend roll her eyes at Ristéard Roald when she realized it was his stare that was burning a hole through her. The chuckle did escape when Ricki raised one delicate eyebrow at him and shrugged before giving him her back and ignoring him. Jo glanced at the huge scary blue man and cringed when she saw the fury in his eyes. Something told her he wasn’t used to being dismissed.

Let’s go,” Manota said quietly, pulling her out of her reverie.

Sorry,” she muttered as a light flush rose in her cheeks.

Welcome, Lord Roald,” Manota said formally. “Father, is everything in place?”

Yes,” Ajaska responded with a nod. “All members are looking forward to tonight’s performance.”

Manota nodded at the veiled reference to the other star systems who were prepared to attack those wanting to overthrow them. He turned and frowned when he noticed Ristéard Roald touching Jo
’s hair with his fingertips. He stiffened and gently pulled Jo closer to him.

Ristéard turned and looked with a cool gaze at Manota.
“Such unusual coloring,” he responded before he let his hand drop to his side. “I am looking forward to tonight’s performance – and I am not referring to just the finale.”

Jo blushed as Ristéard
’s gaze moved up and down her. She tilted her head wishing she could knee the arrogant male in his balls. It would be nice to show him that women did not appreciate being looked at as if they were a piece of meat. She was so glad to see that he hadn’t liked the way Ricki had coolly dismissed him. The big oaf deserved it!

Welcome to the Cirque de Magik,” Jo murmured. “I hope you find it as magical as we do.”

I’ll see you both inside,” Manota said coldly, with a glare of warning at the Grand Ruler. “She is mine.”

’s lips curved just enough to look as if he was smiling. His eyes flickered over Jo again before he looked over at the other slender female as she spoke to a tall human male. His lips pulled back in a snarl when the male touched her cheek before turning away. His low growl was just loud enough for Ricki to hear. Jo watched as her friend turned and looked at the huge male coolly again before tossing her head in dismissal and walking away.

Manota gripped Ristéard
’s arm when he made to follow Ricki. “The humans are under my protection,” he said in a quiet voice. “All of them. I suggest you focus on the plans for the evening.”

Ristéard looked down at Manota
’s hand on his arm. The muscles in the Grand Ruler’s arm flexed, showing Manota the man was solid as steel under the silk long sleeve shirt he wore. Cold eyes moved from Manota’s hand to his face.

If you want to keep your hand attached to your arm, I suggest you remove it,” Ristéard responded coldly. “I take what I want. For now, it is the heads of the assassins and the Kassisan councilman who thinks to play me. Make no mistake, if I choose to take the female I will and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it,” he growled out in a low menacing voice before he shook off Manota’s hand and turned to walk into the Big Top.

Ajaska looked at Manota for a moment before he winked at Jo who stood with her mouth open at the Grand Ruler
’s words. Her mouth snapped shut and her eyes glittered with fury. The big ox was definitely asking for a kick to his you-know-what!

Deep down, he isn’t so bad,” Ajaska tried to reassure Jo as he turned to walk in with them.

Jo sniffed and shrugged her shoulders.
“Well, he better watch it. Ricki won’t put up with his arrogant ass. He’ll find himself being shipped to Timbuktu if he isn’t careful, snail mail.”

Ajaska chuckled as he slipped Jo
’s slender arm through his. Manota quickly took up the other side so she was cushioned between the two of them. Her eyes searched out Star and River who were already sitting in the space reserved for the Royal family.

They grinned at her and waved. As soon as the lights went out, they would join the other casts members. Until then, they would appear as defenseless as all the other crew who would not be performing tonight and were sitting next to the warriors who had been carefully chosen for the night
’s confrontation.

She took her place, turning to chat with Star and River. She knew the exact minute Tai Tek
’s men started to enter. Manota and the other men stiffened slightly. A glance showed they were casually looking around them. Jo felt the hand gripping hers tighten as a man with long, black hair walked in with two beautiful women on each arm. They were closely followed by several other men.

Tai Tek,” she heard Jazin growl out before Star pulled his head down to hers and kissed him to hide the rage on his face.

Jo acted like she was looking around so she could study the man she had met only briefly a few times. She frowned as she bent toward Manota, picking at an imaginary piece of lint on his shoulder. Her eyes swept over where Tai Tek moved to sit as the Mimes, Marvin and Martin, guided him and his entourage up a few steps. The audience chuckled as the two Mimes acted like they wanted to fight with each other to guide the small group to their seats. One of the clowns popped up and finished guiding Tai Tek
’s group away during the mock battle.

He looks different,” she whispered.

Facial reconstruction,” Manota responded. “Unfortunate for him, his DNA cannot be reconstructed. It is him.”

Those don’t look like his typical ladyloves,” River murmured as she sat forward as far as her swollen belly would allow her.

Assassins from Cruthera,” Ristéard replied with a curl of his lip. “I’ve killed a few of their females who thought to kill me first.”

Oh,” Star said looking at Jazin with wide-eyes before she looked over as Ricki walked to them.

Good evening, everyone. It is a pleasure to have you join us this evening. May I remind you to please remain seated until Marcus tells you,” Ricki said in a calm, husky voice. Her eyes turned to Manota, a silent plea in them. “I would ask that you also keep my father safe,” she whispered.

We will, Lady Ricki,” Manota promised somberly.

Thank you,” Ricki said, flushing slightly as her eyes looked at the huge blue male sitting to the right of where she was standing. “Good luck tonight,” she added before turning to leave.

She stopped in surprise when she felt a hand reach out to grab her wrist when she turned. She looked into the intense silver eyes of the huge warrior who had been staring her for the last two days. She pulled on her hand but he refused to let her go.

“The man who touched you earlier, he is your mate?” Ristéard inquired.

Ricki frowned at his question, confused. It took a moment for her to realize he was talking about Stan. Stan had been trying to get her to go out on a date with him for months as had a few of the other performers. Ricki made a rule of
never dating anyone that worked for her father. She never knew if they were interested in her or her father’s wealth and contacts.

That is none of your business,” she hissed out. “Now, please remove your hand before I remove it permanently!”

Ristéard gri
nned at the fierce look in her eyes even as his gaze moved over her flushed cheeks. “Good, I am claiming you as mine. You may go for now,” he said, releasing her hand and sitting back.

Why you arrogant…” Ricki started to say before she clamped her lips into a tight line. “Asshole,” she muttered as she turned away.

’s mouth opened as she heard Ricki’s muttered curse. She glanced over at River and Star who were hiding their amusement behind their hands. She couldn’t help but silently mouth ‘snail mail’ to them causing all of them to burst out into laughter.

Ristéard frowned as he looked at the three women.
“What is so funny?” He demanded with a dark scowl on his face causing all three girls to laugh even harder.

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