Joseph: Bentley Legacy (5 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

BOOK: Joseph: Bentley Legacy
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“I am Myra.” Jackson felt his naked balls tighten to his body; his arms wanted to wrap around him, keep him safe. “I can see you know who I am. And since you do, this warning I’m going to give you will be all you get. Leave Chris McKenzie alone.”

Jackson fell to the floor, his circle, perfectly drawn months ago, now a jagged mess over his hard floors. His body felt drained, his muscles like he’d been stretched on a rack. But worst of all was his fear. Myra was not anyone to fuck with, and she’d been there. Warning him about Chris.

Curling into a ball, he lay there, wondering why anyone would care who Chris was or, for that matter, why she was so special. His mind worked through things slowly, but he was exhausted all of a sudden and closed his eyes. Tomorrow he would figure it out, but for now he had to think of ways to get back at Myra and the council that she ran. Things were about to get very hinky, as his brother used to say.


Chris wandered around the room again. She had no idea how she’d gotten to this room, much less how her desires were ignored. But here she was, in the Bentley house, in a room that was bigger than her new apartment. This wasn’t right. When the door opened behind her, she thought about taking a deep breath before speaking, but didn’t. Fuck it, this was not her doing.

“What the hell did you say to my dad to make him want to stay here instead of the hotel where I already paid for the room?” Joey just stood there and grinned. “Don’t even think about using any charm on me. I’m really pissed off and I want you to know it.”

“I do. As does, I’m sure, the rest of the house.” She realized then that her voice had been a little high. “May I shut the door and we continue this discussion in a friendlier manner?”

“I’m not in the mood to be friendly with you.” He nodded but shut the door behind him and then leaned on it. “What are you doing in this room anyway? I thought it was going to be mine while I stay here.”

“It is. Mine is next door. I came to ask you if you wanted something special for dinner. Miss May, my brother’s cook, is making dinner now, and she didn’t want you to have to eat what we did if you didn’t have to.” That made sense, she supposed, but she wasn’t letting him off the hook yet. “You’re a guest here, and Micah and Reggie want you to feel welcome. As for your money for the hotel, it’s been refunded to you. He’s a friend of ours and didn’t have a problem doing that for you. Also, no one will know that you’re here unless you tell them.”

“Why? I mean, why would it matter if someone were to find out I’m here?” He stood up then and made his way to her. “No touching. When you touch me, I’m not sane.”

“I like you a little insane. You’re also very sexy when you’re furious. Are you still mad at me? You don’t seem to be. If not, I was thinking that we could make love before we were called to dinner.” She shook her head and backed from him. “No? Why not? You came so nicely earlier, and I’d very much like to see you do that again. With me deep inside of you.”

“I don’t like sex.” That stopped him, and the look he gave her was something she’d seen before. Incredulous. “I’ve never been any good at it. In fact, that stunt you pulled in the limo was the first time I ever came. Men think I’m boring.”

“Boring? How the hell…? Never mind. I don’t think I want to know. So the men you’ve had sex with before…they didn’t come either?” She shook her head. “Why the hell not? I mean, I could come just watching you stand there. If you were naked right now, I’d be hard pressed, and I mean really hard pressed, not to simply come without touching you.”

“It wasn’t their fault. It was mine. I told you, I’m not into it.” He moved again, and she backed up until she was pressed against the wall. He didn’t stop until he was only inches from her. “Don’t do this. I’m not sure why I came with you, but that’s not to say it’ll happen again. I’m not sexy enough or something, so let’s just leave it at that.”

“I don’t think so.” He reached for the buttons on the sweater she had on. “I’m going to prove to you that, first of all, you are extremely sexy. Even dressed this way, all I can think about is what sort of delights you have beneath all these clothes. Then there is the added fact that I can smell you. You’re very aroused and I want to drink from you.”

“Bite me, you mean?” Joey nodded as he moved his face to her neck again. Tilting her head for him came as natural to her as breathing, and when he nipped at her neck, she moaned, “Why does that make me want to bite you back?”

“I’d like for you to. Bite me until you taste my blood in your mouth. Would that make you come harder, you think?” He was doing all kinds of things to her throat, so when he cupped her bare breast, she whimpered. “Your nipples are so hard. I love their size too. Thick like my thumb. Can I suckle at them, Chris? Can I nurse from them until I get you naked?”

She had no idea if she answered him or not, but his mouth was at her breast and she couldn’t have answered him now if her life depended on it. His hands were everywhere, her skin touched, fondled, and then cupped. Her pussy was on fire, his fingers inside of her. Even as she spread her legs for him, giving him whatever he wanted, he continued to bring her closer and closer to the edge. Then he pulled back from her. Chris realized then that he’d stripped her to her bare skin, and she’d not even cared.

“I need you.” Nodding, she thought about telling him that she needed him as well. But his shirt was off and nothing could move past the lump that was suddenly in her throat. “My cat does as well. He wants to mark you.”

“Mark me?” He nodded and tore his belt from his jeans. She’d never known anyone who wore a belt with a pair of jeans, and watched in stupid fascination while he unsnapped his buttons at his fly one at a time. When he was finished, his hands cupped himself. His cock was so hard she could make out each line of him, the crown of his cock as well as his heavy balls. “Show me.”

He pulled his cock free by moving his hands into his jeans and pulling them down an inch at a time. First his crown showed, the thick purple head of it, dripping with his pre cum. Then the vein down the length of him showed. Her mouth watered as he showed her more. When he was free of his pants, his cock stretched from his body like it was reaching for her. And Chris wanted to touch him. Take him into her mouth and suck him as he’d done her nipples.

“Are you ready?” She nodded, not having a clue what he meant, but if he was going to be completely naked for her, then yes, she was ready. As his pants came off, he stood before her, his glorious body hard and bronzed. “Don’t run.” And then he was gone.

In his place was a cat, a large black one, and Chris nearly screamed. But when he came toward her, sleek and huge, all she could do was stand there and watch him.

Chapter 5


Joey watched her carefully. Christ, he wanted to leap at her, take her pussy in his mouth, and have her come down his throat before he marked her. When she didn’t run, didn’t scream, Joey thought that he might be able to do just that. When he buried his mouth over her pussy, Chris cried out while trying to pull him back.

“Don’t. That’s not…you’re Joey?” He told her he was and licked a path from her knee to her hip before sitting down. “You can talk to me. I mean, you could always talk to me, but like this…you can talk to me.”

I bit you. When I took your blood into my body, it made the connection. I can talk to my brothers and other family this way too, but they will never be able to talk to you unless you let them.
She asked him if that meant them biting her.
Yes. Micah will need to bite you if you ever become a cat, but for now, it’s just the two of us.

“And you like this, as a cat, you want to have sex with me? I’m not going to like that at all.” His cat snarled at him, and Chris backed up closer to the wall. “He’s going to hurt me, isn’t he?”

No, we’re not going to hurt you. Not ever.
He licked her leg again, this time brushing over her pussy enough to smell her again.
He wants to drink from you. So do I, but if I let him have his fill of you first, then he’ll let me take you for as long as I want. He’s a very demanding cat when it comes to his mate.

“I’m not his mate. I’m not even sure I’m your mate.” The cat in him snarled again. “Tell him to stop that. It’s scaring me.”

He’s not trying to scare you, love, but he does want you. As much as I do. But he will let me take you if you’re afraid for him to lick your pussy until you come.
She stared at him and Joey moved toward her again.
His tongue is longer than mine. Ridged to give you all kinds of pleasure. And the more that he drinks from you, the wetter you’ll be for me. I’m going to eat you too, drink you down my throat while you stand there with your legs all spread for us.

“That’s not fair.” He noticed that her legs seemed to widen a little, and he told his cat to move slowly. Instead of heeding his words, he moved between her thighs quickly, as if pouncing on her. Then he licked her from gate to clit, his tongue doing just what he’d told her it would. Her legs widened more now, and when the cat in him moved in closer, he nearly begged him to let him take her. But the cat was giving her pleasure, and Joey wanted her to enjoy this.

She came twice before his cat licked her thigh again. When he bit her, his large teeth sinking deep into her flesh, she only whimpered a little before curling her fingers into his thick fur and holding him. He had marked her, as his own mate; his panther had claimed his mate as if she were already a panther. When the cat had his fill, he let him go, and Joey moved to her pussy again. It was his turn.

Chris cried out when he sucked her clit, so hard and firm, into his mouth. Even as he slid his fingers into her sheath, she began riding his mouth. Joey was so close to coming that when she cried out that she was coming again, he drank her down, sipping as much of her into his body as he could catch. Then he stood up. But he couldn’t wait any longer. He had to have her. Now.

“I need to take you now.”

Her body pressed against his and he took her to the wall. There wasn’t going to be any love making this time. He had to fuck her, empty inside of her before he hurt them both. When Joey lifted her up by her ass, she wrapped her legs around him even as he slipped inside of her, her sheath as tight around him as if she had fisted him.

Joey meant to slow himself, pause until he could regain some control over his body. But she moved then, using his hips as leverage to lift her body up and then slam back down over his cock. It was too much and not enough at the same time, and he started pounding her, taking her so hard that he was sure she was going to be sore before he was finished.

“Come for me.” Her breath at his throat had him tilting his head for her. “Come, Chris, come for me and bite me. Mark me as your mate.”

Her teeth scraped over his flesh twice before he felt her stiffen beneath him. Joey wanted to tell her to come again, but his own climax reared up and took him. As he emptied himself into her, he felt her lick his shoulder, and then her teeth tore at his neck. Joey came again, his entire body tensing up and then letting go as if he were on the edge of a cliff and just fell forward.

Her own scream of release had him taking her again, his body spent but wanting to give her as much pleasure, as much of him as he could. When she went limp in his arms, Joey held her against the wall, almost afraid to move for fear of dropping her.

Adjusting her in his arms so that he held her, Joey made his way to the bed. By the time he laid her down, staggering only once, he smiled as he reached for the coverlet at the foot of the bed to cover her with. Sitting in the chair next to the bed while he watched her, Joey thought of all the things that he was going to have to tell her when she woke. Little of it was going to endear her to him, he thought.

We have company.
Micah woke him from a light sleep. Joey sat up, his pants about half way up one leg, the other bare to the floor, and looked around. Chris was still sleeping, so he hurriedly pulled on his pants as he spoke to his brother.

Is it someone I might know, or are you just overly sharing?
Micah didn’t laugh with him, and Joey felt his cat stir.
What is it?

She claims she’s here for Chris, but she won’t come into the house. I’m not sure if she needs to be invited in or she’s just one of those people who don’t barge into others homes.
Joey was coming down the stairs when Micah continued.
I think there is something really odd about her. You need to come and see for yourself.

There was no one at the front door, so he went to the kitchen. Everyone was in there…Micah, his mom, as well as Grandda and Grandma, Miss May, and Reggie, who looked to be highly amused. But it was the woman on the other side of the door that had his attention. Not so much that she was floating above the ground a good three inches, but she was dressed…well, dressed was sort of an understatement…she was entirely in blue. From her hair that was long and curly to the soles of her shoes. Only her skin, a pale creamy color, wasn’t.

“Hello. You’re the mate.” Joey looked at Micah, who shrugged. The woman spoke again. “This isn’t your home. I cannot come inside unless it’s the home that you and Chris have.”

“It’s not complete. I mean, I’m still having it worked on. I’ve only just started on the barn, and then there is a problem with the…. Who are you?” She smiled at him, and Joey felt warmth. It was the strangest feeling he’d ever had. Like someone had put a nice cozy blanket over him and he was safe.

“The house is finished. I needed it to be, so it is. The furniture is there as well. I set it in the rooms, but you will need to move it where you want.” Joey was so confused that he sat down and tried to think. “The young miss, Chris. Is she awake yet? She summoned me, and I’m afraid that I’m running slightly behind.”

“Summoned?” Joey stood up now and decided that he was finished with the games. “Did someone put you up to this? Macon? The builder, he said that he was going to find me a magic wand and have the house done for me. Is this his idea of a practical joke? Because I have to tell you, I’m not finding any of this funny.”

“I don’t do jokes.” Joey had a feeling she wasn’t kidding about that. “Chris summoned me about some questions that she had. I’m sure she’ll have more once you tell her what is going on with her other issues. Oh, before I forget, Jackson Hill is going to be a nuisance as well. I’ve tried to warn him off, but there is just no telling some people that there is no reason for him to continue.”

Joey nodded, then shook his head. He felt like he was on a rollercoaster right now and nothing seemed to be up. When Grandma cleared her throat, everyone looked at her. Her smile was one that said someone was going to have their butt smacked.

“Perhaps if you would simply explain one thing before moving on to the next, we’ll all be able to keep up with you. As it is, you’re jumping around like frog legs in a skillet.” The woman nodded and moved out onto the deck. Joey looked at Grandma again. “Darling, do go out there and try your best to figure this out. I’m afraid she’s given me a headache. I’ll go and get Chris for you. Perhaps she can shed some light on this.”

“Thanks.” He turned to go out on the deck when he thought of something. “Grandma, knock before going in. I think she might be…well, I’m pretty sure that she’s…Chris might be….”

He felt his face heat up more and more with each word. He didn’t want his grandmother to know what they’d done, even though he was positive that everyone could smell her on him. But he certainly didn’t want her walking in on a very naked Chris on the bed. She patted him on the cheek and told him she’d be fine. Joey moved out to the deck where the woman was sitting on one of the many rockers that had only just arrived for his house and Micah had claimed them.

“You’ll have some as well.” Joey only nodded, feeling stupid again. “Chris is well, I take it? When I last saw her, it was just after her mother passed along. Then there was Angel. She was a good girl as well, but she was a little high-strung for my tastes. But I liked her.”

“I’m Joey Bentley. It would help me a great deal if I knew your name. I’m not sure why, but it would, I think.” The woman nodded and smiled at him. “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”

“Myra. I have no last name. I don’t know why I never adopted that custom, but after this long, it seems silly to have one attached to me now. Sit down please, young man, you’re making me somewhat nervous.” He sat but he wasn’t any less nervous himself. “You’re going to be fine. I promise. But I must wait on Chris before I can speak freely to you.”

He felt Chris then. She was upset, but at what he had no idea. When she was in the kitchen, Joey stood up and turned in the direction she’d be coming from. If she was going to blast him, he’d prefer it was in private. Joey was ready to head her off when she smiled at him. And just like that, Joey fell in love.


Myra watched the young couple, and what a couple they were. So much in love too. As she listened to their hearts, all she could think about was that she wished she’d been faster in dealing with this. The entire mess was going to take days to fix now. Had she just acted one week earlier, things would have been so much better for them all. When Chris turned to her, she smiled.

“Myra. You certainly know how to make a grand entrance, don’t you? And you’ve upset the household as well.” Myra smiled at her. So much like her grandmother it was amazing. “I need to talk to you about some things. And to show you something.”

“I’ve seen it.” Chris sat down and Myra was sure had the chair not been there, she might have sat on the floor. “All of it. And this young man too. I can’t help that I’ve upset your household, but I only meant to come here and talk to you. And now that I’m here, what say you that we go to your new home?”

When they got there she still couldn’t enter the new house, but they did. It was several minutes before Chris came back to the door, alone this time, and glared at her. Myra wasn’t really worried that she’d harm her, but she did want to be on her guard in the event that she tried.

“You did this?” Nodding, she smiled. “What if he hadn’t wanted you to do this for him? He might have wanted to wait on the house to be done the conventional way.”

“He didn’t.” Myra laughed when Joey spoke from behind Chris. “I love it. The furniture could use some tweaking, but I love it. I’m sure you will too once you get it the way you want it.”

“I’m not living here.” Joey just smiled at Chris and nodded, like he knew a great secret and was excited to share it. “I’m not living here. I have a job, and an apartment that I’ve just signed a lease on. I have a whole other life that doesn’t include me living here.”

“Darling, perhaps you can invite me in and we’ll talk. There is much going on that you need to be aware of, and many things that will…well, let’s just say that there are many things that we need to tell you that will have a major effect on your life and that of your stepfather.” Chris looked undecided, but she finally nodded. “You have to say it. Invite me in so that I might join you inside.”

“I don’t know if I want you to be able to come and go as you please.” Myra was hurt but said nothing. A lot had happened to her and there was much more. While she could understand the suspicion, it still pained her that Chris didn’t trust her. “Come in, please.”

The warmth of the house engulfed her. Joey had built this house with love, and he’d planned on sharing it with his mate. He’d not known of Chris at the time he’d started building it, but he’d loved the idea of sharing it with someone someday. As she moved through the house proper to the living room, the things that she’d seen in his mind, the furnishings as well as some of the other things she’d seen there, were perfect for what he’d done.

As they sat in the living room, quiet now as they all had a lot on their minds, Carol contacted her and asked if now would be a good time for her to come. She’d completely forgotten that she’d hired the cook, a witch of some repute to help with not only the everyday things of a grand house, but with the things that were coming to the couple as well. Myra told her to come along and to stay in the kitchen until she called for her. Joey was watching his young bride and Chris was watching her.

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