Josie's Miracle (White River Wolves Series, #1) (8 page)

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Authors: Dawn Sullivan

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #Romance, #Shifters, #Shifter Romance

BOOK: Josie's Miracle (White River Wolves Series, #1)
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Flame quickly moved to her, kneeling down and gently running a hand over her hair whispering, “Shhh, it’s okay.  Chloe sent us.  We came to take you to her.”

Raising tear filled eyes to her, the woman grasped Flame’s hand tightly.  Her fear and disbelief showing, she whispered, “Chloe’s alive?  My baby is alive?” 

Nodding, Flame stood and gently helped the woman to her feet.  Holding a finger to her lips, Flame guided her to the door.  Nico and Angel led the way out of the house, silently closing the front door behind them.  When it was obvious the woman was too weak to go far, Nico gathered her in his arms and they ran swiftly back to where they left the SUV.  When they were half a mile from Gentry’s, Angel ordered,
Do it.

There was the sound of glass breaking and then nothing.  After reaching the SUV, they waited for Jaxson and Rikki, then loaded up and headed to the small airport to retrieve their plane. 

“He will find us,” Chloe’s mom whispered from where she sat huddled between Flame and Rikki in the middle of the SUV.  “He told me if I ever left him he would hunt me down and kill me.”

“You don’t have to worry about Gentry Samson finding you,” Angel promised from the front passenger seat.  Turning around to face the woman, she told her, “That bastard will never bother you again.  I promise.”

Her eyes widening in understanding, Chloe’s mom whispered, “He’s gone?”

“He’s gone,” Angel confirmed.  Smiling gently, she said, “I’m Angel, and this is my team.  Your daughter, Chloe, sent us to bring you home.  You will have a new Alpha.  One that will protect you.  One that you can trust.”

Tears slipped down the woman’s face as she whispered, “Layla.  My name is Layla.  Thank you all for helping us.”

Flame slipped her hand in Layla’s and silently stared out the window.  RARE was a team, but they were also a family.  Flame had been through the fiery depths of hell when she was held by the General, and she had set her path on revenge.  But seeing the team help people like Layla and Chloe, being a part of it, was slowly helping her broken heart mend.  She was not ready to set aside her vengeance, but she was slowly allowing herself to open up to new possibilities.  Closing her eyes she allowed herself to dream of a man with light blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes.  Bran...her mate.  No, she could not give up her vengeance, not even for him.

Chapter 10

t was Christmas Eve and the party was in full swing.  Chase was decked out as Santa Claus and Josie was his elf.  Josie had talked Chloe into taking pictures of the children on Santa’s lap while Josie gave them their presents. 

One of the pack children had claimed his place on Santa’s knee and was telling him what he wanted for Christmas.  Santa was listening intently and giving the correct responses, but he seemed to be keeping an eye on the door.  At Chloe’s startled gasp, Josie swung around.  With a cry, Chloe ran to the door, passing Josie the camera on her way by.  Standing in the entrance stood a small, stunning woman with long dark hair and hazel eyes.  Her arms were opened wide as she waited for Chloe to reach her.  Wrapping them tightly around Chloe, the woman patted her back as they both cried softly.  “Mama,” Chloe cried.  “Oh, Mama, you are really here.”

Chase gently placed the child sitting on his lap onto the floor and rose, making his way over to the women.  “Welcome to my pack, Ms. Samson.”

“Please,” Chloe’s mother whispered as she raised her head to meet his gaze.  “Call me Layla.  Thank you so much for everything you have done for my daughter and me.”

“You will be safe here, Layla,” Chase promised.  “I will protect you and Chloe.”  Smiling, Chase gestured to the room behind them.  “Go, enjoy the festivities.  Meet your pack members.  You will be staying with Josie tonight, but tomorrow we will move you into your new apartment.”

Smiling gratefully, Layla and Chloe made their way further into the room.  They did not get far before they were surrounded by the women of the pack.  Guiding Chloe and her mother over to the buffet table, they introduced themselves. 

The RARE team filled the doorway once the women were gone.  Nico’s daughter, Lily, squealed from across the room when she saw Nico.  Running to him, she launched herself into his arms placing kisses all over his face.  Laughing, Nico picked her up, holding her close and strolled into the room.  Going to his mate, Jenna, he slid an arm around her waist and kissed her softly.

Looking around, Josie smiled.  Her heart was full of joy.  Phoenix and Serenity were there with Hunter.  Chase’s girls, Hope and Faith, were playing with their new dolls in the corner.  Janie’s daughter, Alayna, was dressed in a bright red dress with frills and squealing with delight at the other children in the pack.  This was her family, her pack.  The only thing that would make her night complete would be a visit from Ryker.  She had not heard from him since he left three days before to meet with the council.  As much as she missed him, she understood he had a job to do and resisted contacting him. 

Looking at her watch, Josie decided it was time to check on Storm.  She had been slowly recovering but seemed to be fighting it for some reason.  Josie had expected more of an argument from Storm when she had forbidden her from moving around too much in the first week.  However, Storm had easily surrendered and only left her bed to go to the bathroom, which she required assistance with because she was not doing the exercises Josie had given her.  She did not watch television, she refused visitors.  Josie decided it was time to shove some Christmas cheer up Storm’s ass.  Grabbing a cup of eggnog and a piece of cake, she headed to Storm’s room.

When she heard Angel’s voice, Josie stopped just outside Storm’s door.  She did not want to eavesdrop, but Storm was her patient and Josie intended to make sure she was alright.

“It’s time to leave the pity party behind, Storm,” Angel said sarcastically.  “Get your ass out of bed and fight back.  So, you were hurt.  We have all been hurt.  It happens.  It’s time to buck up and move on.”

“You don’t know anything,” Storm sneered.  “You stand there acting like a fucking queen, but really you are just as lonely and scared as the rest of us.  If you weren’t you would have let Chase claim you months ago.”

“What is between Chase and I is none of your business, Storm,” Angel growled.

“And I am none of your business,” Storm spat back.

“That’s not true,” Angel argued.  “I like you, Storm.  I respect you.  I am here tonight as your friend, but I am also here because I want to offer you a position with RARE.  I want you to work with us, be a part of our family.”

In the silence that followed, Josie felt her head begin to pound.  What was going on?  What about Ryker?  If Angel was offering Storm a position with RARE, did that mean she would offer Ryker one as well?  As if reading her mind, Storm asked, “What about Ryker?  I won’t leave him.  He’s my partner.”

“I have already asked Ryker to join our team,” Angel told her.  “He hasn’t given me a response yet, but said he would after he spoke to the council.” 

After a moment Storm murmured, “If Ryker agrees, then I’m in.  I need something different in my life, Angel,” she admitted.  “I can’t go on like this.”

“The first thing you need to do is get your ass out of that bed,” Angel retorted.  “Get up and take a damn shower.  Then go get some cake.”

Hearing Angel’s voice getting nearer as she moved toward the door, Josie jumped back, guiltily clutching the drink and plate in her hand.  The door opened slightly and then Angel muttered, “I can’t let Chase claim me right now, Storm.  My children need me.  I need to concentrate on them before I can accept a mate in my life.”

Opening the door fully, Angel said goodbye before walking out.  Striding past Josie, she left the building without speaking to anyone else.  Josie stood there in shock.  If Ryker accepted a position with RARE, what would that mean for them?  Why hadn’t he mentioned it to her? 

Pushing the thoughts out of her mind, Josie entered Storm’s room and placed the goodies she had brought on the table next to the bed. 

“Don’t feel bad,” Storm said.  “He didn’t mention it to either of us.  I had to find out just now from Angel.  If he would have told me at least I would have been prepared when she threw out the offer.”

Eyes wide, Josie asked, “How did you know what I was thinking?  And that isn’t the first time you have done that to me.  Are you telepathic like...”  Josie let the sentence trail off not wanting to give away any secrets.  She was afraid she had said too much, but she had been in shock. 

Groaning, Storm sat up, carefully swinging her legs over the side of the bed.  Running a hand through her long dark hair that hung limply down her back, she said, “Yeah, Ryker and I both are.  No one else knows, though.  We don’t like to talk about it.”

Not knowing what she thought about Ryker keeping something like that from her, Josie changed the subject.  “I’m going to go start the shower.  Eat your cake.”  Avoiding Storm’s gaze, Josie went into the bathroom and turned on the water.  After making sure there were towels, she went out to help Storm.

Storm was struggling to get out of bed, but when she saw Josie, she sat back down.  “Ryker isn’t keeping things from you, Josie.  This is different.  This secret was not just his to share or he would have told you.” 

When Josie did not respond, Storm tried to stand up again.  Fighting against the pain, sweat beaded up on Storm’s forehead.  Unable to stop herself, Josie moved to help her. 

“Josie,” Storm said as she approached the bed.  “You need to understand something.”  Reaching out, Storm grasped Josie’s wrist with unsteady fingers.  “Ryker and I have been partners for several years.  He is like a brother to me.” 

Tightening her hold on Josie’s wrist Storm continued, “If Ryker didn’t tell you what we can do, it was not because he doesn’t trust you.  It was because he was protecting me.  We made a pact 28 years ago when we discovered each other’s gift.  We promised to keep our secrets between us.  Who knows what could happen if it got out?  I know Ryker wanted to tell you, Josie, but his promise to me prevented him from doing it.”

Sighing, Josie sat down on the bed beside Storm.  “I understand, Storm.  I know about having to keep secrets.  It just surprised me.  First the possibility of the job with RARE and then finding out he can read my mind.”

Storm giggled, then slammed her hand over her mouth, her eyes widening in surprise.  It had obviously been a long time since Storm had let go and enjoyed life.  “What’s so funny,” Josie demanded to distract her.

Laughing again, Storm said, “Ryker doesn’t read your mind, Josie.”

“He doesn’t?” Josie asked in confusion.  “I thought that was how it worked?” 

“Ryker isn’t a very strong telepath,” Storm explained.  “He has the gift and can speak with other telepaths, but that’s all he can do.  If you are a strong telepath you can merge with others and read their thoughts and feelings.  Ryker is not strong enough for that.  All of your secrets are still safe.”

“You keep saying Ryker isn’t strong enough,” Josie remarked.  “You are though, aren’t you?”

Nodding, Storm agreed, “Yes, I can read your mind if I want to. But normally I choose not to.  I learned years ago to stay out of peoples’ minds without an invite.  Unless, of course, I am on a mission and need intel.  But I have to be near someone to read them, and body contact helps.”

Josie chose to ignore the fact that if Storm wanted to she could easily slip into Josie’s mind and see her thoughts and feelings.  Gently, Josie pulled her wrist from Storm’s grasp.  Standing up, she leaned over and helped Storm to her feet.  “Let’s get you in the shower, Storm.  Then we can go join in the festivities down the hall for a while before bed.”

After helping Storm shower and change into some red scrubs with green Christmas trees, Josie wheeled her down the hall against her protests.  She knew Storm did not want to appear weak in front of everyone, but there was no way she could walk the length of the hall.

“Maybe you will get off your ass now and do your exercises,” Josie said.  “The only way you are going to get stronger is if you start eating and doing your exercises, Storm.  You have a lot to live for.”  Placing a hand on Storm’s shoulder, Josie leaned down to whisper, “I firmly believe your mate is out there, Storm.  He is out there.  And if you don’t fight back and get better, where does that leave him?  If you are gone, he is alone.  Choose to fight, Storm.  Choose to be the person you once were.  Choose to be the person your mate needs.”

Looking up at Josie in surprise, Storm’s eyes narrowed.  “You think my mate is out there?  Waiting for me?”

“He’s out there, Storm,” Josie promised.  “He’s out there and is probably looking for you.  Show him the woman you are.  Fight for him.”

Nodding in determination, Storm gritted her teeth and tightened her hold on the arms of the wheelchair.  “Fuck this.  I will fight.  I won’t leave him out there alone somewhere.”

Smiling, Josie stood back up and pushed Storm into the middle of the room full of chaotic, joyful noise.  Yes, Storm would fight.  Josie would make sure of it.

Chapter 11

yker let himself into Josie’s home early Christmas morning, the door clicking shut quietly behind him.  His meetings with the council had taken longer than expected.  If he had gone just to give the details of his mission, he would have been back yesterday.  But he had not gone just to give his report. 

Closing his eyes, Ryker tilted his head back and inhaled deeply.  The scent of his mate engulfed him and peace filled his body.  Home, he was finally home.  Following the scent into the living room where it was strongest, he paused when he saw Josie asleep on the couch wrapped in a warm fleece blanket.  There was a fire going in the fireplace directly in front of her.

Ryker quickly stripped off his coat placing it on the back of the couch.  Making his way to her, he picked her up and laid her on the carpet in front of the fire.  Josie smiled and stretched her arms above her head, a moan slipping free.  The blanket slid from her body, slowly baring her silky skin.  She was gloriously naked beneath the blanket.  Ryker groaned as his cock hardened painfully. 

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