Journal Of A Timid Temptress (2 page)

BOOK: Journal Of A Timid Temptress
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"I don't know how to thank you," he said, appearing right beside me without warning. Reflexively, I started to back up even though I didn't want to. The habit of letting people have their space is hard to break.

"Oh, it's quite all right. Really." My voice sounded high and breathless. I realized there was no where to go, even if I did try to move. My back was almost against the wall and he was right there. I knew my gaze was darting around, looking everywhere but right at him. He was just so close.

He laughed then, a low, suggestive chuckle. "What's wrong, Geri? Are you nervous?" He reached out, putting his hand against my face, his fingers sliding along my jaw until his palm cupped my cheek. His thumb brushed lazily across my lips. There was not one cell in my body that didn't react to his touch. I felt like I'd grabbed a live wire.

"I know you aren't afraid. We're alone, of course, but someone could come in any time. That's exciting, isn't it?"

He edged closer, one knee sliding smoothly between my legs, until I was almost straddling his thigh. His heat burned me through his slacks and my jeans. My pussy clenched and released, spilling more moisture. I had to rub against him, just a little bit. I couldn't help myself.

"I'd appreciate your help any time you're available. I'm sure we can come up with some way I can reward your efforts. Don't you think?"

I nodded, dizzy with an ache of overpowering lust. I wanted that hand, not only on my face, but squeezing my tits, fondling my ass, toying with my clit. "Uhhhmmmm, yes, I'm sure we can."

He leaned forward and down, first nuzzled under my ear and then shifted to bring his mouth to mine. When his tongue traced along the edges of my lips, I almost melted into a puddle right there on the floor. Oh, but he knew how to kiss! His lips explored mine in leisurely licks and nips, tasting, testing, and teasing. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think, could barely hold myself up. Oh, mercy, this was what I had been looking for, wanting, needing...

Abruptly, he straightened and pulled away. He slipped his leg from between mine and took two steps back until he hit the desk. When I glanced down, I could see the outline of his cock, half erect inside the soft flannel of his slacks. Then I heard footsteps in the hall. I whirled away and grabbed my things, not really stopping to be sure I got them all. The steps went on by, but I didn't dare look at the door to see who it was.

"Don't forget Saturday night," he said as I staggered for the door. "I'll pick you up around six-thirty."

How could I forget? The mere idea of being alone with him in the confines of the little green Triumph lit my fires. Oh, I could almost come just thinking about it! I guess I mumbled something affirmative before I fled.

* * * *

Feb 8


I stayed inside until I saw the car pull up. I wasn't going to be caught standing out there waiting as if I was impatient--even though, of course, I was. This time of year it still gets dark early, and it was already dusk, but the parking lot out front is lit bright as day with the overhead lights, so there was no missing the little green car. I picked up my purse and slipped into my coat before I walked out nonchalantly.

He reached across and opened the door for me. He looked different, not dressed in the normal prof uniform I was used to, but the effect was still perfect. He wore rumpled chinos and a black turtleneck with a jean-cut jacket over it.

I settled into the passenger seat, clutching my purse to keep my hands from shaking. I was almost impelled to chatter, but bit my tongue. It didn't take long to reach the complex where they lived, just a bit larger and nicer than the student housing I was in. I wasn't sure what I had expected, but the outside was very prosaic.

He seemed a bit preoccupied, so I continued to stay silent. We stamped up the stairs to the tiny porch, where he opened the door. There she was--Linds. Wearing a gosh-awful purple-and-gold caftan type thing that hung on her lean frame and washed out her paleness even more.

"Linds, this is the girl I was telling you about, Geri Wilcox. We're fortunate she agreed to sit tonight on rather short notice."

She held out her hand. "Hello, Geri. I'm Lindsey. It's so nice to meet you. I like to make all of Phil's students welcome to our home, and I really appreciate your help tonight."

Just then a small whirlwind erupted into the room. "Dad, Mom, can Stacy spend the night?"

"Becky," Lindsey began, "I told you you're having a sitter tonight. I'm sure she isn't prepared to take care of two children."

The little girl turned to me. I almost gasped out loud. If she really was adopted, she had an uncanny resemblance to her adoptive father. The same vividly bright black eyes, the same strong but fine features, the same air of super-charged energy.

"I'm Becky," she said. "Who are you?"

"I'm Geri," I said. "I' of your father's students. I'm going to keep you company tonight while your mom and dad go to a party."

She gave a quick, jerky nod, exactly as he did. "I know. I'm not allowed to go to parties at Guy Campbell's. Dad says they might as well be orgies, and he's not ready to expose me to that sort of thing for a few more years. Do you make paper dolls or anything fun? And wouldn't it be easier if I had a friend over so you won't have to entertain me? That way you can study or watch TV or something."

Oh, she was a sly and clever child. That much was obvious. "I don't mind," I said, carefully not glancing sideways at Lindsey, who'd protested the idea. I may as well make friends with Becky right off, I decided. If she liked me, it couldn't hurt. There was something fetching about her anyway, something that spoke to a heretofore submerged maternal instinct in me. All at once I could see myself in a few years as a mom. It wasn't a scary notion at all.

"If you're sure, Geri." That was Lindsey, whom I had momentarily almost forgotten.

"Yes, it's all right," I replied.

Becky dashed off to phone her friend, who apparently lived nearby.

Lindsey handed me a card. "This is where we'll be, in case of an emergency. I expect we'll be late getting back. If you get tired, there's a trundle bed in Becky's room--but I guess Stacy will be using it. Well, you can crash on the couch. There's an afghan folded on the back." She looked distracted, anxious. For a moment, I almost felt sorry for her.

"Come on, Linds. We're going to be late." A sharp note of impatience sounded in Philippe's voice, a tone I had never heard before.

Becky flung the door open almost before the soft knock sounded. A small, blonde girl entered. They both hugged Philippe, and Becky kissed him on the cheek. "Have fun, Daddy, but behave yourself."

"Coming, Phil." Lindsey shrugged, half apologetically. "Have a pleasant evening, girls. Behave yourselves for Geri. Do exactly what she tells you."

Phil? He is so not a Phil!
Oh well, I don't have to even think of him that way.

* * * *

They were late getting home, no question about it. I was dozing on the couch with an old movie on the TV. I had the sound turned down until I could barely hear the quaint dialogue, so I heard them coming up the stairs. They were trying to be quiet, but doing a really bad job of it. When they came in, they reminded me of a pair of teens hoping not to wake up their parents, all awkwardness and nervous giggles.

I could tell right away that Philippe had a good buzz on. He was laughing, swearing under his breath, not quite steady on his feet. When he reached to take Lindsey's coat, she shook off his hand.

"No, it would be best to run Geri home while the car is still slightly warm. The heater doesn't work worth a damn in that pile of junk."

"I'll do it," he said, his glance sliding to me as I stood, folding the afghan carefully back in its place.

"You will do nothing of the sort! You're in no shape to be out on the streets, Phil. I won't have Geri's injury or death or anyone else's on my conscience from letting you drive!"

He rolled his eyes. "I'm no worse off than you are, Linds. You don't know where she lives, do you?"

"I'm sure she's capable of directing me," she replied. "Go to bed before you fall on your arse."

He shrugged, apparently ready to give up the argument. Before he turned away, he gave me a blurry smile. "G'nite, Geri. Thanks. See you in class Monday."

I followed Lindsey out. The Triumph sat in a spot near the foot of the stairs. She glowered at it. "I'll be so glad when my station wagon is out of the shop. I hate this ridiculous car."

After we got in, I told her the streets that made the quickest route to my apartment. She drove efficiently, apparently none the worse for whatever liquor she'd consumed. In just a few minutes we were there. When she stretched her arm out, I thought at first that she was handing me my pay. Instead, her hand settled on my shoulder, fingers clenching firmly over my upper arm, digging in, even through my coat. The next thing I knew, she'd tugged until I leaned toward her.

Off balance, I kept moving until I settled against her. Then abruptly I felt her mouth covering mine. When I opened my lips in a gasp of surprise, her tongue slipped in as if I'd invited it. Her lips were cool and firm, with a lingering taste of margarita. Too shocked to know what to do, I just lolled there and let her kiss me. After a moment, she pulled away. She actually pushed me back upright and then slipped a crisp bill into my nerveless hand.

"Don't worry, dear. I know all about Phil's little student sweeties. However, this time I can't fault his taste. I think I'd like to get to know you better myself. At any rate, consider this my permission to do whatever you feel moved to do. Just don't expect anything long term. Phil isn't going to stray that far. He knows better."

What could I say to that? I said nothing, so she went on in an abrupt change of subject.

"I take it Becky and her friend were no problem?"

"Er, no. They were fine. We had fun, played games, drew pictures. She's quite artistic, isn't she? Then I made them some cocoa when it was bedtime. I didn't leave a mess, though."

"Fine. There'll be other times, then. Goodnight, Geri."

In a complete daze, I got out of the little car. Foggily, I made my way to my apartment. I wasn't sure how I felt about all this. I'd never been kissed by another woman before. I really didn't know if I liked it or not, but I was finally getting a real education. There was no denying that.

Chapter 2


Feb 10


I wasn't sure what to expect on Monday. I was as eager as ever to see him, of course, but wondering a little if he knew that "Linds" had made a move on me. This was a situation I had no clue how to handle. A triangle where both of, it just boggled my mind too much.

I told myself quite firmly that I was so not attracted to a long-faced, English looking woman who was apparently bi-sexual! Still, if I had to tolerate her to get closer to him, it just might be worth it. What would have happened if he had driven me home? My imagination started to build a delicious scenario that soon had me wet and tingling.

I almost slipped into one of the restrooms for a few minutes of privacy to get myself off, but if I did that, I might miss Philippe coming up the stairs. Release could wait until I got home and got my vibrator out of the night stand. It's been getting a workout lately.

At that moment, he came striding jauntily up the stairs. He smiled when he saw me. "None the worse for wear, I see," he observed. "You were probably better off than I was yesterday anyway. Damned tequila--gives me a hell of a hangover."

He shook his head. "Damn that Guy, too. He mixes drinks twice as strong as they need to be, but somehow they're so delicious I can't quit. I really meant to drive you home. I thought all evening about getting another chance to taste those strawberry lips of yours. What in the world do you use to get that flavor? It's perfect, piquant and so very tempting."

"Er, lip gloss," I squeaked. "They have it in all sorts of flavors."

Should I say anything about Lindsey's kissing me? No, that would be gauche. "I had looked forward to that myself," I admitted. I tried to meet his gaze squarely, but could only manage a sidelong glance from the corners of my eyes. Well, maybe the effect would be flirtatious instead of timid.

"Time to get to class," he said, his brisk tone shattering the moment's sensuous bubble. But, as we turned down the hall, he swatted me lightly on the butt. It was almost that friendly smack ball players give one another, but it wasn't. It was intimate. I was afraid someone would see, but in a way I hoped they did, so they'd realize I was special now, definitely the prof's pet.

* * * *

Feb 12


Today he kissed me again, and a bit more... Of course I trundled along after class straight down to his office. It has almost become a routine. He gave me a list of books to get from the library--apparently he's working on his dissertation so he's almost a PhD, just not quite. Then, before I could leave to take care of that errand, he nudged the door shut with one deft, quiet kick.

"If we're very quiet, no one will know we're here. Albert is off today taking a class on a field trip to visit the state legislature. No one else has any reason even to knock at the door."

Albert Adams was his office mate, a droll, little chap with bristly red hair and a goatee who taught something, I'm not sure just what, actually, but, of course, it was something in poli-sci. The one time he had been there, he'd peered at me vacantly through glasses that made his eyes look like a goldfish's looking out of its bowl.

Anyway, Philippe closed the door, sealing us into the private sanctuary of his office. A shiver coursed over me, an agony of wondering what he intended to do, and how quickly he would begin to do it.

I was wearing a skirt today instead of my usual jeans. I think most of them were in the laundry hamper actually. The hem was almost to my knees so I'd decided I didn't need nylons. I abhor panty hose anyway. They never did invent a pair that fits a buxom woman properly, especially a tall, buxom woman. I always end up feeling strangled by them and usually rubbed raw in some spot or another where they bind.

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