Journey of Souls (14 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

BOOK: Journey of Souls
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Dr. N: If I could call your gang of about twenty souls your primary cluster group, are you associated with the larger secondary body of souls around you now?

S: We … are all … associated-but not directly. I don’t know those others …

Dr. N: Do you see the physical features of all these other souls in the same way as you did your own group in the temple?

S: No, that isn’t necessary. It is more … natural out here in the open. I see them all as spirits.

Dr. N: Look out in the distance from where you are now. How do you see all these spirits? What are they like?

S: Different lights-buzzing around as fireflies.

Dr. N: Can you tell if the souls who work with each other, such as teachers and students, stick together all the time?

S: People in my gang do, but the teachers kind of stick to themselves when they are not assisting in our lessons.

Dr. N: Do you see any teacher-guides from where we are now?

S: (pause) Some … yes … there are much fewer of them than us, of course. I can see Karla with two of her friends.

Dr. N: And you know they are guides, even without seeing any physical features? You can look out there at all the bright white lights and just mentally tell they are guides?

S: Sure, we can do that. But they are not all white.

Dr. N: You mean souls are not all absolutely white?

S: That’s partially true-the intensity aspect of our energy can make us less brilliant.

Dr. N: So Karla and her two friends display different shades of white?

S: No, they aren’t white at all.

Dr. N: I don’t follow you.

S: She and her two friends are teachers.

Dr. N: What is the difference? Are you saying these guides radiate energy which is not white?

S: That’s right.

Dr. N: Well, what color are they?

S: Yellow, of course.

Dr. N: Oh … so all guides radiate yellow energy?

S: No, they don’t.

Dr. N: What?

S: Karla’s teacher is Valairs. He is blue. We see him sometimes here. Nice guy. Very smart.

Dr. N: Blue? How did we get to blue?

S: Valairs shows a light blue.

Dr. N: I’m confused. You didn’t say anything about another teacher called Valairs being part of your group.

S: You didn’t ask me. Anyway, he is not in my group. Neither is Karla. They have their own groups.

Dr. N: And these guides have auras which are yellow and blue?

S: Yes.

Dr. N: How many other energy colors do you see floating around here?

S: None.

Dr. N: Why not red and green energy lights?

S: Some are reddish, but no green lights.

Dr. N: Why not?

S: I don’t know, but sometimes when I look around, this place is lit up like a Christmas tree.

Dr. N: I’m curious about Valairs. Does every spiritual group have two teachers assigned to their cluster?

S: Hmm … it varies. Karla trains under Valairs, so we have two. We see little of him. He works with other groups besides us.

Dr. N: So, Karla herself is student teaching as a less advanced guide?

S: (somewhat indignantly) She is advanced enough for me!

Dr. N: Okay, but will you help me straighten out these color schemes? Why is Karla’s energy radiating yellow and Valairs blue?

S: That’s easy. Valairs … precedes all of us in knowledge and he gives off a darker intensity of light.

Dr. N: Does the shade of blue, compared to yellow or plain white, make a difference between souls?

S: I’m trying to tell you. Blue is deeper than yellow and yellow is more intense than white, depending on how far along you are.

Dr. N: Oh, then the luminosity of Valairs radiates less brightly than Karla and she is less brilliant than your energy because you are further down in development?

S: (laughs) Much further down. They both have a heavier, more steady light than me.

Dr. N: And how does Karla’s yellow color vary from your whiteness in terms of where you are going with your own advancement?

S: (with pride) I’m turning into a reddish-white. Eventually, I’ll have light gold. Recently I’ve noticed Karla turning a little darker yellow. I expected it. She is so knowledgeable and good.

Dr. N: Really, and then will she eventually take her energy level to dark blue in intensity?

S: No, to a light blue at first. It’s always gradual, as our energy becomes more dense.

Dr. N: So, these three basic lights of white, yellow, and blue represent the development stages of souls and are visibly obvious to all spirits?

S: That’s right, and the changes are very slow.

Dr. N: Look around again. Do you see all the energy colors equally represented by souls in this area?

S: Oh no! Mostly white, some yellows, and few blues.

Dr. N: Thank you for clarifying this for me.

I routinely question everyone about their color hues while they are in trance. Aside from the general whiteness of the spirit world itself, my subjects report seeing a majority of other souls displaying shades of white. Apparently, a neutral white or gray is the starting point of development. Spirit auras then mix the primary colors of red, yellow, and blue from a base of white. A few people see greenish hues mixed with yellow or blue.

To equate what I have heard about soul energy with the physical laws which govern the color spectrum we see in the heavens is just supposition. However, I have found some similarities. The energy of radiated light from cooler stars in the sky is a red-orange, while the hotter stars increase from yellow to blue-white. Temperature acts on light waves that are also visible vibrations of the spectrum with different frequencies. The human eye registers these waves as a band of light to dark colors.

The energy colors of souls probably have little to do with such elements as hydrogen and helium, but perhaps there is an association with a high energy field of electromagnetism. I suspect all soul light is influenced by vibrational motion in tune with a harmonious spiritual oneness of wisdom. Some aspects of quantum physics suggest the universe is made up of vibrational waves which influence masses of physical objects by an interaction of different frequencies. Light, motion, sound, and time are all interrelated in physical space. I was hearing these same relationships applied to spiritual matter from my cases.

Eventually, I concluded both our spiritual and physical consciousness project and receive light energy. I believe individual vibrational wave patterns represent each soul’s aura. As souls, the density, color, and form of light we radiate is proportional to the power of our knowledge and perception as represented by increasing concentrations of light matter as we develop. Individual patterns of energy not only display who we are, but indicate the degree of ability to heal others and regenerate ourselves.

People in hypnosis speak of colors to describe how souls appear, especially from a distance, when they are shapeless. From my cases, I have learned the more advanced souls project masses of faster moving energy particles which are reported to be blue in color, with the highest concentrations being purple. In the visible spectrum on Earth, blue-violet has the shortest wavelength, with energy peaking in the invisible ultraviolet. If color density is a reflection of wisdom, then the lower wavelengths of white through yellow emanating from souls must represent lower concentrations of vibrational energy.

Figure 3 (page 103) is a chart I have designed for the classification of souls by color coding, as reported by my subjects. The first column lists the soul’s spiritual state, or grade-level of learning. The last column shows our guide status and denotes our ability and readiness to serve in that capacity for others, which will be explained further in the next chapter. Learning begins with our creation as a soul and then accelerates with the first physical life assignment. With each incarnation, we grow in understanding, although we may slip back in certain lives before regaining our footing and advancing again. Nevertheless, from what I can determine, once a spiritual level is attained by the soul, it stays there.

In Figure 3, I show six levels of incarnating souls. Although I generally place my subjects into the broad categories of beginner, intermediate, and advanced souls, there are subtle differences in between, at Levels II and IV. For example, to determine whether a soul is starting to move out of the beginner stage at Level I into Level II, I must not only know how much white energy remains, but analyze the subject’s responses to questions which demonstrate learning. A genealogy of past life successes, future expectations, group associations, and conversations between my subjects and their guides, all form a profile of growth.

Some of my subjects object to my characterizing the spirit world as a place governed by societal structure and organizational management symbolized by Figure 3. On the other hand, I continually listen to these same subjects describe a planned and ordered process of self-development influenced by peers and teachers. If the spirit world does resemble one great schoolhouse with a multitude of classrooms under the direction of teacher souls who monitor our progress-then it has structure. Figure 3 represents a basic working placement model for my own use. I know it has imperfections. I hope follow-up research by regression therapists in future years may build upon my conceptualizations with their own replications to measure soul maturity.

This chapter may give the reader the impression that souls are as segregated by light level in the spirit world as people are by class in communities on Earth. Societal conditions on Earth cannot be compared with the spirit world. The differences in light frequency measuring knowledge in souls all comes from the same energy source. Souls are fully integrated by thought. If all levels of performance in the spirit world were on one grade level, souls would have a poor system of training. The old one-room schoolhouse concept of education on Earth limited students of different ages. In spiritual peer groups, souls work at their own developmental level with others like them. Mature teacher-guides prepare succeeding generations of souls to take their places.

And so there are practical reasons why conditions exist in the spirit world for a system designed to measure learning and development. The system fosters enlightenment and ultimately the perfection of souls. It is important to understand that while we may suffer the consequences of bad choices in our educational tasks, we are always protected, supported, and directed within the system by master souls. I see this as the spiritual management of souls.

The whole idea of a hierarchy of souls has been part of both Eastern and Western cultures for many centuries. Plato spoke of the transformation of souls from childhood to adulthood passing through many stages of moral reason. The Greeks felt humankind moves from amoral, immature, and violent beings over many lives to people who are finally socialized with pity, patience, forgiveness, honesty, and love. In the second century AD, the new Christian theology was greatly influence by Polotinus, whose Neoplatonist cosmology involved souls having a hierarchy of degrees of being. The highest being was a transcendent One, or God-creator, out of which the soul-self was born which would occupy humans. Eventually, these lower-souls would return to complete reunion with the universal oversoul.

My classification of soul development is intended to be neither socially nor intellectually elitist. Souls in a high state of advancement are often found in humble circumstances on Earth. By the same token, people in the strata of influence in human society are by no means in a blissful

state of soul maturity. Often, just the reverse is true.

In terms of placement by soul development, I cannot overemphasize the importance of our spiritual groups. Chapter Nine, on beginner souls (Levels I and II), will more closely examine how a soul group functions. Before going further, however, I want to summarize what I have learned about the principles of soul group assignments.

* Regardless of the relative time of creation after their novice status is completed, all beginner souls are assigned to a new group of souls at their level of understanding.

* Once a new soul support group is formed, no new members are added in the future.

* There appears to be a systematic selection procedure for homogeneous groupings of souls. Similarities of ego, cognitive awareness, expression, and desire are all considerations.

* Irrespective of size, cluster groups do not directly intermix with each other’s energy, but souls can communicate with one another across primary and secondary group boundaries.

* Primary clusters in Levels I and II may split into smaller subgroups for study, but are not separated from the integrated whole

within a single cluster of souls.

* Rates of learning vary among peer group members. Certain souls will advance faster than others in a cluster group, although these students may not be equally competent and effective in all areas of their curricula. Around the intermediate level of learning, souls demonstrating special talents (healing, teaching, creating, etc.) are permitted to participate in specialty groups for more advanced work while still remaining with their cluster group.

* At the point where a soul’s needs, motives and performance abilities are judged to be fully at Level III in all areas of self-development, they are then loosely formed into an “independent studies” work group. Usually, their old guides continue to monitor them through one master teacher. Thus, a new pod of entities graduating into full Level III could be brought together from many clusters within one or more secondary groups.

* When they approach Level IV, souls are given more independence outside group activities. Although group size diminishes as souls advance, the intimate contact between original peer group members is never lost.

* Spirit guides have a wide variety of teaching methods and instructional personifications depending upon group composition.

Our Guides

I HAVE never worked with a subject in trance who did not have a personal guide. Some guides are more in evidence than others during hypnosis sessions. It is my custom to ask subjects if they see feel a discarnate presence in the room. If they do, this third party is usually a protective guide. Often, a client will sense the presence of a discarnate figure before visualizing a face or hearing a voice. People who meditate a great deal are naturally more familiar with these visions than someone who never called upon his or her guide.

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