Judged By You (Judge Me Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Judged By You (Judge Me Series)
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Nicole and I stood in the bathroom and applied makeup and did our hair. I went for the classic pony tail twisted into a bun. I hated my hair in my face, and this way I could add red flower clips I had gotten months ago and never knew what
it would go with.

We decided the best look for my eyes was a Smokey look. I had such dark eyes and the grey and silver made them stand out. I applied a little blush, even though I did enough of that naturally
, and added some gloss to my lips. It was almost six by the time we were leaving the house. I was more relaxed about the situation than I thought I would be, and was very much looking forward to friend’s company and a little down time.






Fire and Ice was a bar that was only a few years old. The owner was in the headlines when it opened as she was twenty one years old who had married a sixty year old. He died two weeks after they got married, and of course his money went to her instead of his kids. She opened up this elaborate bar which she named after his estate. It was brick on the outside and two stories high. The bar and dancing area was made of wood and oak. I could smell beer in an instant. The local tradesman would come here for “after work beers,” every day I was told. The pretty blonde who owed the bar was always there, watching the men come and go. And I’m not sure that’s all she was watching according to the stories.

Upstairs there was a business lounge and private dining areas. I had been here once before with Nicole for a meeting with the lawyers handling my brother’s case.
It was upper class upstairs, so for tonight, I wouldn’t venture into that part of the bar. Not in what I was wearing anyway. We all met in the corner of the main bar and Derek got the first round of drinks. He had bought his on again off again girlfriend who I thought always looked like a hooker. Red lips, fishnet stocking, short skirts and midriff tops with the boots. I thought she was when I first saw her. I remember telling Derek that I’d pay him to get rid of her as I was not having a hooker in my house. Derek just laughed and introduced me to her. Her name was Angel. Yep, a hooker name. Derek did say that she was an office assistant or something for a banking business.

“Sorry about today
.” Angel said, shaking her hair out.

“Oh thanks

“I was told that you are studying to be a lawyer Sav, and thought you might like to know we have a job going for an office assistant.
Would get your foot in the door at least.” Angel spoke to me like we had been best friends for years.

sweet of you to tell me, but it's ok.” I said listening to Nicole’s conversation so I could join in with hers; I didn’t have to continue with Angel’s.

Derek arrived with the round of drinks and I drank the entire contents without thinking twice. The refreshing beverage was vodka and orange. It hit the spot right away, and I was somehow now in the mood for more. I was determined to enjoy myself tonight, drunk or sober. Conversations flowed, and we all were having a good time. Hours passed
, and before I knew it, it was nine thirty and the bar was getting busy. Derek and Angel had taken to the dance floor, and I was sitting admiring Angel’s confidence. Nicole and Angel had that in common. She was clearly at ease with her body and the way it moved, and by the look on Derek’s face he was enjoying the scene in front of him.

Nicole went to get
around seven or eight from the bar, and I excused myself from Stan and staggered my way to the bathroom. The queue was so long, but I stood there leaning against the wall wondering why they didn’t have more toilets for such a busy bar. I stood in line for what seemed like forever, and it barely moved. I heard Nicole call from behind me,

“Come up to the function bar toilets Sav. I’m not waiting in line when
there are toilets up there, the queue won’t be as long.” Nicole stated as she dragged me by the hand up the stairs.

We came to toilets and quickly retreated into the cubical. I had to sit and gather my baring’s as the room was spinning. Either the alcohol had just kicked into overdrive
, or I had run up the stairs way too quickly.

“I hope you’re not drowning in there
.” Nicole shouted, laughing.

“I need a moment, everything’s moving so fast
.” I called back also laughing like a teenage girl.

“Don’t be too long, I will head down. Are yo
u going to be okay on your own?” Nicole said trying to bend down to stick her head under the door as I could see her blonde hair.

“It’s okay, seriously just go.”
I shouted back.

I heard the door open and close. I stood up and readjusted my dress. I hoped that my drink was still cold when I returned as I was thirsty. I hurried to wash my hands and check myself in the mirror. I didn’t look too bad if I must say so. My make-up was still intact, and my dress certainly did compliment my body shape. I smiled at myself and hurried out the door.

As I stepped out in a hurry, I tripped and landed on my arse in the hall. I immediately went red and started to rise when I was offered a hand up. I grabbed the hand before fully looking up; when I did…… my heart stopped. The heat from his hand was familiar. I slowly looked up to see his face. That smile, that feeling. “Oh my god” was all I could say.































Chapter 2


After I opened my mouth, I realised that I said those words out loud. His expression said it all. That
cheeky grin on his face made flush.

“Are you ok
?” He asked.

OK. Thank you.” Was my response as I manage as I struggled to my feet.

Once on my feet I managed to let his hand go and straighten the layers of my dress. “Twice in one day. How lucky am I to have a beautifu
l girl like you in my presence?”

“Oh thank you
, I guess.” I went to open my mouth to say something else, but words failed me.

I just looked at this god amon
gst men. He was dressed in an immaculate suit. The kind that serious business men wear. Navy blue trousers, white dress shirt and navy jacket with a black tie. I could feel the warmth in my cheeks as I just stared at him. I needed to get out of this situation before I embarrassed myself more.

“Well thank yo
u once again, enjoy your night.” I turned to leave and felt his hands snake around my waist. His mouth was close to my ear, I could feel his breath on me. I stood frozen on the spot, unable to move.

“At least tell me your name.”
He whispered.

“Savannah James
.” I responded in a voice that even I didn’t know.

“Such a lovely name for a beautiful girl, how about I bu
y you a drink, and we can talk?”

“I’m sorry, but I’m out with friends, I need to get
back. They will begin to worry.” I said as a group of business men walked past, nodding at us taking up half the hall way space.

“Go tell
your friends, you are having a drink with me, and join me in the private room at the end of the hall. Just one drink and then I will let you get back to your friends.”

He let me go, and I turned to look at him. He had the smile of the devil, but it was
tempting. “Just one quick drink, then I’m going back to my friends.” The words came out before I could stop them.

“Good, I will see you in a few minutes then. I will come and fi
nd you if you are not back in ten minutes.”

I walked
double time down the stairs, and to the back corner where Derek, Nicole and Stan were sitting. Nicole stood straight away and questioned me with her eyes. I grabbed her hand, heading for the front door. She was yelling for me to stop, and let her go, but I needed fresh air….. And her advice.

“What the hell is going
on?” Nicole shouted at me once we were outside.

“He’s here.”
I choked out in a rush.

“Who’s here?
Oh, Mr Mysterious?” Nicole lowered her voice.

, Him.” I shouted not knowing where my head was at.

“He wants me to go back upstairs and have a drink with him. And I agreed. What
was I thinking?” I was bouncing from foot to foot.

“Go up
and have a drink with him. See where tonight heads Sav. Come on, you deserve to have a good time. We are all excellent down here. And I will wait for you.” I could see Nicole was close to dragging me up there herself.

“Ok, one drink then I will be back. I am going to the privat
e suite at the end of the hall.” I hoped that Nicole would recognize my worry about the situation.

“Don’t panic, I know where you are and if you’re worried m
essage me, and I will save you,” Nicole grabbed my hand and starting dragging me through the door. We were heading for the stair case. “You’re on your own now.” Nicole said as she straightened my dress.

I walked up the stairs and headed down the hall way towards the suite. My heart was racing, and I could hear my heart beating in my ears. I can’t remember the last time I had been this nervous. I approached the door and stopped. Reaching out for the handle, I gathered my wits and took in a deep breath.

“It’s only one drink, it's only one drink.” I repeated to myself. I decided to save the embarrassment and knocked, hoping he had changed his mind or just in case he was busy with someone else. Within moments, the door was opened, and there he stood. “Come in. I thought I was going to have to come looking for you.” He said with a smile.

“I said one drink
.” I held up my finger and gestured one.

“Yes, one drink. You’ve made that clear. S
o come in and have that one drink.” He opened the door, and I walked inside, it was stunning. It was large and smelt of fresh polish and leather. There was a bar with stools in front and a large rectangular table with several seats. On the table, I noticed a lot of paperwork piled high.

“Busy?” I asked as I walked towards the bar where he was getting our drinks.

“A business meeting.” He said as he handed me what seemed to be my drink of choice.

“How did you know what I drank?”
  I couldn’t help but ask.

“Ah. One ne
ver tells his secrets Savannah.”

“So Stanger, I never got your name. My parents always told me not to talk t
o strangers, and yet here I am.”

“Damon O’Connor. And I’m glad you
agreed to our drink in private.” He now sat beside me on the bar stool.

I picked up my drink, and it was so refreshing on my lips. I could see out the corner of my eye his eyes searching my face. I put the drink down and turned to face him once more. The beauty in this man was evil. I wanted to pinch myself, my head was telling me this is not real, he is not real.

“So Savannah, what do you do for work?” He asked as he placed his hands on his knees, which were so close to touching mine. I adjusted myself and responded.

“I’m in college, studying to b
e a lawyer. What do you do?”

“Well I am a lawyer.”
He said with a smile

  You don’t look to be the type.” The words were out of my mouth before I had the chance to rephrase them.

“And what does a lawyer look
like Savannah? Please tell me.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for that to sound the way it did Damon. You do look like a lawyer I guess. I don’
t know. I’m sorry. I should go.” Embarrassed I started to rise off the stool.

He quic
kly placed his hands on my knee “sit.” He instructed.

I did as he asked and looked away. This meeting was not going as expected. What was I expecting come to think of it? There was no way he was interested in me for starters, and second, I don’t think I
was in my right mind.

“How long have you been studying
?” He asked as he took his hands off me and placed them back in his lap.

I coiled my fingers around the tall glass hou
sing the liquid and took a sip before answering.

“I’m in my second year. I took some time off, and I’m primarily starting again, personal circumstances.” I have no idea why I even said that. Maybe I have had too mu
ch to drink tonight. I was unable to control the words flying out of my mouth.

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