Judgement Day (15 page)

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Authors: Michael Spears

Tags: #apocalypse, #messiah, #armageddon, #last days, #judgment day, #judgement day

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Perhaps you’
ve always wondered what's wrong with you, perhaps
you’ve always thought you were weird. Maybe you don't understand
the world, maybe people call you “naive.” Maybe you wonder why
people take advantage of you, it’s because you don’t judge people
so you always think the best of them. You would never take
advantage of someone else, so you trust others to treat you with
the same respect. You’re probably the world’s worst liar, by that I
mean you don’t know how to lie, you’re helplessly honest. You’re
probably terrible at relationships because you don’t like hurting
people’s feelings so you don’t say what’s on your mind, you
probably don’t stand up for yourself, and you never ever tell
people what they can and can’t do. You probably struggle with
addictions, so it’s best not to get addicted in the first place.
You’re probably terrible with money. You probably don’t like laws
and rules and paperwork and red-tape. You probably hate being told
what you can and can’t do, but you probably either do what you’re
told or pretend to do what you’re told because you have trouble
defying authority. This is what it’s like to have no knowledge of
good & evil.

Unfortunately we live in a world filled
with people who claim
have the knowledge of good & evil. People like us get walked
all over, because we are not selfish, we do not judge, but the
world is a selfish place, and the world does judge us. We don’t
understand this world, for although we were born of this world, we
are not of this world.

If you
have no knowledge of good & evil, you will know it.
Everything you’ve ever struggled with will make sense. You will
understand that it is not you who is mad, but the world that is
insane. The knowledge of good & evil wasn’t a theory, it was a
discovery I made about myself. If you ever doubt the existence of
God, all you need to do is look inside yourself and you will know
that it is true.


ve never cared about money, or power, or fame. All I’ve
ever wanted is you, I can only pray that one day you’ll know I



Michael Spears.


This is cool. So I was reading the story
of Adam & Eve the other day. The story goes that Adam was
lonely so God created a helper for him. Point is that Adam was
already alive when God created Eve. So I was thinking about how I’m
nine months older than you. I googled how long it takes from
conception to birth, it’s 266 days. Your birthday is 267 days after
mine. That’s cool. That’s really cool. Basically, as soon as I was
born, you were conceived. That was probably the last piece of
evidence I needed to convince myself that I’m right about

This could go one
of two ways, either you’ll think I’m a
fucking lunatic, or you’ll know I’m right about you. I’m banking on
the latter, I’ve seen too many things over the years, I know it’s
true. I know that there is a God, I know exactly who He is and I
know that He would not lie to me. Actually, there is a third way it
could go, maybe you’ll never even know I exist, but I don’t believe
that either. One day I’ll succeed.


Jesus Christ
Mick, do you have to be so pathetic? (The other guy)


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Excerpt, By Edgar Allan Poe, 1848



“And now, before
proceeding to our subject proper, let me beg the readers attention
to an extract or two from a somewhat remarkable letter, which
appears to have been found corked in a bottle and floating on the
Mare Tenebrarum…The date of this letter, I confess, surprises me
even more particularly than its contents; for it seems to have been
written in the year two thousand eight hundred and forty-eight. As
for the passages I am about to transcribe, they, I fancy, will
speak for themselves.

‘Do you know, my dear
friend,’ says the writer, addressing, no doubt, a contemporary –
‘Do you know that it is scarcely more than eight or nine hundred
years ago since the metaphysicians first consented to relieve the
people of the singular fancy that there exist but two practicable
roads to Truth?…


…the savans contenting
themselves to proscribing all other competitors, past, present, and
to come; putting an end to all controversy on the topic by the
promulgation of a Median law, to the effect that the Aristotelian
and Baconian roads are, and of right ought to be, the sole possible
avenues to knowledge : - “Baconian”, you must know, my dear
friend,’ adds the letter-writer at this point, ‘was an adjective
invented as equivalent to Hog-ian, while more dignified and

‘Now I do assure you
most positively’ – proceeds the epistle – ‘that I represent these
matters fairly; and you can easily understand how restrictions so
absurd on their very face must have operated, in those days, to
retard the progress of true Science, which makes its most important
advances – as all History will show – by seemingly intuitive leaps.
These ancient ideas confined investigation to crawling; and I need
not suggest to you that crawling, among varieties of locomotion, is
a very capital thing of its kind; - but because the snail is sure
of foot, for this reason must we clip the wings of the eagles? For
many centuries, so great was the infatuation, about Hog especially,
that a virtual stop was put to all thinking, properly so called. No
man dared utter a truth for which he felt himself indebted to his
soul alone. It mattered not whether the truth was even demonstrably
such; for the dogmatizing philosophers of that epoch regarded only
the road by which it professed to have been attained. The end, with
them, was a point of no moment, whatever : - “the means!” they
vociferated – “let us look at the means!” – and if, on scrutiny of
the means, it was found to come neither under the category Hog, or
under the category Aries (which means ram), why then the savans
went no farther, but, calling the thinker “a fool” and branding him
a “theorist”, would never, thenceforward, have anything to do
either with him or with his truths.

‘Now, my dear friend,’
continues the letter-writer, ‘it cannot be maintained that by the
crawling system, exclusively adopted, men would arrive at the
maximum amount of truth, even in any long series of ages; for the
repression of imagination was an evil not to be counterbalanced
even by absolute certainty in the snail processes. But their
certainty was very far from absolute. The error of our progenitors
was quite analogous with that of the wiseacre who fancies he must
necessarily see an object the more distinctly, the more closely he
holds it to his eyes. They blinded themselves, too, with the
impalpable, titillating Scotch snuff of detail; and thus the
boasted facts of the Hog-ites were by no means always facts – a
point of little importance except for the assumption that they
always were. The vital taint, however, in Baconianism – its most
lamentable fount of error – lay in its tendency to throw power and
consideration into the hands of merely perceptive men – of those
inner-Tritonic minnows, the microscopical savans – the diggers and
peddlers of minute facts, for the most part in physical science –
facts all of which they retailed at the same price on the highway;
their value depending on the fact of their fact, without reference
to their applicability or inapplicability in the development of
those ultimate and only legitimate facts, called Law.

‘Than the persons’ –
the letter goes on to say – ‘than the persons thus suddenly
elevated by the Hog-ian philosophy into a station for which they
were unfitted – thus transferred from the sculleries to the parlors
of Science – from its pantries into its pulpits – than these
individuals a more intolerant – a more intolerable set of bigots
and tyrants never existed on the face of the earth. Their creed,
their text and their sermon were, alike, the one word “fact” – but,
for the most part, even of this one word, they knew not even the
meaning. On those who ventured to disturb their facts with the view
of putting them in order and to use, the disciples of Hog had no
mercy whatever. All attempts at generalization were met at once by
the words “theory”, “theorist” – all thought, to be brief, was very
properly resented as a personal affront to themselves…


‘Now I do not quarrel
with these ancients,’ continues the letter-writer, ‘so much on
account of transparent frivolity of their logic – which, to be
plain, was baseless, worthless and fantastic altogether – as on
account of their pompous and infatuate proscription of all other
roads to Truth than the two narrow and crooked paths – the one of
creeping and the other of crawling – to which, in their ignorant
perversity, they have dared to confine the Soul – the Soul which
loves nothing so well as to soar in those regions of illimitable
intuition which are utterly incognizant of “path”.

‘Bye the bye, my dear
friend, is it not an evidence of the mental slavery entailed upon
those bigoted people by their Hogs and Rams, that in spite of the
eternal prating of their savans about roads to Truth, none of them
fell, even by accident, into what we now so distinctly perceive to
be the broadest, the straightest and most available of all mere
roads – the great thoroughfare – the majestic highway of the
Consistent? Is it not wonderful that they should have failed to
deduce from the works of God the vitally momentous consideration
that a perfect consistency can be nothing but an absolute truth?
How plain – how rapid our progress since the late announcement of
this proposition! By its means, investigation has been taken out of
the hands of the ground-moles, and given as a duty, rather than as
a task, to the true – to the only true thinkers – to the
generally-educated men of ardent imagination. These latter –
“speculate” – “theorize” – these are the terms – can you not fancy
the shout of scorn with which they would be received by our
progenitors, were it possible for them to be looking over my
shoulders as I write? These men, I repeat, speculate – theorize –
and their theories are merely corrected – reduced – sifted –
cleared, little by little, of their chaff of inconsistency – until
at length there stands apparent an unencumbered Consistency – a
consistency which the most stolid admit because it is a consistency
– to be an absolute and unquestionable Truth.

…“I know nothing about
routes – but I do know the machinery of the Universe. Here it is. I
grasped it with my soul – I reached it through mere dint of


Here end my quotations
from this very unaccountable if not impertinent epistle; and
perhaps it would be folly not to comment, in any respect, upon the
chimerical, not to say revolutionary, fancies of the writer –
whoever he is – fancies so radically at war with the
well-considered and well-settled opinions of this age. Let us
proceed, then, to our legitimate thesis, The Universe.”

A common
characteristic of ground-moles is their poor eyesight. Ground-moles
have poor eyesight because they spend most of their lives
underground, fumbling around in the dark. It is for this reason
that ground-moles wear coke-bottle glasses. This makes them easily
distinguishable from the true thinkers.

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Part 1: Gravitational Time


According to
Einstein’s theory of General Relativity

in every
gravitational field, a clock will go more quickly or less quickly,
according to the position in which the clock is situated (at

If one clock is
situated in a stronger gravitational field and another in a weaker
gravitational field, the clock in the weaker gravitational field
goes at a rate permanently faster than the clock in the stronger
gravitational field.

Furthermore, Einstein
predicted the effect of gravitational red shift when the light
measured comes from an object with a stronger gravitational field,
Einstein proposed the testing of this effect as an experimental
proof of the theory of General Relativity. In the words of

a displacement
towards the red ought to take place for spectral lines produced at
the surface of stars as compared with the spectral lines of the
same element produced at the surface of the earth.”

According to Stephen
Hawking’s book ‘A Brief History Of Time’

Another prediction
of general relativity is that time should appear to be slower near
a massive body like the earth. This is because there is a relation
between the energy of light and its frequency: the greater the
energy, the higher the frequency. As light travels upward in the
earth’s gravitational field, it loses energy, and so its frequency
goes down. To someone high up, it would appear that everything down
below was taking longer to happen. This prediction was tested in
1962, using a pair of very accurate clocks mounted at the top and
bottom of a water tower. The clock at the bottom, which was nearer
the earth, was found to run slower, in exact agreement with general

Further to the
aforementioned, I propose that although Einstein was correct in his
prediction, there is another explanation that would result in the
exact same experimental results. My proposition is that Einstein
achieved the proper results, with improper working. The alternate
explanation contradicts one of the theory of Relativity’s two
postulates, that the speed of light in a vacuum is the same in all
inertial reference frames and is independent of the motion of the
source. Following from this I propose that although the speed of
light in a vacuum appears constant for all observers in all
inertial reference frames, it may not actually be constant.

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