Julie Garwood (34 page)

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Authors: Rebellious Desire

BOOK: Julie Garwood
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Braxton looked tired and out of sorts and came right to the point of the visit. “I took a chance on finding you here. Caroline isn’t with you, is she?”

“No, she isn’t.” Bradford didn’t comment further but offered his father-in-law a drink and then sat down across from him.

“You two have an argument? I don’t mean to put my nose in the middle, but the marquis is beside himself. Franklin keeps making snide insinuations and Milo’s upset. She hasn’t been to see him or written a word and he’s feeling abandoned. He doesn’t believe the sordid lies that waste of a brother keeps making. But he is convinced that she’s ill and you’re hiding the truth from him. Always was a worrier, Milo was. Of course, she’s fit as a fiddle, isn’t she?”

The alarm was there, in his eyes, and Bradford quickly nodded his head. “Yes, she’s fine,” he answered. “We have had a difference of opinion but nothing to concern yourself about. What remarks has Franklin been making?”

“I’ll not repeat them,” the earl snapped. “He’s out to discredit my sweet daughter. Taken a dislike to her and I can’t imagine why.”

Bradford didn’t comment. He seethed with anger inside, knowing full well why Franklin was weaving his lies.

“Well, my boy, she’s got to come back to London for
a visit. Milo is working himself into a lather. You’ll see to it at once, won’t you?”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but that isn’t possible just now.”

“Put your pride aside, Bradford! Have a little compassion. You’ll have a lifetime ahead of you to fight with my daughter. Call a truce for now. Milo isn’t the strong buck you are. He has little enough time left as it is, and has waited fourteen years for Caroline to come back to him. He loves her as much as I do.”

The earl looked ready to grab hold of Bradford and shake some sense into him. Bradford hesitated a long minute, suffering his father-in-law’s glare, and then finally came to a decision. “Caroline and I have had a difference of opinion but that isn’t the reason she isn’t here with me.”

Slowly, without interruption, Bradford explained the true reason for his wife’s absence. He told how someone had pushed her down the steps at the Claymeres’ house, described in detail the carriage “accident,” quoted parts of the threatening letter Caroline had received, and ended the sordid tale with his conclusion that Franklin was behind it all.

“He has the most to gain,” Bradford explained. “From various sources, I’ve learned that the marquis is going to settle quite a bit of money on Caroline. The land and the title will, of course, go to Franklin, but without the money he’ll be strapped to keep up his lifestyle. Loretta has gambling debts that amount to a sizable fortune, and the only reason the vultures haven’t closed in on her is due to the vouchers she signed promising the money as soon as the marquis dies.

“When Caroline returned to London, the marquis changed his will and told Franklin and Loretta what he had done after the papers had all been signed.”

Braxton had slumped farther and farther into his
chair during the explanation and now buried his head in his hands.

“The marquis is disgusted with his brother and his parade of mistresses, and knows all about Loretta’s gambling habits.”

The earl shook his head and began to cry.

Bradford worried over his father-in-law’s reaction and hurried to calm him. “Sir, it isn’t as bad as it sounds,” he promised. “Caroline is well protected and Franklin doesn’t make a move without me knowing it. I don’t have sufficient evidence to prove his guilt, but I thought to call him out and be done with it.”

Braxton continued to shake his head. “No, you don’t understand. Why didn’t she tell me? I could have sent her back before you married her.” His voice was filled with agony and despair. “I could have—”

“Send her back? To Boston?” Bradford was having difficulty following the disrupted speech. A feeling of dread settled around his heart and he jerked his father-in-law to his feet. “Tell me! You know something, don’t you? For God’s sake, tell me what you’re thinking.”

“It was a long time ago, and I waited until the last was dead before I had her return. So long ago, and yet it seems like yesterday in my mind. My wife had just died and the baby, too, and Caroline and I went to my country home. I had caused some problems for myself with my radical views on Ireland, and Perkins, one of the leaders who opposed me, didn’t take kindly to my interference. He owned land in Ireland, far more than any other nobleman, and the measure I had backed just passed, allowing the Irish Catholics ownership of their own land. I knew Perkins hated me but I didn’t know how evil he really was. To the world he was an upstanding citizen.”

The earl sagged back into his chair and again buried his head in his hands. Bradford forced himself to be
patient. He poured his father-in-law another drink and handed it to him.

The earl took a large gulp and then continued. “Perkins sent some men after me. He was going to silence me once and for all. The lands he owned weren’t in jeopardy but he wanted to expand his holdings and I was gaining in popularity. He believed that I would find a way to get the land away from him. Odd thing was, I had already lost the heart for battle. My world was in shambles after my wife died, and all I wanted was to live in peace and quiet with my little girl.

“Caroline was only four years old. She was such a bright child, full of mischief.” The earl took a deep breath and then straightened. “They came during the night. There were only two of them. Caroline was upstairs sleeping but the shouts must have awakened her and she came downstairs. One of the men had a pistol and I knocked it out of his hand. Caroline got hold of it somehow and shot him. He died three days later.”

Bradford leaned back in his chair, clearly astonished by the story.

“It was an accident,” the earl said. “She was trying to bring the weapon to me. She was trying to help. The man had stabbed me and there was blood everywhere. Caroline started running toward me and tripped and the pistol went off.”

Bradford closed his eyes. “My God, she was just a baby.” He shook his head. “She’s never said a word to me.”

“She doesn’t remember.”

Bradford barely heard him. He kept trying to picture Caroline as a little girl and how the horror would have affected her.

His father-in-law’s statement finally penetrated. “I learned that she was terrified of pistols when she was younger. She considered that a flaw and worked until
she overcame it.” Bradford’s voice shook and he was powerless to control it.

“Yes,” Braxton returned. “Henry wrote to me about that. My younger brother was the only one in the family who knew the real reason Caroline was sent to him. He didn’t even tell his wife.”

“What happened to the men involved? You said that one of them died three days later?”

“Yes, the shot went into his stomach,” the earl answered. “His name was Dugan.”


“No, Dugan was a loner.”

“And the others?”

“Perkins died last year. The third man was named McDonald. Didn’t have any family to speak of. Only been in London a couple of months. He admitted that he was paid by Perkins but was afraid to testify if I brought charges. As if I would! My baby exposed to such a scandal? Never! And I didn’t know if Perkins would send others or not. Couldn’t trust him, you see. So I packed Caroline off with two of my most trusted friends and then went after Perkins myself.”

“How? How did you go after him?” Bradford asked. His hands were gripping the arms of his chair and he forced himself to relax.

“I went to his home with my pistol. He had two sons and when I got Perkins alone I told him that I had already hired men to kill him and both boys if anything happened to me or my daughter. He got the message. He could tell I meant what I said.”

He waited for Bradford’s nod and then continued, “I thought that the threat was over but I still couldn’t take the chance. Caroline was all I had! I stayed out of politics and made the vow that my baby wouldn’t come home until they were all dead.”

Bradford’s manner suddenly became brisk, businesslike. His wife’s protection was uppermost in his
thoughts and there wasn’t time to allow other emotions to interfere. The time for compassion would come later, when he told Caroline.

“All right. So Perkins and the men he hired are all dead. Where does that leave us?” He rubbed his jaw in a thoughtful manner and stared into the flames of the fire burning in the fireplace.

The sound of the clock chiming the hour was the only noise in the room as both men contemplated the puzzle.

“Are you positive that no one else knew what happened? Couldn’t Perkins have told anyone?”

Braxton shook his head. “He wouldn’t have dared,” he commented. “And I didn’t tell anyone but my brother.”

Bradford stood up and began to pace the room.

“What are you going to do?” the earl asked. He was wringing his hands together and Bradford thought he looked as old and fragile as the marquis.

“I’m not sure yet. But the letter makes sense now. Whoever wrote it promised revenge but there were so many other disjointed obscenities that I didn’t pay it any attention.”

“Oh, God, she still isn’t safe! She—”

Bradford interrupted his father-in-law with a curtness in his tone that he couldn’t contain. “Nothing is going to happen to her. Damn it, I have only just realized how much she means to me. I won’t let anyone touch her. I—”

“Yes?” the earl prompted when Bradford stopped.

“I love her.” Bradford let out a loud sigh. “I’ll not lose her now,” he added, making the statement as a vow. “Look, try your best not to worry. Tell the marquis that Caroline is suffering from a cold or something. Convince him that she’s out of bed now and intent on writing to him. That should appease the man until I can formulate a plan of action.”

The earl felt as if a weight he had been carrying since
the beginning of time was finally being lifted from his shoulders. He nodded his agreement and walked to the door. “You won’t tell Caroline what I’ve confided in you? There isn’t any reason for her to know,” he stated. “My baby was an innocent in all this.”

Bradford nodded. “I’ll keep silent for now but later, when this is finished, I’ll have to tell her.”

He followed his father-in-law to the front door and made the comment, “Caroline didn’t tell you about the threat because she didn’t want you to worry. And I’ve said very little to her about my thoughts concerning her enemy because I didn’t want her to worry. Each of us has been so intent on protecting each other that we have all lost track. I’ve always insisted on blind trust—” Bradford halted as soon as the words were out of his mouth. He shook his head. “Blind trust. Her exact demand of me,” he acknowledged.

“What?” The Earl of Braxton looked confused.

“She’s given me her love and her trust,” Bradford commented. His voice sounded curt but it was the only way he could control the trembling inside. “Did you know that she sometimes calls me Jered?”

His father-in-law shook his head and frowned, obviously perplexed by the turn in the conversation.

Bradford coughed and gripped the door handle. “Look, I promise to keep you informed. Now go home and get some rest.”

The earl was halfway down the steps when Bradford stopped him with a question. “When exactly did it happen?”


“The date, sir, when the men came.”

“Almost fifteen years ago now,” the earl answered.

“No, I mean the exact date. The day, the month—do you remember?”

“February, on the night of the twentieth, 1788. Is that important?”

Bradford wouldn’t allow his face to show any reaction.
“It might be. I’ll be in touch,” he promised, saying nothing more about his suspicions.

But as soon as the door was shut, his expression changed and his worry was clearly visible. He prayed he was wrong, shaking with anger. If his suspicions were correct, then there wasn’t much time left. Only six days to find the bastard! Six days until February twentieth.

Bradford’s hands shook as he made his list of what was to be done. He didn’t go to bed until well into the middle of the night. Tomorrow, after he had set his plan into action, he would return to his wife. That thought calmed him and he realized that he was looking forward to confessing his love and begging her forgiveness. He would go to her as both the Duke of Bradford and Jered Marcus Benton. He knew in his heart that she loved him. And if the power and the wealth and the title disappeared tomorrow, she would remain by his side.

Bradford felt such contentment, such peace of mind when he thought about tomorrow and how he would hold his wife in his arms. He began to think of all the different ways he would make love to her, and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Milford arrived at Bradford’s townhouse just as his friend was preparing to leave.

Bradford quickly explained that he believed whoever was after Caroline would make his move in just six days’ time but he didn’t explain his reasons. He felt that his wife should be told first, and it would be her decision to tell Milford, or anyone else, about what happened so many years before.

“I would appreciate it if you would come with me to Bradford Place. I could use your help. The more trusted people around Caroline, the better,” he said.

“God, my backside’s sore from yesterday’s ride, but you know I’ll come with you,” Milford returned. “Besides wanting to help, I also wish to hear who
apologizes first.” He saw his friend’s exasperation and laughed.

“What makes you think I’ll apologize?” Bradford asked, grinning.

“Because while you’re stubborn, my friend, you’re not stupid,” Milford returned.

Bradford surprised his friend by nodding agreement. “Then you are going to apologize?” he asked.

“On my knees if I have to,” Bradford announced. And then he laughed at his friend’s expression. “What’s the matter? I thought you would be tired of playing the mediator by now,” he commented as he slapped his friend on his back. “That’s why you went to Caroline, isn’t it? To get her to see reason?”

Milford looked sheepish. “Guilty,” he returned. “Now, Brad, no need to overdo it. You get on your knees just once and Caroline will have you there the rest of your life. Besides, she’s ready to come home. God knows, I love her, but she’s—”

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