JUMP (The Senses) (35 page)

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Authors: Cindy Paterson

BOOK: JUMP (The Senses)
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Oh God, Hannah. You knew. You knew.

She closed her eyes and took a deep, breath. She could do this. Hannah knew the amulet would be needed. The pearl bracelet grew brighter and the tingling in her limbs disappeared.
Don’t give up. Don’t fail.

She let go of the ladder and dropped to her knees.
One step at a time.

She made her way through the narrow tunnel. Dirt crumbled around her as her body rubbed against the walls of the gopher hole. She guessed Hannah had chosen this place so only
a few would be able to retrieve the amulet. There was no chance a male could fit into this hole and, by the crumbling walls, she guessed that Kilter probably had tried himself and failed.

She sighed with relief when her flashlight focused on the steel box. She scrambled towards it and then quickly undid the bracelet and put the latch into the keyhole on the box. She heard a click and lifted the lid. She felt inside until her hand found
a cold medallion that was hanging on some kind of rope. It fit in the palm of her hand, edges with eight points and some kind of engraving on the surface. She slipped it into her back jean pocket, put the bracelet back on her wrist, picked up the flashlight and then started crawling backwards.

It was a slow process and
, now that she had the amulet, she just wanted out. Her mind screamed as earth fell around her, and each inch backwards became more frantic. Her legs hit something and she screamed, afraid that she was trapped. Her heart slammed into her chest and she began hyperventilating. It had caved in. The hole had collapsed behind her and she was trapped. Buried alive.

The bracelet glowed bright blue
, and jolts of heat shot through her body, but it wasn’t enough.

Danielle. Danielle. Stop. Do not move. Concentrate. Think about where you have to go. Feel with your hands around you, slow. Okay? Nice and slow.”

Get me out of here,
” she cried. She tried to stand, but her head hit earth and granules fell into her hair.

His voice was strong and powerful
. “Concentrate. Do as I say, goddamn it.”

Tears streamed down her face
, and her body trembled. She felt with her hands around her and they hit something. Wood. It was the ladder. Her feet had bumped into the ladder. She shifted to the side and backed up enough to stand. She grabbed the ladder and raced up the rungs as fast as her trembling legs could take her.

Balen grabbed her arm and pulled her
the rest of the way out, and she collapsed in his warm embrace. He kissed the top of her head, whispering words of love as she let go of the emotions that had swarmed through her insides.

“Okay, I’m a wuss. I can’t do that again. Ever.”

Balen smiled down at her and kissed each tear away. “You were brave. Warrior brave, my sweet. I’m proud of you.”

“I’m not made out to be one of you. This shit scares the be-gibbers out of me.”

“You are a Senses. You died to be one. Waleron believes in you. I believe in you. And we all get scared. It’s instinct to be afraid of certain things.”

, so, what are you scared of?”

“Besides ever losing you?” H
e hesitated. “My sister.”

“Anstice?” Danielle said eyes wide with surprise. “But she is the most caring and kind person there is.”

“I fear that she will never accept me as her brother.” He sighed. “I wanted to be her brother for so long. To protect her, to shield her from this life, but I ended up doing the opposite. The first chance I got, I . . . Christ, I just want her to know that I love her.”

“Then tell her,” Danielle said.

He rolled his eyes. “My ever-practical, little one.” He rested his chin on top of her head, his hands caressing her back. “I walked away from my family to be a warrior. I should’ve stayed to protect my family, instead my parents were killed by Ryszard, and Anstice . . . she was two years old when Waleron took her away to conceal her identity. I waited twenty-eight years before I had the chance to see her again and what happens? I get myself captured by the bastard who destroyed my family.”

“And you sacrificed your life for Anstice’s best friend. She understands why you did it, Balen.” She put her finger to his mouth. “Tell her, Balen. It’s not too late. She loves you.”

Balen lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her. She moaned beneath his possessive assault. He still hurt. Still carried guilt around with him. He needed Anstice’s forgiveness, her love and acceptance, only then could he accept himself. Only then would he begin to heal.




Balen drove to the location Keir had given them. It took them an hour and forty-five minutes along winding roads with large snowbanks. They arrived at the hotel just after three in the morning.

Jedrik opened the door with a grin on his handsome face. “Hey
, Delar,” he shouted over his shoulder, “more to join the slumber party. Hope you’re wearing lots of layers because strip poker is on the list of things to do.”

“Oh dream on, Arrow,” Delara shouted from the other side of the room.

Danielle smiled. “Does that mean junk food is present because I’m starved.”

Jedrik held up a bag of Lays potato chips. “Done.”

Danielle smiled at Balen. “See, I told you. Lays.”

“Impertinent woman,” Balen said. He surveyed the room, three bottles of Coke, three bags of chips and an empty pizza box.

“Kilter?” he asked.

“Next door,” Jedrik said. “We couldn’t take his complaining anymore
so got him the extra room. Friggin’ guy refused to sleep with us in the room and all he did was pace back and forth, swearing and cursing.” Jedrik’s eyes glowed bright gold as he directed his gaze at the wall. “Yep, still pacing back and forth. Guaranteed that guy hasn’t slept since all this went down.”

“Is he manageable?” Balen asked. Senses could get real nasty with no sleep and Kilter was already as nasty as they came.

Jedrik shrugged as he munched on a handful of chips. “Guess so. Had a little altercation when his legs gave out and I laughed my ass off. Keir was gracious enough to separate us before I kicked that psycho’s ass.”

Delara made a grunt, rolling her eyes.

Danielle went into the washroom and he heard the shower go on. He’d like nothing better than to join her and the thought made his loins react. He quickly put her from his mind before he made a fool of himself. “Keir?”

“Oh, this part is so good
.” Jedrik sat on the edge of the bed and faced the TV. “Frig, he can shoot an arrow.” Balen glanced at the screen and saw
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
playing. Without turning his gaze from the TV, Jedrik continued, “Yeah, grabbing something to eat. He wasn’t into pizza or chips. Something about health, Anstice, and making babies.”

Delara stood and brought her
iPhone with her. She sat on the edge of the bed and pressed a few buttons on the screen. Balen walked over and sat beside her, looking at the small screen that had a picture of the compound.

“Galen sent me this. Twelve
-foot brick wall all the way around the compound,” Delara said. “One entrance with twenty-four/seven security. Walls, not a problem for us except for motion sensors. No chance getting through without setting off all kinds of warning bells.” She pointed out three buildings. “He could be in any one of these. All five stories high and most likely underground lower levels. We’ll need Danielle to try to contact Ryker and see if he can give us his location.”

They discussed the layout and what Galen had discovered, which was minimal considering it was a pretty large facility to be so secretive.
They knew a scientist owned it and it was supposedly some laboratory for gene research.

“We’ll go in tomorrow night,” Balen said.

“Fuck that.” Kilter stood in the doorway. He looked ready to fall over any second. “I will extract him.”

“You can’t even stand, let alone extract Ryker.” Delara went back to the chair on the far side of the room and sat.

“You haven’t watched the place for the last two days have you?” Kilter retorted. “The motion sensors are off during the day. Most likely because it’s daylight and the place is as open as a golf course. Guards walk the perimeter instead. I can get around the guards.”

“Not in your state,” Jedrik mumbled
, his eyes still fixated on the television.

“Where’s the amulet?” Kilter’s eyes narrowed on the bathroom door. “She in there?”

Balen tensed. Kilter walked towards the bathroom. Balen got there before he did, blocking his path.

“Get out of my way,” Kilter said. “I want the amulet.”

“She will be out in a sec,” Balen said. The cold bastard had no qualms about getting whatever he wanted despite the welfare of others. He lowered his voice. “Try me,” Balen warned.

The bathroom door opened and Danielle stood on the threshold, hair soaking wet, her cheeks flushed from the hot water. She looked at them both and figured out what the standoff was about by
either the look of them or Kilter not blocking his thoughts from her.

She reached in her back pocket and pulled out the amulet. Pushing past
Balen, she slammed it into Kilter’s chest. “You’re a prick.”

“I never claimed otherwise.” He put the cloth
-wrapped amulet in his pocket. “Try to reach him.”

Danielle walked over
to sit on the bed beside Jedrik and towel-dried her hair. “You haven’t slept in what?” She cocked her head to the side and Balen smirked. She was reading Kilter’s thoughts. “Seventy-nine hours. Well then, I’m certain I could land you on your ass in about five seconds flat despite my lack of training.”

Kilter’s entire body stiffened. His lips
pursed in a discerning expression. He hesitated and then turned on his heel and walked from the room.

Jedrik gave a low whistle. “See his face? Right pissed.”

Balen’s voice carried over the screeching on the television. “Kilter is dangerous and every one of you better remember it. He is on the brink of breaking and if he does . . . Kilter has no feelings. He does what must be done and anyone deter him, he will run over you.”

“So in other words not a team player,” Jedrik said.

Delara threw her empty pop can at Jedrik’s head. He ducked, but not in time. “Cool it, Arrow. Balen’s right. Kilter is lethal. And even though you’re a pain in my ass, I want you to live.”

Jedrik put his hands to his heart. “Love you too, Sass.”

Balen was tired and strung to the hilt. The situation sat uneasy with him. Danielle was clueless as to what was going to be involved. Any one of them could die. They were going to destroy the compound and lives would be lost. Seeing death was much different when hearing the last thoughts in people’s heads before they died. He had to keep her as far away from the danger as he could.

By the time he showered
, Keir was back and discussing something with Delara and Jedrik. Kilter had returned, leaning up against the dresser, arms crossed, and Danielle was sitting on the bed looking like she was going to be sick. He guessed it had something to do with Kilter. The guy was relentless.

But it had to be done and the sooner the better. Danielle would pull through; she was stronger than she gave herself credit
for. How many people could face their phobias head-on like she had done?

He walked over to the bed and sat beside her. “Ready?” Balen asked. She crossed her legs and gave a nod. “It helps to picture the person in your mind. His voice, what he looks like, his attitude,” he instructed. He put his hand on her thigh. “Focus on him alone.”




Danielle closed her eyes
, thinking of Ryker, his laughter when Hannah teased him, how he was gallant and kind, and the warmth he offered when he shook her hand.

she told herself.

Keir was thinking about Anstice.


Jedrik’s mind w
as contemplating what movie he wanted to watch next. It was between

Ryker. Focus on him.

Kilter’s thoughts overwhelmed all the others—
she is useless. I should have known. Fuck, she can’t do it.

Danielle’s eyes flew open and she stared directly at Kilter. “I can’t do it when—”

Kilter came at her with a ferocious growl.

Balen leapt from the bed and pushed him in the chest. “Back

Danielle raised her voice.
“You’re the reason,” she said to Kilter. “I can’t concentrate when all I hear is your vulgar and insufferable negativity.”

“Out. Everyone out,” Balen said.

“But I didn’t do—” Jedrik began to say.

“In the other room,” Keir said. “She is a Reflection and has yet to learn how to harness thoughts. If she is focusing
, she could be getting through some of the blocks in our minds. We have never encountered this power before, so shield your minds with a damn steel barricade and go in the other room.”

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