Jungle Rules (83 page)

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Authors: Charles W. Henderson

BOOK: Jungle Rules
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cooks ’n’ bakers patrol as
flak jacket for
Sentencing, by judge
Service Record Book
combat record in
duty information in
incarceration in
pageentry in
Service, Robert
Seventh Marine Regiment
artillery of
chaplain from
commander of
Fox Company in
at Hill
Sexual assault
See also
Venereal disease
Shark bait, VCA engagement as
The Shining
See also
Freedom Hill
Sick bay
See also
Call sign
by hand/arm
Silver Star
Snake eyes.
Bomb, general-purpose
Sodium phosphate
Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act
South Vietnamese Army (SVA)
South Vietnam, Republic of
countryside of
military justice in
Special Weapons Tactics units
Spiritual resource
for emergency
for Marines
in peacemaking
religious retreat as
See also
Jungle Rules Jungle Rules in
Staff Judge Advocate Corps
Staff Judge Advocate Manual
Standing operating procedures, for platoon
Stanley Hotel
Stars and Stripes
Sting operation, by
Stress, in Marine Corps
Suicide charge, by Viet Cong
Surveillance, as covert
South Vietnamese Army
Syphilis, Black
Task Force Oregon
Telluride Film Festival
Tenth Infantry Division
Tet Offensive
III Marine Amphibious Force (MAF)
brig for
ceremony for
CID for
Cushman for
dope peddling for
manpower shortfalls for
Third Marine Amphibious Force
Third Military Police Battalion
Third Reconnaissance Battalion
U.S. Code
Tobacco, chewing
El Toro Marine Corps Air Station
Tracers, at LZ Ross
The Troggs
Twelfth Marine Regiment, along Highway Nine
d Infantry “Americal” Division
chaplain for
at Chu Lai
: A Space Odyssey
UHHuey utility helicopter
fire fight for
transport by
UHHuey helicopter
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
United States
armed services within
Constitution of
Department of Defense for
drug shipment to
military justice in
presidential military command in
Selective Service Board in
Vietnam War and politics in
WW for
University of Texas Longhorns
U.S. Armed Forces Induction Center
U.S. Army Military Police school
U.S. Code, Uniform Code of Military Justice/Manual for Courts-Martial under
U.S. Congress, UCMJ/MCM by
U.S. Constitution, justice code and
U.S. Department of Defense, creation of
U.S. Embassy
U.S. military law
British Articles of War for
during World War
U.S. Selective Service Board, registration with
Viet Cong
Venereal disease (VD)
black syphilis as
clap as
transmission of
VHF walkie-talkies
Viet Cong (VC)
at Cam Ne hamlet
dogs used on
drug supply by
engagement by
guerilla warfare by
gun supply by
rebellion by
suicide charge by
CIA in
Indochina as
Vietnam War
American involvement in
justification of
political reasons for
resigning for
sentiment against
Violence, suddenness of
Walking Dead
Warner-Robins Air Force Base
Wayne, John
Westmoreland, William
Wetting-down party
Wounded in action
“Wild Thing” (Troggs)
Willy Peter.
Phosphorus projectile
World War (WW ), U.S. military justice during
Wounded in action (WIA)
Writers’ Guild
Yamaguchi Ritter, and his Angeles City Cowboys
Young, Andrew
Zone of responsibility, for firing
Charles Henderson
is a veteran of more than twenty-three years in the United States Marine Corps, with a distinguished career spanning from Vietnam to the Gulf War, after which he retired as a Chief Warrant Officer. In addition to writing his own books and for various publications, he also runs his family’s cattle enterprise in Peyton, Colorado. He is the author of the critically acclaimed military classics
Marine Sniper
Silent Warrior
, which first chronicled the exploits of U.S.M.C. sniper Carlos Hathcock. His most recent works are
Goodnight Saigon
Marshalling the Faithful.
Charles Henderson
is a veteran of more than twenty-three years in the United States Marine Corps, with a distinguished career spanning from Vietnam to the Gulf War, after which he retired as a Chief Warrant Officer. In addition to writing his own books and for various publications, he also runs his family’s cattle enterprise in Peyton, Colorado. He is the author of the critically acclaimed military classics
Marine Sniper
Silent Warrior
, which first chronicled the exploits of U.S.M.C. sniper Carlos Hathcock. His most recent works are
Goodnight Saigon
Marshalling the Faithful.

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