Just a Kiss (20 page)

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Authors: Bonnie S. Mata

BOOK: Just a Kiss
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“What?” she walked next to him.

He stopped in his tracks. “He was going to double cross me from the very start. Good thing I didn't do his dirty job. Not that I even thought about it.” He looked at her lips.

“So I take, he's not a person of his word.”

“Uh, hell no.” He cocked his head back.

Two men down the tunnel from the whorehouse fired shots in their direction as they stood discussing her visit to Rafael's house.

“Get down on the ground and cover your head,” he yelled at her, grabbing her arm as he stepped in the line of fire, shielding her with his body. Pancho pointed his
rifle and returned with heavy fire. “Get up and run as fast as you can,” he commanded. “NOW! Move it, move it!”

Celina got up and took off running, holding on to her Victoria's Secret bag as her heart pounded. A loud explosion came from the tunnel, and black smoke filled the passageway.

“Let's get going.” Pancho came up behind her, grabbing her arm, running alongside of her.

Celina looked at him through the thick smoke and tried to keep up with him going up the stairs.

He placed his hand at the small of her back and gave her a firm push up to the steps. “When we come to the end of the stairs, I need for you to turn left and head out towards the patio. Don't worry. I will be right behind you.”

She nodded and did as told. When she reached the last step, she went left and went to the far end of the patio area, near another set of steps that led out into the property. She sat on the cold concrete, hugging her knees.
of God, I am so scared, and my ears are ringing from that loud blast.
to control
stop her teeth from chattering as she waited.

Moments later, Pancho was running towards her and said, huffing, “Run as fast as you can.”

“Oh my God, are you blowing up something else?” She swung her head trying to look back. Something any typical woman would do.

Seconds passed and, “
, boom, boom
” A series of explosions went off, shaking the ground beneath them as they ran, headed towards a motorcycle.

“Oh my goodness! You blew up his house.
A la

He chuckled with her last comment. “
A la
is right!
Jump on, and if you can, please do me a favor, and ditch that bag,” he insisted, starting up the motorcycle.

“I can’t believe you blew up his house.” She looked at him with wonder.

He stared down at her, his gaze hard, brilliant, the color of a beautiful rainbow, as he watched her with predatory awareness. He grabbed her face with his two hands and gave her a hard kiss.
And when he came up for air, he said, “It wasn’t in the plan but, that’s what that bastard gets for trying to seduce

Celina gave him a seductive smile and licked her lips. She jumped on the back of the motorcycle with her bag. She held on tight to him as they drove away, watching the fleet of vehicles and house burn from the series of bombs Pancho detonated.



Hide out


They rode into the night
for what seemed like an eternity, through back roads, over potholes and winding dirt roads that twisted as they climbed higher and higher. Only Pancho knew where they were going. As for Celina, she didn’t care where she went, she was just happy to be out of that hellhole.

She held on tight, resting her face against his strong back, shielding herself from the cool night air. Celina had been giving thanks to God the entire ride. She was grateful to be out of that place but felt for the ladies who stayed behind. Maybe once she got back home, she could tell Xavier about them, and maybe he could help. But one thing for certain, she would tell them would be about
Leal, and her friend Luis Javier. She had made
that promise. It was the right thing to do, so her mother could finally get closure, to know what exactly happened with the death of her daughter, but without the details of the brutal torture.

Pancho slowed his speed. The sky was completely dark, almost black. The moonless night and the heavy, dark-colored vegetation around them made it even worse, but it looked like they were at an entrance of a canyon. She wasn’t sure, but she knew she was in good hands, because Pancho had already demonstrated that earlier.

“Where are we?” she asked, speaking into his ear, looking to one side.

He slowed down even more. “We're up in the mountains.”

“What?” She had a fear of heights. She held him tighter.

“Don't worry. I know this place like the back of my hand. My godfather owns this land.” He accelerated the throttle, traveling a mile or more, then came to a halt, turning off the motorcycle. “Okay, this is where we walk.”

“Walk where?” She slid off.

He got off the motorcycle and parked it behind a large bush. He whispered, “Don't ask questions. Just follow me.” He swung a large, heavy backpack off the handlebars and slid his arms through the straps.

Celina was silent. She drew in a hard, deep breath.

They continued to walk up a narrow path, climbing higher to the top of a mountain. The further they walked, the louder the sound of flowing water could be heard.

“This way please. We are almost there.” He led the way upwards through a narrow dirt trail.

Thank goodness he brought me these tennis shoes. There would have been no way I could have made up here in my new heels
and barefooted
“Where are we going?” she asked, and then stopped in her tracks when he turned to look at her with wide eyes. “Okay, I'm sorry, no more questions.” She waved her hand in front of her. “I got it.” She held on to her bag with one hand and held up the bottom of the long sundress in her other.
Minutes later, they entered through a small, narrow
in a cave, with a flashlight.
They walked sideways several feet inward until they came to a break in the crevice, where it widened. Not much, about four feet, but enough for them to lie down.

“Okay, this is as far as we go,” he said, putting the backpack on the ground.

“Why didn't we keep going, like back to the United States?”

Pancho gave her an impatient look. “Right now, everyone is looking for us. We wouldn't have made it trying to cross into McAllen. Rafael has lots, I mean
, of people on the payroll. How else do you think people like him do what they do?”

“So what is your plan?” she asked, waiting for a clever reply.

He took a deep a breath, cleared his throat and tried the honesty route. “What I was thinking, is to let things cool down. No one would know to look for us here. Hell, we could stay here for months.”

I don't think so. How will we eat? This is crazy.” Her voice escalated looking around the small space in panic. She could bitch and complain until hell froze over, but he was still in charge, and she was still at his mercy.

“Will you wait a moment?” He stood in front of her face. “What I was thinking, was to get you to Monterrey, and there we can go to the U.S. Consulate for help. Besides, someone is already looking for you, so they know you've gone missing.” He turned around to pull a mat from the backpack.

She walked over to him. “What was that again? Someone is looking for me? How do you know this?” Her heart began to beat rapidly.

“Yes, I believe that's why Rafael left abruptly from his house, when you were over there, perfect timing. Some U.S. Marshal was at his club asking questions, apparently with a picture of one of the guys who kidnapped you. He got a little rough with one of the guys there at the club.”

“Oh my God… Xavier.” She turned away, closed her eyes, releasing a deep breath.

He observed her reactions. “You know him?” He stood still, holding the backpack.

Yes, that's my best friend's brother.
” She felt her stomach tighten.

He laid the mat on the ground then looked up to see her face. “You have a boyfriend? Is he your boyfriend?” he held his breath waiting for her to reply.

“No.” She shook her head.

“You don’t have to lie to me,” he whispered. “You are a beautiful woman. It would be hard to believe, that someone as gorgeous as you wouldn’t have someone in her life.”

She stared back at him, silently for a long moment. She shook her head and said, “I had an ugly experience. Actually,” she let out a hard breath, and then continued, “it was a horrific experience, with a guy that went psycho on me a few years ago. He kidnapped me and did horrible things to me. So I built this wall to protect myself, from ever trusting a man again… until a few weeks ago, when I decided to open the door to love again.”

He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it softly. “I’m not the hurting type of guy. Just so you know.”

She smiled. “Shooting at people, and blowing things up.” She teased him with a giggle.

He looked down at the ground and chuckled. “You know what I mean, Celina. I have the most respect, for women and children.” He brought his gaze and met hers.
Oh how I’d like to wrap my arms around her and just hold her right now. But after hearing that she’s just learning to trust again, I wouldn’t want to push my luck right now.
Kissing her would be nice too. I have enjoyed kissing this beautiful creature.

She cleared her throat and asked. “So, is this where we are sleeping tonight?” She looked around the tiny space, then at the mat, avoiding any other questions.

“Yep, this it. You can sleep here.” He tapped his hand on the mat and flashed his teeth. “I know this isn’t anything like the Marriott, but it’s the best spot in this crevice.”

She giggled, then widened her eyes and asked, “Where will you sleep?”

“Right here next to you.” He sat on the bare ground, and laid this rifle next to him.

“But there's no room for you on the mat.” She sat down.

In a gentle voice he said, “I don't need a mat. This mat is for you. I brought it for you, so don't worry about me.” He shook his head firmly.

“Gee, well thank you. I feel terrible.” She stared back at him in surprise.

“Trust me, I'm used to this.” He lay down, making himself comfortable, using the backpack for a pillow, and closed his eyes.

Celina glanced over to see him. She then lay down on the tiny mat, facing away from him in a fetal position.

He turned off the flashlight
when he felt her lie down next to him.
“Good night, Celina.”

“Good night, Pancho.”



Where did he go?


The next morning, Pancho woke up and couldn't keep his eyes off Celina. She lay cuddled up next to him, with her long hair fanned out over her head.

Man she's beautiful
, he thought, glancing down to see her hand, fingernails manicured in a bright hot pink,
on his chest. He took a deep breath, placed his big hand over hers, and began to stroke it. Women had not been a part of his program, since he had joined the SEALs team. He wasn't looking for a girl. He had just gotten out of the service a few months ago. He was going to have to train himself to let that wall down. It had been recommended to have no commitments if you were going to be a SEAL, because it was tough on family, and even more
so, in trying to keep a marriage healthy. He had trained to keep his dick down, due to his
to the SEALs. Physically it had been there, but dormant to sex. There had been a few one-night stands, but there had never been a woman that had done what Celina did, with just one kiss. She had bewitched him with that sensual kiss at the nightclub. This girl had weakened him. It was a feeling that he had never felt before.

He looked at her face, and memorized every curve, and every mole. She even had a tiny scar above her forehead and wondered what had happened to her. There was no doubt in his mind that this was the girl for him. It had been love at first sight, same as the truck that he had bought last month. There was the black Ford Raptor, on the truck lot. Big mud tires and a V-8 engine with enough torque for his off-road adventures. There had been no need for a test drive to make up his mind, same with Celina. He liked what he saw, and wanted her, just like that truck. 

She hugged him tighter, and his dormant dick lengthened and thickened. It was on its way to rising.
Oh man.
He began to panic.
I might come in my pants. I don’t think I’ve ever done that.

He watched as she began to move, stretching her legs, then her arms. A soft moan escaped her throat. She looked like a sex goddess. The nearness of her and holding her hand, had aroused the thick wedge at the front of his pants.
He wanted her. He was as hard as a rock, so hard, heavy and intractable.

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