Just a Sketch (9 page)

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Authors: A.J. Marcus

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Just a Sketch
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Aud swirled his tongue around Leo’s cockhead as he pulled free, but he didn’t turn loose the large balls. “Then I’d better hope you’re up for more than one round tonight.”

“If you keep stuff like that up, I’ll be hard for days,” Leo whispered just loud enough for Aud to hear. “You’re incredible.”

With a firm grip on Leo’s balls, Aud rapidly engulfed him. The sensation of Leo’s cock sliding in and out of his mouth made him harder than any other blow job had ever done before. He loved making guys feel good, but there was more to it this time. Leo was special, and servicing him made Aud feel awesome.

As his breath quickened and his legs stiffened, Leo grabbed Aud’s head and bucked his hips several times. Warm jizz filled Aud’s mouth. It was as tasty as Leo’s cock was. Aud continued to suck on Leo’s dick until Leo shook and grabbed his head. “You need to stop. I’m getting really sensitive.”

Aud pulled off Leo’s cock and grinned at him. “If you insist.” He eased up so he lay across Leo’s torso and could kiss him. His own cock was still imprisoned in his pants, and it hit painfully against Leo’s thigh.

Leo rolled them over so he was over Aud’s body. “I guess I need to free this beast of yours and see what I’ve got to deal with.” He rubbed his hands across the front of Aud’s pants. “Yeah, feels like a monster you’ve got in there.” The button on Aud’s jeans opened easily to Leo’s fingers. He slipped his hands into Aud’s pants and squeezed his cock. “A fat monster. What would you like me to do with it?”

Staring up at Leo, Aud chuckled deeply. “Whatever you want to. You can suck on it, you can sit on it, or you can just jerk me off. I don’t care as long as I get off and you enjoy it. Remember, we’ve got all night to try different things.”

Without another word, Leo bent down and licked Aud’s shaft. The soft delicate motion sent shivers through him, almost like Leo was tasting a sweet ice-cream cone and not a ten-inch cock. He moved and put his elbow against the crotch of Aud’s jeans, awkwardly pushing them both deeper into the bed.

“Let’s get those out of the way.” Aud sat up and watched Leo rise to his knees, his own jeans still partially on.

“That sounds good.” Leo rolled to the side of the bed and yanked off his jeans as Aud worked his way out of his. After he’d tossed his socks onto the floor with his other clothes, Leo rolled back onto Aud. “That’s a lot better.”

Aud touched Leo’s cheek. The warmth made him feel great. “Yes, it is.”

Leo caught his hand and kissed each of his fingers before releasing it and turning his attention back to Aud’s cock. After another couple of licks, he slowly forced it down his throat. About three-quarters of the way down, he gagged slightly and pulled off. “That’s going to take some getting used to.”

“I know it’s a bit fat and long.”

“Yeah, that’s one way to put it. I think I remember seeing somewhere online that Scandinavian men tend to have huge cocks. I guess I now have proof of that.” He squeezed Aud’s cock. “What do you say you bury this beast in me? That might be easier for me.”

Aud blinked in surprise. “Most guys who have trouble sucking my cock don’t want it anywhere near their ass. Are you a power bottom and just didn’t tell me?”

Leo squeezed Aud’s cock again, running it up and down in his tight grip. “No. I’m actually very versatile. I’m hoping you are too, ’cause once my cock gets hard again, I’d like to shove it deep inside you.”

Aud couldn’t help but smile at Leo. He pulled Leo up so he could kiss him. “Good. ’Cause I want you inside me too. Let’s get a condom and some lube.”

“Oh yeah. I wouldn’t dream of riding you without a lot of lube.” Leo shifted off him so Aud could roll toward the bedside table to reach what he needed.

“Warming or regular?” he asked as his fingers touched two bottles in the drawer.

“Let’s go with regular. Warming might be too much the first time.”

Aud handed Leo the condom. “Do you want to put this on me while I open you up a little? I know it can be a bit much, even with a little ass play beforehand.”

“Okay.” Leo took the condom and tore open the package as Aud squeezed out a large dollop of lube. He moved it gently into Leo’s hole, working it in slowly.

With quivering fingers, Leo put the condom over the broad head of Aud’s cock, then gently rolled it down the thick shaft. He moaned when Aud worked his hole faster, wiggling his fat middle finger around to make sure he was starting to relax.

“You’re getting loose. Are you ready?”

“Sure.” There was a slightly uncertain quaver in Leo’s voice.

“How do you like it?” Aud didn’t care. He wanted to make sure Leo was in his favorite position.

“I’m torn. I like it on my knees, but I want to see your face.”

“How about knees first?” Aud moved out from under Leo. “We can have you sit on me later. I like seeing faces too.” He grabbed Leo’s cock. “Cocks can be interesting too. I bet yours gapes when I slide in.”

Leo paused and stared at Aud for a moment. “I’ve never really looked at another man’s cock when I start to fuck him.”

“You should. It’s very interesting, particularly if he’s really into it. I’m sure I’ll get really hard when you’re in me.”

Leo twisted to kiss Aud. “I’ll keep that in mind later.” Then he turned and got on his hands and knees on the bed with his hairy ass pointed at Aud.

Aud reached between Leo’s legs and squeezed his cock, slowly stroking it. It felt good in his hand and made his own cock swell in the confines of the condom. He straightened and slid up behind Leo. His finger found Leo’s hole again and Aud used it to guide his cock up.

Even with the ass play he’d done, Leo was still tight as Aud eased his cock inside. He went slowly as Leo panted heavily under him. Aud rubbed Leo’s back as he finally got his cock all the way in. “Are you okay?”

“You’re… huge,” Leo said in ragged breaths. “But you feel good. Stay there for a minute. Give me a sec to relax.”

“Okay.” Aud bent over Leo and kissed the back of his neck while he reached around and ran his fingers through the hair on Leo’s chest.

After a moment, Leo shook and his body relaxed. “Man, you’re big.”

“So I’ve been told. If I’m too big, we don’t have to do this.”

Leo shook his head. “No. I’m getting there.” He caught Aud’s hand again and kissed it. Then he sighed heavily. “Okay. Slowly at first.”

Aud shifted and gently pulled his cock until it almost slipped out of Leo’s ass.

With a heavy sigh, Leo pushed his ass back over Aud’s cock. “Damn, that feels great.”

Shivers of excitement and pleasure shot through Aud and sweat beaded on his back. “Yes, you do.” He picked up the pace until the slap of their skin rang out in the room.

Leo’s heavy balls swung in time with their thrusts, occasionally hitting Aud’s. The sensation was incredible. Each time their balls banged together, it pushed Aud closer to climax.

“Shit!” Leo screamed and his ass tightened around Aud’s cock. His body quaked as jizz shot out of his cock. Aud’s heart pounded as he buried his dick as far up Leo’s tightening hole as he could. He exploded in the condom. They shook together as Aud collapsed on top of Leo.

“Wow, that was….” Aud fumbled for something to say.

“I don’t think there are words,” Leo replied weakly under him.

“Yeah, I think—”

Leo jerked up. “What the hell? Someone’s out there!” He pointed to the window across the room from the foot of the bed.

Aud rolled to look as something on the porch crashed.




about it all the time, but you never actually expect it to be something you have to deal with.” Leo fidgeted in his seat while Felix and Julie watched him from across the booth at Village Inn.

“This is more than a little bit scary,” Julie said. “I mean, yeah, Aud has a stalker. How crazy is this guy? Is he going to come after you?”

Leo had sat up all night, asking himself the same question. After seeing the face, which might or might not have been Randal’s—he just wasn’t sure—it proved impossible for him to relax. Even after the police left and Aud took him for a late-night ice cream, he’d been wound too tight. It had been one of the scariest things that had ever happened to him. The spoon in his iced tea clinked against the glass until he took it out. He couldn’t get himself to stop shaking. “I don’t know. I hope not. I wish I’d been able to get a better look at the guy. That might’ve helped.”

“How’s Aud dealing with it?” Felix asked. He’d been unusually quiet since meeting the other two at the restaurant. A dark, drawn look made it appear that he hadn’t gotten much sleep.

“I think he’s more mad than scared,” Leo poured additional sugar into his tea and picked up his spoon again. “He’s sure it’s Randal, particularly after the scene he made at the opening last night.”

Julie put her fork down on her plate. “Wait a second. You didn’t say anything about Randal being at the gallery last night. What happened?”

“Not much. He showed up, made a little bit of a disruption, and Aud escorted him out. People stared at the whole thing, and then it was over.” Thinking back on the event, Leo could see where it might’ve been the catalyst for Randal showing up at Aud’s, if the face in the window had been his.

“If he’s crazy, I bet that set him off big time.” Julie took a drink of her orange juice. “I’m just wondering if Aud is worth all this. Leo, you don’t need this kind of crap in your life.”

Leo shook his head. “Sorry, I think Aud is worth this. He’s fucking incredible. Randal won’t be a problem for long. Either he’ll screw up and get arrested or get bored. Who knows? Maybe he’ll find another hottie at the gym and chase him long enough that he forgets about Aud.”

She reached across the table and patted his hand. “Sweetie, I hope you’re right. If anything happens to you because of this fool, I’ll be really pissed off. You know, I might be a little on the dumpy side and not look at all dangerous, but you better warn Aud I can be all over his ass like white on rice. It’ll be enough to make him sorry he ever thought about teaching that art class he met us at.”

The idea of Julie getting all mama-lion protective over him made Leo smile slightly. “I hope I don’t get hurt either. Not emotionally, and especially not physically. I’m not into pain.” His phone rang. He glanced at the screen. “It’s Aud. I need to take it.” Without waiting for a response, he tapped the Send button.

“Hey, Aud. How are you this morning?” After their Peeping Tom, dealing with the police, and going for ice cream, Leo had dropped Aud off at his car at the gallery and gone home alone.

“Okay. I wanted to check on you. You were still pretty shaken up.” Concern was clear in Aud’s voice. “I hope you were able to get a little sleep.”

“No. Not a wink. You?”

“A little, but I went to the spare bedroom and pulled the shades. I still can’t believe anyone would be watching us. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this. What can I do to make it up to you?”

That wasn’t a question Leo had prepared for. “I don’t know. What do you have in mind?”

“Maybe we can escape to the mountains next weekend. I can check with Heather and make sure she can handle things for me. We haven’t had enough snow yet for ski season to start, so even with short notice, the resorts will be reasonable.”

Leo didn’t want to admit that other than driving through the ski towns, he’d never actually been to the mountain resorts. “I can’t afford much.”

“That’s not an issue. It’s my life that’s suddenly weird. I can pay for it. Don’t worry about that. Particularly after last night’s opening. Things are okay on my end. So what do you say?”

“It sounds like fun.”

“Good. I’ll call and make reservations as soon as I talk to Heather. Do you want to do dinner tonight? Afterward, if you want, we can go over to your place. I would be surprised if Randal knows where you live.”

That idea didn’t help Leo relax a bit. “Maybe. Since I didn’t sleep last night, I’m not sure how much I’ll be up for tonight. Call me right before you get off and I’ll let you know.”

“It’s more fun if you’re here when I get off.” There was a playful note in Aud’s voice, and it took Leo a moment to figure out what he was talking about.

Heat rose in Leo’s face, and he chuckled. “I’ll remember that.”

“Okay. Like I said at the start of the call, I just really wanted to make sure you were okay. It sounds like you are.”

“For the most part.”

“Good. I’ll call you this evening.”

“Thanks. Talk to you then.”

There was a soft click, the phone beeped, and the call ended. Leo set the phone down on the table. “Sorry about that.”

Julie leaned back in her chair. “Okay, dish. What was that all about? I picked up that some of it was last night, but there was something else.”

Leo took a long drink of his tea as his throat went a little dry. “He wants me to go up into the mountains with him next weekend. His treat to make up for the recent drama.”

“Really?” She cocked a well-plucked eyebrow. “Where? Did he say?”

“Not exactly, other than it was one of the resorts that hasn’t opened for skiers yet, so it should be cheaper than it will be in a little while when there’s snow on the ground.”

“It sounded like you agreed to that.” Felix stabbed another piece of his pancakes.

“Sure. Aren’t you the one who always said never pass up a free weekend or a trip if the boyfriend’s paying for it?”

“Hey, don’t forget just because you’re not the one with the wallet out doesn’t mean you aren’t paying for it in one way or another.” Felix sounded a little off. His cattiness didn’t have the same bite to it that it normally did.

“I don’t mind doing just about anything Aud asks.” Leo knew if it hadn’t been for the intruder, he’d have had to tell what he’d done the night before with Aud.

“Really? So you guys actually managed to put on a show for Randal last night before you spotted him?” Julie leaned closer, like a hungry wolf eyeing a fallen deer. “How was it?”

“Great. Everything about Aud is great.”

Felix got up from the table. “Guys, I just remembered that I have… an appointment.”

Leo studied his friend. There was definitely something off with Felix. “An appointment?”

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