Just Friends (8 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Just Friends
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From the moment he had looked at
the shelf filled with all the different brands of pregnancy tests, Mitch had
been overcome by what it actually meant. If any of those tests came out
positive either he or Chase had gotten her pregnant. He wasn’t scared. Mitch
felt excited. The more he sat and thought about Leah pregnant the happier he

He rather liked the thought of a
little baby. They’d been friends for so long that a baby would be a piece of
cake among the three of them. Splitting up was not the answer. Mitch loved her
too damn much to give up now.

Draining his last cup of coffee, he
placed his cup in the sink and took his place on the opposite side of the door.

“How are you doing?” Chase asked.

“I wish I was in there with her. It
doesn’t feel right being out here while she’s inside.”

Chase nodded his head in agreement.
Mitch rested his arms on his thighs, dangling his hands between his legs.
Another flush came through the bathroom door.

“What do you want her to say when
she comes out?”

Mitch stared at his friend. “I want
her to say she’s pregnant.”

“I do, too. Do you think we’re

He thought about Chase’s words.
Maybe they were a bit selfish, but Mitch knew he’d never abandon Leah.

“We’ve been a family for some time,
Chase. I think we’re a bit selfish, but I’d do anything for her. A baby will
not change my feelings for her.”

They both let out a sigh and waited
in silence.

Mitch rested his head against the
back of the wall. The silence in the apartment was deafening to him.

The door opened. He and Chase both
got to their feet. Leah stared at them with tears in her eyes. She didn’t speak
a word.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

“They all say positive. Not one of
them has read negative,” she said. Without another word, Mitch and Chase went
to her. Their arms surrounded her. Mitch stared at his friend past her
shoulder. She wasn’t crying. The despair inside her was tangible.

“I don’t know what to do,” she

Her voice was vacant.

“I think we need to get you an
appointment with the doctor to make sure you’re safe and healthy,” Chase said.

“And you need to stop doing the
long hours. Maybe I can talk to work about that.”

“I don’t care about that. What do
we tell our parents? I’m pregnant by one of you, and I don’t know which one,”
she said. The tears began falling then.

Mitch helped Chase walk her over to
the sofa. He didn’t like her lack of weight. Leah had always been a full woman.
Her curves were part of who she was. This woman was not normal to him. She felt
ill in his arms. He wanted to get the meat back on her bones in no time.

“I think you’re worrying
unnecessarily. Our parents will be happy for us,” Mitch said. His cousins back
had made their relationship work.
He didn’t see the problem with making their relationship work. They were best
friends and had no secrets among them. All of their secrets included each

“They accept our friendship, Mitch.
I don’t think they’ll accept us in a relationship. What about you two? One of
you knocked me up. Don’t you want to know who the father is?” she asked.

Mitch looked at Chase, who shrugged
his shoulders.

“Nope, we don’t care.”

Chase took her hands. “Leah, this
is not bad news.”

“We didn’t plan for this.”

“No, but Mitch and I sure planned
on Friday night happening.”

She gasped. “What?”

“Well, we didn’t actually count on
your forgetting about it or you being totally drunk. We love you, Leah. Always
have and always will.”

Mitch saw the bewildered look on
her face. She really had no idea how they felt.

“That’s because we’re friends,” she

“Guess again.” Mitch spoke up.
“We’re friends, but we’ve discussed our feelings for you. When we were younger,
he and I, we fought over you.”

She looked at both of them in turn. “I don’t believe this.”

Chase chuckled. “Believe it, baby.
We fought over you several times. We both were crazy about you. Mitch’s dad and
mine said you should be the one to choose. Only you never did. You went out
with other guys instead.”

“Were these the days when you had
bruises all over your face?” she asked.

Mitch laughed then. They’d told
Leah at the time that they’d walked into lampposts on the way to park. “Yes.”

“I can’t believe you kept something
like this from me.”

“That Friday night you confessed to
being in love with both us. You told us you didn’t want to carry on being
friends. You wanted more. Was any of that true, or were the cocktails talking?”
Mitch asked. He watched as she stared at her hands locked in her lap.

His heart pounded as he waited for
her answer. He was more nervous about this answer than he was about finding out
if she was pregnant.

“Please, say something.”

“I’ve been in love with both of you
for as long as I can remember. I didn’t know you felt the same way. I thought I
had to beg you to sleep with me, and you didn’t want to make me feel bad,” she

Mitch reached out, stroking her
soft cheek. “How can you even think that? I’m crazy about you, Leah.
Always have been.
Living with you and not being able to
touch or love you has been a nightmare. You’re
my everything

Chase pulled her attention to him.
“He’s always in there first, and I never get the chance to say pretty words to
you.” He sighed, stroking her bottom lip. “I fucking love you.”

She burst out laughing. “Are you
sure?” She nibbled her lips.

“Do you want us to get on our hands
and knees and beg?”

Leah shook her head. “I never
thought you’d feel the same way about me. I always thought it was one-sided. I
mean, look at you compared to me.”

Mitch tensed. “What exactly is that
supposed to mean?”

She blushed and stammered. “You are
both hot while I’m …
… not.”

“I should spank that gorgeous ass
of yours, but I think that can wait in your condition,” Chase said.



Chapter Seven


Leah felt the blush creep into her
cheeks at Chase’s words. The thought of him spanking her made her hotter than
hell. Her stomach rumbled, and her blush deepened.

“I think we’re on food duty. You’ll
stay here, and we’ll fix you some breakfast.” Mitch kissed her cheek and turned
to leave. Chase did the same. She grabbed the remote flicking through the
channels. None of the programs registered in her mind. She was too busy
thinking about the life growing inside her.

She rubbed her stomach wondering if
it was a boy or a girl. There were so many decisions to make. Staring at the
cartoons she’d left on, she heard her two men making noise around the kitchen.
They were in love with her. They had even fought over her. It was too surreal
to contemplate.

Her biggest fear was her parents.
Not just her parents, but Chase’s and Mitch’s parents as well. She lay back
against the couch feeling her head thicken as thoughts ran riot through her

Chase came back carrying a cup of
fresh orange juice while Mitch handed her a tray of poached eggs and toast.
Tears welled in her eyes at their thoughtfulness.

“You didn’t have to do this for
me,” she said.

“I want to.” They both responded in

She picked up her knife and fork,
tasting their food. She knew Mitch must have cooked because Chase was not the
best cook. He tried but lacked in every culinary department.

“We’ll have to get it confirmed by
the doctor,” she said.

“Chase and I were just talking, and
we think we should get our parents to meet in one place and all three of us
break the news together.”

She stared at Mitch as he talked.
His blue eyes looked animated as he spoke.

“What are we going to do about the
future?” she asked. The baby was a good thing, but they hadn’t considered a
future other than them all staying together.

Chase caught her face and turned
her to look at him. Without another word, he slammed his lips down on hers.
This was not a friendly kiss but a consuming one. He plunged his tongue between
her lips, stroking her. The touch sparked off a memory inside her mind. She saw
him grabbing her face and pulling her close. The image felt so real, and the
feelings it evoked made her wonder if the kiss had taken place that Friday.
“That’s the future,” he said, breaking apart from her.

Mitch took her chin in his hand, pulling
her closer. He kissed her lips, slowly. His tongue ran over her bottom lip
before slipping inside her mouth. She whimpered when he pulled away.

“You’re happy to share me?” she
“Because I refuse to pick between you.”

“I never expected you to pick,
baby. I’m good to share. I look forward to watching you come apart under Mitch

She heard the
and she couldn’t stop the thoughts of that Friday. What had
they done?

“That is something you’re going to
have to remember, darling,” Mitch said, stroking her nose.

“How did you know what I was
thinking about?”

“Your eyes are expressive. You’ll
remember when you’re ready.” He gave her a wink. “Finish your breakfast. I’m
going to call my folks.”

Chase leaned back as she finished
her breakfast. Her stomach wasn’t messing with her today, and she was able to
eat everything on the plate and finish her orange juice.

“Did you enjoy that?” Chase asked,

“It was delicious.” She rubbed her
stomach enjoying the peace that had washed over her.

He tapped her knee taking her tray from

Licking her lips, she watched him
walk away. Leah got up off her butt, stretched her arms above her head, and
walked back toward the bathroom. The used pregnancy tests were in the sink. She
grabbed the trash can and began putting them inside. Each one mocked her with
their result. She’d collapsed in a heap on the floor after the third positive
test. Her fear of their reaction had stopped her going outside.

She threw all of them into the
trash can then proceeded to clean up the mess. When the bathroom was clean, she
removed her clothes and climbed into the shower.

Warming up the water first, she
stepped under the jet a few minutes later. The warm water felt like heaven
against her aching muscles. The poached eggs on toast were the first bit of food
she’d been able to keep down in the last couple of weeks. She closed her eyes
relishing the feel of the water around her.

“Are you okay,
Chase asked. His arms wrapped around her waist pulling her closer. Opening her
eyes, she stared into his brown ones. The urge to cover her body swept over
her. She raised her arms to cover herself.

He shook his head and grabbed her
arms placing them by her side.

“You never need to hide your body
from me,” he said. “I like looking at you.” He stroked her arm. His fingertips
ran up and down her arm. Her pussy tightened from the small contact. “I’ve
wanted to do this for weeks. Having you in my arms, Leah, and then not being
able to touch you was a nightmare. I’ve waited years to be with you.”

Chase leaned down and kissed her

“I feel like I’m dreaming,” she
said, pressing her head against his.

“You’re not dreaming.
He pinched her nipple, making her squeak. A wave of
heat pulsed at the apex of her thighs, cutting off her protest. “See, you’re

She wrapped her arms around his
neck pressing her body against him. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

His hold tightened around her. She
felt the thick length of his cock press against her stomach. Leah pulled away
and stared down at his length. He was long, and the width of him was
impressive. She’d never seen anything so beautiful in all of her life.

“You’re big.”

He chuckled, and red stained his
cheeks. “You didn’t complain.”

She frowned trying to remember what
happened that Friday. He pressed a thumb between her brows. “Don’t over-think
it. You’ll remember.”

“What if I don’t?”

“Then Chase and I have something to
use against you,” Mitch said, climbing into the shower and moving in front of

“I never knew this shower fit three

Mitch smiled down at her. “It
probably won’t be the best fit, but like everything else, we’ll make it work,
Leah.” He leaned down kissing her.

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