Just Her Luck (26 page)

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Authors: Jeanette Lynn

BOOK: Just Her Luck
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"Aintcha gonna share it with me?" He ambled over, sitting down in the chair by me, scooting his chair up right next to mine, our knees touching.

"Nnnn-uuuhhh," I managed through a closed mouthful of cake, shaking my head 'no' vigorously.

I turned away from him and gave him my back, swallowing the bite in my mouth.

I called over my shoulder, "Serves you right for messing with me."

His arms came around me and he wrapped his hand around my fork, helping me feed myself with it.

The next bite I tried to eat, he strong armed me and, despite my attempts to bite and curse him to dissuade him, he took the bite for himself.

He moaned as he licked the fork, drawing my attention to his pink tongue and thin upper lip, his lower lip much fuller, thicker, as he licked up every last bit of frosting.

"Mmm," he murmured happily, "That's good."

Yes, yes it is
, I thought, licking my own lips.

"Uhhh-huh..." I mumbled, swallowing hard.

My attention snagged, and I looked down at our hands, realizing he meant to give me a bite again.

We kept this up, sharing bites, each taking turns until we'd polished it all off.

"You have some chocolate... riigghht...
He swiped a bit of frosting off my lip, licking it off of his finger as he smiled down at me.

"How old are you?" I blurted, watching his blue eyes watch me.

He got up and put the plate and fork in the sink, then went over to get his meatloaf dishes.

I watched as he washed them all and put them in the strainer, wiping his hands on a dish towel.

"I'm twenty five," he admitted, surprising me.

"You don't look twenty five."

"Nah," he laughed, giving me his happy grin, "Just means I'll look this good when I'm old." He ran his hands down his chest, wiggling his brows at me.

"Oh, yes," I snorted, muttering wryly, "you'll be the envy of the elderly."

I tugged at his short scruffy beard and he chuckled.

"Damn straight."

"Come on then, young’un'," I teased, "You can come help me paint if you want."

"I'd be much obliged, Genny. Don't mind if I do." He puffed up, following me out the door.

I laughed the whole way.



Tall, Dark And Paint My Shutters



"You know," I squinted up at him, "It isn't
me if you're the one doing all the work."

"But I bet you're enjoying the view," he laughed, wiggling his ass at me.

I snorted and shook my head at him.

Am I enjoying the view?

Let's recap, shall we?

I have a shirtless cowboy painting the shutters on my house, and I'm watching him from the bottom of my ladder as he does so, a perfect view of his luscious bum as I do so.

So, to answer
hell to the yeah, I'm enjoying the view.

"All done!" he called, climbing down.

"You didn't have to do that." I followed behind him as he closed up the paint can and folded up the ladder, then waited for me to show him where everything goes.

He closed the doors to the shed and locked it after he’d put everything back, taking my hand to tug me along, leading me towards the lakeshore without a word.

"I could have done it," I insisted.

"I wanted to," he said, twining my fingers with his, kicking off his shoes when we reached the water’s edge.

I kicked mine off too and followed him as we both waded in, cool water caressing our ankles.

"I like you, Genny," he said softly, pulling our entwined hands up to kiss my knuckles.

"I, uh... I think it's only fair that you know that Bowen and I, erm... have a thing going..." I said awkwardly, blowing out a deep breath.

"I know."

"You do?" My eyes widened in my face and I looked up at him, startled.

"Mmm, hmm," he murmured, grinning boyishly at my confusion.

"I gotta make sure you know how I feel before you go and fall in love with Thatcher or somethin' first."

He grimaced at the idea, and I laughed.

"I don't think that will be a problem," I chuckled, giving his hand a squeeze, "he doesn't seem to like me anymore."

"Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that." He smiled secretively.

"Why would you say it like that?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"No reason..." he said innocently enough, eyes wide in his handsome face.

Too bad he didn't fool me.

Something about the
he said it, though, made me question whether or not I really wanted to know.

I gave him a look, and he shrugged.

"He talks in his sleep."


He gave me a funny, yet pointed look, and I finally understood.

"Ooooh. Oh, ew," I wrinkled my nose. "I don't know if I should feel flattered or grossed out. Too much info, dude, TMI."

He laughed and we walked along the shore line, laughing and teasing, splashing at each other until the sun started to go down, then we made our way back towards my house.

"Do you want to have dinner with me?" I asked when he tugged me down next to him by the sand, pulling me down into his lap, the sun setting right in front of us.

"I dunno… hmmm…" he hummed, acting like he had to think about it.

I elbowed him, and he grunted, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I'd love to." He kissed my neck and sighed happily.

I grinned and wrapped my arms around his on my waist.

"I don't just let anyone eat at my house, you know," I huffed at him, smiling again when he kissed my hair.

"Only men who can stomach your meatloaf and paint your house?"

"Ugh! My meatloaf rocks, bud!" I pinched his arm for his impertinence.

He yelped out in pain, and we wrestled around as I tried to get him again.

"You should only be so lucky!" I grunted, pinching at the underside of his ass through his pants

"Ow! Hey!" he laughed, jumping up, shocked, gripping my hands in his.

"Thems fightin' words!" I mock growled, kicking out my legs when it looked like I was losing.

My laughter died instantly when he got the upper hand, rolling me underneath him, wedging his thighs between my legs, pushing them apart as he placed himself squarely between them, leaning down to grin at me triumphantly, my hands held tightly in his.

His expression changed as quickly as mine did, replacing his humor with heat.

There was more than sexual heat swimming in the depths of his pretty blue eyes though, and I found my breath catching in my throat, trapped by the intensity in the wealth of emotions he displayed so openly for me to see, heart thumping wildly in my chest as he leaned down to kiss me.

"Now's your chance to stop me, Genny," he whispered, giving my lips a buss, a soft brush with his, pulling back to look at my face, eyes practically glowing in the waning light, "If you don't, I'm liable to kiss you and I won't stop at just one."

"Do you know what you're getting yourself into, getting involved with me, Ephraim? I'm not the easiest person to get along with and I don't even know my own mind lately. I..."

He silenced me with a kiss, a meeting of lips.

It was soft at first, like he was testing the waters, then fierce when I kissed him back, fingers tightening in his as he lowered himself more fully on top of me.

I wiggled my hands free and ran them over his wide bare shoulders, soaking up the warmth and strength he exudes, gasping out in delight when his lips began to eagerly burn a path down my jaw, nibbling little kisses, making me squirm as he found a sweet spot on my neck, moaning when his teeth grazed the sensitive bit of flesh.

His hands immediately came over to grip my thighs, running over my soft curves, gooseflesh popping up all over me as he learned my body, hands making their way up my rib cage.

Just a little higher, cowboy
, I thought, arching up to give him a hint.

His lips came back to mine, and I nipped at them, sucking hard on his tongue when it snaked into my mouth.

He moaned and ground his erection into my jean covered crotch.

"Ahh!" I bit my lip to stifle anymore loud outbursts, his motions pushing the seam of my jeans into my clit, tingles sweeping through me as he dry humped me in the soft sand by the lake.

"Do you have any neighbors?" he asked brusquely, tugging at the zipper of my pants, making me laugh as he tugged and yanked at them frantically, tripping over himself in his haste, hands fumbling adorably as he, without any grace what so ever, focused solely on de-pantsing me.

I took pity on him and slipped them off myself, giggling when he jumped back on top of me.

"I can't decide what I want to do first," he moaned with an anguished groan, yanking my shirt up to bury his face in my cleavage.

"Ephraim!" I giggled, gooseflesh breaking out all over my skin.

I felt one of his hands at my thigh, pushing my panties aside as a finger teased at my entrance, rubbing in slow concentrated circles around the mouth of my sex.

"So wet," he murmured, sucking my lower lip into his mouth, the unmistakable sound of his zipper being lowered, his venturous finger slipping into my tight hot depths.

I reached down, running the tips of my fingers over the head of his cock.

It twitched and jerked at the first slight touch, and he gasped, pressing himself eagerly into my hand.

Oh, my,
he's quite
, I thought suddenly, feeling slightly alarmed, trying to sneak a peek to see if his cock really is as big as it feels.

He sat up and gripped my panties in his hands, tearing the crotch right out of them.

It happened so fast I didn't get a good look, just a quick glimpse of a thick, fat, mushroom shaped head that looked almost purple it was so engorged, angrily straining out towards me.

"I love you, Genny," he blurted, leaning over me on his elbows, scooting up to cup my face, nothing but earnest honesty in his loving gaze.

"I... oh, I..."

"Shh," he kissed me sweetly, "I don't need you to say it back." He smiled down at me. "You don't need to say anything." His hand brushed a stray strand of hair from my face, nuzzling my cheek as he inhaled deeply, his beard brushing against me.

The scratchy tickle made me shiver.


He pulled back after a moment and shook his head.

"Just let me love you, Genny. Just let me love you.” Getting back into it, he groaned, muffling my startled cry with his lips as he abruptly thrust himself into me, his cock head ramming itself home, rippling along the inner walls of my sheath as he stretched and strained my pussy, forcing it to accept him, all of him.

Tearing my lips from his, I cried out again, this time an almost keening cry as he butted up inside of me, pushing deep enough in to tell me he had gone in as far as he could go, farther than anyone else had ever been able to.

I panted and tried not to move as my body adjusted to his size, pain tapering out to leave only pleasure in its wake as I grew wet and needy, every slight movement or shift making me twitch around him, ripple a little in anticipation of what was to come.

"What the hell was that? It feels like you're tearing me in two!"

"You say the nicest things, honey," he burst out, gritting his teeth, sweat starting to bead on his forehead, neck and chest, holding himself perfectly still, trying to be careful with me, waiting for a sign it was safe to continue.

Little late for that now, don't ya think? You already breached me with all the finesse of a battering ram.

Kind of a moot point to get all gentlemanly now...

He gave an experimental thrust when my body gave up its attempt at a death hug to his monster cock.

"So, good," he groaned out, pushing into me with a few hard, short jabbing thrusts.

God, yes!

I moaned and bit my lip, gripping his hips to pull him towards me again when I thought he would pull all the way out.

He chuckled when I whimpered.

"Don't worry, baby," he grinned, "I'm not going anywhere."

"Ephraim!" I cried out when he thrust back in, ramming so hard I felt my teeth clack, his punishing thrusts pushing me into the uneven ground, sliding us up the sandy lake shore in his enthusiasm.

I bucked up against him, undulating wildly underneath him when he gripped one of my legs and lifted it up over his shoulder, changing the angle of his determined thrusts, penetrating me even deeper with his turgid shaft, making me scramble for purchase as his cock attempted to kiss my womb.

He leaned down, bending down and over me, trying to reach my breast to suck on my nipple as he pounded lustily into me.

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