Just His Type (Part One) (3 page)

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Authors: Victoria June

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Just His Type (Part One)
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He wrapped his arms more fixedly around my waist and I gripped his upper arms with renewed tenacity, watching warily as he lowered his dark head to mine. He paused just above my lips, his mouth quirked in a sexy little grin which made me smile right back; my heart beat furiously and I was more nervous than I'd ever been with a guy, but I wouldn't have backed out of the moment for anything.


"Lilly," he whispered softly; and then he kissed me and everything changed. Electric, thrilling, dizzying: every adjective in the dictionary couldn't do Adam's kiss justice. The heat of his lips and tongue drove every thought of hesitation completely from my head; all I wanted to do every minute of the rest of my life was be kissed by Adam.


I felt like a teenager again, discovering kissing for the first time; Adam and I had invented it and no one in all the generations which preceded us or anyone in the yet unborn future would ever kiss that well; it just wasn't possible to improve on that moment.


What started out as tentative and exploratory quickly became frantic and intense and when I came back to my senses Adam had one arm snaked up the length of my torso, pinning me against his body and the other blatantly cupping the curve of my ass. I, in turn, had wound both arms around his neck to play with the dark stubble of his hair and cling unabashedly to his warmth.


"Hi," he whispered with a chuckle when we came up for air.


"H-hi," I laughed in response, pleased to see the little crinkle of laugh lines around his spectacular green eyes. "You know, I think it's important for you to understand that I don't normally do things like this."


Adam's laughter was a deep bass rumble. "Do what? Kiss strange men? Or kiss strange men in public?"


"Either," I admitted with a giggle. "It's not really my style."


"Mine neither." Adam grinned broadly. "So, how much farther is it to your place?"


Adam's enthusiasm made me blush. "Just the next block up, on Hillsborough Street."


"Thank God," Adam Mombled hoarsely, grabbing my hand and all but pulling me back up the street and away from the waterfront. "This is pretty and magical and all, but I can think of more comfortable places to kiss you."


"Like my sofa?" I supplied; the mental image of Adam lying naked on my chesterfield had a definite appeal.


"Like your breasts," Adam teased with a chuckle.


I was speechless for a moment and knew I was blushing as completely as a redhead could, but if Adam noticed he said nothing. He led the way up my street and waited patiently while I took out my key and let us up to my second floor flat; I half expected him to jump me the moment he got me truly alone, but instead he waited wordlessly as I stripped off Rhiannon's uncomfortable shoes and fed and watered my noisy cat.


I stood slightly confused and alone in the centre of my kitchen; Adam leaned against the archway to the living room, arms crossed casually across his broad chest, a small grin on his handsome face as he watched me.


"What?" I asked guardedly as Adam's eyes followed my every movement.


He shrugged. I hadn't turned the overhead lights on and the room was bathed in the soft glow of the street lamps outside; from my vantage point I could see the shadows of his tattoos dance up the length of his arms.


"I like watching you," Adam confessed in his deep voice. "You have an interesting way of moving."


I processed Adam's words for a moment before speaking. "You are nothing like I thought a one-night-stand would be."


"One-night-stand? Who said anything about that?" There was a dry edge to his question which I hadn't been expecting.


"I did." I could feel myself blushing and was glad for the dimly lit room. "You just picked me up at the bar, Adam. I can't say I was expecting much more than tonight."


"Is that what you want?" Adam's face was shadowed and I found myself wishing I could see his eyes better; I didn't know him at all, but I suspected those brilliantly emerald eyes of his didn't hide much.


"I don't know what I want," I confessed with a wry smile. "I told you, I don't do this sort of thing."


There was a stretch of silence between us which wasn't entirely comfortable. I could feel the possibility of my only one-night-stand start to slip away; no wonder I was crap at this sort of thing.


"What were you thinking when you walked over to me at the bar tonight?" Adam asked bluntly.


"I was hoping I wasn't going to trip on those damn shoes, actually."


Adam laughed, but I could see the muscles in his arms flex impatiently. "Be truthful, Lilly."


"I was thinking that even though you weren't my type, you were the cutest guy I'd ever seen, and that there was absolutely no way you were going to buy me a drink and that I must be crazy to think so. What were you thinking?" I added quickly, feeling my defenses spring up.


"I was wondering who you were, and why you looked so out of place in that damn bar. I wondered what you and your girlfriends were talking about to make you laugh so loudly and why you'd put lipstick on before you came over to talk to me. But mostly," he crossed the distance between us with only three short strides. "I was wondering what you tasted like."


I stood breathlessly as Adam traced the length of my arm with one slim finger; the faint contact left a trail of goosebumps in its wake. "I've only known you an hour, Lilly; but already I know you're smart, and funny, and gorgeous, and you kiss like you wouldn't believe, and under that sweater you have the most promising breasts I've seen in a long time. One-night-stand? I don't think one night is enough."


I had to resist the urge to shake my head in disbelief. Was this guy for real? How could someone look so rough and speak so wonderfully?


"Did Rhiannon put you up to this?" I asked acerbically.


"Rhiannon? Who the hell is Rhiannon?" There was a perplexed scowl on Adam's face. "What are you talking about?"


I took a step closer and tilted my chin up to look Adam in the eye as best I could. "Rhiannon: the high-maintenance brunette. She's been telling me lately that I should think outside the box and see someone I wouldn't normally consider. I thought that maybe you two had worked something out."


For a brief moment I thought Adam might be angry with me, but the furrow between his eyebrows melted away and he began to laugh. "Look Lilly, why don't we just forget about your friends and your insecurities and my looks and my personality quirks for a little while at least? I can think of a million other things we could be doing right now."


The heat was back in Adam's gaze and I liked the way it made me feel. "Do I get to see the rest of those tattoos now?" I asked with a grin.


Adam arched his pierced eyebrow gracefully. "Of course. Does that mean I get to see your tattoos too?"


I ran my hands over the dark lines twining their way up Adam's arms and he brought his long hands up to span my waist. "I don't have any," I whispered, raising myself up on my tiptoes to kiss his stubbled jaw lightly. "But I'm sure there's something under my clothes which might interest you anyway."


a flirt," Adam murmured against the side of my mouth; he took a step backward toward the living room and took me with him in the process. "Can we find that more comfortable spot now?"


We ended up in my bedroom, although looking back I'm not sure when or how. In between dizzying kisses Adam had me stripped down to my bra and panties with dextrous efficiency in less time than it took for me to notice the chill in the room. He shed his t-shirt and I stared open-mouthed at the network of dark, swirling tattoos which crossed his arms and shoulders. I'd never seen anything like them before; they were beautiful.


"I had a good hunch about these," Adam teased, running a finger lightly across the swell of my breast above my bra. "It's so nice to be right."


My giggle was muffled by Adam's insistent kisses; his hands were everywhere and it was making it hard to concentrate. His long, lean fingers definitely knew what they were doing and all thoughts of resisting flew from my head the minute he found my nipples. My toes curled as I moaned loudly.


"Amazing," Adam whispered.


I giggled. "What is?"


He shrugged nonchalantly and I watched the tattoo which wound up his bicep and over his shoulder ripple as his muscles moved; it was the sexiest thing I'd seen in a long time. "You. These," he pinched my nipple playfully; the small hurt shot pleasure straight to my belly. "That you're letting me do this."


I laughed again, running my hands through the short stubble of his hair; it tickled. "I'm a little amazed that you want to do this."


Adam looked at my quizzically. "Why wouldn't I?"


"Most guys don't," I offered, suddenly feeling stupid for admitting my insecurities to a virtual stranger, even if we were practically naked together. "I mean, I'm not the type of girl that guys typically go for."


"Why the hell not?" Adam's voice was gruff; he sounded almost mad.


"Well, I'm short, and I have glasses and freckles, and well..." my voice trailed off uncertainly; under Adam's scrutiny I felt a little foolish. "I'm not exactly the tall, blonde stunning type."


Adam snorted rudely; the sound made me smile sheepishly. "Look Lilly, I don't want to hear another word about it. The second I saw you at Mac's I wanted you. So what if you don't look like that Rhiannon friend of yours? Some guys really don't mind that, present company included. In fact, I'm glad you don't look like her; I told you I have an unholy weakness for redheads. And I
right about your breasts…"


I laughed as his voice wavered and he palmed my breasts and proved his point; the heat of his hands was amazing. "So now what?" I asked breathlessly.


"Now I take off those cute little panties of yours," Adam growled lowly, the look on his face mischievously sexy. He picked me up with a lightening quick swoop and dropped me unceremoniously on the bed, ignoring my gasp of surprise at finding my feet off the ground. My panties were off faster than they'd ever been, and I had to throw back my head and laugh at the craziness of it all. Adam shucked off his jeans with a dramatic flourish and I tried not to stare at the promising bulge in his bright red boxer shorts.


"You're gorgeous," he purred as he crawled up the length of the bed to position himself between my thighs. "I want to see every inch of you."


I was nervous, more nervous than I could ever remember being with a guy, but Adam's touch was gentle as he spread my legs and he held my gaze for a moment before he


lowered his dark head to my auburn curls.


"Adam," I squealed with shock as his tongue met my wetness; it had been so long I'd almost forgotten how good it felt. "Oh my God!"


"Want me to stop?" Adam asked concernedly from his snug position between my legs.


"I didn't say that," I gasped, half-scared to continue, half-scared to stop.


Adam chuckled and the warmth of his breath against my dampness sent a shiver straight through me. "Whatever you want Lilly; that's what I'll give you."


I let the offer settle into my much fevered brain. I wanted him: that much was obvious. And what I wanted was pretty obvious too; if he didn't put his mouth on my again I was going to scream and when I told him so the look on his face was priceless.


His growl of pleasure was a deep rumble in his chest, and I couldn't keep air in my lungs when he complied; I moaned loudly and propped myself on my elbows to watch as Adam took his obvious enjoyment from me.


Enthusiastic and skilled; and I didn't want him to ever stop. The frantic lash of his tongue against me pulled me ever closer to the edge, and Adam knew every trick to get me there quickly.


My orgasm was a wondrous rush of sensation and noise; it took me a little more than a moment for reality to sink back in.


"Uh? Adam?"


His dark head popped up from between my legs, I giggled at the wicked grin on his face.




"Do you think you could take those boxers off now?" My voice wobbled.


Adam's smile was electric and he obliged me with swiftness while I sat back, open mouthed.


. I grinned like an idiot.


"What?" Adam looked worried and this time it was me smiling at his groundless insecurities.


"Nothing," I smiled coyly. I reached from him, wrapping my fingers eagerly around his scalding length; we moaned in unison.


"It's not
," Adam ground out petulantly through clenched teeth as I acquainted myself with him.


"No, it's not," I giggled, testing his girth with my small hands. "It's lovely."


Adam snorted. "Lovely? Don't think I've ever heard it called that before."


"Can I be honest?" I asked, enjoying every twitch and moan Adam made as I stroked him; he nodded wordlessly. "I was a little worried it would be pierced or tattooed."


Adam's chuckle was coupled with a groan. "Sorry, haven't gone that crazy yet. Do you not like the tattoos?"


"I wasn't sure at first," I confessed. I traced one curving black line over his broad shoulder. "But I think they're beautiful; sexy too."


Adam reached forward and caressed the rounded swell of my hips; I hadn't realized how much I'd missed his touch until I felt it again. "I'm glad you like them," Adam smiled slowly as my touch grew more ardent. He tilted his head back and groaned loudly; I grinned.

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