Read Just Like a Hero Online

Authors: Patricia Pellicane

Tags: #Contemporary Erotic Romance

Just Like a Hero (8 page)

BOOK: Just Like a Hero
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It almost worked. He trembled but held to his control. “I will, but first I need to see you touch yourself.”

She blinked her surprise. “Do you? You don’t want to touch me?”

“I do, and I will, but first show me how.”

She shook her head. “You’re very bad.”

He nodded in return. “I know, but are you?”

Her heart pounded, blood rushed to her pussy. It felt alive, buzzing with excitement, tingling with life. “Move back.”

He moved a bare inch or two and she almost laughed.

“Shall I show you what I do when I’m alone?”

“Oh, Jesus,” he moaned. “Am I going to live through this?”

“If you don’t think you can take it, maybe, I’d better not.”

“I can take it,” he promised anxiously and insisted to her grin. “I can.”

“Sit there then and watch,” she said a bit breathlessly.

Lexie was on her own and a bit unsure of what she was about. It wasn’t as if she’d never used a toy or brought herself to a quick release when the need came upon her. The truth was she’d simply never done it while someone watched. She took a deep breath as she gathered her nerve. Her heart continued to pound in her throat, a pulse to throb between her legs.

Her hands moved first to her breasts. The firm flesh was large enough and certainly sensitive enough to bring pleasure at her touch. She pushed them together then apart, squeezed her nipples with two fingers each, pulling at them as her legs parted and her hips moved.

He made a soft sound deep in his throat that combined with the look in his eyes, Lexie took for pain. She wondered how long he’d resist and thought she’d push until the thought of resisting was long forgotten.

Next, still holding her nipples, she shook them, which allowed her breasts to bounce. She heard another sound escape his throat and smiled. Her hands smoothed over her midriff and down her soft, flat belly to her hips, her thighs and finally inside her legs and up to frame her pussy.

“Good so far?” she gasped a bit breathlessly.

Lexie felt a warm flush. She looked down to see her skin had turned a soft shade of pink. She felt her pulse in her pussy and wondered if he could see it throb.

“Better than good. Don’t stop,” he said, as his dry mouth forced the scarcely muttered words.

“I’ve never done anything this sexy. I like it,” she said as her eyes fluttered closed.

“I like it more.”

Her fingertip smoothed over her aching clit, and she moaned at the intense sensitivity found there. “This feels better than…” She shuddered as she struggled to keep her senses about herself. “God, I’ve never felt like this before.”

He couldn’t resist. Watching her enjoy her body, he felt starved to touch her as well. Gently, tentatively he ran a single finger around the edge of her tunnel. Hungry for more, he slipped the finger deep inside her.

She moaned. “Good,” she gasped. “I can’t think. This feels so good.”

“I know,” he said. “Don’t stop. I want to watch you come. I want to lick your cum away. I want to taste all of it.”

She shivered as he whispered his intent. “Yes,” she gasped, and he knew she ached to feel him. He could see the truth of it in her eyes.

“Later, Lexie, I promise you won’t be sorry.”

Her breathing grew heavier, straining, gasping as it brought air to her starved lungs. Urged on, she seemed unable to resist as her body’s demands. He watched mesmerized as she showed him exactly what pleased her. She strummed her clit. He gasped at the sight of her, playing as if her body were a musical instrument. Just below her moving hands his one finger circled her moist opening again, teasing, tickling, while imagining the feel of her closing around his dick as he entered that smooth, hot flesh. All the while, he whispered soothing words that only spurred her on toward the waiting, mindless pleasure.

“You like that, Lexie? You like it when I touch you?”

“Mmm,” she managed between gasps.

“Watching you is so good. Can we do it again? Later?”

“Hurts. Oh God,” she whimpered.

Her hips moved higher, suspended by strong legs, spread wide, obviously desperate to gain and hold on to every second of this coming delight, while silently demanding him to see all she offered, willing him to touch her. He did not, he could not, refuse. He leaned down and licked her, pushing his tongue deep inside her. Her eyes opened. Her fingers stilled then moved to caress her breasts. She squeezed her nipples as he ate at her.

He did little more than lick her clit once, twice, three times, and she cried out as her body surged helplessly forward. Again, she murmured a broken, wordless plea as the pulsing took on a life of its own. There was no way to stop it, and Jim grinned as he watched her lose the last of her control. Of its own accord, her body quivered and throbbed, racked with hunger, desperate for release. He moved back eager to see it all, damn near desperate to watch her come. His finger took over where his mouth had been, gently rotating her small nub, pulling at it, gently milking it to a wild explosion. Her arms moved above her head, and her eyes closed. She moaned, beside herself with pleasure. Her body shuddered and jerked convulsively into each spasm of ecstasy.

He watched in amazement as creamy cum slipped gently from her wet, pulsing body.

“Good?” he asked as she lay there trying to catch her breath.

“Good,” she returned, her eyes closed, her lips forming a pretty smile.

“I don’t know,” he teased. “You didn’t act like it was good. All I heard was groaning and moaning. I thought maybe you were in pain.”

Her eyes blinked open. “You’re a little too full of yourself, I think.”

“How could I be anything else? The way you come is amazing. I only wish I could feel it.”

“I did most of the work.”

“Yes,” he agreed, “but the last of it was me.”

She laughed. “You’re a monster.”

“As long as I’m not sweet, I suppose I could live with being a monster.”

He shoved his trousers down his legs, turned to her and leaned over her body. “The truth is, Lexie,” he said on a breathless gasp. “Watching you come was every Christmas, birthday and the Fourth of July I’ve ever lived through, all in one. I don’t know how I managed to hold out. Had I a lick of sense I’d be inside you right now.

“Well, do you have a lick of sense?”

“I used to think I did. Problem is watching you touch yourself nearly drove me out of my mind. Right now, I’m a bit riled up.” He slipped a condom over his erection. “If I move inside you like this, I’m apt to come in seconds and I wanted this to last.”

“Okay,” she said as a smile teased her lips. “When do you think you’ll be ready?”

“After I calm down.”

Her gaze widened.“And you expect to calm down while doing that?” She nodded toward his hand playing with her nipple, while the other tickled her pussy.

He nodded. “You’re probably right. I shouldn’t touch you.”

“Instead of meticulously planning out each move, why not do what feels good, anytime you want? Plans mostly have a way of working out sooner or later.”

“Meaning I could always do it later or tomorrow?” he asked.

“Or tomorrow,” she agreed. “That sounds good.”

“I’ll remember this night for the rest of my life,” he said as he moved into her tightness. She was soft, but deep inside she still pulsed. He pulled back, just a bit, as he mentally readied himself for her. “Damn, Lexie, you’re still throbbing inside.”

She smiled. “You don’t want to feel it?”

“I do. That’s not the problem. The thing is I can’t take another second of this. I need to come.”

“Then do it,” she said as she raised her hips, and he pushed deeper inside her.

He muttered a low, incoherent sound of hunger and forcefully thrust forward. She grunted with each plunge and watched with surprise as he lost it. He came wildly into her barely seconds after he had begun. He gasped, shaken.

“Damn it! You’re like a freaking drug.” He took a deep breath and complained, “You’ve left me shaking and weak. I’ve never known anything like you. Why did we wait so long? We could have been doing this for more than a month.”

“Greedy,” she stated, with a sigh.

“I am,” he agreed. “When it comes to you, I’m afraid I’ll always be greedy.”

“You want to go to bed?”

“You don’t mind if I sleep here?”

“I think it won’t hurt if we sleep together once in a while.”

“That’s a relief,” he quipped. “I thought for a minute there you wanted to sleep together every night.”

She laughed as he helped her to her feet and together they moved toward her bedroom. “And you’d hate that, I take it.”

“Of course. I don’t want you getting any ideas that I want to live with you. That couldn’t be further from the truth.”

She laughed again. “I know.”

“We should make a plan. Tell me, what would you think if I said we should sleep together on Monday nights?”

“That sounds perfect,” she sighed as she slipped beneath her sheet and pressed her butt into the warm curve of his body. “This feels good.”

“It does,” he agreed. “In fact, it feels good enough to make me think, probably we should spend the weekends together, too.”

“In bed?” she asked.

“Well, now that you mentioned it, that sounds great.”

“Now that I mentioned it,” she repeated with a touch of sarcasm, as she reached for her lamp and turned out the lights. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, sweetheart.”

Lexie only smiled at the endearment, while wondering what he was up to. There was no way that he was finished. It wasn’t long before she found out.



“Monday’s are not enough. We’ll have to spend more than one night together.”

“We agreed on Mondays and the weekends.”

“Yeah, but―”

“You’re not moving in here,” she said, cutting him off. “It’s too soon.”

He reached around her and pulled her closer to his chest. His hand cupped her breast. “If we sleep together Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, that only leaves Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.”


“I think we need to sleep together on Wednesdays, too.”

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

“Fine,” he said in obvious disappointment.

“Fine,” she repeated, hoping the subject was closed for the night.


Chapter Seven




It was…for the night.

Early the next morning, they sat at the kitchen counter, having finished breakfast and sipping coffee. She looked over the newspaper while Jim scanned the sports section.

“God, these Mets,” he said in disgust. “Lost again. They’re sort of pathetic, aren’t they?”

She shrugged. “I wonder if I’ll live long enough to see them win another series.”

“Are you a fan?”

“I was.” She shrugged. “I suppose I still am, but I don’t mind telling you, it’s not easy to watch them play. Every time they put together a decent team, they sell off half of it.”

“Yeah, they have a problem, all right. Some people blame it on Madoff.”

“Still? I’m not saying he didn’t hurt the team, but come on… I think there’s no one to blame but the players.”

“The All Star game is in two weeks. You want to go with me?”

“Really? You have tickets? Of course, I’d like to go with you.”

“So what about Wednesday nights?”

She glanced at his hopeful expression. “Okay, here’s the deal. You’re not allowed to nag.”

“What kind of deal is that?”

“It’s the kind I’m willing to give.”

“What am I allowed?”

“Anything you want, except sleeping over on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.”

He grinned. “Does that mean we can make love, but not sleep together on those nights?”

She shrugged. “If you like.”

“I’ll take it.”

“Take what?”

“The deal.”

“Go to work. I’ve got to shower and get ready for work myself.”

* * * *

At work she got a phone call. “Lexie?”


“Lexie, it’s me, Mrs. Morgan.”

“Oh, hi is everything all right?”

“Well, actually not really. We have a bit of a problem.”

Lexie frowned. It was nine o’clock at night. What could possibly cause her neighbor a problem at this time of night. Most often, the lady was ready for bed by this time. Instead, Lexie heard voices in the background.

“Tell her―” The rest was cut off as Mrs. Morgan or someone put their hand over the receiver.

“Wait,” Lexie heard. Then came the sounds of a scuffle. “Don’t do that! I told you to wait.” There wasn’t a doubt in Lexie’s mind that voice belonged to Mr. Burton.

“Don’t do anything. I’ll be right there,” she said and hung up.

Barely ten minutes later, after muttering a quick excuse to her boss, she took off the last two hours of her shift. She stood in the hallway of her apartment building and glanced at Jim’s door. He was probably watching TV. Lexie wondered if she should get him. She shook her head and forced herself to calm down and take a few deep breaths.

It wasn’t that bad. Of course, it wasn’t. What could these old folks have done that could have instigated this pounding of her heart. Nothing, she mentally added as she silently convinced herself her anxiousness was completely unnecessary.

She knocked on Mrs. Morgan’s door then drew back as the door was instantly answered. Mrs. Dietz nearly dragged her inside. She shut the door and locked it behind her.

“What’s happened?” Lexie asked. “Is everyone all right?”

“We’re fine for now, dear.”

“What does that mean, for now?”

The moment she asked the question Mrs. Gilbert burst into tears. She was talking while crying all into her lace trimmed hanky, and Lexie couldn’t make out a word.

“What? What is she saying? Why is everyone here?” And everyone was there. All six of her elderly neighbors. Mrs. Summers, looking smaller and grayer than usual, wrung her hands in some anxiousness. Mrs. Gilbert cried. Mr. Burton tried to look mean.

“She’s saying she doesn’t want to go to prison.” Mrs. Morgan interpreted.

Lexie shook her head, dismissing the possibility.

“She won’t. Just let me do what I want,” Mr. Burton replied.

BOOK: Just Like a Hero
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