Just My Luck (A Shamrock Falls Novel) (Entangled: Bliss) (13 page)

BOOK: Just My Luck (A Shamrock Falls Novel) (Entangled: Bliss)
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And it was. He couldn’t tell her that, though. They were already supposed to be in love. Wow. Love? Where had that come from?

“Nothing’s different, Freckles. You’re letting your imagination run wild.”

The fiery woman rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her pregnant belly. “I could tell the second I saw you walk in the door. I’m not an idiot, Jace. I can see what’s right in front of me. I know you guys have been married for a while now, but I’m still sensing it’s changed. You helped when Breck and I needed a little push and I just wanted to say…I’m happy for you. You can lie and pretend everything is exactly how it’s been but it’s good to see you feel. It’s good to see you really happy. And it’s good to see you make her that way, too. I thought you should know that.”

Jace wasn’t expecting Rowan’s arms to wrap around him the way they did. She gave him a quick, tight hug before walking back to the table.

Did they really think he hadn’t been happy? He had a job he loved, freedom, women, and now he was getting his home. How could he not be happy?

But he hadn’t been, had he? Because this, being with Betsy, felt more incredible than anything he’d known before.

“Hey.” Betsy stepped up beside him and he felt himself smile.

“Hey. You ready to play?”

“Yeah. I…” Her voice was soft, but got a little louder as she went on. “I hope you’ve been practicing since last time.”

It took him a second to respond because the gentle ribbing was probably one of the last things he expected to hear come out of her mouth. Jace laughed, playfully grabbing her arm and pulling her toward him. He wrapped his arms around her as she buried her face in his chest.

“I’m going to win this one, honey. Just you wait and see.” Jace had to admit, in that moment, he was happier than he remembered being in a long time.

They played two games of pool, both of which Betsy won. She wiped the floor with him, actually, but he enjoyed it. Liked watching her shine. Be proud and confident, and just have a good time. “Where’d you learn to play?” Jace asked her.

She stalled a minute before answering. “My mom and I, we didn’t do many fun things together, but she did like garage sales. We went to one once and they were selling this old pool table. I don’t know why we bought it. She did random things like that sometimes. Anyway, she and I used to play all the time. I guess I just got good.”

It was only the second time she’d ever said anything about her mom to Jace. He wanted to know more, but could tell it was an issue for her. That didn’t stop it from piquing his curiosity, though. “Are you two close?”


“Does she live around here?” he asked.

“Jace…I’m tired. Are you ready to go?”

He sighed, trying to respect her need for privacy. In a way, it felt like a rejection. “Sure. Let’s go.” They said good-bye to their friends and went home.

The ride back felt even quicker than it should be. Jace locked the door behind her as they went inside and then took her jacket, which made him feel like an idiot. She lived here. She could put her own jacket away if she wanted.

“Thank you. I think I’m going to head straight to my room tonight.” They often watched TV together at night.

Disappointment slipped its way around his defenses. That definitely wasn’t what he had in mind. “Yeah. Okay. Me, too.”

They took the stairs together. Nerves he had no reason to feel knocked around inside him. Everything with her felt so new and different now, like visiting a country when he knew nothing about the locals’ customs.

Betsy stopped outside her bedroom door and Jace did the same. “Good night,” she whispered. Jace watched her mouth as she spoke. Remembered the snappy little words she’d uttered to him earlier about practicing.

Christ did he want to kiss her. Looking at her now, the previous sting of rejection didn’t matter. Just Betsy.

Jace took a step forward, slowly. “I love your lips.” Probably not the best thing he could have said, but it was true.

“I like yours too,” she replied and that was enough for Jace. He kissed her. Backed her against the wall. When Betsy whimpered, he pulled his body away.

“You okay?” he asked, close to her lips.

“Yes…I’m better than okay.”

Jace kissed her again. Took his time and savored the feel of her mouth on his. Her tongue and her taste and when she fisted her hands in his shirt…God he wanted her. Wanted her so badly he thought he would lose it.

He pulled his mouth away.

“Oh,” she said.

Jace wasn’t sure what she meant by that, so he replied with “Sleep with me tonight.”

Her eyes widened and he realized how that sounded. “Sleep. I only meant sleep,” he said at the same time as she muttered, “Yes.”

“I want to hold you…and kiss you.” And more.

“Can I change first?”

Jace smiled. “Absolutely.”

He stepped back and she put her hand on her bedroom door. She didn’t turn to look at him when she said, “I don’t have anything… I mean, all I have are sweats and stuff. Those are the only things I sleep in. I’m not like other women. Other women probably dress differently.”

Jace crowded her, got as close as he could, bent and said against her neck what he’d wished he would have said before. “I like you how you are, just fine.”

Chapter Twelve

Betsy’s life was like a fairy tale. Some far off imaginary land that had only lived in her dreams until now. Now, it was reality. Sort of. For the past few nights, Jace had asked her to sleep in his bed. In. His. Bed.

He’d held her and kissed her and did things to her body that felt so good she never would have thought it possible. She might not have a ton of experience with men, but it wasn’t like she was completely virginal. Yet no man had ever made her feel how Jace made her feel, the sensation of his mouth on her body and his fingers teasing her sensitive flesh. Jace was very good with both and she shivered, recalling their nights together.

It was incredible and magnificent and explosive.

Only…he stopped every time. Never went to that next level. Never even
to make love to her with anything other than his mouth.

Maybe because he wasn’t in love with her. Because he knew that it would mean more to her.

They were really dating now, but she couldn’t help but wonder if it really was her very own temporary fairy tale come to life, one that would soon be gone. Their marriage would only last a couple more months and even though they were together, she wondered if he would stick around when he didn’t really have to. Once he was free.

She pushed out of the chair and took a quick shower. Even though she slept with Jace, all her things were still in her room. He hadn’t offered for her to move them, and she probably wouldn’t anyway. That felt too…real. The fear that everything would blow up on them was still very strong inside her.

Betsy sighed, wishing she could stop thinking about Jace. She needed to see her mom before they went to Rowan and Breck’s baby shower. Breck insisted on having it earlier than was tradition. In a couple days, he left for his last tournament for a while, and he didn’t want to miss a thing.

Betsy thought it was sweet that Breck wanted to be involved in every aspect, hence the fact that there would be women and men at the baby shower.

She had a feeling Jace wasn’t looking forward to it much. Baby showers weren’t usually a man kind of thing.

After she finished getting ready, Betsy slipped from her room and headed toward the stairs. She got to the top when she heard voices from the living room.

“Of course Betsy’s still here. Did you hope I would ruin it so you could swoop in and kick me out of my parents’ home? Of
home?” She’d never heard that much anger in Jace’s voice before. Betsy gripped the handrail, knowing she shouldn’t be listening, but unable to stop herself.

“No, Jace. Of course not. I’m leaving for a couple days and I’m just checking in on you as I told Wallace I would do. We’ve gone over this. Kicking you out of your home is not what it’s about. I…”

“Then what is it about? Wallace died and then he took the one thing from me I wanted. Forgive me if I don’t pretend it’s all okay.”

Betsy tried not to let her thoughts go where they wanted to. To the fact that maybe he really was miserable being married to her. They might be dating, but dating and marriage were two different things. She knew it wasn’t what he wanted, but then she tried to push those thoughts aside. This wasn’t about her. It was about Jace and the way he felt his grandfather had betrayed him. He’d told Betsy he wanted to date her, so she fought to believe him.

“It’s…it’s what he wanted. I hope you’ll come to understand.” She paused, and when she spoke again, Betsy heard sadness there. Heard concern for Jace. “Aren’t you a little bit happy at all? Hasn’t anything changed for you?”

Betsy wanted the answer to this question, too.
Tell her you’re happy. I just want you to be happy.
What she didn’t add was
with me

“I’m not talking to you about this. This is about what Wallace’s will says I have to do. That’s all. Now, if you’ll excuse me, we have plans today.”

Betsy closed her eyes. Took a few deep breaths. Tried to calm the storm waging war inside her. Had she expected anything different? She’d always known what this was about.

The door opened and closed. Before Jace saw her, Betsy pushed her mask in place and walked down the stairs, determined to pretend she hadn’t heard. That somewhere inside her she hadn’t hoped that he would say he was really,
falling for her.

“Hi,” Betsy said as she walked toward the couch. She sat, hoping it would somehow calm her.

Jace sighed, and walked over and fell to the couch beside her. He leaned backward, looking exhausted. “Hey, B.”

“How are you?”

“Better now,” he said, before laying his hand on her leg. Jace’s eyes closed and his head rested on the back of the couch, relaxed. Betsy wanted to ask him why he said things like that. What it all meant and why he continued to confuse her, but she didn’t.

“Well, maybe the baby shower will cheer you up. I know how you and Breck like to compete. It will be one cutthroat shower game after another.”

Jace barked out a laugh at that. She was looking at him as he rolled his head to the side, and looked at her too. “You make me feel better. Even before when it was just at work. It feels amazing to have you in my corner, honey.”

How, how, how did he expect her not to fall more in love with him when he said things like that? When his crystal blue eyes penetrated every part of her? He had to know how it felt to hear those things. To know that she, plain, shy Betsy Harris with the unstable mom was able to do something for the perfect, put-together Jace Macnamara. But love? Yes, she thought so. She’d probably been half in love with him from the start. The thought made her body heat up and her stomach clench, but as scary as it was, she couldn’t deny it. Still…
Betsy was in love with Jace. Despite everything, she reveled in it.

Trying to control her emotions, she said, “I didn’t do anything.” Betsy tried to stand, but Jace stopped her. Kissed her, wiping away any thoughts in her head. Fear, anger, sadness, none of it had anything on the power of Jace’s kisses.

He leaned closer. Threaded his hand through her hair, his lips so soft yet strong against hers. Like it always did, Betsy’s whole body came alive under his touch. She moaned and then he did too, before he pulled her to his lap

She was straddling Jace. He held her mouth to his, kissing and nibbling and sucking. His mouth trailed down her neck and she wondered, couldn’t stop from thinking that maybe this would be the time he would keep going, use more than just his hands and mouth on her. As embarrassing as it was, she wanted him, even if she knew it would only be for a couple more months. In this time they had left, all she wanted was to feel and pretend. To live in that fantasyland where she didn’t have a sick mom. Where there were no medications or bouts of paranoia. Where she wasn’t happy one minute and sad the next.

“Jace…” His name slipped out of her mouth without her planning it. She wanted to say please. To ask for more. Something. Anything to cure the ache inside her. But what he did was stop.

“Sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to attack you like that.”

Betsy tried not to look disappointed. Tried not to show that she didn’t understand why he would always put a halt to what they did physically if he really desired her, the way she desired him. Yes, he used the right words, but actions spoke louder. But…she deserved this, didn’t she? To have him in this way, at least once. “I thought maybe…I want… Can we not stop?”

Jace’s eyes went wide. “Honey…I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. At least not yet. I don’t want you to think—”

She’d felt a lot of embarrassment in her life, but nothing compared to this. “Never mind. It’s not a big deal—”

“Hey.” Jace held her to him. “I want you. Believe me, I want you.”

Then show me. I need you to show me.

Betsy tried to play it off by smiling. “Okay. I understand.” But really she didn’t. Not at all. He wouldn’t have stopped with another woman.

“Especially not on my couch when we’re leaving in a few for a baby shower.” He laughed, so she laughed, even though it was as big of a lie as their marriage.

“You’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Then she wasn’t thinking anything because Jace kissed her again. And she let him. Wanted it so much it hurt.

“I have to go.” She climbed off his lap. When she did, Jace stood, too.

“Where are you going? We have an hour before those cutthroat baby shower games you were talking about.”

Betsy backed away. She looked around and tried to remember where she’d set her purse the night before. Fighting to keep the knowledge in her head that despite what he said about dating her, there was no way Jace could feel for her the kind of passion she’d seen from him with other women.

“I have something to take care of. I’ll probably just meet you at the shower.”

Jace’s facial expression changed. Betsy wouldn’t say he looked mad, but the softness was gone. He had that crease in his forehead again. “Oh. I didn’t realize we weren’t going together. I figured we would. I could wait for you, or go with you on your errand, and then we could ride together.”

The thought of Jace going with her to see her mom was crazy. She would lose it. And even if Betsy only stayed for a few minutes, she had to show up or her mom would wonder where she was. “No thanks. You don’t have to come with me. I might be able to make it back here in time, but I wouldn’t want to leave you waiting just in case.” She should tell him about her mom. She could. It wasn’t as though it would really make things so different, but God, she just wanted to be normal for him. She didn’t want to be the girl who had more baggage. Who wanted things from him he couldn’t give. She was already awkward, shy, didn’t dress right. She wasn’t the type of woman who could be sexy for him or turn him on. She didn’t want to be the woman who had a mom in a home too. A mom who Jace could never meet and who she’d always have to support.

“It’s important,” she added. “And like I said, I wouldn’t want you to be left waiting…”

Betsy couldn’t read his expression, but he took a step away from her. Looked more past her than at her. “If it’s important I guess you’d better go, then.” Jace turned and walked away. As he did, Betsy could have sworn she heard him mumble something about already waiting.

“Give me a pin, man! You just said the B word!” Breck was pointing at Kade, waiting for the safety pin for some strange game where you weren’t allowed to say the word
. Seemed a little ridiculous, if you asked Jace, but that could also be because he was in a pissy mood.

No. He was pretty sure he wouldn’t be into baby shower games even if he
in a better mood.

Kade handed over his safety pin and Breck clipped it to his shirt with the other ten or so. Obviously he was winning. Jace couldn’t get his mind off Betsy though. Why she said she wanted the same things he did, but still kept him at arm’s length. They were serious now and he wanted to really show it. Simple things like riding together to the shower were important to him.

“I think we’re going to have to lock you in another room,” Aunt Mae said. “Either that or sic Bob Dylan on you.” Mae was always the life of a party and with her and Breck in the same room, you could count on sarcasm and jokes flying around.

“Hey now. I can’t help it if I’m good,” Breck teased her back. “Maybe you’ll get second place.”

“Pssh!” Mae swatted him. That was enough for Jace. He wasn’t in the mood today. He found himself a quiet corner and stood back, watching all that went on around him.

Betsy stood with Rowan, Sidney, and the new waitress from Lucky’s, Tiffany. They were chatting, but Jace couldn’t hear what they were saying. He watched as Betsy put her hand on Rowan’s belly as they continued to talk. She really was something else. A contradiction in so many ways, but simple in others. She was strong, but sweet and quiet. Independent as hell, but shy and closed off, too.

What was it about her that tied him in so many knots? Jace didn’t understand it. His whole life he’d fought to keep people at arm’s length, hence only dating for a short amount of time and never getting serious. With Betsy it happened automatically and naturally. He knew she’d nursed an innocent crush on him in the beginning, but it had never been about that. She never wanted or expected anything from him. That had meant something and it still did, but now…he almost wished she
need him, even if it was something as simple as supporting her when she went wherever it was when she snuck away.

It scared the hell out of him, but in so many ways he needed her. Not just at work or because of Wallace’s will. He needed someone who knew him. Knew when to give him time or not. She trusted him with her body and told him their day together was her favorite. It sounded crazy. He understood that, but those little things meant something to Jace because…well, they were honest and real.

Jace wanted to be able to do something for her as well. He hadn’t planned it and he still wasn’t sure how it made him feel, or if he understood it, but the fact was, Jace was really falling for her. Hell, he’d probably already fallen. It was part of the reason he hadn’t slept with her yet. He didn’t want to ruin things. He hoped to show her that he really cherished who she was.

And it didn’t matter that she didn’t wear sexy clothes to bed or that she got shy around people. Those things were part of her and he’d take it all. She wasn’t like other women to him. Betsy was special.

But she obviously didn’t trust him the way he thought she did, or else why the secrets? From the beginning of this, he’d tried to get her to confide in him, to let him help, and even though they’d taken their relationship a step further, she still wouldn’t do that.

Maybe that was for the best. Once their marriage was over, they’d go back to the way things were.
If we can…

That didn’t feel like it was best. It didn’t feel right to Jace at all.

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