Just One Drink (133 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Sloan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Just One Drink
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As her eyelids began to grow heavy she noticed that there was a strange sound coming from the floor of the carriage. It sounded like something was grinding or ripping and she shifted from her spot and began to pull away the number of pillows and blankets that were in the way. As she flipped away the last pillow she saw the tip of a blade, poking out from the base of the carriage.


She sprang back and began to scream, but knew that no one could hear her. However, the sawing stopped and there was a small knock that came from the same spot where the knife was. She stopped and the sawing continued. She slid back further into the carriage and didn’t know what to do, so she grabbed a pillow to defend herself.


After another moment of the sawing, a piece of wood broke loose and Maura slammed down as hard as she could muster with the pillow. As the pillow began its descent she saw the smiling face of Alistair, but couldn’t stop it. The pillow made contact and she pulled away quickly. However, the face was gone.


She quickly jumped down to the hole and looked for him, but he was nowhere to be found. She slowly peered out and only saw the ground flying past the opening. She sat back into the carriage and couldn’t believe what she had done, but she didn’t have much time to grieve because a hand appeared where the face had once been and she heard a masculine voice call out to her.


“Please don’t hit me this time. As much as I enjoy a good pillow fight, I would much rather watch others compete.” Maura laughed to herself and reached out to help Alistair up into the cabin. “Oh, thank goodness. I wasn’t going to be surprised if I was greeted by another pillow.” Maura didn’t know what took over her, but she leaned forward and kissed him. Their lips locks and their tongues intertwined and they both could feel as their muscles relaxed and tension seemed to leave their bodies. Maura pulled away and saw that Alistair looked a bit flush in the face.


“Well, that’s certainly nicer than a pillow, isn’t it,” Maura asked him as his eyes took a second to readjust. He wiped off his lip and laughed to himself.


“I’ll say.” He looked at her and his face seemed to lighten up. “So, do you know why I’m here?” Maura looked at him confused, but that smile never left his face. “I’m here to rescue you.” Maura shook her head and reached out, taking his hand.


“You can’t do that. King George has waited eighteen years to marry me. He’ll stop at nothing to kill you if you do this.” Alistair laughed and took her hand inside his own. Maura found the laugh to be comforting, not insulting.


“Darling, King George has been trying to kill me since I could lift a sword. His problem is, I have yet to die.” Alistair scooted himself forward a little bit closer to Maura and she felt herself leaning in a bit towards him. “There is nothing to fear. We’ll make our way to King Henry’s kingdom where we’ll be welcomed like royalty and you’ll be treated like you deserve. His free hand reached up and grabbed her behind the neck, pulling her in slightly. She leaned down and they began to kiss again.




Their kissing was quite passionate and considering it was one of the first times Maura had ever done such a thing she found that she was quite natural at it. Their lips locked and their tongues toyed with each other. Their hands couldn’t find a single place to rest, but instead swarmed over the others’ body trying to feel and map every peak and valley.


Maura sat back into the pillows and watched as Alistair rose up until it seemed as if he was towering over her. He removed his shirt slowly, his fingers and hands at one moment were both so strong and nimble. They worked the knots of the shirt and he pulled it over his head. His chest was exposed to her and she saw a thin layer of sweat that had formed over his body. In the low light of the moon he almost seemed to shine in front of her.


She was completely surrounded in the blankets and pillows as he lowered himself on top of her. His hands draw cursive lines all over her neck and arms. She closed her eyes and listened to the sound of the horses’ hooves clopping through the mud behind them. Maura tried to focus on them, but was snapped out of her near trance like state when his lips connected with her own. A spark shot through her body and she felt like she came to life.


His hands were no longer nimble as they worked at removing her clothes. His arms became tense and lifted her and shifted her so that she didn’t have to work at all as he disrobed her. She felt as his calloused hands touched her bare skin for the first time. She was startled, but found the touch comforting after a few moments because like his fingers they stood for strength and hard work. However, after those first few moments it was as if they became soft. The hands started at her neck after they pulled her dress over her head.


They massaged her neck and moved to her shoulders where his thumbs deftly began to knead away knots and points of tension that had built up since the King had made his way into her life. She quickly pushed the thought of the King out of her head as Alistair’s hands continued to move south to where they gently cupped her breasts. She had dreamed of this moment.


His fingers were slow and delicate as they played over her nipples. They lightly pinched and teased them as his lips moved from her own lips to her neck. He kissed her stress and worries away as his fingers created goose bumps. It was a unique experience for her, the goose bumps once represented that she was scared and now as they cascaded over her body, his lips casually working around them, they represented so much more. They represented a future.


His hands began to drift further at that point and his fingers danced across her stomach as they went. Maura’s body spasmed under his touch and she wanted to pull away, but couldn’t help but feel like this was exactly what he knew she would do, so she stayed and endured the spasms. His hands ended near her thighs.


That was when her breath became shorter and she began to worry. She had never done anything like this and she didn’t know anything about this man. She thought for a moment about the consequences of her actions and the things that would happen because of it. Alistair clearly noticed her hesitation and stopped kissing her. He pulled away and went to remove his hands, but Maura reached out and returned them to where they were.


She had lived a false life, it was time for her to start living her own life. She leaned forward out of her pillow bed and kissed him, drawing him back into the comfort of the pillows with her. They kissed and his hands continued to work their magic. His hands guided her legs to open and he allowed his body to slide in between them naturally. She felt as if their bodies were magnets and they were being pulled together by some kind of force.


That was then Alistair pulled away from kissing and began to kiss her neck, but he didn’t stop there. He continued to slide down and kissed her all the way down her body until he reached her tits. There, he took one into his mouth and began to suckle and lick at her nipple. She moaned and was glad she had tested whether or not the other guards could hear them. She would have been more than happy for Alistair to stay there all night, but he had other things in mind.


He flicked her nipple with his tongue and continued to move down her body, hesitating over her stomach, kissing her in a circle around her navel. She giggled and she looked down to see him looking up at her smiling. He didn’t stop and continued to kiss, shifting his body further and further down until he was practically back into the hole he had originally climbed in from.


He slowly adjust himself by slipping beneath her legs so that her thighs were nestled by his ears. He started gently and passionately and kissed her womanhood. She gasped at the feeling. She had only ever teased herself before and had never had anyone so close. She closed her eyes and felt them roll back as he continued to kiss at her pussy, his tongue creeping in closer and closer. Maura could feel it just on the cusp of her lips.


Just then he broke her sexual spirit open. His tongue flicked and massaged her pussy and she immediately felt herself cum, as if a dam had been broken of years spent avoiding this very moment. One hand shot down and grabbed onto the back of his head, her fingers tangled themselves up into his hair. The other hand shot up and grabbed onto the pillow. She bit her lower lip with such force she swore she had broken the skin.


He was gentle with his tongue, but was not scared of hesitating over the areas that were clearly getting the best response out of her. Alistair also clearly didn’t mind his hair being pulled as she could hear him moan into her pussy every time she tugged at his hair. Maura forced him and guided him around her womanhood as he worked until she felt her body begin to spasm again. But unlike before, this spasm was so intense she tried to pull away.


Alistair didn’t let her though, his hands and arms seemed to lock her in place as she writhed and contorted under his muscles. She felt the goosebumps crash like a wave over her body again and her body went limp and Maura felt herself shudder as a warmth rushed to her face. Then, Alistair worked his way back up to her face, kissing her along the way. She had never experienced anything like that before and couldn’t wait for more.




Alistair and Maura didn’t have long to revel in their lovemaking because shortly after the both collapsed into each other they heard a tap coming from the back of the carriage. Alistair swore under his breath and began to dress, helping Maura into her own clothes. She looked at him and asked what the plan was.


“Well, we’re going to very quickly open that door,” he pointed to the side of the carriage, “and you’re going to jump onto the horse that will be riding there.” Maura looked up at him in a slight panic and he placed a hand on her back to calm her. “And I will be right behind you, so there is nothing to worry about.” He waited a moment until she had finished tying everything into place. “So, ready?”


Alistair shifted towards the door and swung it open. Just as he had said, there was a horse that was patiently riding alongside the carriage. Something that Alistair hadn’t mentioned though was that there were also shouts coming from the front of the carriage. He motioned for her to jump and she quickly shuffled over to the door and jumped.


She felt her legs hit the horse and scrambled to grab ahold of the reins as the horse buckled under the sudden addition of weight. Without a moment's hesitation Alistair was out the door and had landed more gracefully onto the back of the horse, his arms carefully sliding under her own and taking ahold of the reins.


“Have you done this before, Sir Alistair,” she shouted over the rush of the wind. She felt his chest heave behind her as he laughed and responded.


“Once or twice, but never with anyone else, I swear it.” He clicked his heels and turned the horse. She noticed that the two soldiers that she saw before were also sitting together on the same horse, but their horse was clearly having a harder time keeping up with Alistair and Maura. They turned as well and peeled off from the convoy.


The shouts trailed after them and the carriage pulled over on the side of the road. However, by the time the rest of the soldiers had been alerted, they were long gone.




They rode for a few hours straight to make sure no one had followed them. Maura was surprised that no one had and it was clear that Alistair and his two brothers were as well. After the few hours they pulled off into a small forest and decided to set up camp. While Alistair set up camp with one of the brothers and Maura, the second brother rode off and decided to circle his way back to see that there was no one following them at a distance.


She was surprised to find that the two brothers were actually twins. Alistair told her how they were all orphaned very young by a band of soldiers and the soldier that killed their mother was none other than the current King George. It was apparently the single campaign that showed the commanders in charge that he was ready for leadership. Maura didn’t understand how the killing of innocent people proved that and Alistair did his best to explain it to her.


“You see,” his eyes were focusing on knocking the flint and steel together to attempt to light a fire. “Leadership is all about making difficult decisions. I don’t doubt that George didn’t want to kill my mother and abandon us, but the fact is he did. It gave him favor in one place and took it away in another. That is how leadership works.” A spark jumped from the flint and landed on his small pile of kindling and he looked up at her. “Favor changing from hand to hand.”


Alistair stood up and walked over to where his brother was standing, staring out at the horizon between the trees, clearly waiting for the return of his brother. Alistair reached him and tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around because he was in deep thought and was startled. “Is everything alright?” His brother shook his head slowly and responded.

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