Just One Drink (63 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Sloan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Just One Drink
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The glory of his efforts causing my knees to close in around his beautiful, bobbing skull. His tongue came piercing and sloshing and rolling and penetrating into my deepest, wettest depths, and I had to cling for dear life onto the sheets with my balled fists in order to avoid screaming out at the top of my lungs. Then, however, I felt his tongue come squashing up against the throbbing pink nub of my clitoris.


Activating a frenzy of sensations in my cunt unlike any I could have foreseen, and setting me clean over the edge of what I could bear. In spite of my efforts to resist doing so I completely lost my shit at this, screaming at the top of my lungs as orgasm coursed through me,
“Oh, oh, oh, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!”


I thought it must have been some sort of climactic hallucination that made me feel as though I heard faint breathing coming from the direction of the closet as I soared through the roof of climax, but as the last few pangs of aftershock came rippling through me, I managed to put it out of my mind simply enough.

When at last I'd calmed the fuck down, my tits heaving wildly and my nostrils flaring as I struggled to catch my breath. Daryl slowly pulled his beautiful skull out from my pussy, licking his lips, and rising back up to his full height at the foot of the bed.


The anticipation was fucking unbearable as he slowly reached up for the fly of his jeans, unbuttoning himself and unzipping the fly. Pulling the denim down from his body, unveiling the sight of his throbbing, bouncing, agonizing large shlong. My pussy throbbed with desire for him in that moment, and I savored the heat of his body descending upon me like a blanket as he crawled up on top of me.


I reached down, and squeezed his wang passionately, savoring the heat of its shaft against my fingertips, and loving the motion as the skin came dissolving through my grip like liquid, pushing and pulling and tugging like wild. Much to my gratification, I could feel him growing a couple of inches even further as I continued to work that veiny penis, and he moaned with delight as he popped all the way up to his full and extended length.


And then, as I waited with bated, agonized breath, he mounted me. The engorged chocolate kiss of his tip came piercing through the wet lips of my pussy, and then he pushed inside me like a fucking knife. Rolling into my body like a train pulling into a station. Inch by inch by fucking agonizing inch of that beautiful wang came splitting up my center like mad, and I moaned, my spine arching, as he at last touched down inside me, the tip of his cock throbbing up around the innermost reaches of my body.


I waited for some time with squinted eyes as he waited there, holding steady, and allowing the anticipation to grow deadly. Then he pulled slowly back out of me, building up a suction that was close to unbearable, and came smashing back down at an unbearable speed. Blasting me into next week with the force of his thrust, and causing me to scream out at the top of my lungs.


He then seized hold of my legs, pushing my ankles up over my head so as to allow for maximum penetration, and tore into me like a motherfucker. He pushed and blasted and pummeled my cunt with a fury that was relentless. Smacking my wet pussy like a jackhammer, again and again and again and again, grinding and thrusting and fucking my delicate pink pussy.


Then, with one final, devastating blow he hurled himself into me, ripping me apart to my fucking core, and nearly making me go cross-eyed with the brutalizing force. He grunted and I moaned as he pulsed to fruition inside me, pulse after pulse after pulse of his molten hot sperm being splashed across my insides. Coating every inch and every nook of my pussy, spilling back out of my body in his abundance, and setting me flailing over the edge with orgasm.


I screamed and cringed and wailed like mad as my body burst with sheer, splendid carnal destruction, my flesh convulsing and my need for him, even as he finished cumming inside me, tantamount to insatiable. At last he pulled out of me after some considerable degree of time, and the two of us lay wrapped up in one another's arms, making out and caressing one another's sweaty, oversexed bodies.


For the life of me, I couldn't even begin to fathom how the hell I'd gone so very long without this sexpot of a man in my life...

Chapter 2

And then…I was fucking pregnant.


It had been a few weeks after that most recent encounter with Daryl, him finding himself suddenly busy with work and me, in my negligence, chalking up my missed period to an effect of the birth control I was on. Aunt Flow tended to be lighter for me on my current pill, and sometimes didn't rear her ugly head at all on certain months, and so I kind of just thought that it must have been that, and didn't really pay any more heed to it than that.


It did turn out to be an issue of birth control, of course, although it happened to be with regard to its failure rather than any sort of positive benefits. Evidently, Daryl's tremendous sperm had been so potent as to have made its way past my defenses, and here I fucking was, carrying his baby... Or was I?


At this thought, I realized with some degree of horror that I didn't know which of the two men's dicks had been the one to plant me with his seed, and that either Danny or Daryl could be the baby's true father. And oh Christ... Poor Danny... Poor, poor Danny... What the hell kind of situation had I put him in, I wondered? And how the hell was I supposed to go about telling the sweet bastard about such a perverse infidelity?


I briefly and stupidly toyed with the notion that I might not have to tell him at all, but of course that was stupid. When the baby was born I felt as though it would be pretty damn obvious if Daryl turned out to be the father instead of himself...


I didn't have a fucking clue what the hell I should do about this, I realized with horror, and though Danny didn't say a single word about it whatsoever, I was certain that he could tell quite plainly as my belly inflated and my breasts became engorged, the nipples stretching out and turning from fleshy pink to a hardened, dark color. There was just no keeping this from him for any longer, if I wanted to have any hope in hell of picking up the shattered pieces of our marriage...


I told him about it, every single fucking word of it, tears rolling down along my cheeks as I did so, and the shame I felt evident in the redness of my cheeks as I described the entire affair in painful detail. I didn't try to rationalize it one bit, either, didn't try to shoulder some of the blame onto him or make it seem as though it had anything to do with shortcomings on his part as a husband. It was all fucking me to blame.


By the time I was finished speaking, spilling my guts to Danny and looking so drained that he might have wanted a divorce based on my blubbering appearance alone, he sat staring at me with an expression of utter calm upon his face. I actually had to do a sort of double take as though to ensure I was seeing him correctly.


When his expression still did not change I started to feel just a little bit fearful. Thinking that this was some sort of calm before the storm type of deal. For all I knew, he was about to go completely postal on me and rip me a fucking new one, and in that moment I'm not sure I really would have blamed him all that much for it, either.


But still, he remained completely and unshakably serene, and when he at last spoke up, the eeriness of his voice sent chills along my spine and made me feel like dissolving into a fucking puddle.


“I know...” he said calmly.


And as the two simple syllables passed forth from his lips, my jaw just about hit the fucking floor. I wondered if I was certain that I had heard him entirely, but he continued simply, “I've been suspecting it for a long time, actually... I don't know how long it's been happening, but you started getting pretty obvious about it at some point and I had you tailed by a private eye. I found out all I needed to know and... Well... One time I even watched the two of you having sex in our bed from the closet...”


I opened my mouth, stunned, feeling like protesting at the invasion of privacy, but then realizing that I had no grounds to attack this man in any way whatsoever. If anything, I owed him a debt of gratitude for having not already booted me out onto the street on my ass at this point in the conversation, which would probably, be what I really deserved. I kept silent, though, zipping my lips, and felt my cheeks redden intensely with embarrassment and shame as the conversation continued.


“And so, here we find ourselves... In something of a pickle, I suppose you might say...” He smiled at this, even though there was nothing really funny about it, and I felt like slapping him across the cheek for it. But still, I kept my cool, and he sighed slightly and said, much to my horror, “Why don't you call Daryl over here and the three of us will discuss how we want to proceed...”


This was, mind you, the last thing that I really wanted to hear spoken to me in that moment. Like, I still hadn't gotten over the God-awful notion that Danny himself wasn't on the verge of detonation, and I half-suspected that he might just whip out a damn handgun on Daryl the moment he walked in the front door.


Much to my surprise, however, the discussion upon Daryl's arrival remained completely civil at first, and when at last it did devolve into sheer barbarism, it happened to be barbarism of a far more sexual nature than I might have imagined...


I don't even really know how the hell things deteriorated so rapidly into what they did. Like, I've run through it a million times in my mind and I'm still not totally sure what led to what, or how things got so damn perverse so very, very quickly. But whatever the case may have been, be it the eroticism of my pregnancy by one of the two men and the lack of knowledge as to who the real father happened to be, or whether it was some sort of hormonal thing as a result of the pregnancy itself that got the two men aroused by me, I promptly found myself being whisked into their two sets of arms, ravished on multiple fronts by their two eager, aroused bodies, and my own so overwhelmed by the suddenness of it that I could hardly stand it.


The two men kissed and caressed and ravished my swollen body in a manner that was mind-blowing. I found that they struggled between their almost violent desires for me and their wish to treat me with delicacy in order to maintain the precious cargo inside. We made out in a slow, agonizing, and sheer light-headed circuit.


With Danny's lips on mine, his tongue piercing back toward my windpipe and his saliva flowing readily into my open mouth. Then my lips on Daryl's, his taste notable and distinct in contrast with Danny's own. Filling me up with his own very particular set of frenzied emotion, and driving me crazy with lust. And then, astonishingly, Danny and Daryl ended up kissing one another as well.


Locking lips as though it was as natural a progression as any, and pulling their radiant bodies into one another. Their cocks bulged through the crotches of their pants and jabbed at one another in a manner that got me achingly wet for the two of them. Bowled over as I was by their apparently hidden bisexuality- I'm not even completely sure whether the two of
even knew about it, really...


And inevitably, the kissing would eventually swoop back around to me, the two men sliding their palms across my pregnant stomach as our bodies heated up, touching me with such fucking reverence that I might have been an outright goddess in their presence. I began to moan, to swoon desire for my two beasts of men, and soon the three of us were dissolving outright from our clothes. Shirts, blouse, pants, leggings, boxers, and at last my bra and panties came fluttering to the floor of Danny and I's bedroom.


The three of us naked and sweaty and with our bare flesh pressed hotly up against one another. Daryl stood behind me, massaging my shoulders and running kisses up and down along the course of my neck. All the while grinding his cock up and down between the sweaty, agonized cheeks of my ass, driving me absolutely up the fucking wall with anticipation. Danny, meanwhile, was in front of me, his own prick jabbing up against my swollen belly and his hands on my engorged nipples.


He squeezed them greedily, hardening and sensitizing them as I moaned like a fucking bitch, the air seeping from my lungs stoppered only by the placing of his lips onto mine, feeding on the exhaled carbon dioxide as though in support of his life itself.


After some time of allowing myself to be ravished in this oh so sweet fashion. I at last stepped out from between the two of them. Promptly, Daryl and Danny were back on one another. Their first experiences touching another naked man to my limited knowledge, but their apparent expertise in the matter seeming no worse off for it regardless of the fact. They made out wildly, the two potential fathers of my child lapping and licking and wrestling tongues with one another, the tips of their engorged cocks jousting together and bouncing, swaying, jiggling wildly.


I began to touch myself passionately to the site of their muscular bodies entwined in this manner, sliding my fingers through the wet, aroused folds of my pussy and squeezing my nipples in between my fingertips. It was then I decided, however, that I could involve myself in their love with a bit more of a direct approach. Soon I was squatting down in between the two of them, lowering my pregnant anatomy down to the floor, and extending out both of my arms.


I seized a firm hold of both men's cocks in each hand, and began to stroke them madly, pumping the shafts of their erect penises as intensely as I could at my present angle, and parting my jaws wide to receive them each in turn. I leaned in, and began to swallow each man's long, veiny penis to its base.


Slurping them up tip to testicle down my gullet. I savored the alternation between race and size from one man to the other, Danny, Daryl, Danny, Daryl, white, black, white, black, twisting their veiny erections so deep down along my throat that I practically gagged myself on the fucking things.


At last I smothered myself one final time against each of the man's pelvises, almost astonished that they somehow avoided ejaculating all over my fucking face, and then at last I pulled off of them, with their erections now coated in a thick sticky film of saliva from my throat.


I stood shakily up, licking the goo from my lips and my big tits jiggling as I rose to my full height. No sooner had I fully risen, however, than I caught my two luscious sex partners eyeballing me luridly. Each with a look in his eyes that I could not possibly mistake for anything other than the most devious of intentions. Then, sexily enough, each man licked his lips at me at precisely the same moment, making me feel surrounded by this gloriously breeding brood of vipers...


They took me by the arms, and led me over to the bed as though I might somehow need some sort of help and couldn't get there on my own. The next thing I knew, I was on my hands and knees, spread out across the mattress and with my jaws wide open yet again. Danny rested on his knees in front of me with my lips around his cock.


Daryl mounted me from behind and proceeded to fuck me anally. It felt like all fucking hell as he came crashing into my ass again and again and again, each furious blast pushing me deeper and deeper into Danny's body, and shoving him further and further down along my lubricated windpipe.


After some time of this, we switched positions one final time, with Danny sprawling face-up on the bed, and me laid out on top of him like a blanket. Once again Daryl mounted me from behind, this time electing to take a far more direct route, penetrating my pussy instead of my asshole, his immense, veiny cock rubbing up directly against Danny's inside me, and the two of their combined girths and lengths stretching me out like you wouldn't fucking believe.


The two then proceeded to tear into me without a pretense of gentility, pounding my pussy with a fury that I heretofore could not have imagined. Stuttering and jackhammering up against my cunt and filling me with enough fucking sensation to drive me up the wall.


I savored the hot, sticky sliding of their shafts up against one another inside me, and when at last I feared I could take no more of their vaginal agony they slammed into me one final time. Careening insanely deep up my cunt, and sending me flailing over the edge. Both of them began to ejaculate at an insane rate, their cocks throbbing and spilling out a gush of hot, molten sperm all over my inside, pulse after pulse after pulse of the sweet, sticky stuff, filling me up, and sending me into the fucking heavens above with orgasm.


I moaned and groaned and shook from tit to toe with climax, stars flashing before my eyes and every nerve in my swollen body twitching like mad. And as I flew up to the ceiling of all carnal pleasure, I somehow knew internally, without a doubt, that no matter which of these men turned out to be the real father, I could rest assured that my baby would end up in good hands.




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