Justice (21 page)

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Authors: Piper Davenport

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Justice
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“I’ll let you two talk,” Brock said.

“Brock? Where did Dallas go?” Macey asked.

Brock sat on the coffee table in front of her. “He needs to cool down, babe. Once he has, he’ll come back and bring your stuff with him.”

“He’s that mad?”

“Honey, he’s petrified,” Payton said, and sat beside her. “If he hadn’t got you out…"

“I get it,” Macey whispered.

“Do you?” Brock challenged.

“Don’t you start too.”

He didn’t listen. “What the hell were you thinking calling Payton?”

“I needed to talk to my best friend, Brock! It’s what you do when you’re pissed at your boyfriend and need to verbally process.”

“Well, that conversation could have gotten both of you killed,” he said.

“Brock,” Payton warned.

“No, Payton. Macey, you need to hear this. What you did was stupid and selfish, not to mention, dangerous.”

“I know.”

“Do you?” he challenged.

Macey scowled at him. “Yes, Brockaby, I fucking know, okay? I’ve just spent two hours locked in a car with a man who won’t speak to me… at least with words. But his disgust is written all over his face. So, thanks for driving home what a fucking moron I am, but you didn’t need to, because I already know!” She burst into tears and dropped her face in her hands again.

“Okay, Brock, that’s enough,” Payton said, and wrapped an arm around Macey.

Brock rose to his feet and stared at them for a few seconds before heading out of the room.

“It’s okay, Mase,” Payton whispered.

“Dallas was so mad at me, Pay. He wouldn’t talk to me.”

“I know, honey. He’s just worried. You know what he’s like.”

“I thought he loved me.”

“Oh my god, Mase. He does. This is why he’s acting the way he is.”

She looked at Payton and wiped her tears away. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. Why are you even questioning it?” Payton asked. “He’s scared. The thought of anything happening to you is too much for him to process.”

“I guess.”

“You look exhausted. I’ll show you where you’re going to sleep, okay? Everything will look better in the morning.”

Macey nodded even though Payton’s sunshiny attitude grated on her. She followed Payton down the hall and into a small bedroom at the back of the house. There was a queen-sized bed and bureau inside, but not much else would fit.

“Bathroom’s down the hall and there are fresh toothbrushes in the top drawer.”

“Thanks, Pay.”

Payton hugged her. “Dallas will calm down and you two will work it out. You’ll see.”

Payton left her and Macey took a few minutes to brush her teeth before removing her yoga pants and bra and climbing into the unfamiliar bed. At least it was comfortable. She stared at the window for what seemed like forever and then sleep finally took her.



ACEY WOKE WITH a start, but a gentle squeeze around her waist made her relax. “It’s me, baby.”

She rolled over to face Dallas. “Hi. Are you okay?”

He nodded.

“Are you still mad at me?” she whispered.

“A little.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Thank you.” He rolled onto his back. “Go back to sleep.”

She felt sick. “Are you really not going to talk this through with me?”

“Baby, I’m tired.” He dragged his hands over his face. “Let’s just go to sleep and hash it out in the morning.”

“Do you love me?” she whispered, suddenly scared of his answer.

“Are you being serious with this shit?”

Macey blinked back tears and rolled over, throwing the covers off.

“What the hell are you doing?” he demanded.

“Going to sleep on the couch.” She moved to slide from the bed, but his arm hooked around and pulled her back onto the mattress.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

“Dallas, stop it. I’m not going to sleep with you if you hate me.”

He took a deep breath and stared at her, not releasing her, but not saying anything either. He slid his hand under her T-shirt and cupped her breast, leaning down to kiss her as he ran a fingernail over her nipple. She gasped, effectively opening her mouth to him, giving his tongue unhindered access.

“Dallas?” she whispered against his mouth.

“No talking,” he said, and removed her shirt, drawing a nipple into his mouth.

She arched against his mouth as he bit gently.



“Wait, Dallas, please.”

“Fuck.” He raised his head. “Babe, I’ve had a hell of a day and all I want to do right now is eat your pussy and go to sleep wrapped around you. I don’t understand why you seem to question that.”

“Because you’re mad at me.”

“I’m mad at you because you could have gotten yourself hurt or worse, and taken Payton down with you. That does not negate the fact I love you or the fact I will protect you with my life. Okay?”

“So, we’re not going to talk?”

He dropped his head to her chest and slipped his hand between her legs, running a finger along her clit. “If you want to talk, baby, feel free. I, however, am gonna do something much more relaxing.”

She licked her lips as he thumbed her clit while sliding two fingers inside of her.

“I don’t hear anything,” he said.

“We can talk later,” she rasped.

“Excellent choice.” Dallas pushed her panties from her hips and knelt between her thighs, guiding her legs over his shoulders and lowering his mouth to her center.

Macey sighed, sliding her hands into his hair as he tortured her with his tongue. She dug her heels into his back, lifting her hips to get more of him, when he sat up, taking her with him and lowering her onto his cock. Macey let out a quiet breath as she looped her arms around his shoulders.

Dallas flattened one hand against her back and one against her bottom, shifting so his back was to the headboard. “Ride me.”

She nodded as she straddled him and rocked against him. Using his shoulders as a base, she raised her body and lowered herself slowly, leaning down to kiss him as she did. He cupped her breasts, pinching one nipple while he took the other in his mouth. Macey dropped her head and tried to focus on her breathing. “I can’t wait,” she whispered.


Her orgasm ripped through her and she fell against him, nestling her face in his neck as she tried to catch her breath. “You love me?”

“I can’t believe you’d ask that.”

She kissed his neck. “You were so mad at me.”

“Yeah, and I imagine it’ll happen again, but I’m not going anywhere.” He lifted her and slid from between her legs. “On your hands and knees, Mase.”

She didn’t hesitate and he knelt behind her, sliding into her slowly. “This isn’t going to take long.”

“Too bad,” she retorted.

He gripped her hips and surged into her a little faster.

“More,” she demanded.

Dallas pulled out and slammed into her again, then faster and faster, building her climax the harder he thrust into her. She grabbed a pillow and shoved her face into it to muffle her screams.

“Come baby,” he whispered, and she did.

She knew he came when he ran his hand down her back and guided her onto her side, keeping his cock buried inside of her and pulling her against his chest.

They stayed like this for a while, their breathing labored for as they came down from their high. She whimpered when he slid out of her, but he didn’t leave the bed, just held her close and kissed her shoulder.

“Where did you go?” she asked.

“To the office.”


“Because Jaxon and I were looking through the footage from the cameras he installed at the beach house.”

She rolled to face him. “Did you find out anything?”

“At the risk of ruining the moment, babe, I’m not having this conversation with you.”


“No, not ‘ever.’ Just not tonight. I’m exhausted and the last thing I want to think about is what could have happened if I hadn’t got you out.” He stroked her cheek. “I just want to hold my woman and sleep.”

“Oh,” she whispered. “Sorry.”

Dallas kissed her and dropped his forehead to hers. “I love you, Mase, but I swear to
, if you ever make me worry like that again, I’ll handcuff you to the bed and you will never be allowed out of my sight again.”

“You are
melodramatic,” she said, but for some weird reason, she couldn’t stop a delicious shiver at the thought of being handcuffed to the bed.

“Sleep, baby.”

“Okay.” She rolled over again and scooted back against him.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her neck. “Love you, Mase.”

“Love you too, Dallas.”

She linked her fingers with his and closed her eyes, smiling as sleep came quickly.

* * *

Macey awoke the next morning to an empty bed. She sat up, biting back a yawn, and saw that her suitcase had been brought in and settled against the wall under the window.

She climbed off the mattress and tripped over her discarded shirt and panties. Picking them up, she hoisted her suitcase onto the bed and opened it. She stepped from foot to foot trying to stave off her bladder as she found clean underwear, sweats, and a T-shirt, donning them as fast as she could before grabbing her brush and rushing to the bathroom.

She took a few minutes to brush out her hair, clean her teeth, and wash her face, before she felt bolstered enough to face her critics. Opening the door, she squared her shoulders, and made her way to the kitchen.

Payton sat at the table, flipping through a gossip magazine, while Dallas was mid-pour into what was probably a second or third cup of coffee.

“Morning,” she said, and Dallas smiled while Payton gave her once over before smiling as well.

“Morning, baby,” Dallas said, and kissed her quickly. “I’ll get you coffee.”

“Thank you.”

“How are you feeling?” Payton asked.



“Where’s Brock?” Macey asked.

“He didn’t stay,” Dallas said. “He went home after I got here last night, so he probably won’t be back until after dinner. Jax is on the street.”

Macey nodded, took the mug Dallas offered, and sat across from Payton.

“Hungry?” he asked.

“A little. What are my options?”

“Toast,” he said, holding up a loaf of sourdough. “Or non-toast.”

She giggled. “I’ll take toast, thank you. I can make it.”

“That’d be great, babe. I have to check in.”

Macey nodded and grabbed the bread as he left the kitchen.

“Have fun last night?” Payton asked, a wry grin on her face.

“Ohmigod, Pay. Did we wake you?” Macey focused on making toast, her face flaming.

“I had ear plugs. Which I used.” Payton flipped a page on the magazine. “In order to go back to sleep.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Maybe one day I’ll return the favor.”

Macey wrinkled her nose. “Please feel free not to.”

Payton giggled. “You had stuff to work out. I get it.”

“Is Brock still mad at me?”

“Brock couldn’t hold a grudge if he tried,” Payton said with a wave of her hand. “He was probably over it before you even fell asleep.”

“I do like that about him.” The toast popped up and Macey smeared peanut butter over both pieces and carried them to the table. “Who’s subbing for you today?”

“I don’t know,” Payton said. “Whoever’s on the sub list. It’s cool. I have sick time.”

“I’m sorry you have to take it.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She paused in her page flipping. “I just wish we could be having all this fun at the beach house.”

Macey grimaced. “I’m such an idiot.”

“We all do dumb things from time to time,” Payton said. “But you owe me a weekend at the beach. Girls’ trip.”

“You’re on.” Macey grinned and bit into her breakfast.

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